Voronoi Diagram Application Exercise

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Voronoi Diagram Application Exercise

Real World Applications of Vornoi Diagrams could be used in urban planning to plan out where
schools and hospitals would be built so that they are equidistant from all places in the city.
Another real life application could be in the construction of cell towers to ensure that the cell
towers provide optimal coverage to all places in the city.

Voronoi diagrams in solving problems

Suppose there are 3 factories in a city each producing toxic waste. Now in order to get rid of this
toxic waste it has to be dumped somewhere however it would be a health hazard if the waste is
dumped too close to any of the residential areas. In such a case Voronoi Diagrams would be
useful as they would help us identify the largest empty circle in the city where the toxic waste
could be dumped without posing any risk to the citizens of the area and therefore solve the

Constructing Voronoi Diagrams

Question 1

The Voronoi Cell containing point R is V2. Therefore indicating that vaccination center 2 is the
closest for residents at point R to receive a flu shot.

Question 2
In this case we see that the resident lies on the perpendicular biscetor of the like F2F3 and is
infact the midpoint of points F2 and F3. Hence indicating that the Resident at point R is
equidistant from Fire Stations 2 and 3 and in the case of an emergency could reach out to either
of the two stations.

From the above exploration we can conclude that Voronoi Diagrams play a big role in urban
planning and construction of important buildings from hospitals to police stations to fire stations.
Furthermore, as technology advances and our understanding of spatial data improves, Voronoi
diagrams will continue to play a significant role in solving complex spatial problems and shaping
the way we interact with and understand the world around us.

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