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Certified Mail Tracking# 7009 2820 0002 7988 0419

June 05, 2014

From: Mr. Patrick; Devine

"National Republic Bailor/Equity Grantor"
Republic Court-House RR#2 -27
18463 - 208th Avenue
Sigourney, Iowa,. Republic Nation
outside of the US Federal Bailment Zone [52591-8236]
Phone: (64l} 541-0035

To: Clerk of Court

United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Iowa
300 U.S. Courthouse Annex
110 East Court Avenue. Suite 300
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2035

Subject: US BAILMENT Re-Entry for BAILEE Trust Conditions Broken.

Clerk of Court,

You will process the attached 2 - WRITS OF EXECUTION for the retrieval of the BAILMENTS
placed on Trust Deposit with the US BANKRUPT -- BAILEE: held as the "UNITED STATES –
PATRICK DEVINE DTC/C£DE & Co.; CUSIP # ____________ account".

If the Territorial Limits prevent the District U.S. Marshalls and the U.S. Secret Service from
performing the required Task; then you will immediately inform me of the corr«ct Clerks Office
or you will Forward the Writ to them to process.

Thank you for your time and service.

Signature of Judgement Creditor/Equity Grantor
“the True Bailor”

ATTACHMENTS: (Writs contain I original praecipe and 2 working copies)

• My Private Judgment “US Bailment Equity – Re-Entry Case # ___________.

Page 1 of 1
FOR THE ___________________________
In the Matter of: BAILMENT RE-ENTRY Case No.: ____________
A Substantial Adverse Claim

Debtor:____________ Adversary No. ____________


Name and Address of
Judgment Creditor/True Bailor Amount of Judgment: $ ________

Clerk's Fee: $ ________

Other Costs: $ ________
Interest from: ________
Name and Address of $ ________
Judgment Debtor/BAILEE Costs of this writ: $ ________

TO THE SHERIFF OF ________________ COUNTY:

You are directed to levy upon the BAILMENT property of the above named judgment debtor to
satisfy a Re-Entry money judgment in accordance with the attached instructions.
You are notified that federal and state exemptions may be available to you and that you have a
right to seek a court order releasing as exempt any property specified from the levy.

DATE:. ____________ ____________________________

Clerk of U.S. Bankruptcy Court

I received this writ on ____________ and executed the same on ____________

Sheriff of ____________ County

BY: ___________________________
Deputy Sheriff

(A True Bailor's Judgment Action, as a Re-Entry BAILMENT for Conditions Broken.)
(to be attached to and part of the WRIT OF EXECUTION)

Time and Place Where Judgment Rendered

Names of Parties to the Action

Names of Parties to the Judgment

Amount of Judgment

Amount of Remaining Uncollected on Judgment

You are hereby ordered to [specify whether a BAILMENT garnishment, an execution on property
or some other act is sought]:

For Writs Authorizing a STATE OF ________ __BAILMENT Garnishment:

Any BAILMENT amount garnished for the payment of a support BAIL obligation. whether or not the
amount represents a current or delinquent support BAILMENT obligation, shall first be paid out of the
specific BAILMENT garnishment after subtracting applicable fees related to the issuance of the
specific BAILMENT garnishment, before any BAILMENT amounts garnished for other purposes are
paid out of the BAILMENT garnished funds. Iowa Code 642.24


FOR THE _______________________

You will issue a WRIT OF EXECUTION in the Substantial adverse claim case of:

(List Plaintiff/True Bailor's Name Below:) vs. (List Defendant/BAILEE'S Names Below:)

Case No. ______________ Judgment for: BAILMENT Re-Entry

A Substantial Adverse Claim
Date of Judgment:. _________
Judgment Amount:$ _____________
Interest Rate: ____%
Court Costs: $ ____________
Date Interest Effective From: _____________

Attorney Fees: $ ___________

Payment Information:.
(Name of Person to Receive Payment)
(City, State and Zip Code)

Date: ____________ ___________________________________

Signature of Judgment Creditor/True Bailor

STUD Y what vou are doing and understand the WORDS and the TRUE LAW.

1. Complete the information above the first set of double lines on page one of the Writ of Execution
and all of the information on page two.

2. Complete the praecipe.

3. Return the original and two copies of the completed Writ of Execution along with the original
Praecipe to the Clerk's office.

4. Upon receipt of the complete Writ and Praecipe, the C\erk's office will sign and seal the Writ and
return the copies to you.

Re-entry: The return of one previously in the country as a resident alien after a period of voluntary
absence from the country, however brief. Bonetti v Rogers, 356 US 691,2 I. Ed 2d l 087, 78 S Ct 976
(32 Tulane L Rev 778). A formal entry upon the leased premises by the lessor upon a declaration hy
him of a forfeiturc of the lease. 32 Am Jlst L & T § 87(). The resumption of possession pursuant to a
rigbt reserved when the former Possession was parted with. A remedy given by the feudal law for non-
payment of rent, but so ancient that its origin has never been traced.

“If” runs the old law, ''a man makes a feoffment. Gift,. or lease reserving rent,. with a condition that if
the rent be behind, it shall be lawful for the feoffor and his heirs to re-entcr. if the rent be behind, the
feoffor or lessor may enter into the lands and hold them in his former estate." Michaels v Fisnel, 169
NY 3&1, 3SS, 62 NE 425.
See re--entry for condition broken.

RE-ENTRY FOR CONDITION BROKEN: The interest which remains in the grantor or his
successors, or the successors of a testator, where an estate on condition subsequent has been created. 28
Am J2d Est §§ 188 et seq. Actually, a Power of Termination rather than a substantial estate. 28 Am
J2d Est§ 189.

Replevin: .An action in which the owner or one who has a general or special property in a thing taken
or detained by another, seeks to recovcr possession in specie, and sometimes the recovery of damages
as an incident of the cause. 46 Am J1st Replev § 2. The writ authorizing the seizure of the property by
the officer to whom it is directed. In some jurisdictions a written requisition subscribed by the plaintiff's
attorney directing the sheriff to seize certain described property. 46 AmJlst Replev § 79.

SUBSTANTIAL ADVERSE CLAIM: A claim which is real and actual, distinguished from one
which is merely colorable. A claim disclosing a contested matter of right involvng at least a fair doubt
and reasonable room for controversy in matters of law or fact. Harrison v Chamberlin, 271 US 191 701
Ed 897. 46 S Ct 467 (claim sufficient to deprive court of bankruptcy of constructive possession of
Adverse claim.: As respects adverse possession, a claim to possession which is hostile to the true
owner. A claim to property by one in possession thereof asserted against a trustee of receiver in
bankrupty. 9 Am Jld Bankr §§ 5052.

Power of Termination: The interest which remains in the grantor or his successors, or thc successots
of a testator, where an estate on condition subsequent has been created,. such being a right of re-entry
for condition broken. 28 Am J2d Est§§ 188 et seq.

COURT. An organ of the government consisting of one person, or of several persons,. called upon and
authorized to administer justice; a place where justice is judicially administered. 20 Am J2d Cts § 1;
judge and jury combined. Welch v Welch (Tex Civ App) 369 SWd 434.
The three elements essential to the conception of a court. are:
(1) a time when judicial functions may be exercised.
(2) a place for the exercise of judicial functions and
(3) a person or persons exercising judicia1 functions.
Hamblin v Superior Court, 195 Cal 364, 233 P 337,43 AL.R 1509. In many cases, the words "court"
and ''judge" are used interchangeably. 30A Am J Rev ed Judges § 4.

JURISDICTION. A term used in two senses as it applies to a court:

(1) In a general sense., the abstract right of a court to exercise its powers in causes of a certain class; [a
government court granted its power by valid "Republic" laws of BAILMENT.]

(2) in a particular sense. the right of a tribunal to exercise its power with respect to a particular matter.
In other words, the power of the court over the subject matter, over the res or property in contest, and
for the rendition of the judgment or decree the court assumes to make. 2D Am J2d Cts §§ 87, 88.[This
is where you come in as the Court; as the True Bailor. A Court of Bailment]

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