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"PATRICK DEVINE - American SpendthrM Trust"_


I am, Mr. Patrick; of the family Devine, who is the Lawful Invested GrafftorTor of the Bailment
Assets placed into the "PATRICK DEVfNE - American Spendthrift Trnst"; first because of AGE per
the deceptive STATE OF IOWA "Alienation" Registration Certificate of Live Birth" and secondly because
of the Alienation" document known as the SOClAL SECURITY CARD and Transmitting Account
MBER, which has beef[ used as the Author{don for Commercial Commerce "Alienation" usage of
my In Trusted Bailment Assets.

lam of AGE, as a United States of America - Elector, a seated Administrative Functionary - Public Officer
with the aetlforify to issue this "Cease and Desist Notice and Ordef`,, per the Laws of America.

I have been effVisellf of your Commercial Commerce "ALIENATION" usage of my Bailment Assets by
way of the Commercia/ Insurance Deceptive instruments; Licenses, Certificates of Title and a!l Commercial
instruments. Pursuant to the Securities Act - 1933, such continued usage of Commercial Commerce is an
Unjust and Destructive Usury; therefore continued Commercial Commcrce nsury is an Alienff6on and
Unlawfnl in regards to Just American Commerce of Exchanges.

!have ORDERED that my Prodigal Sallee is to CEASE; to stop, to be discontinued and to go out of
Existence. Therefore, the "PATRICKDEVff4E- American SpefldtflriffTrust,,is to be Liquidated and
Returned to me, as the American Baifor by the Bailiff - the USowa - Alien PropertyCustodian.

to CEASE all Alienation Usage of my In Trusted

Accordingly, you are here and now notified and ordered
Bailmenfs held in the "PATRICK DEVINE - American Spendthrift Trust" and to DESIST from any further
harming usage of me, the Living American, as Commercial Alienation Contfnctual Collateral for your
Fraudulent Commercially Insured and Order is also under the notice to Prirfci notice
Charges. This Notice
to Agent - Rule Of Law. You are ORDERED to provide a complete Protect Accounting and make
arrangements to DELIVER the Bailmeut Trust Assets within 72 hours.

The Securities Act - 1933 prov{des fof substantial statutory damages, harm and other remedies for
American Securities lAlienation- Infringements. Should you require any additional inforrftatiOfl such as the
Account numbers, please contact me directly, by pone or in writing within 3 days.
Cease and Desist Notice and Order - "SpendthriR Trust"
Review List

This reviewIist is provided to inform you about this documentin question and assist you in its
preparation. This is an example of the NOTICE and ORDER mouesting a CEASE AND DESIST
ACTION for all "Alienations" as Commercial Commerce Attacks against America. This
documentcart be modifiedfor a host of other purposesas well.

If this does not bring the promised results then tum the matter over to your lawyer. You may be
well advised to consult with your lawyer first, especially if you think the ultimate outcome might be

1. Make multiple copies. Give one to each related party. Keep one in the relevant file.

Page 2 of t
FAITffFUL:Noun: Those who believe in and smcerely prac[:icethe prirlciples of a religious faith. Adjective: In temporal
affairs, difigent-,without unnecessary delay; as a faithful officer, a faithful servafrl:,in applying to their duties. Den ex
dew. Perry v Thompson 16 NJ L 72 73.
The guaranty of the "faithful" discharge of the duties of a county treasurer, contained in the bond required of, and
fumisbed by, him Is a guaranty, not only of personal honesty, but also of competency, skill and diligence in the discharge
of the treasurer s duties. The word is held to imply that the bonded person has assumed that measure of responsibility laid
on him by law, had no bond been given; and everything is unfaithfulness which the law does not excuse. Thurston
County use of Vescly v Chmelka 138 Neb 696, 294 NW 857, 132 ALR 1077.
FALSE PRETENSE! Literally, a false representation of a fact or cifcumstance calculated to mislead. 32 Am J2d False
Pret 2. Any trick or device whereby the property of another is obtained. 37 Am J2d Fraud 2. As an essential element
of the offense of obtaining property or money by false pretenses, an intentional fa1s6 statement concerning a material
matter of fact in reliance on which the title or possession of property is relinquished. 32 Am J2d False Pref 3- As the
basis of the exception from discharge in bankruptcy of a liability for obtaining money or property by false pretenses, a
fnIse and intentional pretense or representation which induced the creditor to part with money or property to be repaid or
paid for later. 9 Am J2d Bankr 782.
FALSIFIE If: A I..f!fLOne who wiHfullymakes untruthful statements. Tawney v Simonsort Whitcomb, & Hurley Co. 109
Minn 341, 124 NW 229.
CLAIM AND DELIVERY: A statutory action in some jurisdictions, partaking of the natufe of common-law replevin in
contemplating the recovery of the specific property claimed where such is possible,
CLAIMANT: One who claims; a voluntary applicant for justice; the Ifbellant Ena proceeding in rem in admiralty or one
who ;appeaf.sin such a proceeding to claim the res or an interest therein, 2 Am J2d Adm 142.
LIBEL: An initial pleading i.n a suit in admiralty; the pleading whereby litigation is brought into an Admiralty Court. 2 Am
J2d Adm 175. A malicious publication, expressed either in printing, writing typewritings or by signs and pictures,
tending either to blacken the memory of one who is dead, or the reputation of one who is alive, and expose him to public
hatred, contempt, or ridicule. 33 Am J ISLL &S3.
LIBELLANT: The complaining party in an admiraltyor ecclesiastical suit.
LfBELLEE: The defendant in an admiralty or ecclesiastical soft
LIBEL OP ACCUSATION! A formal accusation chafging a person with the commission of a criminal offense; an
FORMAL CONTRACT: A written contract duly executed also under seal where a seal is required by law.
ACCUSATION: A declaration or statement that another person is guilty of some offense or misconduct- A formal charge
of the commission of a crime, such as a complainr, information or affidavit. Informing accused of nature and contents of
charge. 21 Am J2d L 324.
LIBEL OF INFORMATION; A pfeading in a proceeding brought to obtain a forfeiture containing a substantial
9tatement of the offense upon which the forfeiture is predicated. 23 Am Jlst Forf & P 15" A pleading in admiralty
demanding a forfeiture because of breach of revenue, navigation, or other laws of the United States. 2 Aw J2d Adm
176 A pleading asking for the sci and condemnation of property, such as adulterated or misbranded dftfgS. 21 USC
334(a), (b).
IvfAINATION; Contriving a plot or conspiracy. The act of planmftg or contriving a scheme for
execuring some pnfpose, particularly aft evil purpose; aft artful design formed th delibefafion.
MONSTER:A prodigions birth; a human birth or offspring not having me shape of mankmd; which cannot be heir to any
land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage. Bract, fol. 5; Co. Lin" 7, 8; 2 Bl. Comm. 246.
PRODIGUS: (Roman law.) A prodigal; a s ; an extravagant person.
MONSTRANS DE DROIT: L.Fr In English law. A showing or manifestation of rig one of the common law methods
of obtaintng possession or restitution ff om the crowo, cf either real or persona} property. It is the Proper proceeding when
the right of the party, as well as the right of the crown, appears upon record, and consists in putting in a claim of right
grounded on facts already acknowledged and established, and prayWg the judgment of the court whether upon these facts
the king or the subject has the right. 3 Bl. Comm. 256; 4 Coke, 546-
MONSTRANS DE FAITS; L.Fr. In old English practice. A showWg of deeds; a species of Pfoferf" Cowell-
pROFERT: An offer made formally in a pleading to produce a particular document relied upon by the Pleader by way of
cause of action or defense. 41 Am Jf st PI 60. The production o or offer to produce, a document, made by a Party to aft
action for the purpose of enabling his adversary W read and examine the document. A means of getting a bail bond before
the court for action. 8 Am J2d Bail !54.
MONSTRAVERUNT, WRIT OF: In English law. A writ which lies for the tenants of ancient demesne who hold by free
charter, and not for those tenants who hold by copy clcourt roll, or by the rod, according to the custom of the manor`
Fi. Nat. Brev, 14.
MONTESPIETATfS: Public pawn"broking establishments; instifutions estabJished by govemment, in some European
countries, for lending small sums of money on pledges of personal property. In Ffafice they are called"fnonfs depUU ."
MOBS OMNfA SOLVIT: Death dissolves alt things. Jenk~Cent. p~ 160, case 2. Applied to the case of the death of a
parry to an action.
PURSE: A pocket book~ The handbag of a wonrafl Something valuable offered by way of a fn.iZefor the winner of a
contest, Stone v Cfay (CA7 III) 61 F 889, 890 (hofserace). A wager if the person offering it stands a chance of winning it
back in competftion.24 An]L
Jlst gaming 100.
PURSER: An ocer of a ship, particularly a ship carrying passengers, in charge of fife accounts of the vesse\ and
transactions with passengers. A ship's officer who represents tffo owners of fife vessel as their focal agent. Spinefte v
Atlas Steamship Co. (NY) 14 Hun I00, 105. Not a "clerk" within the meaning of a bequest to clerks. Anno: 38 ALR 789,
FlSC: The Tf easury of a state, a government, or a Prince.
FISCAL AGENT: An agent acting for a public body in reference to its financial affairs. An agent invested with the funds
and the conduct of the financial affairs of another person, business, association, society, or club.
FISCAL YEAR: An accounting period of twelve months, such as that of the United States Government which ends on
June 30th of each year. The annual period on the basis of which the taxpayer regularly computes his income in keeping
his books. IRC 441(c).
FORFEIT U RE: A word often used as a synonym of "penalty" but which is, precisely, a divestiture of property without
compensation, in consequence of a default or an otfefase, 36 Am J2d Foff & P I; an enforced and involuntary loss of a
right. Storm v Barbara Oil Co. 177 Kan 589, 282 P2d 417.
FORFEITURE BY ALIENATION: The forfeiture of property back to the American InvestOr (Prince) based upon the
deceptive and forced "BAR" governmental brokered alienations, who were to be the protectors and enforcers of JustiCe.
ALIENATION CLAUSE: The condition stated in a RRHfYillcfffrjH II-'fjna{ JOSSof property by fire, windstorm, etc., that
the policy shafJ become void in case of the sale or conveyance of the property, or a change in interest or title to the
insured property, fhfjut the~Goem of tb surer. 29A Am J Rev ed Iffs 825.
AL(KNOB: The gfafltOr in a conveyance, one who afienaltes, that is, transfers ownership to affntlfef.
ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN: An officer, appoh]fed pursuanf to the Tr `ming wffft the Enemy Act of 1917 and
nnfendfneflfS thereto, to take custody, at the of the prf!sidcnf of the United States, of the property, corporeal aIfd
inc of an encmv at not licensed to retain control of his. 56 AnfJlst War 85.
ALIEN REGISTRATION ACT: A federal statute constitutfftg a part of the comprehensive scheme for the regulation of
aliens, requifing the registration and fingerprinting of all aliens in the connfry, those over 14 years of age On tneir own
afmlication and these under 14 years of age on the applicariofl of parent or guardian. 8 USC 1301, 1302; 3 Am J2d
Aliens 112.
ALIEN RESIDENT: A person who is a citizen of another country but resilug in the United States. See expatriate.
ALIENUS: Belonging to belonging to another country, an alien
SPENDTIffIfFT: One so prodigal, profligate, or drunken, that there is need lor the appointment of a guardian. 25 Am list
G & W 20, In common usage, a careless spender; one who does not know the value of monev.
SPENDTIfIRfFT TRUST: A Trust created to provide a fund for the maintenance of the beneficfnry which sbalf be secure
against his improvidence or iffcapacity. Haes65 v Manley, 310 Vt 413, 8 A2d 644- A Trust which Restrains either
Voluntary or InvoluntaryAlienation by the beneficiary of his interest in the trust, or which, in other words, barn such
interest fionf seizure In sarisIaction of his debts. Reefers' Estate, 334 Pa 225., 3 A2d 413, 121 ALR 1301.
flt ESTIfAIN; To prohibit limit confine, Dr abridge a thing Of a person, either temporarily or permanently for a day only.
or for all time. Re Charge to Grand Jury C 111) 62 F 828, 83 f .
RESTRAINING ORDER: Broadly, any injunction other than a mandatory injunction, In common legal usage, an order
granted without notice to the adverse party, intended only as a restraint on him until mo propriety of granting a
temporary injunctmn cart be determined, having no effect other than that of preserving the status quo until hearing upon
application for a preliminary or temporary injunction. Rogers v Kendall, 173 Wash 390, 23 II 2d 862. A eease and desist
order by an administrative agency. 2 Am J2d Admin L 467.
CEASE: To Stop: to Discontinue; to Co Out of Existence. Oakland Pavflfg Co. v Hilton, 69 Cal 479, f f P 3.
CEASE AND DESIST ORDER: An ORDER by an administrative agency wflfch requires that certafft practices
specified be stopped. 2 Am J2d Admin L 467.
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY: A functionary concerned with adffiinfstrafive law. 1 Am J2d Adm L 49. A single
officer, board, commission, office. or depaftment exercising administrative authf fity. I Am J2d Adm L 8'
FUNCTIONARY: A public officer-
ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLIOYEE: An employee who performs a variety of important furlctiens of the hulsiness but has
no manalgeriaJ authority. Anno: 40 ALR2d 340.

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