What A Socratic Seminar Is

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Oct 4 2016

What is a Socratic Seminar

A socratic seminar is a genuine discussion that allows us to ask and consider questions and
explore each others’ answers. This is so we can learn more about an idea or text, and HOW to
discuss it. You gain practice in leading discussions, listening for insights in the comments of
others, insuring that the quiet voices are heard, and how to help talk move beyond the
super cial into thought-provoking dialogue. It gives us a chance to explore the meaning of the
work being discussed. The aim is that everyone understands through speaking, idea testing,
listening, and re ection.

A socratic seminar is NOT to sit and passively await instruction or answers, or say whatever
pops into our heads. We need to not only share our ideas politely and effectively, but LISTEN to
others, thinking through their ideas and being able to build on them.

You are not only marked as a participant, but as an audience. You need to pay attention and
take notes on what is said.

Things like body language for both sides are important. You need to be facing who is speaking.
There needs to be only one person speaking at a time. You need to address each other by
name. You need to be polite. You can disagree with a person’s viewpoint but you must remain

You need to understand that these seminars are only effective and engaging when we all put
effort into the process. This means that you need to come prepared to the seminar day with
notes that back up your view point. You need to make reference to the novel as proof, but you
need to expand on this piece of evidence for your points.


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