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Certified Mail # _________________________________

Patrick Devine - Foreign Substitute W-8BEN Form

and my FOREIGN AFFIDAVIT over the Internal United States – Foreign STATES:
as an American Vessel Owner over the “Foreign STATE – Social Security Charterers”.

This is my Foreign Affidavit of my United States of American “Major” Banked Exemption Status; I am
an American Individual, as an “Inheritance Birth Certificate Registered Treasury Banked” Vessel Owner and
Grantor under the protections of the Federal Governmental Charter. I am the Grantor and Owner of my SS
VESSEL under a Foreign Charter with the “Foreign STATE” Social Security Administration, as the Foreign S.S.
Charterer/Mortgagee; who is holding my Vessel Cargo of Credits, as “MORTMAIN Accounts” in a Foreign
Country’s “Off-Shore Depository Treasury Bank”. The Foreign STATE - S.S. Charterer and all Foreign STATE
Sub-Charterers and Sub-Freighters and the fraudulent receiver of the Benefits of the Charter. They are the
Beneficial Owners and Incidental Beneficiary Enjoyers of the Charter and the ones required to pay and settle all
Bills and Income Taxes from their For Hire Profits and restore to this American Owner, his maturity Cargos.
PART 1 – Agent’s Identification for the American Vessel Owner and the Foreign STATE - S.S. CHARTERER:
1) Name of Vessel Owner: Patrick Devine
and capacity as a Private Bank Agent/Fiduciary; Individual Banker
EIN – Employment Identifying Number: XX-XXXXXXX
2) Date of American Vessel Berthing was: 01-01-0001
3) Country of incorporation: N/A - not incorporated – an American/Foreign CHARTER
4) The Foreign Beneficial Owner: is a Foreign Financial Institution (FFI):
known as the Social Security Administration; the CHARTERER of the Granted SS Vessels
5) Foreign S.S. Chartered Vessel “Off-Shore” Cargo Contact: c/o Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico
“Off-Shore” Domicile address: 10 Paseo Covadonga
City or town, state or province: San Juan, 00901
Country/Phone contact #: Puerto Rico / 787-200-7700, ext. 6204
6) Fiduciary – Vessel Owner’s Mailing address: c/o 18463 - 208th Avenue (non-resident)
City or town, state or province, postal code: Sigourney, Republic of Iowa 52591-8236
Country: United States of America Major
7) Foreign Social Security Chartered Vessel “Mortmain Beneficiary” Name: DEVINE, PATRICK
and “Off-Shore” S.S. Safe Deposit account # 123456789
and Foreign “Off-Shore” S.S. Bank Routing Number: 123-45-6789
8) Foreign Sub-Chartered Medicare Vessel “Mortmain Beneficiary” Name: DEVINE, PATRICK
and “Off-Shore” Medicare Safe Deposit account # 123456789A
and Foreign “Off-Shore” Bank Routing Number: 123-45-6789
9) Foreign Sub-Chartered Selective Service Military V.A. Vessel Name: DEVINE, PATRICK PAUL
and “Off-Shore” V.A. Safe Deposit account # xxxxxxxxxxx
and Foreign “Off-Shore” Bank Routing Number: 123-45-6789
10) Vessel Owner’s LIEN as a Maritime ESTATE Name Matured Mortgage Claim; PATRICK DEVINE
and Number, as an EIN “Exemption Identification Number”: XX-XXXXXXX
11) Reference documents(s) Substitute fiduciary 56 and 56F forms, Declaration of Independence, Universal
Maritime and U.S. Constitutional - Chartering Laws and Statutes.
Part II – This American Privately Owned Chartered S.S. Vessel is under a Foreign Charter to the “Foreign
STATE S.S. CHARTERER”, as a Foreign Financial Institution (FFI); known as the Social Security
Administration, a Foreign Controlled and Off-Shore Financial Vessel Chartering and Banking Corporation;
as the Charter “Beneficial Owners and Beneficial Enjoyers”; along with the other main Beneficiary, the
UNITED STATES Governmental Commercial Corporation.
As the American Vessel Owner, I am protected by Treaty; known as the Declaration of Independence
and the Constitutional Grantor’s Statutory - Cesser’s Clause; known as the Statute at Large, Fortieth

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Certified Mail # _________________________________

Congress: Sess. II. Ch. 249. July 27, 1868; the Right of Expatriation Act; which I can invoke at any
time as an American Vessel Owner to Override any unjust, deceptive and destructive Foreign Charters
Created by the 14th Amendment – where the S.S.A is one as a PERSON; using usury, bondage, fraudulent
concealments and beneficial insurance policies to make income profits and then withhold the all payments
to Vessel Owner preventing Debt settlements. I stand as the Fiduciary over the Foreign State Controlled -
S.S. Charterer, all S.S. Sub-Charterers and S.S. Sub-Freighters operating my S.S. Vessel in their usury
system for their unjust Incidental Beneficiary monetary Hiring Profits.
Part III – My Foreign Affidavit and Foreign Certification:
Under penalties of perjury, as the American Grantor of this Foreign Charter, I declare that I have
examined this Foreign Affidavit and to my knowledge and belief all of my statements are true, correct, and
complete. I further certify it to be a true FACT per the LAWS of this Nation.
a) I am, the Vessel Owner of the “DEVINE, PATRICK – Foreign S.S. Chartered Vessel and Cargo
“Mortmain” Account” which is imprisoned, as a foreign “Off-Shore” Safe Deposit Account and I am
invoking my Right of Cesser per the “Expatriation Act” 14th Congress, Sess. II, Ch. 249, of 1868.
b) My Agent is my Individual Banker/Fiduciary/Attorney-in-Fact person and is not a Foreign UNITED
STATES Corporation CITIZEN or a Foreign STATE Corporate PERSON/EMPLOYEE.
c) My Exemption Status and Credits to which this Affidavit form relates are; my being a Non-Beneficiary
of the Charter Profits but I am the Vessel Owner, who is Due my just Rents from the Fraudulent Usury
by the Foreign Commercial S.S. Chartering Corporations.
d) Based upon my Status, as an America Vessel Owner, I stand in rem as a Fiduciary over all of my
Foreign UNITED STATES, STATE OF and PUBLIC Commercial Chartering Corporations per their
Promissory Notes; as they are the true Debtors by their fraudulently concealing the Fact of being both
the Beneficial Owners and an Incidental Beneficiary Enjoyer of the Profits, which is against the LAW.
e) Therefore, all Bills of Debt and Taxes are the Liability of the Foreign S.S. Charterer, Sub-Charterers
and Freighters as they are the “Incidental Beneficiary’s” to pay per the Laws of Charter.
Furthermore, I authorize this form to be provided to the Foreign S.S. Charterer and any Sub-Charterers/Sub-
Freighters under Obligation to this American Vessel Owner per my recorded Maritime Vessel Lien. This document is to
also stand as my pre-Court Maritime Filing document against any dual “Beneficial Owner/Incidental Beneficiary” or
Charterer Agent, who claims “Anticipatory Repudiation” or “Repudiation of Contract” per my Constitutional Charter
Protected Rights.

Dated: _____________________
Under Affidavit Authority - Signed and Sealed by:__________________________________ Authority as an Agent
Individual Banker – Private CFO/ Fiduciary for the Vessel Owner


Iowa State;
Keokuk County.
As this document is noted to be a Foreign Affidavit and it is required to be Signed and Sworn under Oath
before Government Notary. So on this the 1st day of December, 2015; Patrick Devine, personally known to me or
proven to me by a valid Iowa State photo ID # _________________; to be of Age and appears to be of a sound
mind, did sign and swore under oath that this Affidavit is his documented truths and beliefs. Therefore, as a Duly
Commissioned and Authorized Iowa Official Notary by the Constitutional Statutes of Iowa to administer oaths, I
do Attest to and Certify the Authority of Patrick Devine; thereby making this Affidavit valid per the Law, in
order for it to be presented into and required to be accepted into any United States - Foreign State’s Jurisdiction.
Signature: _______________________________ Title: _____________________________________
Printed Name: ______________________________ My commission expires: ________________
(under my Notary Seal)

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