Lesson 5 (Revising)

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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Technical and Business writing

Instructor: Ali Khalid

Lesson: 5



Stages of writing:
The writing process is divided into stages to help writers manage the complexity of
the writing process and to facilitate the development of clear, coherent, and
polished written works. Following are the stages of writing:

1. Prewriting
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Editing
5. Publishing

What is Revising?
"Revising is part of writing. Few writers are so expert that they can produce what they are after
on the first try. Quite often you will discover, on examining the completed work, that there are
serious flaws in the arrangement of the material... Remember, it is no sign of weakness or defeat
that your manuscript ends up in need of major surgery. This is a common occurrence in all
writing, and among the best writers" (Strunk and White, The Elements of Style, 72).

Subject: Technical and Business writing

Instructor: Ali Khalid

The Revision Stage

The revision stage of the writing process is a crucial step that involves reviewing, refining, and
improving your draft to enhance clarity, coherence, organization, and overall effectiveness.
It's the stage where you take a step back from your initial draft and critically evaluate it from
various perspectives to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

How to revise your first draft?

Who is the best judge of your work and therefore the best reviser? The answer is—or should be
moving toward—you. Therefore, even if you get comments from your professor or others, don’t
look at them yet. For the best way to “re-see” your work freshly is to give it time. That is why
you should plan ahead and not be writing your draft the night before the paper is due.
Thus, when you finish the first draft, you should follow the stages given below.

Steps on revising your first draft

1. Let it sit, preferably at least 24 hours, but certainly several hours.

2. Print out a clean copy.

3. Read it all the way through with no pen in your hand. You will see things you want to
change and will get a good look at the “forest” this way without getting caught up in
changing individual tress.

4. Then write down some notes at the end of the clean copy: what do YOU notice and
believe needs to be done to the paper?

5. Then go read or others’ comments. Do you agree? Of course, if it’s your professor’s
comments, you may not have much choice but to make the changes. But if you disagree
with your professor’s comments or don’t understand, be sure to ask him/her about it! If
the comments are from a classmate, however, and they suggest a change you disagree
with them about, don't make it. (If two of your classmates say the same thing, it would
probably be wise to listen to them!)

6. If you see a small error such as a misspelled word or an incorrect verb tense, of course,
go ahead and change it, but generally focus on global changes for now—i.e., add, rewrite,
and delete sentences or paragraphs, reorder the paper, and so on.
7. Be sure to SAVE EACH DRAFT WITH A NEW NUMBER, such as "Paragraph
writing_1," " Paragraph writing _2," and so on, BEFORE you start making changes! You
may cut something that you find you want to add back later. Make sure to always keep a
copy of the first draft and every draft you make afterwards in order to have preserved
data of both, in case you want to view any draft.

8. After you have put in a set of revisions, let the paper sit for another day and then repeat
the revision process as many times as possible or until you think that the last draft that
you have produced after revising is perfect to be considered as the final draft.

Subject: Technical and Business writing

Instructor: Ali Khalid

What are the things you need to revise in this stage

Rule to Remember
Make sure your written assignment is clearly organized, unified, and coherent.

1. Consider the audience

• Are you addressing the intended audience throughout your essay, research paper, or
• Do the language, level of detail, and amount of background information you provide suit
your audience?

2. Consider the purpose

• Have you met the purpose for your assignment?

• If you argued a point of view, have you provided sufficient evidence to support it?
• If you proposed a solution to a problem, is it a well-supported solution?

3. Revise for content and organization

• Does your assignment provide sufficient detail that allows the reader to share your
thoughts and experiences?
• Have you included concrete examples?
• Are there introductory and closing paragraphs?
• Is the main idea expressed in a thesis statement?

4. Revise for unity

• Is your written composition centred around its main idea expressed in the thesis
• Are supporting paragraphs used to develop that idea?

5. Revise for coherence

• Do your paragraphs flow smoothly?

• Have you used transitional words and phrases to link your sentences and paragraphs?
• Do your paragraphs transition logically from one idea to the next?

6. Revise for consistency

• Are you consistent throughout the composition in your use of words, formal or informal
structures, and pronouns?

Subject: Technical and Business writing

Instructor: Ali Khalid

7. Revise the format

• Does your essay, research paper, or report follow the required format (MLA or APA, for
• Are your sources cited correctly?
• Does your assignment require a title page?
• Have you provided a Works Cited or a Reference List?
• Are your tables and charts incorporated and labelled appropriate

Example on How Revision is done to a Paragraph

Original Paragraph

"The company's sales have increased significantly over the past year. This growth can be
attributed to various factors, including a successful marketing campaign, expanded product
offerings, and improved customer service. Additionally, the company has implemented cost-
saving measures that have helped boost profitability. Overall, these efforts have resulted in a
positive trend in sales and have positioned the company for continued success in the future."

Revised Paragraph:

"Over the past year, the company has experienced remarkable growth in sales, which can be
attributed to several key factors. Firstly, a well-executed marketing campaign has effectively
increased brand visibility and attracted new customers. Secondly, the company's strategic
decision to diversify its product offerings has catered to a wider range of consumer needs and
preferences. Thirdly, initiatives aimed at enhancing customer service have fostered stronger
relationships with existing customers and encouraged repeat business. Furthermore, cost-saving
measures have been implemented, contributing to improved profitability and financial stability.
Collectively, these efforts have not only driven a positive trend in sales but also positioned the
company for sustained success in the dynamic market landscape."

Subject: Technical and Business writing

Instructor: Ali Khalid

What were the changes made to a paragraph:

1. Clarity and Conciseness: The revised paragraph condenses the information into a more
concise and direct form, eliminating redundant phrases and unnecessary repetition.

2. Sentence Structure: The revised paragraph uses varied sentence structure to improve
readability and flow. It combines shorter and longer sentences to create a more engaging

3. Specificity and Detail: The revised paragraph provides more specific details about the
factors contributing to the company's sales growth, such as the successful marketing
campaign, expanded product offerings, and improved customer service. This enhances the
reader's understanding of the company's strategies and initiatives.

4. Coherence and Cohesion: The revised paragraph maintains a logical progression of

ideas, with each sentence building upon the previous one. This ensures that the paragraph
flows smoothly and effectively communicates the main points.

5. Tone and Style: The revised paragraph adopts a more formal and professional tone
appropriate for business writing. It avoids overly casual language and emphasizes the
company's achievements and strategic decisions.


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