CSAT 2024 - Test 6 - Level 2

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PASSAGE - 1 65 percent of the GDP, but there are not enough
facilities to address the issues of air quality,
The sugar maple is a hard maple tree. It transport, etc., that are vital to identifying
can grow as tall as 100 feet and as wide as 4 feet. sustainable solutions. We need to involve citizens
The sugar maple is commercially valued for its sap, in city planning and create an ecosystem that
which is used in making maple syrup. Two meets the needs of the people.
northeastern states, Vermont and New York, rank 2. Which of the following is the most logical and
as major producers of maple syrup. In Canada, rational inference that can be made from the
Quebec’s annual syrup production surpasses 2.5 passage given above?
million gallons. To make pure maple syrup, holes (a) Our cities need to have well-defined
are made in the trunk of the tree at the end of administrative set-up with sufficient
winter or in early spring. The water-like sap seeps autonomy.
through the holes and runs through a plastic spout (b) Ever increasing population densities is a
that is put into the hole. Afterwards, the collected hindrance in our efforts to achieve sustainable
sap is transferred into tubes that are hooked up to development.
a tank kept in the sugar house. Then, the sap goes (c) To maintain and develop our cities we need to
through the boiling process. Boiling enhances adopt sustainability related interventions.
flavour and adds colour to the sap. Once the sugar (d)Public-private Partnership mode of
content of the sap is about 65%–66%, the sap is development is the viable long-term solution
ready to be strained and marketed. Maple syrup for the infrastructure and sustainability
found in supermarkets, however, is usually not problems in India.
pure and has other additives. The colour of pure
maple may range from golden honey to light
brown. Between 35 to 50 gallons of sap is needed PASSAGE - 3
to produce 1 gallon of maple syrup. Also, popular
for the strength and finish of its wood, the sugar The last twenty years have witnessed an
maple tree has been put to use in furniture, explosion of growth opportunities for women in
interior woodwork, flooring, and crates. industry especially at the decision making level.
1. According to the passage, which of the following Today more and more young women have a
periods is ideal for sapping? chance to walk the competitive edge and prove
(a) End of winter or in early spring that their abilities are at par with, if not better
(b) Beginning of winter or in early spring than, those of their male colleagues.
(c) End of winter or late spring However, as they are beginning to storm
(d) Throughout the year the traditionally male bastions of management
they are finding out that the roads to success are
paved with difficulties. They discover very early in
Our cities are extremely vulnerable to
their career that the battle for supremacy in
climate change because of large concentrations of
corporate organizations calls into play not only the
populations and poor infrastructure. Moreover,
forces of power, control and dominance, but
population densities are increasing in them but we
issues of gender, attitude and acceptance of
have not yet developed the systems to address
climate change impacts. Our cities contribute to
3. The first sentence of the passage implies that job 8. Find the Missing term in the following puzzle:
(A) for women at the managerial level have
(B) in the corporate sector have increased
(C) for women have increased
(D) in industry have increased
4. Which of the following phrases best reflects the
meaning of 'male bastions'?
(A) careers for males
(B) management styles of males
(C) management abilities of males
(D) management areas dominated by males a) 3 b) 4 c) 8 d) 12
5. According to the passage, women in high positions
also have Consider the following Venn diagram and answer
(A) problems related to power and control the questions below based on the information.
(B) problems related to roles of women in society
(C) some problems
(D) no problems at all

6. Are all the five friends - A, B, C, D and E - who are

seated around a circular table facing the centre?
I. A sits to the left of B. B faces the centre. D and E
are immediate neighbours of each other. C sits
second to the right of E.
II. D sits second to right of C. C faces the centre.
Both E and A are immediate neighbours of D. B sits Square - Persons interested in drawing paintings
second to the right of A. Rectangle - Persons interested in games
(a) If the data in Statements I alone are sufficient Triangle - Persons interested in Dance
to answer the question, while the data in Circle - Persons interested in Drama Act
Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer.
(b) If the data in Statement II alone are sufficient 9. The persons who are interested in Dance and
to answer the question, while the date in Drama but neither interested in painting nor
Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the games.
question a) 1 b) 4 c) 5 d) 3
(c) If the data in Statement I alone or in Statement 10. The persons who interested in all
II alone is sufficient to answer the question a) 3 b) 6 c) 2 d) 3
(d) If the data in both the Statements I and II are 11. The number of persons who interested in any of
not sufficient to answer the question the art is
a) 15 b) 20 c) 16 d) 21
7. Find the Missing term in the following puzzle: 12. The number of persons who are not interested in
drawing paintings but interested in games
a) 22 b) 25 c) 26 d) 7
13. The persons who are interested in at-least three
a) 3 b) 6 c) 9 d) 18
a) 28 b) 29 c) 30 d) 58
Data related to Human Resource of a Multinational Company (X) which has 146 Offices Across 8 Countries

Countries Offices Total Number of Respective Ratio of Male Percentage of Post-

Employees and Female Employees graduate Employees
A 16 2568 5:7 75
B 18 2880 11:5 65
C 14 2310 10:11 40
D 22 3575 3:2 60
E 13 2054 7:6 50
F 17 2788 20:21 75
G 24 3720 8:7 55
H 21 3360 9:5 80
14. If the number of male post-graduate employees in country H is 1800, what percent of female employees in
that particular country is post-graduate?
a) 76 b) 74 c) 72 d) 64
15. In which of the given countries is percentage of women employees to number of employees (both male and
female) in that country the second lowest?
a) G b) B c) E d) H
16. What is the respective ratio between total number of male employees in countries B and H together and total
number of female employees in countries C and D together?
a) 63 : 52 b) 51 : 38 c) 77 : 64 d) 69 : 44
17. What is the difference between average number of post-graduate employees in countries A, B and D together
and average number of post-graduate employees in countries F, G and H together?
a) 282 b) 276 c) 316 d) 294
18. Which of the given countries has the highest number of average employees per office?
a) F b) H c) B d) C

Read the following information and answer the following:

19. What is the ratio between the number of appeared candidates from states C and E together and the appeared
candidates from states A and F together?
(a) 17 : 33 (b) 11 : 13 (c) 13 : 27 (d) 17 : 27
20. What is the difference between the number of qualified candidates of states D and G
(a) 690 (b) 670 (c) 780 (d) 720
21. What is the percentage of qualified candidates to that of appeared candidates from states B and C taken
a) 23.11 b) 24.21 c) 21.24 d) 23
22. What is the ratio between number of candidates qualified from states B and D together and the number of
candidates appeared from state C respectively?
a) 8 : 37 b) 11 : 12 c) 37 : 40 d) 7 : 37
PASSAGE-4 builder have to pay for components is more or less
based in pattern of high pricing applicable to the
India has always been an utmost
prices of spares. The above represents only a few
inspiration for the world at large for her fabulous
of the extraneous reasons for the high cost of
wealth, both material and economic prosperity as
Indian machines.
well as her spiritual excellence. It brought her both
The machine tool industry in India has an
traders and invaders along with preachers and
seekers in search of truth and salvation. All of them enviable record of very quick technology
absorption, assimilation and development. There
came through land routes by undertaking long and
are a number of success stories about how
hazardous journeys which put a lot of stress and
machine tool builders were of help at the most
strain on their physique and nerves. Thus, the
critical times. It will be a pity, in fact a tragedy, if
troops of Alexander mutinied and refused to
we allow this industry to die and disappear from
march beyond Beas because of their weariness
and fatigue in fighting and homesickness. They the scene.
had, therefore, to be perforce dispatched back.
It is to be noted that India is at least 6000
Many invading tribes like Kushans, Huns and Sakas
in the ancient era and the Turks and Mughals km away from any dependable source of supply of
machine tools. The Government of India has
during the medieval age, however, chose to make
always given a great deal of importance to the
this land their own home and absorbed
themselves in the stream of her life. They development of small scale and medium scale
industries. This industry has also performed pretty
attempted their best to bring more and more
well. Today, they are in need of help from India’s
luster to her glory and enriched her culture,
machine tool industry to enable them to produce
heritage and tradition.
quality components at reduced costs. Is it
23. The passage speaks voliably of
anybody’s case that the needs of this fragile sector
(A) India as a home for foreigners
(which needs tender care) will be met from 6000
(B) India's fabulous wealth
km away?
(C) Invaders who attacked India
(D) India's past glory
Then, what is that the industry requests
PASSAGE - 5 from the Government it wants level playing field.
In fact, all of us must have a deep introspection
Today the import duty on a complete
and recognize the fact that the machine tool
machine is 35% for all practical purposes, whereas
the import duty on the raw materials and industry has a very special place in the country
from the points of strategic and vital interests of
components ranges from 40% to 85%. The story
the nation. Most important, it requests for the
does not here. After paying such high import
duties on components, once a machine is made, it Govt’s consideration and understanding.
suffers excise duty from 5% to 10% (including on
24. Which of the following is the principal focus for the
the customs duty already paid). At the time of sale,
the machine tools suffer further taxation, i.e., content of the passage?
(A) Encouragement to small and middle scale
central sales tax or state sales taxes which range
from 4% to 16%. This much for the tax angle.
(B) Unrealistic strategy of development of
Another factor which pushes the cost of
manufacture of machine tools is the very high rate
(C) Reduction in rate of interest on loans to
of interest payable to banks ranging upto 22%, as
machine tool industry
against 4%-7% prevailing in advanced countries.
(D) Indian machine tool industry and its vital role
The production of machine tools in India
in country's development
being not of the same scale as it is in other
countries, the price which India’s machine tools
25. Which of the following inferences can be drawn 29. What is the value of X, if X and Y are two distinct
from the content of the passage? integers and their product is 30?
(A) India should not waste its resources on the I : X is an odd integer.
production of machine tools II : X > Y
(B) The Govt. of India was not considerate to the 30. The set S of numbers has the following properties:
difficulties faced by machine tool industry I) If x is in S, then 1/x is in S.
(C) Levying heavy custom duty is absolutely II) If both x and y are in S, then so is x + y. Is 3 in S?
necessary 31. If N is a positive integer, is N2 divisible by 48?
(D) The Govt. of India has duly reconised the role
of machine tool industry I. N3 is a multiple of 24
26. Which of the following best explains the sentence II. N is a multiple of 18
‘It wants a level playing field’ as used in the 32. What is the area of triangle ABC?
passage? The machine tool industry in India… I. Two sides are 5 and 10
(A) Needs land for opening more factories II. The triangle is an isosceles triangle.
(B) Needs freedom to import the desired 33. Is x = 3?
components at a low cost
I. x2 = 9
(C) Seeks to have small scale industry as its patron
II. x < 0
(D) Wants to adopt novel marketing strategies for
sale promotion 34. What is n?
27. Which of the following is true in the context of the I. n > 10
passage? II. n < 12
(A) India's quantum of production of machine 35. There are 2 trees in a garden (tree "A" and "B") and
tools is more than that of other advanced in both trees are some birds. The birds of tree A
countries say to the birds of tree B that if one of you comes
(B) In the case of machines, the excise duty is to our tree, then our population will be double
levied only on the cost price. yours. Then the birds of tree B tell the birds of tree
(C) In critical times, the machine tool builders A that if one of you comes here, then our
allowed the industry to perish. population will be equal to yours.
(D) India's machine tool industry has a praise- What is the total birds in two trees?
worthy record of performance. (a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 8
Read the question and two statements and your
36. Six cats catch six rats in six minutes. How many cats
answer will be
will be needed to catch sixty rats in sixty minutes?
(a) If the question can be answered using one of
the statements alone, while the other statement (a) 6 (b) 60 (c) 30 (d) 36
is not sufficient to answer the question. 37. How many triangles are there in the image?
(b) If the question can be answered using each of
the statements independently
(c) If both the statements together are needed to
answer the question
(d) If both the statements independently or taken
together are not sufficient to answer the question
28. How long will it take for two pipes A and B to fill an
empty cistern if they worked alternately for an
hour each? (a) 33 (b) 36 (c) 48 (d) None
Statement 1: Working alone, Pipe A can fill the
cistern in 40 hours.
Statement 2: Pipe B is one third as efficient as
Pipe A.
The following questions are based on the PASSAGE - 6
arrangement of alphabets in the form of a There are reports that some of the
pyramid. In each question there is some antibiotics sold in the market are fed to poultry
relationship between the two sets of letters on and other livestock as growth promoters.
the left of the (::). The same relationship exists Overusing these substances can create superbugs,
between the two terms on the right of which pathogens that are resistant to multiple drugs and
one is missing. Find the missing one from the
could be passed along humans. Mindful of that,
given alternatives.
some farming companies have stopped using the
drugs to make chickens gain weight faster. Since
Denmark banned antibiotic growth promoters in
the 1990s, the major pork exporters says it is
producing more pigs – and the animals get fewer
44. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the critical message conveyed by the
38. ABD : ADB :: AEI : ? passage given above?
(a) AIE (b) EAI (a) People should avoid consuming the products of
(c) IEA (d) AEI animal farming.
39. AES : AIWI :: ? : CHN (b) Foods of animal origin should be replaced with
(a) CKS (b) CFL foods of plant origin.
(c) CFT (d) CBF (c) Using antibiotics on animals should be banned.
40. EFLK : ? :: GEKM : GIOM (d) Antibiotics should only be used to treat
(a) IHON (b) HOIN diseases.
41. ? : HXVH :: GSUG : GWUG Researchers simulated street lighting on
(a) FRTF (b) FRFT artificial grassland plots containing pea-aphids,
(c) TFRT (d) FKTF sap-sucking insects, at night. These were exposed
to two different types of light – a white light similar
42. Find the missing number in the following number to newer commercial LED lights and an amber light
puzzle: similar to sodium street lamps. The low intensity
amber light was shown to inhibit, rather than
induce, flowering in a wild plant of the pea family
which is a source of food for the pea-aphids in
grasslands. The number of aphids was also
significantly suppressed under the light treatment
due to the limited amount of food available.
a) 20 b) 30 c) 40 d) 60 45. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the most critical inference that can be
43. Find the missing number in the following number made from the passage given above?
puzzle: (a) Low intensity light has more adverse effect on
the plants as compared to high intensity light.
(b) Light pollution can have a permanent adverse
impact on an ecosystem.
(c) White light is better for the flowering of plants
as compared to the light of other colours.
a) 8 b) 9 c) 10 d) 12 (d) Proper intensity of light in an ecosystem is
important not only for plants but for animals too.
PASSAGE - 8 47. Based on the above passage, the following
Our cities are extremely vulnerable to assumptions have been made:
climate change because of large concentrations of 1. Organic farming is inherently unsafe for both
populations and poor infrastructure. Moreover, farmers and consumers.
population densities are increasing in them but we 2. Farmers and consumers need to be educated
have not yet developed the systems to address about eco-friendly food.
climate change impacts. Our cities contribute to 65 Which of the assumptions given above is/are
percent of the GDP, but there are not enough correct?
facilities to cater to the needs of the people. It is (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
important to address the issues of air quality, (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
transport, etc., that are vital to identifying 48. Which one of the following statements best
sustainable solutions. We need to involve citizens reflects the most logical, rational and practical
in city planning and create an ecosystem that message conveyed by the author of the passage?
meets the needs of people. (a) In India, organic farming should not be
46. Which among the following is the most logical and promoted as a substitute for conventional farming.
rational inference that can be made from the (b) There are no safe organic alternatives to
passage given above ? chemical fertilizers.
(a) Our cities need to have well-defined (c) In India, farmers need to be guided and helped
administrative set-up with sufficient autonomy. to make their organic farming sustainable.
(b) Ever increasing population densities is a (d) The aim of organic farming should not be to
hindrance in our efforts to achieve sustainable generate huge profits as there is still no global
development. market for its products.
(c) To maintain and develop our cities we need to
adopt sustainability related interventions. PASSAGE - 10
(d) Public-Private Partnership mode of In the last decade, the banking sector has
development is the viable long-term solution for been restructured with a high degree of
the infrastructure and sustainability problems of automation and products that mainly serve
India. middle-class and upper middle-class society. Today
there is need for a new agenda for the banking and
PASSAGE - 9 non-banking financial services that does not
There is a claim that organic farming is exclude the common man
inherently safer and healthier. The reality is that 49. Which one of the following is the message that is
because the organic farming industry is still young essentially implied in the above passage?
and not well-regulated in India, farmers and (a) Need for more automation and more products
consumers, alike, are not only confused about of bank
what products are best for them, but sometimes (b) Need for a radical restructuring of our entire
use products in ways that could harm them as well. public finance system
For example, since organic fertilizers are difficult to (c) Need to integrate banking and non-banking
obtain on a large scale in India, farmers often use institutions
farmyard manure, which may contain toxic (d) Need to promote financial inclusion
chemicals and heavy metals. Certain plant sprays,
such as Datura flower and leaf spray, have an 50. A family is having several children. Each boy in this
element called atropine. If it is not applied in the has as many sisters as brothers but each girl has
right dose, it can act on the nervous system of the twice as many brother as sister. How many
consumer. Unfortunately, how much and when to children are there in the family?
use it are not well-researched or regulated issues. A) 9 B) 5 C) 11 D) 7
51. If In the below addition, A triple digit number has A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting
been added four times. Here each letter next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not sitting with
represents a single digit natural number. Then E who is on the left end of the bench. C is on the
what is N+O+T+E? second position from the right. A is to the right of
B and E. A and C are sitting together.
58. In which position A is sitting ?
a) Between B and D b) Between B and C
c) Between E and D d) Between C and E
59. Who sits on the right end of the bench?
a) D b) E c) B d) A

a) 16 b) 17 c) 18 d) 19
Read the question and two statements and your
answer will be
52. While driving through the country side Mr. Prabhu (a) If the question can be answered using one of
seen a farmer with pigs and ducks He asked the the statements alone, while the other statement
farmer how many do you have? Farmer answered is not sufficient to answer the question.
'I have altogether 60 eyes and 86 feet between (b) If the question can be answered using each of
them' what is the difference between the number the statements independently
of ducks and pigs he have? (c) If both the statements together are needed to
A) 5 B) 6 C) 4 D) 9 answer the question
(d) If both the statements independently or taken
Observe the following diagram and answer the together are not sufficient to answer the question
question based on it. 60. Ravi spent less than Rs. 75 to buy one kilogram
each of potato, onion, and gourd. Which one of the
three vegetables bought was the costliest?
I. 2 kg potato and 1 kg gourd cost less than 1 kg
potato and 2 kg gourd.
II. 1 kg potato and 2 kg onion together cost the
same as 1 kg onion and 2 kg gourd.
61. Zakib spends 30% of his income on his children's
education, 20% on recreation and 10% on
healthcare. The corresponding percentage for
Circle - Hockey Players Supriyo are 40%, 25%, and 13%. Who spends more
Rectangle - Foot ball Players on children's education?
Triangle - Cricket Players I. Zakib spends more on recreation than Supriyo.
Pentagon - Students in the class II. Supriyo spends more on healthcare than Zakib.
62. In the figure below, what is the ratio MN:KN
53. Which number represents cricket players only ?
a) 6 b) 12 c) 20 d) 24
54. Who plays Hockey and Football but not Cricket?
a) 6 b) 16 c) 22 d) 37
55. How many players plays both three games?
I. The perimeter of rectangle KLMN is 30 meters.
a) 5 b) 20 c) 4 d) 1
II. The three small rectangles have the same
56. Who plays Foot ball only?
a) 22 b) 26 c) 9 d) 16
63. What is the difference between X and Y?
57. How many players play any two of the games only?
I. 3X + 5Y = 57
a) 8 b) 14 c) 6 d) 20 II. 9X + 15Y = 171
64. Manoj loves the Circular lollypop. He went to the 67. In the above statement, the author implies that:
shop to buy one but found that lollypop had been (a) the entire national output produced and
packed up in boxes of three like this: consumed in industrialized countries passes
Rs. 6 Rs. 5.50 Rs. 5 through commercial channels
(b) the existence of a non-commercialized sector
in different underdeveloped countries renders the
"How much does the Circular lollypop cost?" national income comparisons over countries
(a) Rs. 2 (b) Rs. 3 difficult
(c) Rs. 2.5 (d) Rs. 1.5 (c) no part of national output should be produced
65. Write out the numbers from 1 to 20 in words: Now and consumed without passing through
put them in ALPHABETICAL order. Which number commercial channels
stays where it is? (d) a part of the national output being produced
(a) Six (b) Eight and consumed without passing through
(c) Eleven (d) Ten commercial channels is a sign of
PASSAGE - 11 underdevelopment
Safe and sustainable sanitation in slums
has immeasurable benefits to women and girls in PASSAGE - 13
terms of their health, safety, privacy and dignity. The nature of the legal imperatives in any
However, women do not feature in most of the given state corresponds to the effective demands
schemes and policies on urban sanitation. The fact that state encounters, and that these, in their turn,
that even now the manual scavenging exists, ones depend, in a general way, upon the manner in
to show that not enough has been done to which economic power is distributed in the society
promote pour-flush toilets and discontinue the which the state controls.
use of dry latrines. A more sustained and rigorous 68. The statement refers to:
campaign needs to be launched towards the right (a) the antithesis of Politics and Economics
to sanitation on a very large scale. This should (b) the interrelationship of Politics and Economics
primarily focus on the abolition of manual (c) the predominance of Economics over Politics
scavenging. (d) the predominance of Politics over Economics
66. With reference to the above passage, consider the
following statements: PASSAGE - 14
1. Urban sanitation problems can be fully solved by As we look to 2050, when we will need to
the abolition of manual scavenging only feed two billion more people, the question of
2. There is a need to promote greater awareness which diet is best has taken on new urgency. The
on safe sanitation practices in urban areas foods we choose to eat in the coming decades will
Which of the statements given above is/are have dramatic ramifications for the planet. Simply
correct? put, a diet that revolves around meat and dairy a
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only way of eating that is on the rise throughout the
(c) Both I and 2 (d)Neither 1 nor 2 developing. world, will take a greater toll on the
PASSAGE - 12 world's resources than one that revolves around
"The conceptual difficulties in National unrefined grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
Income comparisons between underdeveloped 69. What is the critical message conveyed by the
and industrialised countries are particularly above passage?
serious because a part of the national output in (a) Our increasing demand for foods sourced from
various underdeveloped countries is produced animals puts a greater burden on our natural
without passing through the commercial resources
(b) Diets based on grains, nuts, fruits and Read the following question and Data given and
vegetables are best suited for health in developing answer the following:
countries (a) If the question can be answered using one of
(c) Human beings change their food habits from the statements alone, while the other statement
time to time irrespective of the health concerns is not sufficient to answer the question.
(d) From a global perspective, we still do not know (b) If the question can be answered using each of
the statements independently
which type of diet is best for us
(c) : If both the statements together are needed
70. What does the word ‘Ramification’ mean?
to answer the question
(a) Consequence (b) Consideration
(d) : If both the statements independently or
(c) Determinant (d) Factor
taken together are not sufficient to answer the
Read the following statements and conclusions 74. Who is taller among P, Q, R, S & T?
carefully and answer the following I. S is shorter than Q. P is shorter than only T.
71. Statements: II. Q is taller than only S. T is taller than P and R.
A. All the pens are pencils
B. All the boxes are pencils 75. What is the distance between point P and point Q?
C. Some purses are boxes I. Point R is 10 m west of point P and point S is 10
Conclusions m north of point P.
1) Some pens are boxes II. Point Q is 10 m south-east of point R. Point S is
2) Some pencils are pens 20 m north-west of point Q.
3) Some pencils are pursues
Which of the above conclusions are correct? 76. How is Shubham related to Shivani?
(a) Only (1) I. Shubham is brother of Meenal. Shivani is niece
(b) Only (2) and (3) of Pooja.
(c) Only (1) and (3) II. Neeraj is Meenal’s uncle and Preeti’s brother
(d) Only (1) and (3)
77. Is the positive integer N divisible by 12?
72. Statements:
I. 2N has lesser number of factors than 3N
A. Some parrots are yellow.
II. 3N has lesser number of factors than 5N
B. Some taxis are the parrot.
Conclusions: 78. Is the positive integer P prime?
1. Some parrots are green.
I. 2P−1 is prime
2. All Taxis are yellow
II. P + 4 is a perfect square
a) Only (1) conclusion follows
b) Only (2) conclusion follows
79. Tarak is standing 2 steps to the left of a red mark
c) Either (1) or (2) follows
and 3 steps to the right of a blue mark. He tosses a
d) Neither (1) nor (2) follows
coin. If it comes up heads, he moves one step to
73. Statements:
the right; otherwise he moves one step to the left.
A. Some actors are singers.
He keeps doing this until he reaches one of the two
B. All the singers are dancers.
marks, and then he stops At which mark does he
1. Some actors are dancers.
I. He stops after 21 coin tosses.
2. No singer is the actor.
II. He obtains three more tails than heads.
a) Only (1) conclusion follows.
b) Only (2) conclusion follows. 80. What is 35 percent of ab?
c) Either (1) or (2) follows. I. b is 200 percent of a.
d) Neither (1) nor (2) follows II. 50 percent of b is a.

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