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Let's delve into the rules related to "have/has" and "do/does" in English and Hindi,

along with examples:



1. Possession:
• "Have" is used with first-person and second-person pronouns (I, you,
we, they), and "has" is used with third-person singular pronouns (he,
she, it).
• Examples:
• I have a car. (मेरे पास एक कार है ।)
• She has a cat. (उसके पास एक -ब/ल1 है ।)
2. Actions:
• "Have" can indicate actions or experiences.
• Examples:
• They have breakfast every morning. (उ2ह3ने हर सब
ु ह ना6ता 8कया।)
• He has a headache today. (उसे आज <सरदद> हो रहा है ।)
3. Relationships:
• "Have" is used to indicate relationships.
• Examples:
• She has two brothers. (उसके दो भाई हB।)
• They have a good relationship. (उनका अDछा संबंध है ।)


1. Question Formation:
• "Do" is used with first-person and second-person pronouns, and "does"
is used with third-person singular pronouns to form questions.
• Examples:
• Do you like coffee? (Hया तI
ु हJ कॉफM पसंद है ?)
• Does she play tennis? (Hया वह टे Pनस खेलती है ?)
2. Negation:
• "Do not" (don't) and "does not" (doesn't) are used to form negative
• Examples:
• I do not like spicy food. (मझ
ु े तीखा खाना पसंद नह1ं है ।)
• She doesn't speak Spanish. (उसे TपेPनश नह1ं आती है ।)
3. Emphasis:
• "Do/does" can be used for emphasis in affirmative sentences.
• Examples:
• I do love chocolate! (मझ
ु े चॉकलेट सचमच
ु पसंद है !)
• She does know how to swim. (वह तैरना जानती है ।)



1. !वा$म&व:
• "Have" को पहले WयिHत और दस
ू रे WयिHत के संबंध मJ [योग 8कया जाता है , और
"has" को तीसरे WयिHत एकवचन के संबंध मJ [योग 8कया जाता है ।
• उदाहरण:
• मेरे पास एक कार है ।
• उसके पास एक -ब/ल1 है ।
2. ,-याएँ:
• "Have" को 8]याओं या अनभ
ु व को दशा>ने के <लए [योग 8कया जा सकता है ।
• उदाहरण:
• वे हर सब
ु ह ना6ता करते हB।
• आज उसे <सरदद> हो रहा है ।
3. संबंध:
• "Have" का [योग संबंध3 को दशा>ने के <लए 8कया जाता है ।
• उदाहरण:
• उसके दो भाई हB।
• उनका अDछा संबंध है ।


1. 56न बनाना:
• [6न बनाने के <लए "Do" का [योग पहले WयिHत और दस
ू रे WयिHत के संबंध मJ
8कया जाता है , और "Does" का [योग तीसरे WयिHत एकवचन के संबंध मJ 8कया
जाता है ।
• उदाहरण:
• Hया तI
ु हJ कॉफM पसंद है ?
• Hया वह टे Pनस खेलती है ?
2. नकारा&मकता:
• नकारा_मक वाHय बनाने के <लए "Do not" (don't) और "Does not" (doesn't)
का [योग 8कया जाता है ।
• उदाहरण:
• मझ
ु े तीखा खाना पसंद नह1ं है ।
• उसे TपेPनश नह1ं आती है ।
3. जोर दे ना:
• [योग मJ "Do/does" को सकारा_मक वाHय3 मJ जोर दे ने के <लए 8कया जा सकता
है ।
• उदाहरण:
• मझ
ु े चॉकलेट सचमच
ु पसंद है !
• वह तैरना जानती है ।

These rules and examples illustrate how "have/has" and "do/does" are used in
English and Hindi to express possession, actions, questions, negations, and emphasis.




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1 I ______ never heard from him since. Have vs Has
2 It ______ a perfect right to do so. Have vs Has
3 He ______ an impression that she does. Have vs Has
4 They ______ been doing it all morning. Have vs Has
5 Now, what ______ you to say? Have vs Has
6 I ______ seen something of these men. Have vs Has
7 It ______ been worth the trouble. Have vs Has
8 She ______ always been a good mother to me. Have vs Has
9 He ______ been in Europe a year. Have vs Has
10 I must know what he ______ to say. Have vs Has
11 It ______ been left as in the original. Have vs Has
12 Than you ______ been for some time. Have vs Has
13 I ______ thought of it so often. Have vs Has
14 You don't know what you ______ got. Have vs Has
15 I ______ already told you, nothing. Have vs Has
16 He ______ applied to me on the matter. Have vs Has
17 I ______ many thoughts in my mind. Have vs Has
18 The journey ______ to be in winter. Have vs Has
19 It ______ all been arranged already. Have vs Has
20 I ______ been thinking of everything. Have vs Has
21 It ______ got to stop right now. Have vs Has
22 I'm afraid she ______ already engaged. Have vs Has
23 I ______ money to pay for that. Have vs Has
24 Money ______ a language of its own. Have vs Has
25 I don't know what he ______ done. Have vs Has
26 You ______ always to pay for experience. Have vs Has
27 One word more, and I ______ done. Have vs Has
28 But he ______ no manner-none. Have vs Has
29 The world ______ been created for him. Have vs Has
30 An interesting scene ______ just taken place. Have vs Has
31 The door on the right ______ sprung open. Have vs Has
32 We ______ got to work it out. Have vs Has
33 This man ______ no reason for lying. Have vs Has
34 So it ______ been from the beginning. Have vs Has
35 From that time she ______ recognized no one. Have vs Has
36 He ______ been in love many times. Have vs Has
37 It ______ been in your system for days. Have vs Has
38 I ______ some things to show you. Have vs Has
39 It ______ got to last us a month. Have vs Has
40 That's why I ______ come. Have vs Has
41 But the criticism ______ no foundation in fact. Have vs Has
42 I believe that she ______ gone into the town. Have vs Has
43 We ______ never heard that sound for an age. Have vs Has
44 I think she ______ such a fine face. Have vs Has
45 No slope ______ any advantage over another. Have vs Has
46 That letter ______ very properly been destroyed. Have vs Has

47 She ______ put soul and life into it. Have vs Has
48 What ______ he done to deserve it? Have vs Has
49 A double change ______ thus taken place. Have vs Has
50 I ______ been there once this morning. Have vs Has
51 I ______ seen it more than once. Have vs Has
52 I ______ closed my heart to every other thought. Have vs Has
53 I ______ been here now two years. Have vs Has
54 Your son ______ a glorious future before him. Have vs Has
55 He ______ taken our sins upon himself. Have vs Has
56 It ______ been so long, you know. Have vs Has
57 Science ______ no life of its own. Have vs Has
58 I ______ been here ever since. Have vs Has
59 He ______ no religion who has no humanity. Have vs Has
60 It ______ all been like a wonderful play. Have vs Has
61 The time ______ come for you to act. Have vs Has
62 I ______ told you what I think. Have vs Has
63 What a lovely day it ______ been. Have vs Has
64 It ______ come upon us within recent years. Have vs Has
65 The thing ______ been going on for months. Have vs Has
66 I ______ come to tell you this. Have vs Has
67 You ______ got enough to carry. Have vs Has
68 We ______ got the goods on you. Have vs Has
69 He ______ been too busy to talk. Have vs Has
70 Nature ______ done much for the island. Have vs Has
71 This author ______ been very hard upon me. Have vs Has
72 I don't think you ______ seen it. Have vs Has
73 He ______ made no attempt to complete it. Have vs Has
74 The old order of the world ______ been entirely changed. Have vs Has

75 I wonder if this farm ______ any name. Have vs Has

76 I ______ never seen that place since. Have vs Has
77 I ______ never felt so near death. Have vs Has
78 He ______ to wait some days for his occasion. Have vs Has
79 Everybody ______ something to do in the world. Have vs Has

80 She ______ a right to her own property. Have vs Has

81 But we ______ now reached the bottom. Have vs Has
82 I ______ the greatest sympathy for you. Have vs Has
83 It ______ evidently been built at different periods. Have vs Has

84 The influence of this edition ______ been considerable. Have vs Has

85 It ______ never been found in plants. Have vs Has

86 You ______ nothing to love me for. Have vs Has
87 He thinks he ______ a corner in this particular stuff. Have vs Has

88 But it ______ its other side, too. Have vs Has

89 She ______ fallen over upon her face. Have vs Has
90 He ______ made up his mind to sell them. Have vs Has
91 The hand of time ______ rested on my work. Have vs Has
92 I ______ told my father and mother. Have vs Has
93 The letter ______ been heaped upon us. Have vs Has
94 We ______ been on the water for three weeks. Have vs Has
95 I ______ only been dead in life. Have vs Has
96 I don't believe she ______ very much sense. Have vs Has
97 The dull sky ______ turned to the colour of ashes. Have vs Has

98 He ______ his men under perfect control. Have vs Has

99 The explanation ______ partly been given already. Have vs Has

100 I know because I ______ tried it. Have vs Has

101 Since that day he ______ changed entirely. Have vs Has
102 It ______ been a long and dreary night. Have vs Has
103 They ______ tried all ways with me. Have vs Has
104 She ______ her own trouble and her own plan. Have vs Has
105 Neither party ______ time for the operation. Have vs Has
106 I ______ never been able to find it. Have vs Has
107 Surely, he ______ never spoken to her. Have vs Has
108 That is the task he ______ set me. Have vs Has
109 You ______ a right to be yourself. Have vs Has
110 This awful night ______ almost killed me. Have vs Has
111 They say that each thing ______ a different colour. Have vs Has

112 Jealousy ______ often led to fatal results. Have vs Has

113 This fact ______ already been sufficiently pointed out. Have vs Has

114 It ______ no foundation in history at all. Have vs Has

115 Let me tell you that I ______ . Have vs Has
116 Science ______ condemned it as a food. Have vs Has
117 You ______ them now all before you. Have vs Has
118 He ______ examined the mysteries of life. Have vs Has
119 I ______ learned these things now. Have vs Has
120 Again, the root ______ a human shape. Have vs Has
121 I ______ a secret thing to say to you. Have vs Has
122 No, he ______ got to go. Have vs Has
123 She ______ been very weak of late. Have vs Has
124 He ______ been wild, I know. Have vs Has
125 The small star ______ a dull blue color. Have vs Has
126 He ______ been calling for me for the last hour. Have vs Has
127 I ______ always had something to do. Have vs Has
128 This point of law ______ since been settled. Have vs Has
129 The woman ______ no longer an independent existence. Have vs Has

130 It ______ been so in the case of this great man. Have vs Has
131 She ______ told me her strange story. Have vs Has
132 It ______ been of great use to me. Have vs Has
133 I ______ seen many of these letters. Have vs Has
134 And it ______ been so ever since. Have vs Has
135 The girl ______ a most marvellous voice. Have vs Has
136 The first kind ______ been sufficiently examined. Have vs Has

137 The problem of evil ______ become a social problem. Have vs Has

138 She ______ never seen her father or mother. Have vs Has
139 Discretion ______ nothing to do with it. Have vs Has
140 I ______ come back to my old life. Have vs Has
141 He ______ to drop his light and run. Have vs Has
142 It ______ never been adopted by other poets. Have vs Has
143 From that time I ______ had no trouble. Have vs Has
144 They say he ______ gone to the mountains. Have vs Has
145 Congress ______ only fifteen days of life. Have vs Has
146 You ______ to sleep with it on all night. Have vs Has
147 We ______ been looking for you everywhere. Have vs Has
148 I ______ got to see him about something. Have vs Has
149 Now I ______ reached the third effort. Have vs Has
150 She ______ been here too long already. Have vs Has
151 It ______ diminished the value of slave stock. Have vs Has
152 You ______ heard of him, of course. Have vs Has
153 You ______ been getting them for some time. Have vs Has
154 Here another great step ______ been achieved. Have vs Has
155 It ______ the spirit and tone of prophecy. Have vs Has
156 I ______ made your bed, too. Have vs Has
157 He ______ left abundant testimony to this effect. Have vs Has

158 I can see that it ______ made a sensation. Have vs Has

159 He ______ robbed me of my good name. Have vs Has
160 I ______ an important meeting this morning. Have vs Has
161 She ______ also painted a number of portraits. Have vs Has
162 Well, every dog ______ his day. Have vs Has
163 I ______ to speak to him about something. Have vs Has
164 He ______ as many lives as a cat. Have vs Has
165 The cure ______ held good to this day. Have vs Has
166 He ______ always tried not to see it. Have vs Has
167 ______ she really a claim on the estate? Have vs Has
168 The critical moment ______ been safely passed. Have vs Has
169 And he ______ never taken a photograph. Have vs Has
170 Responsibility ______ to be an individual matter. Have vs Has

171 Intimate relation ______ also no intimate relation. Have vs Has

172 Beauty ______ become a necessity to me. Have vs Has

173 I ______ heard that he did. Have vs Has
174 I ______ to look her right in the face. Have vs Has
175 I don't know how it ______ to end. Have vs Has
176 She ______ left your jewels with me. Have vs Has
177 The fish ______ come out to see us. Have vs Has
178 He ______ the love of wisdom and the wisdom of love. Have vs Has

179 What ______ all this to do with me? Have vs Has

180 Have vs Has
Everything ______ changed from your present thinking.
181 I ______ been long among the Indians. Have vs Has
182 My friend ______ a most comfortable carriage. Have vs Has
183 I can hardly believe that we ______ a child. Have vs Has
184 That's what you ______ got to learn. Have vs Has
185 What ______ luxury to do with death? Have vs Has
186 I ______ come all alone in the dark. Have vs Has
187 And it ______ cast a spell over me. Have vs Has
188 My father ______ given him to me. Have vs Has
189 This noisy generation ______ lost their secret. Have vs Has
190 The bottom ______ fallen out of my world. Have vs Has
191 You ______ got to make your own way. Have vs Has
192 He ______ been false to you too. Have vs Has
193 But we ______ got work before us. Have vs Has
194 Every room ______ its own peculiar perfume. Have vs Has
195 But I ______ known her from a girl. Have vs Has
196 His life ______ a dark and ugly side. Have vs Has
197 His whole life ______ been a sacrifice. Have vs Has
198 He ______ told me all about the bridge. Have vs Has
199 I'm afraid she ______ got a chill. Have vs Has
200 He ______ done so often and often. Have vs Has
201 I'm not so sure she ______ . Have vs Has
202 And yet, I ______ no will. Have vs Has
203 He ______ no time to give to their clothes. Have vs Has
204 You ______ told me that fifty times. Have vs Has
205 The lapse of a century ______ brought a change. Have vs Has

206 It ______ been already told to my satisfaction. Have vs Has

207 You don't know what I ______ suffered. Have vs Has
208 Her spirit ______ been with me always. Have vs Has
209 He ______ to free himself from the power of passion. Have vs Has

210 Every one ______ a right to do that. Have vs Has

211 The great chain ______ broken by its own weight. Have vs Has

212 The reason for this delay ______ never been clearly revealed. Have vs Has

213 Have vs Has

The next discovery ______ a singular historical interest.

214 He ______ found out a secret about her. Have vs Has

215 He ______ been planning it for months. Have vs Has
216 You ______ now done your duty as a daughter. Have vs Has
217 It ______ a heavy door and only a small window. Have vs Has

218 He ______ got his dignity to maintain. Have vs Has

219 It ______ got to be done right. Have vs Has
220 I ______ been in the first line since last night. Have vs Has
221 We ______ played no part in the work of the world. Have vs Has

222 I ______ never seen a smile upon his lips. Have vs Has
223 He ______ turned over a new leaf. Have vs Has
224 I ______ been looking at you for a long time. Have vs Has
225 We ______ got to save your lives. Have vs Has
226 Yet I ______ this power with my message. Have vs Has
227 They ______ come to an understanding among themselves. Have vs Has

228 Because it ______ a head and a tail. Have vs Has

229 The same evil ______ continued down to the present day. Have vs Has

230 My body ______ become the death of my spirit. Have vs Has

231 The gap ______ been too much for them. Have vs Has
232 My master ______ been arrested by mistake. Have vs Has
233 They ______ arranged them in two parties. Have vs Has
234 That bleeding ______ been good for her. Have vs Has
235 That is the name we ______ given her. Have vs Has
236 But it ______ other resources of growth. Have vs Has
237 She ______ got plenty of her own. Have vs Has
238 I ______ told you so many times. Have vs Has
239 It ______ been much damaged by lightning. Have vs Has
240 You ______ got it all wrong. Have vs Has
241 That goodness ______ been her real greatness. Have vs Has
242 I will tell you what you ______ to do. Have vs Has
243 They ______ no heads, those people. Have vs Has
244 But now he ______ had enough of it. Have vs Has
245 Well, I ______ got it too. Have vs Has
246 Now, let us ______ an understanding. Have vs Has
247 He ______ never alluded to the subject to me. Have vs Has
248 The school ______ entered upon its fifth year. Have vs Has
249 She ______ a perfect figure, and is very graceful. Have vs Has
250 The second method ______ now to be dealt with. Have vs Has

251 If I ______ , I will not express them. Have vs Has

252 My brother ______ sent it to me. Have vs Has
253 She ______ troubles enough of her own. Have vs Has
254 The whole of the literature ______ never yet been printed. Have vs Has

255 He ______ been the idol of heroic England. Have vs Has

256 An Irish steward ______ no control over them. Have vs Has
257 I ______ plenty for you to do. Have vs Has
258 He ______ gone from his last great labor. Have vs Has
259 I wonder whether you ______ met him. Have vs Has
260 I ______ heard the same statement from others. Have vs Has
261 It ______ been a queer accident altogether. Have vs Has
262 This question ______ never been satisfactorily answered. Have vs Has

263 They ______ been there more than a year. Have vs Has
264 I ______ received no answer to two letters. Have vs Has
265 I ______ only been married twice. Have vs Has
266 The lake ______ a character of its own. Have vs Has
267 No such alarm ______ been sounded by the police. Have vs Has

268 This neighborhood ______ felt the thing already. Have vs Has

269 We can always feel when we ______ enough. Have vs Has

270 It ______ originality in subject and treatment. Have vs Has
271 He ______ the power of life and death in his hands. Have vs Has

272 It ______ been like that with the whole nation. Have vs Has
273 Except for us two she ______ no one in the world. Have vs Has

274 And he ______ been spared to her. Have vs Has

275 The population of Athens ______ rapidly increased. Have vs Has

276 She ______ been gone since yesterday afternoon. Have vs Has

277 No other poem on the same subject ______ the same magic. Have vs Has

278 It was the best thing I ______ ever done. Have vs Has
279 Not a single character ______ escaped him. Have vs Has
280 I ______ heard him tell about it. Have vs Has
281 Some strange miracle ______ been wrought in me. Have vs Has

282 China ______ passed from misery to disaster. Have vs Has

283 You ______ said I was a man. Have vs Has
284 It ______ every other vice, but it is not practical. Have vs Has

285 I ______ given that duty to a special man. Have vs Has

286 She ______ had important participation in it. Have vs Has
287 Yet, I ______ seen the whole world. Have vs Has
288 I ______ had none in two years. Have vs Has
289 Boys ______ no sense about such things. Have vs Has
290 A great honor ______ been done you. Have vs Has
291 He ______ all the pride of birth and genius. Have vs Has
292 His manner ______ a charming, easy grace. Have vs Has
293 The painter ______ no profession, no purpose. Have vs Has
294 He ______ no right to neglect it. Have vs Has
295 We ______ been expecting you all day. Have vs Has
296 I hear my father-in-law ______ come. Have vs Has
297 He answers that he ______ his reasons. Have vs Has
298 You ______ quite a party here. Have vs Has
299 No cure ______ yet been discovered for this terrible disease. Have vs Has

300 They ______ told him that it ______ . Have vs Has

301 But who ______ they got with them? Have vs Has
302 I ______ come to you for advice. Have vs Has
303 He ______ threatened you every day of your life. Have vs Has

304 You ______ got what you wanted. Have vs Has

305 The ox ______ brought us a bear. Have vs Has
306 Gentlemen, it ______ been a pleasure. Have vs Has
307 I shall not change what I ______ said. Have vs Has
308 It ______ the same sound as in English. Have vs Has
309 She ______ the grace and calm of repose. Have vs Has
310 But the human worker ______ no such regularity. Have vs Has
311 He ______ been worrying at me for weeks. Have vs Has
312 We ______ now changed all that belief. Have vs Has
313 This generation ______ passed on to other things. Have vs Has
314 The priest ______ a different tailor to the rest of mankind. Have vs Has

315 I ______ never known it to fail. Have vs Has

316 He ______ been too absorbed with himself. Have vs Has
317 This story ______ him for its central figure. Have vs Has
318 Reference ______ been made to the use of torture. Have vs Has

319 Various answers ______ been given to the question. Have vs Has

320 We ______ got it all to ourselves. Have vs Has

321 We ______ got to run our own line. Have vs Has
322 We ______ got to make this last. Have vs Has
323 The former class ______ a very long pedigree. Have vs Has
324 He ______ seized the physiognomy of the times. Have vs Has

325 They ______ been six weeks at sea. Have vs Has

326 She ______ had her chances, of course. Have vs Has
327 The certainty ______ descended from a higher authority. Have vs Has

328 I need not question what you ______ said. Have vs Has
329 The changes that the years ______ shown. Have vs Has
330 The aspect of animated nature ______ altogether changed. Have vs Has

331 You ______ no idea what it was. Have vs Has

332 I ______ something important to say to you. Have vs Has
333 Something ______ changed in the minds of men. Have vs Has

334 He ______ the opportunity to be more of a man. Have vs Has

335 But I ______ a clear notion of woman. Have vs Has
336 We think the objection ______ been answered. Have vs Has
337 It ______ water every day like a dog. Have vs Has
338 I ______ never seen anything like them before. Have vs Has
339 He ______ a gentle face, but it is thoroughly masculine. Have vs Has

340 I ______ got to think very hard. Have vs Has

341 He ______ been so from the beginning of our marriage. Have vs Has

342 I ______ a fear that I cannot say. Have vs Has

343 I ______ said what I came to say. Have vs Has
344 Also it ______ a strange race of people. Have vs Has
345 She ______ kept faith with her ideals. Have vs Has
346 It ______ been carried too long in the pocket. Have vs Has
347 Each side ______ to experience a change of heart. Have vs Has

348 As to action, he ______ none. Have vs Has

349 It ______ been translated into five languages. Have vs Has
350 She ______ the oddest effect upon me. Have vs Has
351 I ______ seen it happen before. Have vs Has
352 Nothing of the kind ______ occurred since that time. Have vs Has

353 Another distinction ______ been attempted on the basis of consciousness. Have vs Has

354 I think he ______ been calling you. Have vs Has

355 Russia ______ set fire to the building. Have vs Has
356 I ______ no doubt about it now. Have vs Has
357 He ______ gained the information he sought. Have vs Has
358 But everything ______ changed since my day. Have vs Has
359 Every child ______ a certain amount of vitality and resistance. Have vs Has

360 Mr. Hamilton ______ suffered a severe injury. Have vs Has

361 I ______ been expecting it a week. Have vs Has
362 You ______ got other things to do. Have vs Has
363 Every ascent ______ a descent, and every trouble ______ an end. Have vs Has

364 And I ______ had enough of this place. Have vs Has

365 That scoundrel of a husband ______ the law on his side. Have vs Has

366 And it ______ cast its spell upon me. Have vs Has
367 This view ______ much to justify it. Have vs Has
368 It ______ never been acted or published. Have vs Has
369 Let me tell you that he ______ already come. Have vs Has
370 And I ______ other work for him. Have vs Has
371 She remembers that he ______ red hair. Have vs Has
372 The battle ______ already lasted two days. Have vs Has
373 It ______ a splendid effect in the musical discipline of the mind. Have vs Has

374 Now you ______ put me into it. Have vs Has

375 I ______ no right to do so. Have vs Has
376 He ______ been telling me all about you. Have vs Has
377 They ______ gone down into the depths. Have vs Has
378 My whole life ______ been devoted to the family. Have vs Has

379 Your education ______ formed you for society. Have vs Has
380 It ______ been in all his thoughts. Have vs Has
381 Our battery ______ to give up the tents. Have vs Has
382 That's what I ______ been saying. Have vs Has
383 This relation ______ been conceived in three modes. Have vs Has

384 The financial result ______ also proved satisfactory. Have vs Has

385 You ______ no idea how low she ______ fallen. Have vs Has

386 They ______ been worn in our service. Have vs Has

387 What ______ you done about our meeting? Have vs Has
388 No more air ______ been forced into the ball. Have vs Has
389 Many people ______ been cut by this weapon. Have vs Has
390 He ______ her promise, and he will keep her to it. Have vs Has

391 You ______ saved our boy's life. Have vs Has

392 No Phil in the world ______ any charm for me. Have vs Has
393 I ______ read the article with much interest. Have vs Has
394 He ______ first to concern himself with definition. Have vs Has

395 He ______ been saved as by a miracle. Have vs Has

396 We ______ got to get this thing straight. Have vs Has
397 I ______ been thinking about it lately. Have vs Has
398 Where ______ you been these many days? Have vs Has
399 The story ______ force and dramatic interest. Have vs Has
400 They ______ a right to know the truth. Have vs Has
401 You ______ been our friend for three years. Have vs Has
402 It shows the progress that our friendship ______ made. Have vs Has

403 I ______ an important communication to make to him. Have vs Has

404 I ______ formed a very good opinion of her. Have vs Has

405 No other science ______ such religious values. Have vs Has
406 This collection ______ been limited to twenty tales. Have vs Has

407 I ______ never seen anything like it there. Have vs Has

408 A German train ______ come to meet us. Have vs Has
409 The nineteenth century ______ wrought a marvelous change. Have vs Has

410 The woman ______ nothing to do with the church. Have vs Has

411 But I ______ never seen atmosphere. Have vs Has

412 But he ______ a key to my door. Have vs Has
413 Since we ______ , we ______ opportunity. Have vs Has
414 It ______ nothing to do with a mere pretence. Have vs Has
415 I ______ told you little of it. Have vs Has
416 Family discipline ______ matured in this ancient land. Have vs Has

417 They ______ lived there ever since. Have vs Has

418 He ______ reduced conversation to its simplest expression. Have vs Has

419 He ______ nearly worked the territory with libraries. Have vs Has

420 The old fellow ______ caught you in a net. Have vs Has
421 I ______ never felt like this before. Have vs Has
422 One man ______ gone there and returned. Have vs Has
423 He ______ promised to take his mother for a walk. Have vs Has

424 I hope he ______ stopped it at last. Have vs Has

425 The first story ______ never before been published. Have vs Has

426 Man is always what he ______ once been. Have vs Has

427 We ______ got to go there immediately. Have vs Has
428 A considerable part of it ______ been paid. Have vs Has
429 You ______ hardly made any great secret of it. Have vs Has
430 I ______ told you that forty times. Have vs Has
431 Call her; she ______ to come. Have vs Has
432 She ______ nurses for day and night. Have vs Has
433 The shock of it ______ crushed me. Have vs Has
434 She ______ been so good to Warren. Have vs Has
435 A new order of things ______ commenced. Have vs Has
436 It ______ been brought here from a considerable distance. Have vs Has

437 I ______ always wanted to see Paris. Have vs Has

438 The objection ______ been scattered to the winds. Have vs Has

439 But he ______ the constitution to stand it. Have vs Has

440 Where ______ you been all winter? Have vs Has
441 No one ______ succeeded in explaining this word. Have vs Has

442 I ______ been waiting only for you. Have vs Has

443 No man ______ any right to interfere. Have vs Has
444 What ______ size got to do with it? Have vs Has
445 Every movement of every portion of the body ______ significance. Have vs Has

446 Every plant ______ a distinct character of its own. Have vs Has

447 You ______ no idea where we live. Have vs Has

448 She ______ been expecting you for many days. Have vs Has
449 Yes, I am sure I ______ . Have vs Has
450 He ______ seen them in the act of feeding. Have vs Has
451 The process ______ taken a few months. Have vs Has
452 The same thing ______ also been observed in the case of fish. Have vs Has

453 I ______ got a temper, you know. Have vs Has

454 No man ______ a word to say in defence. Have vs Has
455 It ______ been the making of me, Tom. Have vs Has
456 He ______ still got that book you gave him. Have vs Has
457 Nevertheless, he ______ gained a glorious victory. Have vs Has

458 He ______ parted with his waistcoat for food. Have vs Has
459 And it ______ gone clean through the head. Have vs Has
460 The device ______ yet been formed. Have vs Has
461 She ______ her invitation either. Have vs Has
462 But I ______ much time. Have vs Has
463 Have vs Has
The rifle ______ been found in the wood. Negative
464 He ______ the heart to refuse her. Have vs Has
465 Have vs Has
He ______ yet entered the village. Negative
466 ______ you got a boy? Have vs Has
467 But it ______ explained anything. Have vs Has
468 But it ______ always been so. Have vs Has
469 She ______ done anything wrong. Have vs Has
470 No, I ______ seen him. Have vs Has
471 The house ______ been greatly altered. Have vs Has
472 No, I see you ______ . Have vs Has
473 The church ______ seemed the same place. Have vs Has
474 She ______ yet a peace within her. Have vs Has
475 And he ______ another word to say. Have vs Has
476 They ______ all come yet. Have vs Has
477 And it ______ run down now. Have vs Has
478 If you ______ , we have. Have vs Has
479 I ______ got such a thing. Have vs Has
480 We ______ gone any further. Have vs Has
481 It ______ even got a frame. Have vs Has
482 Her mother ______ got a grave. Have vs Has
483 He ______ done anything serious. Have vs Has
484 He ______ even told his own wife. Have vs Has
485 He ______ learned to bear it yet. Have vs Has
486 They ______ been long in the business. Have vs Has
487 No, she ______ appeared yet. Have vs Has
488 She ______ thought of you since. Have vs Has
489 The country ______ changed much since that time. Have vs Has
490 No, you know I ______ . Have vs Has
491 ______ every man a vote? Have vs Has
492 He ______ enough of confidence in himself. Have vs Has
493 I ______ been there since. Have vs Has
494 ______ you found it so? Have vs Has
495 You ______ the heart to tell her. Have vs Has
496 I ______ a word to say against her. Have vs Has
497 It ______ been given to these. Have vs Has
498 It ______ done me any good. Have vs Has
499 I think you ______ made this journey. Have vs Has
500 Have vs Has
He ______ to strain them long. Negative
501 He ______ seen fit to do so. Have vs Has
502 And the lesson ______ been lost. Have vs Has
503 It ______ appeared to us in this light. Have vs Has
504 I wonder he ______ yet arrived. Have vs Has
505 She ______ the voice of one. Have vs Has
506 I ______ been without thought for you. Have vs Has
507 It ______ turned out that way. Have vs Has
508 On my part it ______ been a question of words. Have vs Has
509 She ______ tried to meet people. Have vs Has
510 You ______ thought this thing over. Have vs Has
511 I ______ a word to say about it. Have vs Has
512 We ______ many hours before us. Have vs Has
513 ______ you got the right? Have vs Has
514 The fellow ______ a note in his voice. Have vs Has
515 I ______ seen you for two weeks. Have vs Has
516 We ______ anything to give you. Have vs Has
517 This last objection ______ much force. Have vs Has
518 We ______ been raised together. Have vs Has
519 He ______ been it very long. Have vs Has
520 But we ______ come to that yet. Have vs Has
521 I ______ seen you for a long time. Have vs Has
522 ______ he caught it now? Have vs Has
523 I ______ found a Indian. Have vs Has
524 Have vs Has
He ______ been in bed for three nights. Negative
525 She ______ the right to do it. Have vs Has
526 But he ______ pluck for that. Have vs Has
527 But it ______ this effect now. Have vs Has
528 She ______ been near the house for three days. Have vs Has
529 No, I think you ______ . Have vs Has
530 I ______ known her for five minutes. Have vs Has
531 She ______ called upon us as yet. Have vs Has
532 But that is just what he ______ done. Have vs Has
533 I wonder that he ______ murdered me. Have vs Has
534 The men ______ come yet. Have vs Has
535 I ______ had many yet. Have vs Has
536 Have vs Has
The morning ______ lost its freshness. Negative
537 Her brother ______ done much for her. Have vs Has
538 I ______ always been like this. Have vs Has
539 The German ______ shot his bolt. Have vs Has
540 But I ______ made good. Have vs Has
541 ______ you heard about it? Have vs Has
542 The goal ______ yet been reached. Have vs Has
543 She ______ been at home for three years. Have vs Has
544 He ______ yet recovered from the last attack. Have vs Has
545 They ______ heard all the truth. Have vs Has
546 This possibility ______ been entirely rejected. Have vs Has
547 The time ______ come for that. Have vs Has
548 He ______ three ideas in the world. Have vs Has
549 I ______ much use for them. Have vs Has
550 I believe it ______ borne of any account. Have vs Has
551 I ______ yet lost all hope. Have vs Has
552 My life ______ been like yours. Have vs Has
553 She ______ had time to decide yet. Have vs Has
554 But this adventure ______ ended yet. Have vs Has
555 But he ______ brought anything. Have vs Has
556 I ______ spoken with him since. Have vs Has
557 She ______ gone into society since. Have vs Has
558 But this side ______ been erected. Have vs Has
559 I ______ seen him for a whole year. Have vs Has
560 But he ______ to worry me. Have vs Has
561 I ______ seen it myself. Have vs Has
562 The character of the rivers ______ changed in this respect. Have vs Has
563 I ______ seen her in many years. Have vs Has
564 ______ he got money enough? Have vs Has
565 This privilege ______ been given to me. Have vs Has
566 I ______ found it always so. Have vs Has
567 I hope it ______ been stolen. Have vs Has
568 She ______ cared to boast of them. Have vs Has
569 The writer ______ seen the original pamphlet. Have vs Has
570 He ______ force to penetrate the country anywhere. Have vs Has
571 ______ you heard of him? Have vs Has
572 I hope she ______ been a nuisance. Have vs Has
573 It ______ been so severe before. Have vs Has
574 He ______ once mentioned his son. Have vs Has
575 She ______ been to see us for several minutes. Have vs Has
576 The letter ______ been preserved in this correspondence. Have vs Has
577 The bed ______ been slept in. Have vs Has
578 But she ______ seen a monkey. Have vs Has
579 I ______ yet changed my opinion. Have vs Has
580 She ______ much to work with, you know. Have vs Has
581 They ______ the liberty to do it. Have vs Has
582 The name of his school ______ been preserved. Have vs Has
583 I ______ come home for that purpose. Have vs Has
584 She ______ strength to do our work. Have vs Has
585 He ______ one look for me. Have vs Has
586 He ______ done so badly neither. Have vs Has
587 I ______ been a good son to my father. Have vs Has
588 I hope it ______ boiled away. Have vs Has
589 But it ______ got a fuse. Have vs Has
590 I ______ seen him in twenty years. Have vs Has
591 Have vs Has
You ______ had a thing for ages. Negative
592 This piano ______ been used for years. Have vs Has
593 So he ______ lost his sight. Have vs Has
594 He ______ any relations here. Have vs Has
595 Her body ______ yet been recovered. Have vs Has
596 Evil ______ a merely local habitation. Have vs Has
597 You ______ heard the last of it. Have vs Has
598 I ______ seen you for a great while. Have vs Has
599 He ______ been able to get a nut. Have vs Has
600 I ______ many years to live. Have vs Has
601 Have vs Has
I ______ brought any yet. Negative
602 You say it ______ been controlled. Have vs Has
603 But he ______ succeeded so far. Have vs Has
604 But this theory ______ led to any effective treatment. Have vs Has
605 The meaning of his words ______ penetrated. Have vs Has
606 He ______ imposed himself on his people. Have vs Has
607 She ______ an idea of a thousand things. Have vs Has
608 ______ anybody spoken to you? Have vs Has
609 The solitude ______ been good for them. Have vs Has
610 Have vs Has
But she ______ a very important part. Negative
611 They ______ an idea above that. Have vs Has
612 They ______ yet been explained. Have vs Has
613 Have vs Has
My memory ______ yet left me. Negative
614 I ______ seen him for ten years. Have vs Has
615 We ______ money to pay him. Have vs Has
616 Its purpose ______ been clearly made out. Have vs Has
617 Like me, she ______ the time. Have vs Has
618 But they ______ got it yet. Have vs Has
619 The question ______ been conclusively settled. Have vs Has
620 I ______ it on me. Have vs Has
621 I ______ seen him for fifteen years. Have vs Has
622 If you ______ , I'll go on. Have vs Has
623 The trouble is that the world ______ lived by them. Have vs Has
624 I know your hour ______ yet struck. Have vs Has
625 George ______ said anything to me. Have vs Has
626 He ______ cared enough to come. Have vs Has
627 He ______ lived in this section for many years. Have vs Has
628 The origin of man ______ yet been determined. Have vs Has
629 Let us hope she ______ broken her leg. Have vs Has
630 It ______ escaped her, you see. Have vs Has
631 You cannot tell me anything my own conscience ______ already told me. Have vs Has
632 You ______ heard the last of me. Have vs Has
633 But that is only because one ______ thought the matter out. Have vs Has
634 History ______ preserved for us the Indian view of her conduct. Have vs Has
635 I ______ been able to get it. Have vs Has
636 I ______ had a word since. Have vs Has
637 He ______ acquired the dangerous craving for liquor. Have vs Has
638 She ______ your talent or your perseverance. Have vs Has
639 ______ I paid for it? Have vs Has
640 Why ______ you told me? Have vs Has
641 Well, now he ______ got it. Have vs Has
642 But it ______ been so willed. Have vs Has
643 I ______ read a newspaper for years. Have vs Has
644 Have vs Has
She said she wouldn't write, and she ______ written. Negative
645 I ______ come to ask you for money. Have vs Has
646 He ______ asked for you; but I think your going is the only chance. Have vs Has
647 He ______ come back to this road. Have vs Has
648 I have seen her, and you ______ . Have vs Has
649 This question ______ yet been satisfactorily answered. Have vs Has
650 Or perhaps he ______ wanted to see me. Have vs Has
651 ______ the life within no meaning for you? Have vs Has
652 And she ______ had a box since she came. Have vs Has
653 They ______ yet reached their apartment. Have vs Has
654 You ______ heard yet about my father. Have vs Has
655 The produce ______ long to be waited for. Have vs Has
656 I ______ seen enough of this big world. Have vs Has
657 We ______ liked to talk about it. Have vs Has
658 He ______ any money, and he won't work. Have vs Has
659 He ______ spoken a word to me all day. Have vs Has
660 The world ______ yet caught up with this suggestion. Have vs Has
661 You ______ said a word about that. Have vs Has
662 The artist ______ done justice to it. Have vs Has
663 You ______ told me all yet. Have vs Has
664 As long as the question is of talent and mental power, the world of men Have vs Has
______ his equal to show. Negative

665 He ______ written to me for-I don't know but it's a month. Have vs Has
666 We ______ the time to consult them. Have vs Has
667 We ______ seen him just lately. Have vs Has
668 I ______ got the legs for it. Have vs Has
669 It's a wonder she ______ sent for it. Have vs Has
670 No; she ______ the stability. Have vs Has
671 But you ______ asked after your child. Have vs Has
672 Since then he ______ come again, for I was already much better. Have vs Has
673 I hope it ______ hurt her feelings. Have vs Has
674 I ______ heard from her for weeks. Have vs Has
675 Then you ______ done your duty. Have vs Has
676 I ______ been treated with confidence. Have vs Has
677 The route to India ______ yet been located. Have vs Has
678 Somehow she ______ the soul for Wagner. Have vs Has
679 I know you ______ much pleasure. Have vs Has
680 She ______ put a single notion into my head. Have vs Has
681 But my mission ______ yet begun. Have vs Has
682 We ______ paid for this yet. Have vs Has
683 Have vs Has
In short, he ______ to know. Negative
684 She ______ been attentive to learn its secret. Have vs Has
685 I wonder the fighting ______ begun yet. Have vs Has
686 I'm sorry, but I ______ . Have vs Has
687 I ______ the slightest fear for the result. Have vs Has
688 I ______ a single woman in my household. Have vs Has
689 It ______ come within the orbit of my experience. Have vs Has
690 The curse of slavery ______ yet been removed. Have vs Has
691 Have vs Has
______ I told you so? Negative
692 You ______ yet made up your mind. Have vs Has
693 ______ he got a carriage then? Have vs Has
694 When a man ______ a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason Have vs Has
for letting it alone. Negative
695 You know she ______ been right for some time. Have vs Has
696 Sir William ______ the ghost of a chance. Have vs Has
697 Our little son ______ yet a name. Have vs Has
698 The poor daughter-in-law ______ seen it. Have vs Has
699 The hateful world ______ corrupted me. Have vs Has
700 She ______ a particle of talent for drawing. Have vs Has
701 I ______ been such a fool. Have vs Has
702 He ______ a bit of pride in him. Have vs Has
703 Have vs Has
I ______ even seen the people. Negative
704 Have vs Has
If you ______ , read it. Negative
705 He ______ , but admits the crime. Have vs Has
706 She ______ started a plate or a bolt. Have vs Has
707 Handsome as he is, he ______ a horse of his own to ride on. Have vs Has
708 The town ______ given the lie to its name. Have vs Has
709 ______ she said anything to you? Have vs Has
710 ______ you got a hat? Have vs Has
711 But it ______ all been told. Have vs Has
712 It ______ made its fortune much here. Have vs Has
713 I hope he ______ taken offence. Have vs Has
714 ______ she come home yet, Mary? Have vs Has
715 Your tent ______ blown over. Have vs Has
716 The community ______ been studied from a fundamental standpoint. Have vs Has
717 I ______ come to that yet. Have vs Has
718 Their faith ______ been put to shame. Have vs Has
719 If she ______ got the ring herself, she knows well enough who has it. Have vs Has
720 It ______ been my fault, dear. Have vs Has
721 ______ you seen them yet? Have vs Has
722 The others ______ enough imagination. Have vs Has
723 ______ he been here to see me? Have vs Has
724 But this he ______ done, nor possibly can he do it. Have vs Has
725 I ______ yet made up my mind. Have vs Has

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