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The importance of Education

Education is one of the most important things a human can achieve/get, as it helps him/her to get an
opportunity to make money and get a job. There are many children around the world that aren't able to
get an education due to poverty, the world should work together to help these poor people have a
chance to elevate their financial status by learning. Some of these people are hidden talents that won't
be awakened unless they get an education, that can be achieved with people's donations the
governments cooperation.

How many people in the world have basic rights of humans, well that would be 43% of the whole world
population. So essentially around 3,397,000,000 people have basic rights, while the rest of the 7.9 billion
people live missing some type of basic rights for humans. The good things is only 10% of the world have
no education which means it is a minority, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about the people
who can't educate and employ themselves, as a species that lives together we should help one another
to the best of our ability, the 10% of the world is 790 million people which is a huge amount of people
that have barely enough qualifications that will help them employ themselves in jobs that will barely
provide enough for them to survive till the next day. This phenomenon would be avoided if people were
able to receive an education and strive towards a better life. These people that aren't able to receive an
education haven't chosen to live life in that manner, but it is not up to them, the living conditions are
terrible for them and they don’t have enough resources to educate themselves, only a few extraordinary
people who strive to work harder can make a change to the environment they live in, but that is only the
minority, we should strive to help the majority, if not all people living there because it is their right as
human beings to be able to live lives that don’t have the possibility of ending any day of the week.

The 790 million people just mentioned have zero to no education, that means they have it rely on simple
jobs like cleaning, driving, delivering, etc. These jobs will eventually run out, as we are introduced to AI,
AI is the study of robots that are able to think for themselves and do difficult tasks that require an ability
to think. These robots are currently being researched by large companies like Microsoft and Apple,
pouring billions into the search fund. These robots will take over the simple jobs the people with no
education had done before, as they are more cost efficient for business owners, the amazon storage
house is currently 8 football fields wide, but is only run by 3 people, the rest is all automated by robots.
This shows you that the world is evolving at a terrifying rate and we need to adapt with it. The main
point here is what will the people who used to work these simple jobs do, they don’t have an education
and will not be able to work, this will result in them starving to death, falling into debt or even stealing,
just because they don’t have basic human rights that should be provided by governments around the
world and people who love their fellow humans and want us all to live lives that are fair, and for our
rights to be maintained.

In conclusion, I believe that the world is rapidly Changning and we need to keep up with it, using any
means possible. The people will lose their jobs at this rate, we need to support the people who don’t
have an education and make sure that they can maintain their rights, this isn't a simple issue it is a
violation of the 30 rights all humans should be born with. This is our time to show our comradeship and
care for our fellow humans, we need to strive for a better world where all people can preserve the rights
and live happy lives, this can be done by the cooperation of everyone. I hope things will change for the
better in the future and people can receive education, for the improvement of our planet and our lives.

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