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5:21PM © OQ @ Media Player Oa Examn.Code:0673 ‘Sub. Code: 5001 2071 B.A/B.Com. LL.B, (Hons), Fourth Semester Paper—IV: “Administrative Law (Same for B.Com. LL.B) (Common with P-V of 6® Semester) Time allowed: 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 80 NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including Question No. IX (Unit-V) which is compulsory and selecting one question each from Unit HV. UNIT=1 Discuss the reasons for the growth of Administative Law and elucidate its importance. Give suitable definitions and explain its relationship with Constitutional Law. (5) Discuss the importance of delegated Legislation in modern govemance. Explain the factors leading to its growth and controls of delegated legislation, as) UNIT-0 Discuss the concept of Rule of Law and its importance in the Indian Constitution, as) Discuss the importance of seperation of powers in law and in practice in Indian ‘scenario. (sy uNIr=n1 Discuss the factors leading to the growth of administrative tribunals, Explain its structure, powers and relevance of judicial review with reference tothe administrative ‘tribunals, as) Discuss the evolution and development of principles of natural justice. What are the exceptions ofthese principles? as) UNIT Define administrative diseretion. Discuss its importance and validity in modem sciministration, Explain the power of judicial review of administrative action, (15) Pro, 5:21PM © atl) Q @, 3 Media Player ‘buns as) |. Discuss the evolution and development of principles of natural justice. Whet are the exceptions ofthese principles? as UNIT-Iv |. Define administrative discretion. Discuss its importance and validity in modern ‘administration. Explain the power of judicial review of administrative action, (15) PTO. ‘Sub. Code: $001 @ ‘What are the various legislative measures to tackle the menace of corruption in the Indian administrative with reference to the institution of Lokpal and prevention of corruption? as) uNIT-v Write short notes on the following 4) Droit Administratit ') Right to Information ©) Government's privilege to withhold documents 4) Re Delhi Laws Act, ACR 1951 SC 332 ©) Exclusion of judicial review of administrative action 5:20 PM © Media Player aa + wera © Questions sqi ram. Code: [01617 BAJB.Com LL.B. (Hons) § Year Integrated Course, Semester-$ 1088, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (Same for B. Com-LLB) Paper:1¥ “Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks :60 Note :~ Attempt one question each from Units HIV. Unit V is compalsory. UNIT4 (What isthe role of administrative law in the preset comtemporary democracy in india? 10 How delegated legislation bas became an indispensable past of ‘adeinistative law? Give illustrations. 10 UNIT-AL “Analyse the doctrine of separation of power into lightofArcle= ‘50 ofthe Constitution of India. 10 Examine the roe of Indian Judiciary withthe help of dcided ase towing and antanng te principe ofrul ofa. 10 UNIT 15. Flucidate the Judicial Control over administrative tribunals: 10 4s11/LsL-0068 [Tern over Power ofthe govemmentto enter into contracts specified under the Constitution of india diferent and Independent from the Contract Act — Examine. 10 UNIT-V ‘What re the principles for exercise of Writ Jurisdiction ?To what extent the principle of rs judicata is applicable to writs? Explain ‘withthe help of decided case laws. 10 ‘What are the principles of Natural Justice ? Under what circumstances the principles of Natural Justice may not be complied. with’ 0 UNIT Waite short notes on the following (@) Delegatus non potest delepare (©) Administrative discretion (©) Wednesbury rule Reasons for the growth of Administrative Tibunals in India. (© Droitadminiseait. S420 5:19PM © Q @, Media Player Ea Oa 1 of2 —|+ » 6) ne Pages: 3) Rol NO. nn Quesions :9) Sub. Code Bxam. Code : [0[617| B.A./B.Com LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Integrated Course 4th Semester Examination 1047 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (Same For B.Com. LLB.) Paper : IV elf] | ‘Time: 3 Hours) [Max. Marks : 80 Note + Attempt five questions in all, s from each Unit U 10 1 ‘question 15 masks each. Unit V is compulsory and of (S Unit Discuss the growth of administrative law with its reasons in the Indian context 2 What are the kinds of delegated legislation ? Discuss the judicial control over such kinds of delegated legislation. N-501 ay ‘Tum Over Univ 9. Write short notes on the following (@) Post decisional hearing (©) Wait of Quo warranto (©) Exwoppel (@) Executive powers (©) Droit administratir 5:18 PM © alll SG Media Player Printed Pages : 2 i Questions: 9 Sub. Code: [4 19 [9[2! Exam. Code: [0[6 [7]3] B.A/B.Com. LL.B, (Hons.) 5 Year Integrated Course, 4" Semester 1046 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (Same for B.Com. LL.B.) Paper : TV ime Allowed : Three Hours) [Maximum Marks : 80 ote : Attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each from Units I and Il of 15 marks each. Unit III is compulsory and of (4*5) 20 marks. UNIT-1 "Administrative Law is as old as any organised administration". In the light of the above statement, discuss the meaning, nature and scope of Administrative Law. Bring out the relationship between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. 15 "The concept of rule of law is opposed to arbitrary powers". Explain the concept of rule of law and its importance under the Indian law. 15 Critically examine the theory of separation of powers and explain as to how this theory has helped in the growth of administrative law? 15 992/BIK-34004 [Turn over 5:18 PM © al! GH) Media Player What are the factors leading to the growth of Delegated Legislation ? Explain the various controls of Delegated Legislation. 15 UNITHI Write a detailed note on government privilege to withhold documents. Discuss the importance of this privilege in UK, USA and India. 15 Define Judicial Review of administrative action with the help of decided case laws. What are the various grounds for the exercise of Writ Jurisdiction ? i 15 What are the reasons for the growth of Administrative Tribunals ? Write a note on the structure and procedure of the Administrative Tribunals. 15 Explain the principles of Natural Justice, What are the exceptions to the principle of natural justice ? 15 UNITHII Write short notes on the following : (a) DroitAdministatif ©) Doctrine of Estoppel (c) Forms of Delegated Legislation Waiver of Fundamental Rights 4992/BIK-34004 5:17PM © Media Player Loony, @ Printed Pages: 2 Roll No. Gi) Questions :9 Sub. Code: [419 Exam. Code: | 6 | 7 B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years 4% Semester 1045 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (Common with B.Com. LL.B.) Paper—IV Time Allowed : Three Hours) [Maximum Marks : 80 Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions each from Units-I andl of 15 marks each, Unit-IIl is compulsory and of (45) 20 marks. UNIT “Administrative law has been characterized as the most outstanding egal development of the twentieth century". Explain the nature and scope of Administrative law bringing out its relationship with Constitutional law, 15 Discuss the concept of Rule of Law and its importance under the Indian Law. 15 What are the factors leading to the growth of Delegated Legislation ? Explain the variouscontrols overDelegated Legislation. 15 Discuss the liability of administration in the cases of torts in India. 15 4989/BEG-26592 [Turn over 5:18PM © Media Player UNITHI Write detailed note on Administrative Tribunals in India. Explain the scope of Judicial review over Administrative adjudication. 15 Define Judicial Review of administrative action with special reference tothe grounds of Judicial review. 15 Discuss the concept of Statutory Public Corporations with special emphasis on their status, rights and liabilities. 15 Explain the principles of Natural Justice. What are the exceptions tothe principles of Natural Justice ? 1s UNITAIU White shortnotes on the following (a) Separation of Powers (b) DroitAdministatif (© Privilege to withhold documents (@) Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel. 4989/BEG-26592 5:17PM © Media Player Printed Pages: 2 Roll No. .» Questions 9 Sub. Code: [510 [2] Exam. Code: [6 B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years 4*Semester 1044 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW (Same for B.Com. LL.B.) Paper-V Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80 Note :— Attempt five questions in all, selecting two questionseach from Unit and Il of 15 marks each. Unit Ill is compulsory and of (4x5) 20 marks. UNIT Discuss the nature and scope of administrative law and bring out the relationship between administrative law and constitutional law. 15 Discuss the concept of Rule of Law and its contribution towards the growth of administrative law in India. 15 Explain the concept of Delegated Legislation and the various controls overit. 15 Discuss the liability of administration in the cases of contracts in India. 15 5021/BST-S5275 [Turn over 5:17PM © Media Player ‘ UNIT—II Discuss the reasons for the growth of Administrative Tribunals in India. What are the main characteristics, jurisdiction and procedure of the Administrative Tribunals ? 15 ‘Define Judicial Review of administrative action with special reference to the grounds of judicial review. 1s Explain the principles of Natural Justice. What are the exceptions to these principles of natural justice ? 15 Discuss the concept of Statutory Public Corporations. Explain the liabilities of the statutory public corporations. 15 UNITAI Write short notes on the following — @ Separation of Powers (i) Privilege to withhold the documents Gi) Droit Administatif Gv) Legitimate Expectation. 5021/BST-55275 5:16 PM © oe al! Q @, Media Player Exam.Code:673 Sub, Code: S021 13 BA/B.Com. LLB (Hons) Forth Semester Paper-IV: Administrative Law (Same for P-IV: Administrative Law 5" Semester) ot ‘Time allowed: 3 Hours NOTE: Attempt two questions each from Unit I & Il. Unit II is compulsory. er uNIr—1 What is Administrative Law? How American and English approach differ in defining administrative law. (1s) Define Rule of Law. To what extent it has been incorporated in the Constitution of India. as) What is Delegated Legislation? Discuss its constitutionality as) ‘What is Promissory Estoppel? Discuss its development with the help of decided cases. (1s) UNIT=1 8) How Administrative Tribunals are different from courts? Trace the reasons for their growth and explain the characteristics of Administrative Tribunals. (10) b) Mr. ‘A’ challenges the seniority of ‘B’ by filing a PIL. before the Administrative Tribunal, Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are employees of Statutory Corporation. Discuss its validity. 6) a) Discuss the scope of Judicial Review and explain the cases in which judicial review can be excluded. (10) b) Mr. ‘A’ seeks a judicial review by filing a petition in the High Court on the ground that the action of the administration has violated his legitimate ‘expectation. Discuss its validity. © a) What are the principles of Natural Justice? Discuss different types of bias. (10) PTO. 5:16 PM © Q @, Media Player > i Q) ) During the examination, it was found that in a particular center, 80% of the students were copying from the books. The flying squad reported the matter to the university and the university cancelled the examination of the entire center without providing an opportunity of hearing to any candidate. Does it validate the principle of Natural Justice? © |. What are Statutory Public Corporations? Discuss their characteristics. (as) unr =1t Explain the following: a) Relationship between Constitutional Law and Administrative Law b) Privileges to withhold the documents ©) Doctrine of Proportionality 4) Speaking order 5:16 PM © Q @, Media Player > Lb (@) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No. .. (i) Questions 29 Sub. Code: [5 |0 |i (3 Exam. Code: [617 [5] B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 5 Years 4" Semester 1043 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Paper :1V Time Allowed : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 80 Note :~ Attempt five questions in all, selecting two questions from each Unit-I and II of 15 marks each. Unit-IIl is compulsory and of (45) 20 marks. UNIT 1. Define administrative law and determine its ambit and scope by separating it from constitutional law. 15 2. Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers and its relation and contribution towards the growth of administrative law in India. 15 4, Explain the concept of delegated legislation and judicial control overit. 15 4, Discuss the liability of administration in the cases of torts in India. 15 5013/BYY-47277 {Turn over 5:16 PM © atl) Q @, 3 Media Player UNIT What are the main characteristics, jurisdiction and procedure of the administrative tribunals ? writ, where the alternative remedy is available? What do you mean by rule against bias ? Explain its types with the help of decided case law in India. 15 Explain the main grounds of judicial review: Can itbe conducted on the basis of violation of legitimate expectations ? 15 UNIT Write short notes on the following @ Rule oflaw (@ Promissory Estoppel i) Exclusion of audi-alteram partem Gv) Statutory public corporation. S013/BXY-47277 5:14PM all! GZ Q = @, 3 (i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No. ...s000++ ase (ii) Questions: 9 Sub. Code: [4151616] Exam. Code: [7 [| 1] 0] B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)-4" Semester 2042 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Paper: IV Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80 Note:— Attempt five questions inall, selecting two questions each from Unit] and Unit-II of 15 marks each. Unit—IIl is compulsory and of (4x5) 20 marks. UNIT-I 1. Define administrative law and differentiate it from constitutional law. 2. Illustrate with the help of decided cases the doctrine of separation of powers under the Constitution of India. 3. Explain the doctrine of legitimate expectation. Can this doctrine be violated on the ground of change of ‘policy’ ? Discuss. 4. | What is the liability of administration in the cases of breach of contract ? Explain with the help of decided case law in India. 4566/FPD-30205 [Turn over 5:15 PM OQ @ Media Player UNIT (Cann'administrative tribunals'replace the jurisdiction of the Supren Courtand High Courts under Articles 32 and 226 respectively Explain, ‘Which writs shall be issued in the following cases to review t administrative decision? (@) A college violates the merit list for the admission to t) BALLB. Course, (b)__ A Consumer Forum exercises its jurisdiction wrongly. (©) Anemployec has been transferred. (4) A clerkin the school has been assigned the job of teachir by the Headmaster, and clerk starts taking classes. (©) Apperson has been detained by the Army in Srinagar. Discuss the scope of judicial review in the cases of finality clau in the statute. Write a comprehensive note on the doctrine of proportionality UNIT Write notes on the following: (@) Exclusion ofjudicial review (®)_ Laches and delay (© Promissory estoppel (@ Droitadministrai 4566/FPD-30205 SE

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