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20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

20333 Roll No.

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 Total20333
No. of Pages
20333 : 02 20333

Total No. of Questions : 09

B.Tech. (2011 Onwards) (Sem.–1,2)

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
Subject Code : BTPH-101
Paper ID : [A1102]
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying T WO marks
2. SECTION - B & C. have FOUR questions each.
20333 3.
20333 Attempt20333
any FIVE questions
20333 from20333
SECTION B & C carrying 20333
20333 EIGHT marks20333
each. 20333
4. Select atleast T WO questions from SECT ION - B & C.

20333 20333 20333 20333 SECTION-A


o m 20333 20333 20333 20333

.r c
1. Write briefly :

20333 20333 20333 20333
a) What is the physical significance20333 20333
of curl of a vector field? 20333 20333 20333

p e
b) State Poynting theorem and interpret each term in its expression.
a .r c
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
c) What is the atomic origin of paramagnetism exhibited by certain materials?

r p e
d) What are the essential conditions for a unit cell to be called a primitive cell?
20333 20333 20333

b 20333 20333



e) What is population inversion and give its significance in lasing action?

20333 20333

20333 20333 f) How does light propagate
20333 20333 through an optical fiber?
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

20333 20333 20333

h) Justify 20333
why an electron 20333 b
g) Give basic postulates of special theory of relativity.

can't be accelerated in a20333

cyclotron. 20333 20333 20333

i) List properties of a well behaved wave functions for a given system.

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
j) Give a brief and broad outline of synthesis of nanomaterials through chemical vapour
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

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20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

2. a) Derive the equations of electromagnetic waves propagation through free space.

Further deduce important properties of EM wave propagation in free space. 5
20333 20333 b) What is Ampere's20333
20333 circuital rule?20333
What is the 20333
drawback of this
20333rule and how
20333it was 20333

accounted for by Maxwell? 3

3. a) Describe how ultrasonic waves are generated using the method of magnetostriction. 5
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

b) What are type I and type II superconductors and give their distinguishing features. 3
4. a) What is Bragg's law. Derive the Bragg’s condition for x-ray diffraction. What are the
20333 20333 limitations
20333 of Bragg's
20333 law? 20333 20333 20333 20333 5 20333

b) A certain orthorhombic crystal has a ratio of a : b : c of 0.428:1:0.376. Find Miller

indices of the faces with intercepts 0.214:1:0.188. 3
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
5. a) Discuss the construction and working of a Semiconductor laser. 4

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

o m
b) Give a qualitative idea of formation and reconstruction of hologram.
20333 20333 20333

20333 20333 20333 20333

.r c 20333 20333

20333 20333

6. a) What are different kinds of optical fibers? How is light wave guided through an

optical fiber? Derive and interpret the numerical aperture of an optical fiber. 5

20333 20333
b) Give various kinds
20333 20333

through an optical fiber. p
of dispersion
suffered by the light wave
20333 20333

.r c
while propagating

r p e
a) How is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle a natural consequence wave nature of

20333 particles?20333 4

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

b) Consider a particle of mass m trapped in an one dimensional box of infinite depth.
Using steady state Schrodinger's equation obtain permissible states and corresponding

20333 20333 energies
20333 of the particle.
20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 4 20333


20333 b) The20333
mean life of a20333
muon, when 20333 b
a) Derive the expression for variation of mass of a relativistic body with velocity.

it is at rest, is 2.2s.
20333 Calculate the average distance
will travel in vacuum before it decays, if it has velocity of 0.9c.

it 20333

9. a) Discuss sol-gel technique for synthesis of nanomaterials. 5

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333
b) Write a short note on properties of nanomaterials which distinguish it from bulk
matter. 3

20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333 20333

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