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Name: ____________________________

1. Say whether these sentences are True (T) or False (F). If they
are False, justify why.

a) The word Mesopotamia comes from Greek words meaning "land between
the countries."

b) Mesopotamia is considered the beginning of civilization.

c) People in a civilization belong to the same social class and do the same
types of jobs.

d) Mesopotamia is a rich land with fertile soil. That’s why it was a good place
for the growth of agriculture.

e) Civilizations in Mesopotamia were nomads.

2. Complete the text with the words in bold.

writing / Euphrates / leader / cuneiform / commerce

Mesopotamia was one of the first places where people started to live together in
big groups. It was between two rivers called the Tigris and the ________________.
This area was good for farming because the rivers flooded regularly and left behind
rich soil.

People in Mesopotamia invented _______________. They used a kind of writing

called ______________ , which involved making marks on clay tablets. They also
made important discoveries in math, like how to measure things and count.

In Mesopotamia, there were many cities, each with its own _____________. Some of
the famous cities were Uruk, Ur, and Babylon. These cities often fought with each
other to be the most powerful.

Mesopotamians believed in many gods and goddesses. They thought these gods
controlled things like the weather and the harvest, so they worshiped them and
built big temples for them.

_____________ was really important in Mesopotamia. People would travel long

distances to exchange goods like cloth, metal, and food. They kept track of what
they traded using the cuneiform writing.
Name: ____________________________

3. Match the words with the pictures.

Cuneiform / Good place for agriculture / The king of Uruk, Gilgamesh
/ Hanging gardens of Babylon / Polytheism / Ziggurat

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