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Mathematics (Basic)

Time : 3 hrs Max. Marl,'"5 : 80

ctions A B, C, D and E.
1. This question paper has 5 Se es tio ns (MCQs) carrying 1 mark ea
ltiple Ch oic e Qu
2. Section A has 20 Mu Qu estions carrying 2 marks ea
An sw er- I (SA -I) Ty pe
3. Section B has 5 Short pe Questions carrying 3 marks
An sw er- II (SA -II) Ty
4. Section C has 6 Short es tions carrying 5 marks each
An sw er (LA ) Ty pe Qu
5. Section D has 4 Long of assessment (4 marks ea
B~ sed integ rat ed un its ns of 3 marks
6. Section E has 3 Case
int ern al ch oice in 2 questions of 2 marks, ~ questio
ory. However, an ed in the 2 marks
7. All questions are compuls be en pro vid ed . An internal choice has been provid
and 2 questions of 5 marks
questions of Section E. .
uir ed . Take rr = 22 /7 wh erever required if no t stated
ver req
8. Draw neat figures where

■ Section A
questions of 1m ar k each
Section A consists of 20
cto r of LA . 4. Fo r wh ic h na tural nu m be r (12)n can
l bise
1. In MBC, AD is the interna th en th e ne ve r en d with the digit n?
BC =7 .5 cm ,
If BD =S cm and (a) 0 or 5
(b) 2 or 4
value of AB : AC is (d) 4 or 3
(c) 2 or 3
(a) 2 : 1 (b )2 :4
BC , touching
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 3 : 2 5. A circle is in sc rib ed in a M respectively.
e eq ua tio n2 x 2 -3 x= 0 is BC, CA an d AB at P, Q an
2. e ro ot s of th d CQ = 5 cm,
3 If AB = 10 cm, AQ = 7 cm an
0, -
(a) (b) 0 -
I 2 then th e length of BC is
3 (b) 5 cm
(d) 0, 2 (a) 8 cm
(c) 0, 3 (d) 10 cm
(c) 4 cm
cle of diameter
3. The circumference of a cir 6. The value of
28 cm is 60 ° is
(a) 85 cm (b) 88 cm ta n 60 °c ot 30 ° + ta n 30 °c ot
10 (d) 5
(c) 90 cm (d) 75 cm (a) 4 (b) 2 (c)
la) 2
ector of a circle having
(cJ J (bJ 0
area of kt~cgsan angle of x, is l<fl 4
1ne µ JTla in 17. The pair of C(JUat,o,u
. ~.
• radius 2 (b) ~ x 2nR X "'- 2 .,. -
t " nfl 360 - 4X - 8 y + 20 = 0 hag - -' - :, := 0 a;:-4
(a) j8D° 2 (d) ~ x rtR2 (a J unjque solution
~ " 2nfl 360°
(b>~ ly two S<JtutJons
(cl J8D° .. nFE LA === 300 , LC -50°
- , th en (cJ infinitely man-, ~
ac-~ , (d) no MJlution • ~
Jf M of LF is
, we valtJC ) 1ooo (c) 30° (d) 50" 18. The length of the shadow
a pole of height JSm ~the UOUnd d
(a) 80 f(2 >< 3 2 x 5) and (2 2 x 3 x 53 )is
9, fhe
LCMO(b) (c) 900 (d) 1500 elevation e of the sun . ....._\.. the angir of
30 IS ->uui that tan 8 = ~
(a) 4500
rhe d1~tan
ce between the pomts (2, 3) and ~
(a) 24 m <b) 21 m
(4, 1), JS (b) 2 units (c) J 5.42 m (d) .,
(a) Ji unit_S (d) 4 units
(c) zfi units Directions In the question .,..._1.._
I UUTtUQ' 19 and 20

of the sector of a circle with statement of Assertion (A 1 is followed uv' a

fhe. areacm and of ang1e 300 1s
. stat~ment of Reason (RJ. Choose tlze .. a
radius 4
crn2 (b) 5.25 cm
2 option. correa
(a) 8·
37 2 (d) 5 .65 cm
(c) 6.13 crn
19. ~ o n (A) The point (-1, 6) dmdes the
line segmer~l joining the points (- 3• IO)
The relation between x and y such that the
and (6, - 8) m the ratio 2 : 7 intemalh:
pointP(x, y) is equidistant from the points
A(l, 4) and B( -1, 2) is
Reason (R) Given, three points i e_ B. A:
C from an equilateral triall2:le. then
(a) _v = x +4 (b) y =3x+2 AB=BC=CA -
(c) y = 3- x (d) y = 4x + 4
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) arc tme
If the mean of the first n natural numbers and Reason (R) is the correcr e:q:,b w.riwm
· is 18, then the value of n is of Assertion (A) .
(a) 18 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 35 (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are O'lJle
but Reason (R) is not the correct e:spbnarioo
. The value of x for which 2x, x + 10 and of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is tme but Reason (R) is blsc..
3x +2 are in AP is
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason 00 is true.
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 8 20. ~rtion (A) If A.4BC and Af>QR are
. The graph of a polynomial f (x) is as shown
congruent triangles. then they are also
similar triangles.
in figure, the number of zeroes of f(x) is
Reason (R) All congruent triangles are
similar but the similar triangles need not
be congruent.
(a) Both Assertion lA) :uid Reason (R> ruT cruc
and Reason (R) is the correct esplanat:JOD

of Assertion (A).
(a) 1 (b) Both Assertion (A) and Rt"a.son tRl ~ -UiJf
(b) 2 but Reason (R) is not the correct o ~U®
(c) 3
(d) 4 of Assertion (A). 0 ) ~ c... 1~
. b Reason (1" a l -•
If 2 is a root o f the equation kx 2
· th - x - 2 = 0, (c) Assertion (A) ~s ~~ ut Reason lRJ i~ rruc.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but
en the value of k, is
1 Section B
ection B consists of S questions of 2 marks
21. Sol ve for x 24. Jn the give n figure, 0 is the centre of
circle, PT is the tang ent dra wn frolll ;he
1 3x+ 9 3 poi nt P to the he
2x O x~ 3- -
-+ -- + -- -- -= 1 1
2 circ le and PAB
x-3 2x+3 (x- 3)( 2x +3)
pas ses thro ugh
2 2
22. Sho w tha t 2(co s 45° + tan 60° ) the cen tre O of
the circle. P a
2 2
- 6(sin 45° - tan 30° ) = 6.
2 If PT=6 cm and
Or Sho w tha t 2(si n 45° +cos 45° )- tan 45° PA= 3 cm, then
+co sec 45° -se c45 ° =2✓ 2 -1 find the rad ius of the cir cle.

23. Fin d the rati o in whi ch the line seg men t 25. In the given figure, PQ //NO. M
join ing A(1, -5) and B(- 4, 5) is divided by If MP =_i_ and MO =20.4
the X-axis. PN 13
Or Fin d the coo rdin ates of poin ts on the cm,
X-axis whi ch are at the dist anc e of 17 units then find MQ.
from the poi nt (11, -8) .

1 Section C
iection C consists of 6 questions of 3 marks
Or Prove that
26. A circle with diam eter 20 cm is draw n
som ewh ere on a rect ang ular piece of cosec A - 1 + cos ec A+ 1 = 2 sec A
pap er with leng th 40 cm and width 30 cm. cosec A+ 1 cos ec A - 1
This pap er is kept horizontal on table top
and a die, very small in size, is dropped on 29. If the seventh term of an AP is I9 and its
the rectangular pap er without seeing
towards it. If the die falls and lands on the nint h term is ..!., find its 63r d term .
pap er only, then find the probability that it 7
will fall and land inside the circle. n is not a rati ona l number, if
30. Prove that ✓
21. In the following figure, CM and RN are n is not a per lect squ are.
respectively the medians of MB C and Or

M'QR. If MB C ~ M'QR, prove that
The length, bre adth and heig ht of a room
are 8 m 25 cm, 6 m 75 cm and 4 m 50 cm,
respectively. Find the leng th of the longest
rod that can mea sure the thre e dimensions
R of the roo m exactly.
(ii) CM = AB
(i) MM C~ M'N R
RN PQ 31. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower
from cert ain poi nt is 30°. If the observer
28. Prove that moves 20 m tow ard s the tower, the angle of
2 -A--1)
A(s1-ec+ sin +sec 21s-in- A-1)
- = 0. elevation of the top incr ease s by 15°. F'md
A 1 + sec A the heig ht of the tow er.
ction D
se nD
consists of 4 questions of S marks each
a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards, one
f roIT1 . drawn. Fmd the probability that 34.
rd 1s . A wooden article w
c.i..a car·d drawn is out a hemisphe fr as lllade by scoo .
u,e een of black colour. cyl. d re om each d Ping
m er, as shown i en of a solid
(i) a qu d with number 5 or 6. figure. n sen,

··) a car
.•·) a ca rd with number less than 8 .
rd with number between 2 and 9.
If ~e height of the
~Ylinder is 20 cm and
(i,') a ca
(v) a f
ace card. its base is of radius 20 cm

d5 umbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . , 17 are put 5 cm, find the total

or ~ara ~ox and mixed thoroughly. One s~alce area of the -----.
ante e. --------
perso n draws a card from the box.
in 5 an

Or The volume of two spheres are in th .

find the probabiHty that the number on 64 : 27. Fmd their radii "f h e ratio
the card is radii is 21 cm. . t t e sum of their
(i) an odd number. 35.
(ii) a prime number. Find the mean of the following fr
distrib f equency
(iii) divisible by 2 and 3 both.
u ion using step-deviation method.
Marks obtained Number of students
(iv) a multiple of 3 or 5. less than 10
less than 20
33_ If 22 is a root of the quadratic equation Less than 30
3x + px - 8 = 0 and the quadratic 37
2 Less than 40 58
equation 4x - 2 px + k =0 has equal roots, Less than 50 67
find the value of k. Less than 60 75

Section E
study based questions are compulsory
. Pankaj's father gave him some money to
37. A test consists of 'True' or 'False'
buy avocado from the market at the rate of questions. One mark is awarded for every
p(x) =x -24x+128.
correct answer while ! mark is deducted
Leta,~ are the zeroes of p(x). 4
for every wrong answer. A student knew
On the basis of above information, answer answers to some of the questions. Rest of
th e following questions. the questions he attempted by guessing.
(i) Find the value of a and J3, where a < J3. He answered 120 questions and got 90
(1) marks.
(ii) If a and ~ are zeroes of x2 + BBx +125, Type of Marks given for Marks deducted for
correct answer wrong answer
th question
en find the value of_!_ + .!.. 025
a J3 (2)

If surn 0 f
Or On the basis of abo~e information' answer
zeroes of q(x) = kx 2 +2x+3k is c 11 ing questions.
equal t h • t he 10 . ow . ns be attempted
value ofo t eir product, then find the (i) If answer to all questlo then how many
1 k. (2) by guessing were wrong, rrectly? ( 1)
Find h .
questions did he answer co
t e value of p (2). (1)
(ii) Ho w many questions did he gu . fig ur e a cir cle wi th centr
(iii) If an · s he
sw er to all question
ess? (1) !n gi~;nd in a Msc, su ch th at it to~ 0
attempte d 1nhsc~1d es AB BC an d CA at po in tsD
by guessing we re wrong an d answere t e s1 e , nc es
d F respectively. Th e len gt hs of and , ~
BO correctly, the n how many marks
got? he
AB, BC an d CA ar e 12 cm , 8 cm and lOc
Or If an sw er to all questions he att respectively.
empted '
by guessing we re wrong, then how ma C
questions answered correctly to score
ma rk s? 95
38. Va ru n
ha s be en se lec ted by his School to
de sig n log o fo r Sp or ts Day T-shirts
fo r A
stu de nt s an d staff. The logo design
is as
gi ve n in th e figure an d he is work On th e ba sis of ab ov e in fo rm ati on ,
ing. on . answer
th e fo nts an d different colours ac co th e fo llo wi ng qu es tio ns .
rd in g
to th e th em e. (i) Find the len gt h of AD ·
(ii) Find th e len gt h of BE .
(l )
(iii) If ra di us of th e cir cle is 4 cm ,
Find the
ar ea of M BC .
If ra di us of th e cir cle is 4 cm, Fmd
ar ea of /lOFC.

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