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Submitted to: Sir Adnan Khan

Submitted by: Mahjabeen Sarwar



YEAR 2023
Q. Explain the significance of constitution for the peace and progress of a country.
A constitution provides the fundamental framework for government, it is essential for the
progress and peace of a nation. It creates the laws, institutions, and values that direct a country’s
activities. The constitution promotes stability, justice, and is the foundation for economic
development by safeguarding individual rights, upholding the rule of law, and establishing
democratic governance. These actions ultimately promote peace and advancement within the
nation. A constitution essentially offers the foundation for a stable and well-organized society. It
describes the duties and responsibilities of the several branches of government as well as how
their powers are divided up. Maintaining structural clarity is essential for preventing power
disparities and stopping the misuse of authority. However the likelihood of peace may be
hampered by instability and conflict in the absence of a clearly established constitution.

A constitution protects people’s rights and liberties, which serves as a vital barrier against
uncertain government actions. The constitution protects citizens from excessive government
power by establishing fundamental rights including the right to life, liberty, and property. This
safety creates a feeling of security, which is necessary to create a peaceful atmosphere. By
creating an atmosphere that is favourable to investment and economic expansion, a constitution
promotes economic advancement. Economic development is based on the constitution’s
guarantees of property rights, the enforcement of contracts, and economic liberties. A sound legal
system encourages both international and domestic investment, boosting the nation’s economy
and raising people’s standards of living. A constitution also promotes inclusivity and unity by
addressing issues of regional and cultural diversity. The constitutions of many countries protect
the rights of various linguistic and ethnic communities. This acknowledgement promotes
openness and lessens the likelihood of identity-based internal conflicts.

The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan has been crucial in determining the political situation of the
country. It outlines the framework of governance, establishes the authorities and constraints of
every branch, and distributes duties between federal and local government bodies. This legal
framework promotes stability by offering a transparent framework for making decisions and
resolving disputes. The Pakistani Constitution also upholds fundamental rights, such as the rights
to property, liberty, and life, from the articles 8 to 28 giving its citizens a foundation to live in

safety from unstable government action. In addition, articles No. 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28 and
36 of the Constitution of Pakistan guarantee equal citizenship and protection of rights of
minorities. Furthermore, by creating accountability procedures and restricting the concentration
of power in one institution, the Constitution acts as a check on the misuse of power. Given that
Pakistan has experienced periods of military control throughout its history, this is particularly
important. In order to maintain democratic values and keep authority in check, the Constitution
serves as a protection.

Moreover, Pakistan’s economy has progressed due to addition of the constitutional provisions
concerning property rights, contract enforcement, and economic liberties. The Constitution
fosters economic activity and draws investment by offering a solid legal framework, which
promotes growth and raises the standard of living for individuals. It protects the rights of ethnic
communities and provinces in a nation as diverse as Pakistan, home to numerous ethnic and
linguistic groups. While maintaining a sense of national coherence, the federal system permits
regional autonomy. Moreover By resolving complaints and fostering inclusivity, the
constitutional framework’s acknowledgment of variety promotes peace and stability.

In conclusion, a nation’s constitution, especially in Pakistan’s instance, has a variety of functions

that contribute to peace and development. It offers the framework for legal government,
safeguards the rights of the person, maintains the rule of law, promotes democratic values, and
takes into account the economy and culture. A country can lay the groundwork for security,
fairness, and sustainable growth by respecting and upholding the ideals outlined in its
constitution. Therefore the constitution becomes a living document that shapes the future of the
country, not just as set of laws, but as an effort to create a society that is both peaceful and
progressive for the country.


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