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Alona P.


Assignment: Prof Ed 7
Direction: Answer this question. Pass it on thru google drive. Deadline of submission will be on

How does media literacy change you?

Media literacy was able to equip me with the ability to critically analyze and evaluate media

messages. I have learned to question the purpose, source, and credibility of the information

presented, which helps me make more informed decisions about what to believe or consume.

Aside from that, I also became an active participant in media consumption rather than a passive

recipient. I am now better equipped to recognize biases, stereotypes, and manipulative

techniques used in media content, allowing me to resist manipulation and make independent

judgments. Furthermore, media literacy encourages me to consider the ethical implications of

media consumption and production. I am able to recognize and respect the rights of others,

including the right to privacy, dignity, and accurate representation, which fosters a more ethical

media culture. It raises my awareness of the pervasive influence of media in shaping attitudes,

beliefs, and behaviors. In addition, I have become more mindful of the media content I

consume and its potential impact on my perceptions of myself, others, and the world around

me. As I recognized those positive changes when my teacher told me about media literacy, I am

now aiming to be a media literate person who possesses the skills, knowledge, and attitudes

necessary to critically analyze, evaluate, and create media messages in various forms and

Alona P. Garner

Activity: Prof Ed 7

Direction: Create, draw or design your own digital technology and explain its uses.

Explanation: This gadget is not just a normal watch since it can analyze the person’s emotions

by just wearing it. I want to create this kind of technology in order for us to express our

emotions without needing to speak or tell them since most people are not able to tell or

express what they are feeling to others. Also, there are some people who are having a hard

time reading other’s emotions. You can read the benefits of my design below:

1. Improved Communication: This gadget could help individuals better understand the

emotions of others, leading to improved communication and interpersonal

relationships. By accurately recognizing emotions, people could respond more

empathetically and effectively in various social situations.

2. Enhanced Mental Health Support: This watch could be used as a tool for monitoring

and managing mental health. It could help individuals recognize their own emotions

more clearly and provide feedback or suggestions for coping strategies or seeking

professional help when needed.

3. Increased Empathy: By providing insight into the emotions of others, this gadget could

promote empathy and understanding among individuals. This could lead to more

compassionate interactions and a greater sense of connection within communities.

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