Course Plan-Engineering Management-Siena

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Piano di Studi LM

Engineering Management
Classe LM-31
Coorte A.A. 2022/23
Primo Anno
denominazione attività formativa/insegnamento SSD CFU Ore Sem. TAF
Managerial Economics ING-IND/35 6 48 I B
Project and Human Resource Management ING-IND/35 6 42 I B
System Identification ING-INF/04 6 48 I B
Complex Dynamic Systems ING-INF/04 6 48 I B
Production and Supply Chain Management (mod. Logistics) MAT/09 6 48 I C
Production and Supply Chain Management (mod. Production Planning) MAT/09 6 48 II C
Discrete Event Systems ING-INF/04 6 54 II B
Business Intelligence ING-INF/05 6 42 II C
Data Analysis ING-INF/04 9 72 II B
Altre Attività per ulteriori conoscenze linguistiche (Inglese livello B2) 3 I F
Totale CFU dell'anno 60

Secondo Anno
denominazione attività formativa/insegnamento SSD CFU Ore Sem. TAF
Models for Financial Applications ING-INF/04 6 50 II B
Marketing and Innovation Management ING-IND/35 9 72 I B
Attività a scelta dello studente 12 I/II D
Tirocinio 9 225 II F
Prova finale (tesi) 18 E
1 insegnamento di dalla seguente lista
Business Strategy ING-IND/35 6 42 I C
Manufacturing Strategies and Operations ING-IND/35 6 42 II C
Healthcare Technology Management Systems ING-INF/06 6 42 II C
Industrial Robotics ING-INF/04 6 48 II C
Game theory ING-INF/04 6 48 II C
Human centered robotics ING-INF/04 6 54 I C
Programming for Data Science ING-INF/05 6 42 I C
Big Data ING-INF/05 6 54 II C
Fundamentals of Machine Learning ING-INF/05 6 54 I C
Neural Networks ING-INF/05 6 54 I C
Electric System and Energy Market ING-IND/31 6 60 I C
Technologies for Environmental Resource Management ING-IND/09 6 54 II C
Digital Modelling, Design and Manufacturing ING-IND/13 6 54 I C
Industrial Reliability and Safety Engineering ING-INF/07 6 48 II C
Network Optimization MAT/09 6 48 II C
Totale CFU dell'anno 60
Attività automaticamente approvate come scelta

Healthcare technology management systems ING-INF/06 6 42 II D

Programming for data science ING-INF/06 6 42 I D
Big data ING-INF/05 6 54 II D
Machine learning ING-INF/05 6 54 I D
Neural Networks ING-INF/05 6 54 I D
Business strategy ING-IND/35 6 42 I D
Manufacturing strategies and operations ING-IND/35 6 42 II D
Electric system and energy market ING-IND/31 6 60 I D
Technologies for environmental resource management ING-IND/09 6 54 II D
Digital modelling, design and manufacturing ING-IND/13 6 54 I D
Industrial reliability and safety engineering ING-INF/07 6 48 II D
Game theory ING-INF/04 6 48 II D
Human centered robotics ING-INF/04 6 54 I D
Network optimization MAT/09 6 48 II D

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