Pass The Message

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Narrative Report and Documentation


Name of the Activity: Pass the Message and Charades
Date and Time: October 28, 2023 | 10:30 AM-1:00 PM
Sections: BSA 4-1 and BSA 4-2
Communication, both verbal and nonverbal, serves as the lifeblood of our shared
existence, fostering the exchange of thoughts, emotions, and ideas that define the
essence of our humanity. In the realm of human interaction, where words become the
bridge between minds, the activity of "Pass the Message" and “Charades” emerges as a
captivating lens through which we can unravel the intricacies of communication. "Pass
the Message" transforms into a microcosm of verbal communication, showcasing the
evolution of messages as they navigate the channels of human expression. Meanwhile
for Charades, from the formulation to reception, this activity sheds light on the influence
of language, nonverbal cues, and individual interpretation on the conveyance of
To begin with Ms. Noraine Punzalan and Mr. Jeyrhonn Cena presented the rules
and guidelines for the Pass the Message. Each section was grouped randomly and
each group should pass the message that was given by the moderators. The twist of the
activity is the discipline of every student to pass each message by whispering the
sentences in order to reach the last person in the line. The first group who says the
exact line without missing any word wins the activity and gets the higher point. On the
other hand, the Charades was conducted and it was performed per section. One
representative each section will act the given word and with the allotted time, their
classmates should guess their gestures correctly. Each section will guess the given
words and they should finish guessing them with the allotted time.
"Pass the Message" serves as a metaphor for the ever-shifting landscape of
verbal exchange, highlighting the fragility and resilience of our shared understanding.
The whispers that traverse through the participants reveal the delicate balance between
precision and transformation inherent in the transmission of messages. Meanwhile,
“Charades” was given a highlight with non-verbal communication
As a recommendation, individuals and teams could benefit from incorporating
activities like "Pass the Message" and “Charades“ into communication training
programs, fostering a heightened awareness of the nuances that impact message
delivery and reception. Moreover, this exploration prompts us to embrace a culture of
active listening. The moments of confusion in "Pass the Message" and “Charades”
highlight the significance of attentive receptivity and the need for individuals to seek
clarification when faced with ambiguous information.
One key takeaway is the recognition of the delicate nature of language and its
susceptibility to interpretation. The slight alterations in messages during the passage
through participants underscore the importance of clarity, precision, and effective
encoding in our everyday communication. Encouraging open dialogue and a willingness
to ask questions can contribute to a more transparent and effective communication
environment. as we reflect on the lessons drawn from this exploration, let us carry
forward the understanding that communication is a skill to be honed continually. By
embracing clarity, active listening, and an appreciation for diverse perspectives, we can
enrich our interpersonal connections and contribute to the creation of a more
communicative and understanding community.

BSA 4-1 and BSA 4-2 in Pass the Message

Representatives of BSA 4-1 and BSA 4-2 in Charades

Prepared by: Jeyrhonn Darryl S. Cena

BSA 4-1

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