Translations U3

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The following sentences need to be translated from English into Catalan.

Translate them in such a way that they reproduce the overall meaning of the
original, that is, free or contextual translation (traducció lliure o contextual).
This type of translation may or may not closely follow the structure or
organization of the original text. Get creative!

Modal verbs

1 Too much fruit can be bad for your teeth.

2 You can’t pay for things by card at the market.

3 My dad has to take me to school because there are no buses.

4 You must phone grandma on her birthday.

5 I don’t have to get up early at the weekend.

6 You mustn’t eat sugary snacks every day.

Modal verbs in the past

1 She could speak two languages when she was three.

2 I was able to play computer games all evening.

3 I couldn’t finish the homework.

4 They weren’t able to sleep in because of their children.

5 Emma had to cook dinner for ten people.

6 I didn’t have to walk the dog yesterday.

Gerund and infinitive

1 Doing yoga is really good for you.

2 I decided to cut down on coffee.

3 My parents are thinking of moving house.

4 It’s easy to make changes to your lifestyle.

5 Jessica suggested going for a pizza on Saturday.

6 I went to the shopping centre to buy a coat.

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