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1. A group of men decided to do a job in 8 days. But 6. ‘A’ is thrice as good a workman as ‘B’ and take 10
since 10 men dropped out every day, the job got days less to do a piece of work than ‘B’ takes.
completed at the end of the 12th day. How many The number of days taken by ‘B’ alone to finish
men were there at the beginning? the work is:
(a)165 (b)175 a) 12 days b) 15 days
(c)80 (d)90 c) 20 days d) 30 days
2. In “Nuts And Bolts factory”, one machine 7. Distance between A and B is 72 km. Two men
produces only nuts at the rate of 100 nuts per started walking form A and B at the same time
minute and needs to be cleaned for 5 minutes towards each other. The person who started
after production of every 1000 nuts. Another from A travelled uniformly with average speed of
machine produces only bolts at the rate of 75 4 km/hr. While the other man travelled with
bolts per minute and needs to cleaned for 10 varying speed as follows:
minutes after production of every 1500 bolts. If In the first hour his speed was 2 km/hr, in the
both the machines start production at the same second hour it was 2.5 km/hr, in the third hour it
time, what is the minimum duration required for was 3 km/hr, and so on. When will they meet
producing 9000 pairs of nuts and bolts? each other?
(a)130 minutes (b)135 minutes (a)7 hr
(c)170 minutes (d)180 minutes (b)10 hr
(c)35 km between A and B
3. A chemical plant has four tanks of high capacity
(d)Mid-way between A and B
(A, B, C and D), each containing 1000 liters of a
chemical. The chemical is being pumped form 8. Six people P, Q, R, S, T and U are seated around a
one tank to another as follows round table. Every chair is spaced
From A to B @ 20 litres/minute equidistantfrom adjacent chairs.
From C to A @ 90 litres/minute i. Q is seated next to R and T.
From A to D @ 10 litres/minute ii. R is seated three seats from P.
From C to D @ 50 litres /minute iii. P is not seated next to S.
From B to C @100 litres/minute Which of the following must be true?
From D to B @ 110 litres/minute 1. U is seated next to S
Which tank gets emptied first, and how long 2. S sits opposite Q
does it take (in minutes) to get empty after Select the correct answer from the ones given
pumping starts? below
(a)A, 16.66 (b)C, 20 a) 1 only b) 2 only
(c)D, 20 (d)D, 25 c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2
4. A set of ‘n’ numbers are in arithmetic 9. In an arithmetic progression the sum of n terms
progression. The difference between 1st number is 3𝑛2 +8𝑛. Then what is 8th term?
and the 2nd number is 7. The difference between a) 47 b) 53
1st number and the nth number is 168. What is n? c) 256 d) 88
A) 24 B) 25
10. 480 persons working 10 hours per day complete
C) 26 D) 28
one-fourth of a work in 10 days. How many
5. A and B walk from X to Y, a distance of 27 km at 5 additional persons are to be employed in order
kmph and 7 kmph respectively. B reaches Y and to complete the remaining work in 20 days,
immediately turns back meeting A at Z. What is working 8 hours per day?
the distance from X to Z? a) 400 b) 420
(a)25km (b)22.5km c) 480 d) 500
(c)24km (d)20km
“Many nations now place their faith in With reference to the above passage, the
capitalism and governments choose it as the following assumptions have been made
strategy to create wealth for their people. The 1. Rising GDP is essential for a country to be
spectacular economic growth seen in Brazil, developed country
China and India after the liberalisation of their 2. Rising GDP guarantees a reasonable
economies is proof of its enormous potential and distribution of income to all households.
success. However, the global banking crisis and 12. Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
the economic recession have left many a. 1 only
bewildered. The debates tend to focus on free b. 2 only
market operations and forces, their efficiency c. Both 1 and 2
and their ability for self-correction. Issues of d. Neither 1 nor 2
justice, integrity and honesty are rarely
elaborated to highlight the failure of the global
Until a hundred years ago as humans, we
banking system. The apologists of the system
had a simple, uncomplicated biological connect.
continue to justify the success of capitalism and
It was a straightforward equation: we drew
argue that the recent crisis was a blip.
roughly 3, 000 calories each of energy out of the
Their arguments betray an ideological
Earth for our food and life’s sustenance. Today
bias/ with the assumptions that an unregulated
that number per capita has grown to 1, 00, 000
market is fair and competent, and that the
calories. We still need only 3, 000 calories each
exercise of private greed will be in the larger
to nourish life itself. All the rest of this energy is
public interest.
what we extract from the Earth for everything
Few recognize the bidirectional
else besides keeping ourselves alive. In some
relationship between capitalism and greed; that
countries, like the US; this per capita number
each reinforces the other. Surely, a more honest
runs at over 2, 00, 000 calories! Some of us are
conceptualisation of the conflicts of interest
concerned about this. We fret over what we
among the rich and powerful players who have
could and should really be doing to soften this
benefited from the system, their biases and
abuse of resources. Little things fox us in the
ideology is needed; the focus on the wealth
welter of things that we get to read. What is
creation should also highlight the resultant gross
sustainable development? How can it be started
in our homes? Beyond the ceremonial planting
11. The apologists of the “Free Market System”,
of green arid getting people to run marathons of
according to the passage, believe in
various lengths in support of the environment, is
(a) market without control by government
there- more that we can add to the abstract
value of “sustainability”? What are the little
(b) market without protection by
things we can do in our day-to-day lives, to
reduce demand for things that people make and
(c) ability of market to self correct.
market? Of course, we know that it helps to
(d) market for free goods and services.
avoid a plastic bag when you can use a
newspaper bag, or a brown bag, or even a jute
bag which you can use for many more years,
A central message of modern
unlike a plastic bag which you throw away in less
development economics is the importance of
than a week or after a few uses. However, there’s
income growth, which means growth in Gross
actually quite a bit more than you and I can do
Domestic Product (GDP). In theory, rising GDP
without compromise on comfort, with very little
creates unemployment and investment
as cost incurred, with financial savings that you
opportunities. As incomes grow in a country
can gain on energy and water use, and with
where the level of GDP was once low,
solutions that are very feasible and within your
households, communities, and governments are
reach. It is possible to understand our ecological
increasingly able to set aside some funds for the
footprint and its disastrous consequences, not
production of things that make for a good life.
merely in terms of our own behaviour as
Today GDP has assumed such a significant place
consumers, but really in terms of the impact on
in the development lexicon, that if someone
the environment we make.
mentions “economic growth”, we know they
mean growth in GDP.
13. What is the primary concern of the passage?
a) There is a need to save energy, especially in 19. Two trains are traveling in opposite direction at
our future. uniform speed 60 and 50 km per hour
b) All of us should not only plant trees but also respectively. They take 5 seconds to cross each
run the marathon. other . If the two trains had traveled in the same
c) Use of plastic bags should be completely direction, then a passenger sitting in the faster
banned. moving train would have overtaken the other
d) We need to respect the Earth and consume train in 18 seconds. What are the lengths of
lessof its calories. trains (in meters)?
(a)112, 78 (b)97, 78, 55
14. Why does the author ask his audience to use a (c)102, 78, 50 (d)102, 78, 55
jute bag?
a) Jute bags look more trendy and stylish.
There were six students A, B, C, D, E and F had
b) It is the need of the hour, to save energy, to
written different exams Tamil, Biology, Physics,
save our ecosystem.
Polity, Geography and Chemistry but not
c) Using jute bags helps in consuming only 3, 000
necessarily in the same order and scored
calories from the Earth.
different marks. All of them are sitting in a
d) They are more easily available.
circular table and facing the centre with equal
distance to each other. C sits second to the right
15. Which one of the following statements cannot
of the one who had written Geography exam. B
be inferred from the passage?
sits second to the left of the one who scored 98
a) There are many little things we can do to save
marks. The one who had written Polity exam sits
our Earth.
second to the left of the one who scored 93
b) Only running marathons of various lengths do
marks. B scored 2nd highest mark. E scored less
not help.
than 85 marks. C sits to the immediate left of the
c) We do not depend on the Earth for our food
one who had written Biology exam. B did not
and life sustenance.
write Chemistry exam. The difference between
d) A lot many years before, our association with
the marks scored by A and D is divisible by 3. The
the Nature was quite simple.
one who had written chemistry sits opposite to
D. F is not an immediate neighbour of B. C
16. A suitable title for the passage could be
scored 90 marks and 80 is the lowest mark. The
a) Lets Shift to Jute!
difference between the marks scored by F and
b) How to Consume Few Calories?
the one who had written Polity is 5. The one who
c) Save Energy, Save the Earth!
scored marks in prime number sits immediate
d) The Earth Heading for a Disaster.
right to B and immediate left to the one who had
17. Four boys A,B,C,D and four girls E,F,G and H sit written Physics exam. Here, the prime number is
around a circular table (not necessarily in the less than 90, but not 89. D did not score marks in
same order), the order in which they sit is as prime number. A sits opposite to C.
1. All the four boys sit together 20. What is the position of E with respect to C?
2. B is sitting in between two boys and A is sitting a) Second to the left
in between two boys. b) second to the right
3. Neither F nor H are sitting in between two c) third to the right
girls. d) Third to the left
4. A is not opposite E. F, who is sitting to the
21. Four of the following five are alike in a certain
immediate left of G, is sitting opposite C.
way based on the seating arrangement and thus
Who is sitting opposite B?
form a group. Who among the following one that
a) H b) F
does not belong to the group?
c) G d) E
a) FD b) EA
c) BC d) DC
18. What are the last two digits of 948367485?
(a) 81 (b) 43
(c) 27 (d) None of these
22. Which of the following order is true? and production and distribution patterns, and
a) A > B > C > D > E view government interventions as processes that
b) A > B > C > E > F create distortions and bring in inefficiency. Thus,
c) A > C > E > D > F public enterprises have to be privatized through
d) A > C > F > E > D disinvestments and sales; sectors and activities
hitherto reserved for the public sector have to be
23. How many persons are there between B and the opened to the private sector. This logic extends
one who likes Tamil? to the social services like education and health.
a) 1 b) 2 Any restrictions on the adjustments in workforce
c) 3 d) 4 by way of retrenchment of workers should also
be removed and exit should be made easier by
24. What is the mark of E?
removing any restrictions on closures.
a) 98 b) 93
Employment and wages should be governed by
c) 85 d) 83
free play of market forces, as any measure to
regulate them can discourage investment and
also create inefficiency in production.
25. Eight people L,M,N,O,P,Q,R and S sit around a
Above all, in line with the overall
Square table, not necessarily in the same order.
philosophy of reduction in the role of the state,
Two people sit along each side of the table. N
fiscal reforms should be undertaken to have
and R sit in between L and P. O and Q sit in
generally low levels of taxation and government
between M and S. If M sits to be immediate left
expenditure should be kept to the minimum to
of L, then who sits to the immediate right of P?
abide by the principle of fiscal prudence. All
a) N b) R
these are policy actions on the domestic front
c) S d) L
and are not directly related to the core items of
the globalization agenda, namely free
international flow of goods and finance.
26. Find the water image of given image :
27. According to the passage, the basic philosophy
of globalization is to
(a) give absolute freedom to producers to
determine prices and production.
(b) give freedom to producers to evolve
distribution patterns.
(c) give absolute freedom to markets to
determine prices, production and employment.
(d) give freedom to producers to import and

The man who is perpetually hesitating
which of the two things he will do first, will do
neither. The man who resolves, but suffers his
PASSAGE-4 resolution to be changed by the first counter-
suggestion of a friend—who fluctuates from
It is often forgotten that globalization, is opinion to opinion and veers from plan to plan-
not only about policies on international can never accomplish anything. He will at best be
economic relationships and transactions, but has stationary and probably retrograde in all. It is
equally to do with domestic policies of a nation. only the man who first consults wisely, then
Policy changes necessitated by meeting the resolves firmly and then executes his purpose
internationally set conditions (by WTO etc.) of with inflexible perseverance, undismayed by
free trade and investment flows obviously affect those petty difficulties which daunt a weaker
domestic producers and investors. But the basic spirit—that can advance to eminence in any line.
philosophy underlying globalization emphasizes
absolute freedom to markets to determine prices
28. The keynote that seems to be emerging from and in our corporate capacity we receive each
the passage is that member as an indivisible part of the whole.”
(a) we should first consult wisely and then 31. In the light of the above passage, the nature of
resolve firmly General Will is best described as
(b) we should reject suggestions of friends and (a) the sum total of the private wills of the
remain unchanged individuals
(c) we should always remain broad-minded (b) what is articulated by the elected
(d) we should be resolute and achievement- representatives of the individuals
oriented (c) the collective good as distinct from private
wills of the individuals
PASSAGE - 6 (d) the material interests of the community
There is no harm in cultivating habits so Passage - 9
long as they are not injurious. Indeed, most of us In a democratic State, where a high
are little more than bundle of habits. Take away degree of Political maturity of the people
our habits and the residuum would hardly be obtains, the conflict between the will of the
worth bothering about. We could not get on sovereign law-making body and the organized
without them. They simplify the mechanism of will of the people seldom occurs.
life. They enable us to do a multitude of things 32. What does the above passage imply?
automatically, which, if we had to give fresh and (a) In a democracy, force is the main
original thought to them each time, would make phenomenon in the actual exercise of
existence an impossible confusion. sovereignty
29. The author suggests that habits (b) In a mature democracy, force to a great
(a) tend to make our lives difficult extent is the main phenomenon in the actual
(b) add precision to our lives exercise of sovereignty
(c) make it easier for us to live (c) In a mature democracy, use of force is
(d) tend to mechanize our lives irrelevant in the actual exercise of sovereignty
(d) In a mature democracy, force is narrowed
Passage - 7 down to a marginal phenomenon in the actual
We have hard work ahead. There is no exercise of sovereignty
resting for any of us till we redeem our pledge in
full, till we make all the people of India what PASSAGE - 10
destiny intends them to be. We are citizens of a A successful democracy depends upon
great country, on the verge of bold advance, and widespread interest and participation in politics,
we have to live up to that high standard. All of in which voting is an essential part. To
us, to whatever religion we may belong, are deliberately refrain from taking such an interest,
equally the children of India with, equal rights, and from voting, is a kind of implied anarchy, it is
privileges and obligations. We cannot encourage to refuse one’s political responsibility while
communalism or narrow-mindedness, for no enjoying the benefits of a free political society.
nation can be great whose people are narrow in 33. This passage relates to
thought or action. (a) duty to vote
30. The challenge the author of the above passage (b) right to vote
throws to the public is to achieve (c) freedom to vote
(a) a high standard of living, progress and (d) right to participate in politics
(b) equal privileges, fulfilment of destiny and 34. Car after travelling 18 km from a point A
political tolerance developed some problem in the engine and
(c) spirit of adventure and economic parity speed became 4/5 of its original speed. As a
(d) hard work, brotherhood and national unity result, the car reached point B 45 minutes late. If
the engine had developed the same problem
Passage - 8 after traveling 30km from A, then it would have
“The individual, according to Rousseau, reached B only 36 minutes late. The original
puts his person and all his power in common speed of the car (in km per hour) and the
under the supreme direction of the General Will distance between the points A and B (in km) is
(a)25, 130 (b)30, 150
(c)20, 90 (d)None of these are sitting together. There are two persons
between Vishnu and Sundar. Priyanka and
35. Points A, P, Q and B lie on the same line such
Sundar are not together.
that P, Q, and B are, respectively, 100 km, 200
40. In the question given below, three out of four
km and 300 km away from A. Cars 1 and 2 leave
A at the same time and move towards B. options are somehow similar and therefore form
Simultaneously, car 3 leaves B and moves a group. Find the option which is odd one out
towards A. Car 3 meets car 1 at Q, and car 2 at P. which does not form a group.
If each car is moving in uniform speed then the (a) Sneha – Priyanka
ratio of the speed of car 2 to that of car 1 is (b) Sneha – Vishnu
(a)1 : 4 (b)2 : 9 (c) Kamali – Praveen
(c)2 : 7 (d)1 : 2
(d) Vishnu – Sundar
36. On a long stretch of east-west road, A and B are
two points such that B is 350 km west of A. One
41. Who is sitting to the second left of Vishnu?
car starts from A and another from B at the same
time. If they move towards each other, then they (a) Priyanka (b) Kamali
meet after 1 hour. If they both move towards (c) Radhika (d) Praveen
east, then they meet in 7 hrs. The difference 42. Three runners A, B and C run a race, with runner
between their speeds, in km per hour, is
A finishing 12 m ahead of runner B and 18 m
A) 70 kmph b) 35 kmph
c) 50 kmph d) 45 kmph ahead of runner C. While runner B finishes 8 m
ahead of runner C. Each runner travels the entire
37. The distance from A to B is 60 km. Partha and
distance at a constant speed. What was the
Narayan start from A at the same time and move
towards B. Partha takes four hours more than length of the race?
Narayan to reach B. Moreover, Partha reaches (a)36 m (b)48 m
the mid-point of A and B two hours before (c)60 m (d)72 m
Narayan reaches B. The speed of Partha, in km 43. If a man cycles at 10 km/hr, then he arrives at a
per hour, is
certain place at 1 p.m. If he cycles at 15 km/hr,
(a)3 (b)4
(c)6 (d)5 he will arrive at the same place at 11 a.m. at
what speed must he cycle to get there at noon?
38. The last time Rahul bought Diwali cards, he
(a)11 km/hr (b)12 km/hr
found that the four types of cards that he liked
(c)13 km/hr (d)14 km/hr
were priced Rs.2.00, Rs.3.50, Rs.4.50 and Rs.5.00
each. As Rahul wanted 30 cards, he took five 44. Karan and Arjun run a 100-meter race, where
each of two kinds and ten each of the other two, Kartan beats Arjun 10 meters. To do a favor to
putting down the exact number of 10 rupees Arjun, Karan starts 10 meters behind the starting
notes on the payment counter. How many notes
line in a second 100 meter race. They both run at
did Rahul give?
(a)8 (b)9 their earlier speeds. Which of the following is
(c)10 (d)11 true in connection with the second race?
a) Karan and Arjun reach the finishing line
39. 500! + 505! + 510! + 515! Is completely divisible
by 5n, where n is a natural number. How many
b) Arjun beats Karan by 1 meter
distinct values of n are possible?
(a)120 (b)121 c) Arjun beats Karan by 11 meters
(c)124 (d)125 d) Karan beats Arjun 1 meters

Study the following information and answer 45. A, B and C are non-zero distinct positive integers.
these questions.
A three digit number ABC is divisible by 11. Then
Three girls Priyanka, Sneha & Kamali and
three boys Vishnu, Sundar & Praveen are sitting a four digit number ABBC is always divisible by,
in a circular table facing the center. Sneha is A) 11 B) 101
sitting to the left of Praveen. Priyanka and Kamali C) 37 D) 1001
are sitting together. Similarly, Sundar and Sneha
46. Find the water image of given image : 49. Statements:
A. Some parrots are yellow.
B. Some taxis are the parrot.
1. Some parrots are green.
2. All Taxis are yellow

Which of the above conclusions are correct?

a) Only (1) conclusion follows
b) Only (2) conclusion follows
c) Either (1) or (2) follows
d) Neither (1) nor (2) follows
A statement followed by conclusion-I and Passage- 11
conclusion-II is given below. You have to take In a free country, the man who reaches
the position of leader is usually one of
the statement to be true even if seems to be at
outstanding, character and ability. Moreover, it is
variance from the commonly known facts. Read usually possible to foresee that he will reach
all conclusions and then decide which of the such a position, since early in life one can see his
following conclusion(s) logically follow/follows qualities of character. But this is not always true
from the statement, disregarding the commonly in the case of a dictator; often he reaches his
known facts. position of power through chance, very often
through the unhappy state of his country.
47. Statement:
50. The passage seems to suggest that
A. Some apples are oranges. (a) a leader foresees his future position
B. Some oranges are mangoes. (b) a leader is chosen only by a free country
C. All mangoesare strawberries. (c) a leader must see that his country is free
Conclusion : fromdespair
I: Certainly some oranges are strawberries (d) despair in a country sometimes leads to
II: Some apples may not be mangoes. dictatorship
The greatest blessing that technological
Which of the following is correct? progress has in store for mankind is not, of
(a) Only Conclusion-I course, an accumulation of material possessions.
(b) Only Conclusion-II The amount of these that can be effectively
(c) Both conclusion-I and conclusion-II enjoyed by one individual in one lifetime is not
(d) Neither conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II great. But there is not the same narrow limit to
the possibilities of the enjoyment of leisure. The
48. Statements: gift of leisure may be abused by people who
A. All the pens are pencils have had no experience of making use of it. Yet
B. All the boxes are pencils the creative use of leisure by a minority in
C. Some purses are boxes societies has been the mainspring of all human
Conclusions progress beyond the primitive level.
51. With reference to the above passage, the
1) Some pens are boxes
following assumptions have been made:
2) Some pencils are pens (a) People always see the leisure time as a gift
3) Some pencils are pursues and use it for acquiring more material
Which of the above conclusions are correct? (b) Use of leisure by some people to produce
(a) Only (1) new and original things has been the chief
(b) Only (2) and (3) source of human progress.
Which of these assumptions is/are valid?
(c) Only (1) and (3)
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(d) Only (1) and (3)
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 There has been a significant trend
worldwide towards regionalism in government,
Passage - 13 resulting in a widespread transfer of powers
There is more than a modicum of truth downwards towards regions and communities
in the assertion that “a working knowledge of since 1990s. This process, which involves the
ancient history is necessary to the intelligent creation of new political entities and bodies at a
interpretation of current events”. But the sage sub-national level and an increase in their
who uttered these words of wisdom might well content and powers, is known as devolution.
have added something on the benefits of Devolution has been characterized as being
studying particularly the famous battles of made up of three factors—political legitimacy,
history for the lessons they contain for those of decentralization of authority and
us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a study decentralization of resources. Political legitimacy
will reveal certain qualities and attributes which here means a mass demand from below for the
enabled the winners to win—and certain decentralization process, which is able to create
deficiencies which caused the losers to lose and a political force for it to take place. In many
the student will see that the same pattern recurs cases, decentralization is initiated by the upper
consistently, again and again, throughout the tier of government without sufficient political
centuries. mobilization for it at the grassroots level, and in
52. With reference to the above passage, the such cases the decentralization process often
following assumptions have been made: does not fulfil its objectives.
(a) A study of the famous battles in history would
help us understand the modern warfare. 54. Which among the following is the most logical,
(b) Studying the history is essential for anyone rational and critical inference that can be made
who aspires to be a leader. from the above passage?
Which of these assumptions is/are valid? (a) Emergence of powerful mass leaders is
(a) 1 only essential to create sub-national political entities
(b) 2 only and thus ensure successful devolution and
(c) Both 1 and 2 decentralization
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) The upper tier of government should impose
devolution and decentralization on the regional
Passage - 14 communities by law or otherwise
Disruption of traditional institutions, (c) Devolution, to be successful, requires a
identifications and loyalties is likely to lead to democracy in which there is free expression of
ambivalent situations. It is possible that some the will of the people at lower level and their
people may renew their identification with active participation at the grassroots level
traditional groups whereas others align (d) For devolution to take place, a strong feeling
themselves with new groups and symbols of regionalism in the masses is essential
emergent from processes of political
development. In addition, political development Passage - 16
tends to foster group awareness of a variety of We live in digital times. The digital is not
class, tribe, region, clan, language, religion, just something we use strategically and
occupation and others. specifically to do a few tasks. Our very
53. Which one of the following is the best perception of who we are, how we connect to
explanation of the above passage? the world around us, and the ways in which we
(a) Political development is not a unilinear define our domains of life, labour and language
process for it involves both growth and decay are hugely structured by the digital technologies.
(b) Traditional societies succeed in resisting The digital is everywhere and; like air, invisible.
positive aspects of political development We live within digital systems, we live with
(c) It is impossible for traditional societies to intimate gadgets, we interact through digital
break away from lingering loyalties media, and the very presence and imagination of
(d) Sustenance of traditional loyalties is the digital has dramatically restructured our
conducive to political development lives. The digital, far from being a tool, is a
condition and context that defines the shapes
Passage - 15
and boundaries of our understanding of the self, b) 46 days
the society, and the structure of governance. 1
c) 52 days
55. Which among the following is the most logical 1
d) 64 days
and essential message conveyed by the above
passage? 58. Two workers ‘A’ and ‘B’ working together
(a) All problems of governance can be solved by completed a job in 5 days. Had ‘A’ worked twice
using digital technologies
as efficiently as he actually did and ‘B’ worked
(b) Speaking of digital technologies is speaking of
our life and living one third as efficiently as he actually did, the
(c) Our creativity and imagination cannot be work would have completed in 3 days. In how
expressed without digital media many days could ‘A’ alone complete the job?
(d) Use of digital systems is imperative for the 1 1
a) 32 days b) 46 days
existence of mankind in future 1 1
c) 52 days d) 64 days

Direction for next two Questions :Answer the

Passage - 17 questions based on the following information
The IMF has pointed out that the fast Production pattern for number of units (in cubic
growing economies of Asia face the risk of falling feet) per day.
into ‘middle-income trap’. It means that average Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
incomes in these countries, which till now have Num 15 18 12 25 16 12 15
been growing rapidly, will stop growing beyond a ber 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
point—a point that is well short of incomes in of
the developed West. The IMF identifies a units
number of causes of middle-income trap—none For a truck that can carry 2,000 cubic ft, hiring
of which is surprising—from infrastructure to cost per day is Rs.1,000. Storing cost per cubic
weak institutions, to less than favourable feet is Rs. 5 per day.
macroeconomic conditions. But the broad,
overall cause, says IMF, is a collapse in the 59. If all the units should be sent to the market, then
growth of productivity.
on which days should the trucks be hired to
56. Which among the following is the most logical, minimize the cost?
rational and critical inference that can be made (a)2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th
from the above passage? (b)7th
(a) Once a country reaches middle-income stage, (c)2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th
it runs the risk of falling productivity which leads (d)None of these
to stagnant incomes
(b) Falling into middle-income trap is a general 60. If the storage cost is reduced to Rs.0.80 per cubic
characteristic of fast growing economies feet per day, then on which day(s), should the
(c) There is no hope at all for emerging Asian
truck be hired?
economies to sustain the growth momentum
(d) As regards growth of productivity, the (a)4th (b)7th
th th
performance of Asian economies is not (c)4 and 7 (d)None of these
61. If m persons can paint a house in d days, how
57. Two workers ‘A’ and ‘B’ working together many days will it take for (m+2) persons to paint
completed a job in 5 days. Had ‘A’ worked twice the same house?
as efficiently as he actually did and ‘B’ worked a) md + 2 b) md – 2
𝑚+2 𝑚𝑑
one third as efficiently as he actually did, the c) 𝑚𝑑 d)
work would have completed in 3 days. In how
A statement followed by conclusion-I and
many days could ‘A’ alone complete the job?
conclusion-II is given below. You have to take
A) 32 days the statement to be true even if seems to be at
variance from the commonly known facts. Read d) Only (1) and (2) follows
all conclusions and then decide which of the
66. Statements:
following conclusion(s) logically follow/follows
A. No Red is Blue.
from the statement, disregarding the commonly
B. All Blues are Oranges.
known facts.
C. Some Greens are Reds.
62. Statements:
D. Some Oranges are Greens.
A. Some actors are singers.
B. All the singers are dancers.
1. No Red is Orange.
2. All Greens being Blues is a possibility.
1. Some actors are dancers.
3. All Oranges being Reds is a possibility.
2. No singer is the actor.
a) Only (1) follow
a) Only (1) conclusion follows.
b) All follow
b) Only (2) conclusion follows.
c) Only (1) and (2) follow
c) Either (1) or (2) follows.
d) None follow
d) Neither (1) nor (2) follows
63. Statements:
Passage - 18
A. Some restaurants are hotels
An innovative India will be inclusive as
B. No hotel is a bank
well as technologically advanced, improving the
C. All post offices are bank
lives of all Indians. Innovation and R&D can
D. All banks are hospital
mitigate increases in social inequality and relieve
the pressures created by rapid urbanization. The
I. Some restaurants are not post office
growing divergence in productivity between
II. All banks being hospital is a possibility
agriculture and knowledge-intensive
III. All restaurants are banks
manufacturing and services threatens to
IV. Some post offices are not hotels.
increase income inequality. By encouraging
a) Only I and II follows
India’s R&D labs and universities to focus on the
b) Only I and IV follows
needs of poor people and by improving the
c) Only II, III and IV follows
ability of informal firms to absorb knowledge, an
d) Only I, II, and IV follows
innovation and research agenda can counter this
64. Statements: effect. Inclusive innovation can lower the cost of
A. All Drums are Router goods and services and create income – earning
B. Some Routers are Harmonium. opportunities for the poor people.
C. All Harmoniums are Mouth organ. 67. Which among the following is the most logical
D. No Mouth organ is Drum and rational assumption that can be made from
Conclusions: the above passage?
1. Some Mouth organs are Drums (a) Innovation and R&D is the only way to reduce
2. Some Harmoniums are Drums. rural to urban migration
3. Some Mouth organs are Router. (b) Every rapidly growing country needs to
a) None follows minimize the divergence between productivity in
b) Only (1) follows agriculture and other sectors
c) Only (3) follows (c) Inclusive innovation and R&D can help create
d) Only (2) and (3) follows an egalitarian society
(d) Rapid urbanization takes place only when a
65. Statements:
country’s economic growth is rapid
A. Some Peacocks are Parrots
B. All Parrots are Donkey
C. All Donkeys are Sparrow
A demonetization that delegitimizes a
certain currency, or even certain denominations
1. Some Peacocks are Donkey
of it, would extinguish wealth held in that form.
2. Some Donkey are Peacocks
What we have seen, however, is a less extreme
3. All Parrots are Sparrow
case. In this one, holders of Rs.500 or Rs.1000
a) All follow
notes can exchange them or pay these into their
b) Only (1) and (3) follow
bank accounts. This does not extinguish wealth
c) Only (2) and (3) follow
as much as it will bring the hoards into the
taxman’s radar when their owners draw upon the unaccounted money is generated in the
them to make payments. For, as these will be purchase and sale of gold and of property. The
bank transactions there would be a record of markets for gold and property are highly
them. So, existing black money cannot be used concentrated, with relatively few sellers exerting
to generate more of the same. To this extent the considerable control over supply. Monopoly
scheme cannot be faulted. Of course, it cannot power combined with the cultural significance of
be assumed that what is in a bank will both a home and gold ornaments in India
necessarily be declared to the income tax empowers these sellers to insist that they are
authorities, but it will certainly come under paid in cash, leaving many ordinary people in this
scrutiny in a way that it was not when stashed country to have to abet criminal activity.
under the mattress. However, the very fact of property firms, lesser
What are some reasons why we may builders and jewelers being highly visible and
welcome such a move? First, the concealment of small in number makes it that much easier for
income with a view to avoid tax is a crime. So, in the long arm of the law to control them. For this
a constitutional democracy such as ours those to take place though, action by the tax
who avoid tax deserve to be punished. Second, authorities alone will not suffice. It would
in order to evade the law, those with require the Central government to step in and
unaccounted wealth proceed to corrupt others, legislate that all transactions in gold and
most importantly representatives of the state. property go through banks. There could be hue
This criminalizes the system further. If democracy and cry following this of course, but you can’t
is a way of actualizing the public will, such govern crime by being sensitive to the grief of
criminalization of the machinery of government criminals.
works against the ideal. So, the practice of tax 68. The author of the passage is referring to what
evasion needs to be rooted. To that extent this with the phrase ‘stashed under the mattress’:
move of the government may be welcomed. a)Plastic money
But how significant is it likely to be in the b)Black money
punishment it metes out to tax evaders and in its c)White money
ability to control the generation of unaccounted d) Liquid money
wealth in the future? The quantitative
significance of this move depends upon the 69. Which of the following is incorrect regarding
extent to which unaccounted, or ‘black’, wealth demonetization in India?
is held in the form of high-value currency notes a)It will help in identifying the tax invaders
of the specified denomination. If unaccounted holding the black money.
money by Indians is held in the form of foreign b) Unaccounted wealth will be scrutinized.
bank accounts, the present scheme can do c) Black money will be redistributed in
nothing about it. This speculation would suggest theeconomy in various forms.
that if unaccounted money is not held as Rs.500 d) Income tax authorities will not be authorized
or Rs.1000 notes, the move is pretty much to look into the bank account details of the
useless. There is, however, the separate issue of hoarder of black money.
counterfeit currency. If there is a significant
volume of counterfeit currency circulating in the 70. According to the author of the passage, the
form of Rs.500 or Rs.1000 notes, the demonetization move is only helpful when:
demonetization will also extinguish unaccounted a) Black money is kept in the bank accounts
money from this source. If counterfeit currency outside India.
is actually used to de-stabilize the Indian Union, b) Black money is kept in the form of gold.
as has been claimed, deflating this route c) Black money is kept in the form of high-
enhances its security. This would count as valuecurrency notes of the specified
another reason to welcome the move. denomination.
Now to the question of whether the d) Black money is kept in the demat accounts.
demonetization will eliminate the black economy
of the future. It should be obvious that it cannot 71. Other than the issue of black money, which of
by itself. For this we would need a policy that the following issue is being addressed by the
checks the generation of black incomes at demonetization step?
source. It would be a good surmise that much of a)Increase in the population in India.
b) Increase in the circulation of hereafter she will buy three candies on every
counterfeitcurrency in India. day. And so on. If no other candies sold other
c) Increase in the unemployment in India. that said above, Totally how many candies sold in
d) Increase in the demand and supply of 10 days?
currency in India. A) 220
B) 18
72. A can complete a piece of work in 4 days. B takes C) 210
double the time taken by A, C takes double that D) 55
of B, and D takes double that of C to complete
the same task. They are paired in groups of two 77. In a Geometric progression the ratio of 1st term
each. One pair takes two-thirds the time needed to the third term is 1 : 25. In that progression the
by the second pair to complete the work. Which ratio of 4th term to 7th term is 1 : 125. If the 6th
is the first pair? term of that progression is 9375. What is the 1 st
a) A and B term in that progression?
(b)A and C a) 3 b) 9
(c)B and C c) 25 d) 5
(d) A and C

73. Humans and robots can both perform a job but

at different efficiencies. Fifteen humans and five Direction for Questions 3 to 6: Each of the
robots working together take thirty days to finish following questions is followed by two
the job, whereas five humans and fifteen robots statements. Mark.
working together take sixty days to finish it. How (a)If the question can be answered with the help
many days will fifteen humans working together of statement I alone
(without any robot) take to finish it? (b) If the question can be answered with the
(a)45 (b)32 help of statement II alone
(c)40 (d)36 (c) If both, statement I and Statement II are
needed to answer the question, and
74. If 20 persons can clean 20 floors in 20 days, then (d) If the question cannot be answered even
in how many days can 16 persons clean 16 with the help of both the statements.
a) 25 days 78. Ramu went by car from Calcutta to Trivandrum
b) 24 days via Madras, without any stoppages. The average
C) 20 days speeds for the entire journey was 40 kmph.
d) 16 days What was the average speed form Madras to
75. Kumar is as efficient as Lalith to do a certain I. The distance from Madras to Trivandrum is
5 0.30 times the distance from Calcutta to
work, Lalith is 2 as efficient as Mahesh to do the
same kind of work. Kumar and Lalith together II. The average speed from Madras to
can complete that work in 20 days. In how many Trivandrum was twice that of the average
days Lalith and Mahesh together can complete speed form Calcutta to Madras
that work?
a) 35 days 79. A train started from Station A, developed engine
b) 28 days trouble and reached Station B, 40 minutes late.
c) 21 days What is the distance between Stations A and B?
d) 25 days I. The engine trouble developed after travelling
40 km from Station A nad the speed reduced
76. In a Candy shop, on 1st day 1 child bought one 1
to 4th of the original speed
candy and she said that hereafter she will buy
one candy on every day. On 2nd day second child II. The engine trouble developed after travelling
bought two candies and said that hereafter she 40km from station A in two hours and the
will buy two candies every day. On 3rd day third speed reduced to 4th of the original speed.
child bought 3 candies and she said that
80. If A and B run a race, then A wins by 60 seconds.
If B and C run the same race, then B wins by 30
seconds. Assuming that C maintains a uniform
speed what is the time taken by C to finish the
I. A and C run the same race and A wins by 375
II. The length of the race is 1 km

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