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Kini et al.

C a rd i a c I m ag i n g • P i c t o r i a l E s s ay
CT Angiography of
Coronary Arterial and
Venous Anatomy

Normal and Variant Coronary

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Arterial and Venous Anatomy on

High-Resolution CT Angiography
Sunil Kini1, 2 OBJECTIVE. This article displays the normal and variant anatomy of the coronary arteries
Kostaki G. Bis2 and subjacent cardiac veins using a high-resolution 64-MDCT scanner.
Leroy Weaver2, 3 CONCLUSION. Knowledge of the anatomy of the coronary arteries and subjacent car-
diac veins as displayed with maximum intensity and volume-rendered projections is important
Kini S, Bis KG, Weaver L for correct image interpretation of coronary CT angiography examinations.

ontrast-enhanced CT angiography they had provided written informed consent. Patients

C (CTA) of the coronary arteries is

becoming feasible as temporal and
spatial resolution improves with
were recruited from October 2004 to June 2005.
Imaging was performed on a 64-slice (32-detec-
tor) MDCT scanner (Sensation Cardiac 64, Sie-
the availability of MDCT. Detection, charac- mens Medical Solutions) after the patient was pre-
terization, and quantification of coronary ar- medicated with oral atenolol (50–100 mg), IV
tery disease and elegant delineation of coro- metoprolol (5- to 10-mg boluses, up to 50 mg), or
nary anatomy are possible using 2D both. An upper extremity 20-gauge IV catheter was
multiplanar reformation (MPR), 3D maxi- used for venous access. Sublingual nitroglycerin
mum-intensity-projection (MIP), and 3D vol- (0.4 mg) was provided to induce coronary vasodi-
ume-rendered postprocessing techniques. Fa- latation. Bolus timing was measured in the mid as-
miliarity with coronary artery and venous cending aorta with 20 mL of iodixanol (320
anatomy and anatomic variants is important for mgI/mL [Visipaque, GE Healthcare]) administered
correct image interpretation. This anatomy and at a rate of 5 mL/s followed by a 50-mL saline flush,
the arterial variants have been well described also administered at a rate of 5 mL/s). Alternatively,
using conventional angiographic techniques bolus tracking can be used to trigger data acquisi-
Keywords: anatomy, anomalies, arteriography, cardiac
[1, 2]. However, the cross-sectional nature of tion by placing a region of interest over the mid as-
imaging, coronary arteries, CT angiography, heart, MDCT CT has the benefit of more precisely display- cending aorta and setting the trigger threshold to
ing the spatial relationships of coronary arterial 160 H above baseline.
DOI:10.2214/AJR.06.1295 and venous anatomy with respect to cardiac Single-sector reconstructions of the coronary arter-
structures. This article highlights this anatomy ies were performed at 65% and 35% of the R-R length
Received September 30, 2006; accepted after revision
January 15, 2007. with a variety of MIP and volume-rendered and were then modified to a different phase start if
techniques (Figs. 1–18). there were motion artifacts. Reconstructions were per-
1Present address: Quantum Medical Radiology, Atlanta, formed on a workstation (Wizard, Siemens Medical
GA 30339. Subjects and Methods Solutions) and then transferred to another workstation
Coronary CTA protocols usually image the heart (TeraRecon, TeraRecon) for MPRs and MIPs.
of Diagnostic Radiology, William Beaumont
Hospital, 3601 W 13 Mile Rd., Royal Oak, MI 48073. Address using cranial-to-caudal acquisition [3]. However, Cases were selected to show the normal coronary
correspondence to K. G. Bis (kbis@beaumont.edu). caudal-to-cranial scanning acquisitions are imple- arterial and venous anatomy. MIPs were obtained us-
mented when concomitant imaging of the pulmo- ing various thicknesses (5–30 mm) and were dis-
3Present address: Elkhart General Healthcare System, nary arteries is desired in patients with atypical played using standard orientations (right anterior ob-
Elkhart, IN 46514.
chest pain [4]. We describe both of these protocols lique, left anterior oblique, axial) with or without
CME because the cardiac venous anatomy may be dis- caudal or cranial angulation. Volume-rendered im-
This article is available for CME credit. See www.arrs.org played with variation in enhancement depending on ages were also obtained using various orientations.
for more information. the type of data acquisition.
The patients who participated in our study were Cranial-to-Caudal Acquisition
AJR 2007; 188:1665–1674
imaged after the institutional review board had ap- Coronary CTA was performed 5 seconds after
proved the study, which complies with the Health In- aortic peak density; 100 mL of iodixanol (Visi-
© American Roentgen Ray Society surance Portability and Accountability Act, and after paque) was administered at 5 mL/s and was fol-

AJR:188, June 2007 1665

Kini et al.

lowed by a 50-mL saline flush at 5 mL/s [3]. Retro- ventricle (RV), and the left coronary artery inferoseptal and inferior segments of the LV. If
spective ECG-gating was used with the following (LCA) supplies the anterior portion of the the PDA comes from the RCA and the PLB
parameters: collimation, 0.6 mm; tube rotation ventricular septum and anterior wall of the comes from the LCx artery, the system is
time, 0.33 seconds; tube voltage, 120 mV; effective left ventricle (LV). The vessels that supply the codominant (about 5% of cases) (Fig. 9).
mAs, 750–850; pitch, 0.2; and scanning time, remainder of the LV vary depending on the In left-dominant and codominant systems,
10–12 seconds. coronary dominance, which we explain later. the LCx artery continues in the posterior AV
Scanning coverage was from the level of the car- groove as the left AV groove artery and gives
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ina to the bottom of the heart. Reconstruction field of RCA Anatomy rise to left PLB. In left dominance, the PDA is
view, slice thickness and reconstruction increment, The RCA arises from the right coronary si- the final branch of the AV groove artery. The
and smooth kernel were as follows: 15–22 cm; 0.6 nus somewhat inferior to the origin of the distal RCA divides into the PDA and PLB in
and 0.3 mm, respectively; and B25f. ECG pulsing is LCA. After its origin from the aorta, the RCA a right-dominant system. The nondominant
usually implemented for tube current modulation passes to the right of and posterior to the pul- system is usually noticeably smaller in caliber
and is needed to reduce radiation exposure [5]. monary artery and then emerges from under than the dominant system. This difference in
the right atrial appendage to travel in the ante- caliber can be used as an additional clue to de-
Caudal-to-Cranial Acquisition rior (right) atrioventricular (AV) groove termine whether the coronary anatomy is
For the caudal-to-cranial acquisition, a patient (Figs. 1 and 2). In about half of the cases, the right or left dominant. Usually arising just
preparation and scanning protocol similar to that conus branch is the first branch of the RCA distal to the origin of the PDA, the AV nodal
described in the previous section was used. How- (Fig. 3). In the other half, the conus branch has artery (Fig. 6) can be recognized by its direct
ever, contrast injection was performed with a an origin that is separate from the aorta. The vertical course off of the distal RCA. In cases
higher volume of contrast material using a biphasic conus branch always courses anteriorly to sup- of left dominance, the AV node branch has a
protocol: 100 mL of iodixanol was administered at ply the pulmonary outflow tract. Occasionally, similar appearance and location, but it arises
5 mL/s followed by 30 mL of iodixanol at 3.0 mL/s the conus branch can be a branch of the LCA just proximal to the (left) PDA.
and then a 50-mL saline flush at 3 mL/s. The addi- (Fig. 3D), have a common origin with the
tional volume of contrast material resulted in a pro- RCA, or have dual or multiple branches. LCA Anatomy
longed time for contrast injection to ensure ade- In 55% of cases, the sinoatrial nodal artery The LCA normally emerges from the left
quate enhancement of the pulmonary arteries [4]. (Figs. 3C, 3D, and 4A) is the next branch of coronary sinus as the left main (LM) coronary
As a result, streak artifacts arising from the superior the RCA, arising within a few millimeters of artery (Fig. 10). The LM coronary artery is
vena cava and right atrium were present in 37 the RCA origin. In the remaining 45% of short (5–10 mm), passes to the left of and pos-
(88%) of 42 studies; however, these artifacts inter- cases, the sinoatrial nodal artery arises from terior to the pulmonary trunk, and bifurcates
fered with the visualization of the right coronary ar- the proximal left circumflex (LCx) artery into the left anterior descending (LAD) and
tery (RCA) in only one (2.4%) of the 42 cases [4]. (Figs. 4B and 11). In either case, the sinoatrial LCx arteries (Fig. 11). Occasionally, the LM
The thorax from the lung bases to just above nodal artery always courses toward the supe- coronary artery trifurcates into the LAD ar-
(1–2 cm) the aortic arch was scanned with a 12- to rior vena cava inflow near the cephalad aspect tery, the LCx artery, and the ramus interme-
15-second acquisition (no ECG pulsing), but scan- of the interatrial septum. As the RCA travels dius artery (Fig. 12).
ning can include the entire thorax when ECG puls- within the anterior AV groove, it courses
ing is applied. As with cranial-to-caudal acquisi- downward toward the posterior (inferior) in- Ramus Intermedius Artery
tions, ECG pulsing is needed to reduce radiation terventricular septum. As it does this, the The most common variation in LCA anat-
exposure [5]. Reconstruction field of view, slice RCA gives off branches that supply the RV omy is the presence of a trifurcation of the LM
thickness and reconstruction increment, and kernel myocardium; these branches are called “RV coronary artery. In this instance, the LM coro-
for the coronary arteries were similar to those for marginals” or “acute marginals” (Fig. 5). nary artery trifurcates into the LAD artery, LCx
the cranial-to-caudal acquisition. However, recon- They supply the RV anterior wall. After it arteries, and an artery between them called the
structions were also obtained with a larger field of gives off the RV marginals, the RCA contin- “ramus intermedius” artery (Fig. 12). The ra-
view [4] to display the pulmonary arteries, thoracic ues around the perimeter of the right heart in mus intermedius artery itself has variable
aorta, lungs, and thoracic soft tissues. the anterior AV groove and courses toward the branching. The ramus intermedius can be dis-
diaphragmatic aspect of the heart. tributed as a diagonal branch or as an obtuse
Normal Anatomy of the marginal branch depending on whether it sup-
Coronary Arteries Coronary Dominance plies the anterior or the lateral wall, respectively.
The right and left coronary arteries origi- The artery that supplies the posterior de-
nate from the right and left sinuses of Valsalva scending artery (PDA) and the posterolateral LAD Artery
of the aortic root, respectively. The posterior branch determines the coronary dominance. If The LAD artery (Fig. 13) runs in the ante-
sinus rarely gives rise to a coronary artery and the PDA and PLB arise from the RCA, then the rior interventricular sulcus along the ventricu-
is referred to as the “noncoronary sinus.” The system is said to be right dominant (80–85% of lar septum. Commonly, the LAD artery may be
locations of the sinuses are anatomic misno- cases) (Figs. 6 and 7). In this instance, the embedded within the anterior myocardium
mers: The right sinus is actually anterior in lo- RCA supplies the inferoseptal and inferior seg- forming an overlying myocardial bridge
cation and the left sinus is posterior. The my- ments of the LV [6]. If the PDA and PLB arise (Fig. 14). Myocardial bridging is seen more of-
ocardial distribution of the coronary arteries from the LCx artery, then the system is said to ten on CT than described in the coronary an-
is somewhat variable, but the right coronary be left dominant (15–20% of cases) (Figs. 8 giography literature. Most myocardial bridges
artery (RCA) almost always supplies the right and 17). In this instance, the LCA supplies the are asymptomatic, although rarely myocardial

1666 AJR:188, June 2007

CT Angiography of Coronary Arterial and Venous Anatomy

bridging can be associated with ischemia. The vein (Figs. 7A and 7C) also begins at the ginal and travels along or close to the poste-
LAD artery has branches called “septal perfo- apex, but it courses upward in the inferior rior AV groove.
rators” (Fig. 14) that supply the anterior ven- interventricular sulcus, alongside the PDA.
tricular septum. It also has diagonal arteries Between the two, there is a variable poster- Conclusion
(Fig. 15) that course over and supply the ante- olateral vein (Fig. 7C) draining the lateral Coronary CTA is emerging as an essential
rior wall of the LV. The diagonals and septal wall of the LV. The coronary sinus imaging tool for evaluating the coronary ar-
perforators are numbered sequentially from (Figs. 7A, 7C, 16A, and 16B) is the wide teries. Knowledge of the CT appearance of
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proximal to distal (i.e., D1, D2, S1, S2). vein that courses in the posterior AV groove the coronary anatomy and various coronary
accompanying the LCx artery and the AV artery anomalies is essential for accurate di-
LCx Artery groove artery. It drains into the right atrium agnosis and proper patient treatment.
The LCx artery (Figs. 16, 17, and 2, 4B, 8, and receives the great cardiac vein proxi-
11, 12, 15) runs in the posterior AV groove anal- mally and the middle cardiac vein distally.
ogous to the course of the RCA on the opposite References
side. The major branches of the LCx artery con- Reporting System of 1. Green CE. Coronary cinematography. Philadel-
sist of obtuse marginals (OMs) (Figs. 16 and Coronary Artery Disease phia, PA: Lippincott-Raven, 1996
17). OM branches supply the lateral wall of the In an attempt to standardize the reporting 2. Soto B, Russell RO, Moraski RE. Radiography
LV. They are numbered sequentially from prox- of coronary artery disease, an ad hoc commit- anatomy of the coronary arteries: an atlas. Mount
imal to distal (i.e., OM1, OM2, OM3). tee of the American Heart Association devel- Kisco, NY: Fitura Publishing, 1976
oped nomenclature and further divided the 3. Raff GL, Gallagher MJ, O’Neil WW, Goldstein JA.
Anomalies of RCA Origin main coronary arteries into proximal, middle, Diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive coronary an-
The RCA can have an anomalous origin. It and distal segments [8]. giography using 64-slice computed tomography. J
is important to be aware of this possibility to The proximal RCA segment is from the Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 46:552–557
avoid misinterpreting coronary CTA. Typi- ostium to one half the distance to the acute 4. Vrachliotis TG, Bis KG, Hardary A, et al. Enhance-
cally, the anomalous origin of the RCA is margin of the heart. The middle RCA seg- ment of coronary, aortic and pulmonary vasculature
from the left coronary sinus of Valsalva, with ment is the RCA from the end of the above using biphasic single-injection 64-slice CT: angiog-
a subsequent course between the aortic root segment to the acute margin of heart. The raphy protocol in emergency department patients
and right ventricular outflow tract. Depiction distal RCA segment is the RCA running with atypical chest pain. Radiology (forthcoming,
of these anomalies is beyond the scope of this along the right AV groove from the acute May 2007)
article; however, this and other anomalies of margin to the origin of the PDA. 5. Jakobs TF, Becker CR, Ohnesorge B, et al. Mul-
RCA origin are described by Kim et al. [7]. The LAD proximal segment is proximal tislice helical CT of the heart with retrospective
An example of an anomalous origin of the to and includes the origin of the first major ECG gating: reduction of radiation exposure by
RCA is shown in Figure 18. septal perforator. The middle LAD segment ECG-controlled tube current modulation. Eur
is the LAD artery immediately distal to the Radiol 2002; 12:1081–1086
Anomalies of LCA Origin origin of the first major septal perforator 6. Cerqueira MD, Weisman NJ, Dilsizian V, et al.
The LCA and its branches can have an that extends to the point where the LAD ar- Standardized myocardial segmentation and nomen-
anomalous origin. It is important to be aware tery forms an angle (right anterior oblique clature for tomographic imaging of the heart. A
of this possibility to avoid misinterpreting view). This angle is often, but not always, statement for healthcare professionals from the Car-
coronary CTA. Some of these anomalies are close to the origin of the second diagonal. If diac Imaging Committee of the Council on Clinical
associated with an increased risk of sudden this angle or diagonal is not identifiable, this Cardiology of the American Heart Association.
death or cardiac arrest (Fig. 18C). Depiction segment ends one half the distance from the Circulation 2002; 105:539–547
of these anomalies is beyond the scope of this first major septal perforator to the apex. The 7. Kim SY, Seo JB, Do KH, et al. Coronary artery
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LCx origin are reviewed by Kim et al. [7]. of the LAD artery that begins at the end of tector row CT findings with angiographic correla-
the previous segment and extends to or be- tion. RadioGraphics 2006; 26:317–334
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16A) is located in the anterior interventric- stem of the LCx artery from its origin off the disease: Report of the Ad Hoc Committee for Grad-
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AJR:188, June 2007 1667

Kini et al.

Fig. 1—Anterior schematic diagram of heart shows course of dominant right

coronary artery and its tributaries. AV = atrioventricular, PDA = posterior
descending artery, RCA = right coronary artery, RV = right ventricular,
SA = sinoatrial.
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Fig. 2—CT images of normal heart in 53-year-old man.
Ao = aortic root, CS = coronary sinus, LA = left atrium,
LAD = left anterior descending artery, LCx = left
circumflex artery, LM = left main coronary artery,
LV = left ventricle, PDA = posterior descending artery,
RA = right atrium, RCA = right coronary artery, RV = right
ventricle, RVOT = right ventricular outflow tract.
A, Axial 5-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP)
image shows left main coronary artery as it arises from
left coronary cusp.
B, Axial 5-mm MIP image shows right coronary artery
as it arises from right coronary cusp inferior to level of
beginning of left main coronary artery.
C, Axial 5-mm MIP image shows course of right
coronary artery within anterior atrioventricular groove.
Left anterior descending artery is shown within
anterior interventricular groove, and left circumflex
artery is shown in posterior atrioventricular groove.
D, Axial 5-mm MIP image shows origin of posterior
descending artery from distal right coronary artery.

1668 AJR:188, June 2007

CT Angiography of Coronary Arterial and Venous Anatomy

Fig. 3—Conus branch anatomy variations. Ao = aortic

root, LA = left atrium, LAD = left anterior descending
artery, LM = left main coronary artery, LV = left
ventricle, RA = right atrium, RCA = right coronary
artery, RVOT = right ventricular outflow tract,
SAN = sinoatrial node branch.
A, Left anterior oblique 5-mm maximum-intensity-
projection (MIP) image shows conus branch (arrow) in
44-year-old woman as it arises separate from right
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coronary artery off of right coronary cusp.

B, Left anterior oblique 15-mm MIP image shows
common origin of conus branch (arrow) and right
coronary artery in 40-year-old man.
C, Axial 10-mm MIP image shows conus branch
(arrow) arising from proximal RCA in 52-year-old man.
It then courses anteriorly toward right ventricular
outflow tract.
D, Axial 10-mm MIP image shows conus branch
(arrow) arising from left anterior descending artery in
46-year-old man.


Fig. 4—Sinoatrial node branch variations. Ao = aortic

root, D1 = first diagonal, GCV = great cardiac vein,
LA = left atrium, LAD = left anterior descending artery,
LCx = left circumflex artery, LM = left main coronary
artery, OM1 = first obtuse marginal, RCA = right
coronary artery, RVOT = right ventricular outflow tract,
SVC = superior vena cava.
A, Axial 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP)
image in 64-year-old man shows large sinoatrial node
branch (arrow) as it arises from proximal right
coronary artery. It then courses posteriorly toward
cephalad aspect of interatrial septum (arrowheads)
posterior to inflow of superior vena cava.
B, Axial 10-mm MIP image shows sinoatrial node
branch (arrow) in 65-year-old woman as it arises from
proximal left circumflex artery: Sinoatrial branch still
courses toward cephalad aspect of interatrial septum.

AJR:188, June 2007 1669

Kini et al.
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Fig. 5—Marginal branch anatomy. F = foot, LAD = left anterior descending artery, LV = left ventricle, RCA = right Fig. 6—Distal right coronary artery anatomy in 34-year-
coronary artery, RV = right ventricle. old man. Left anterior oblique 20-mm maximum-
A, Right anterior oblique 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP) image shows large marginal branch (arrow) intensity-projection image shows course of entire right
arising from right coronary artery (RCA) in 40-year-old woman. coronary artery. Distally, posterior descending artery
B, Right anterior oblique volume-rendered image shows marginal branch (arrow) of RCA as it courses over right and posterior lateral branch are shown, as is
ventricle in 45-year-old woman. atrioventricular node branch. Ao = aortic root,
AVN = atrioventricular node, IMB = inferior marginal
branch, LCx = left circumflex artery, LV = left ventricle,
PDA = posterior descending artery, PLB = posterior
lateral branch, RCA = right coronary artery,
RVOT = right ventricular outflow tract.

Fig. 7—Distal dominant right coronary artery variation on axial projections. CS = coronary sinus, LV = left ventricle, MCV = middle cardiac vein, PDA = posterior descending
artery, PLB = posterior lateral branch, PLV = posterolateral vein, RA = right atrium, RCA = right coronary artery, RV = right ventricle.
A, Axial 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP) image in 51-year-old man shows typical tortuous course of posterior descending artery as it arises from distal right
coronary artery. Posterior descending artery travels in inferior interventricular groove along side middle cardiac vein. Posterior lateral branch continues along distal coronary
sinus to supply inferior wall.
B, Axial 10-mm MIP image shows dual posterior descending arteries and dual posterior lateral branches in 44-year-old man.
C, Axial 3D volume-rendered projection image shows origin of posterior descending artery, which still courses toward middle cardiac vein, is higher than normal in 49-year-
old woman.

1670 AJR:188, June 2007

CT Angiography of Coronary Arterial and Venous Anatomy
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Fig. 8—Dominant left circumflex artery and posterior descending artery anatomy. Ao = aortic root, AVGA = atrioventricular groove artery, CS = coronary sinus, LA = left
atrium, OM = obtuse marginal, PDA = posterior descending artery, PLB = posterior lateral branch, RA = right atrium, RCA = right coronary artery.
A and B, Left anterior oblique 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP) images show two examples of dominant left circumflex artery anatomy with typical small nature
of right coronary artery: one in 43-year-old woman (A) and one in 44-year-old man (B). Atrioventricular groove artery descends as larger-caliber artery in posterior
atrioventricular groove subjacent to coronary sinus.
C, Axial 10-mm MIP image shows dual posterior descending arteries as they arise from distal atrioventricular groove artery in 44-year-old man with dominant left circumflex artery.

Fig. 10—Dominant left

coronary artery anatomy.
Left anterior oblique
schematic diagram of
dominant left coronary
Fig. 9—Codominance. Axial 10-mm maximum- artery anatomy, including
intensity-projection image reveals codominant left anterior descending
anatomy in which posterior descending artery arises artery and left circumflex
from right coronary artery and posterior lateral branch artery tributaries,
arises from distal left circumflex artery in 33-year-old is shown. AVGA =
man. LV = left ventricle, PDA = posterior descending atrioventricular groove
artery, PLB = posterior lateral branch, RCA = right artery, PDA = posterior
coronary artery, RV = right ventricle. descending artery.

AJR:188, June 2007 1671

Kini et al.

Fig. 11—Left main coronary artery bifurcation. Anterior

caudal 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection image
displays typical bifurcation of left main coronary artery
into left anterior descending and left circumflex
arteries in 47-year-old man. AVGA = atrioventricular
groove artery, D1 = first diagonal, LAD = left anterior
descending artery, LCx = left circumflex artery,
LM = left main coronary artery, OM1 = first obtuse
marginal, SAN = sinoatrial node branch.
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Fig. 12—Ramus intermedius anatomy. LAD = left anterior descending artery, LCx = left circumflex artery, LM = left main coronary artery, RI = ramus intermedius artery.
A, Right anterior oblique caudal 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP) image displays trifurcation of left main coronary artery into left anterior descending artery, ramus
intermedius artery, and left circumflex artery in 49-year-old man.
B, Axial 10-mm MIP image shows left main coronary artery dividing into left anterior descending artery, left circumflex artery, and ramus intermedius branches in 42-year-
old woman.
C, Left posterior cranial 3D volume-rendered projection image shows branching ramus intermedius artery, which is mostly distributed as obtuse marginal branch to lateral
wall, in 52-year-old man.

Fig. 13—Left anterior descending artery course. Right

anterior oblique 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection
image reveals entire course of left anterior descending
artery within anterior interventricular groove in 44-
year-old woman. Distally, it is seen wrapping around
left ventricular apex (arrows). LA = left atrium,
LV = left ventricle.

1672 AJR:188, June 2007

CT Angiography of Coronary Arterial and Venous Anatomy

Fig. 14—Myocardial bridge and septal perforator

branch anatomy in 39-year-old woman. LA = left
atrium, LAA = left atrial appendage, LV = left ventricle,
S1, S2, S3 = first, second, and third septal perforators.
A, Right anterior oblique 10-mm maximum-intensity-
projection (MIP) image displays left anterior
descending artery and septal perforator branches.
Myocardial bridge overlies left anterior descending
artery just beyond second septal perforator (arrows).
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B, Short-axis (left anterior oblique) 5-mm MIP image at

level of myocardial bridge shows left anterior
descending artery (arrow) deep to right ventricular
myocardium junction with left ventricle.


Fig. 15—Diagonal branch anatomy. D1 = first diagonal,

D2 = second diagonal, LAD = left anterior descending
artery, LCx = left circumflex artery, LM = left main
coronary artery, LV = left ventricle, RI = ramus
intermedius artery, SP = septal perforator branches.
A, Axial caudal oblique 10-mm maximum-intensity-
projection (MIP) image reveals two diagonal branches
(D1 and D2) from left anterior descending artery in 55-
year-old man. Diagonal branches course laterally, and
small septal perforator branches course medially.
B, Cranial left anterior oblique 10-mm MIP image
shows left anterior descending artery and two
diagonal branches in 47-year-old man.


Fig. 16—Nondominant left circumflex artery anatomy

in 36-year-old man. AVGA = atrioventricular groove
artery, CS = coronary sinus, D1 = first diagonal,
GCV = great cardiac vein, LAD = left anterior
descending artery, LCx = left circumflex artery,
OM1 = first obtuse marginal.
A, Axial 10-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP)
image shows left circumflex artery and left anterior
descending artery with large first obtuse marginal
arising from proximal left circumflex artery. Small left
circumflex artery descends in posterior atrioventricular
groove as atrioventricular groove artery.
B, Left anterior oblique 10-mm MIP image displays left
circumflex artery anatomy with its descent as
atrioventricular groove artery.

AJR:188, June 2007 1673

Kini et al.

Fig. 17—Dominant left circumflex artery anatomy in

44-year-old man. AVGA = atrioventricular groove
artery, LCx = left circumflex artery, LM = left main
coronary artery, OM1 = first obtuse marginal,
OM2 = second obtuse marginal, PDA = posterior
descending artery, PLB = posterior lateral branch,
RI = ramus intermedius artery.
A, Left anterior oblique cranial 3D volume-rendered
image shows dominant left circumflex artery anatomy
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with two obtuse marginal branches.

B, Axial 3D volume-rendered image reveals dual
posterior descending artery and posterior lateral branch
arising from distal atrioventricular groove artery.


Fig. 18—Anomalous origin of right coronary artery and left main coronary artery. Ao = aortic root, LAD = left anterior descending artery, LM = left main coronary artery,
RCA = right coronary artery, RVOT = right ventricular outflow tract.
A, Axial 5-mm maximum-intensity-projection (MIP) image shows anomalous origin of right coronary artery in 43-year-old woman from anterior proximal ascending aorta with
subsequent acute rightward course before reaching anterior atrioventricular groove.
B, Three-dimensional volume-rendered projection image shows anomalous right coronary artery in same patient as A above level of right coronary cusp (arrow).
C, Axial 10-mm MIP image reveals anomalous origin of left main coronary artery in 35-year-old man from right cusp near origin of right coronary artery. It then takes intraseptal
course posterior to right ventricular outflow tract near cephalad aspect of interventricular septum.


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1674 AJR:188, June 2007

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