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Read the page from the play.

Answer the question below it.

Each question will address a key scene in Act 1
1.What is Reverend Parris so concerned about here?

He thinks that his enemies will come to him and tell him about witchcraft
2. How is Mrs. Ann “Goody” Putnam spreading rumours and making the situation worse?

She said how she flew so high to start a rumor and make it worst and everybody in the room joined the rumor
3. What are Abigail, Mercy and Mary worried about?
They are scared of getting called witches and then getting hanged
4. What sins has, a newly awoken Betty, accused Abigail of? What is “a charm”?

That Abigail drank blood and a charm is a potion

5. Explain what Abigail is threatening the other girls with? Why is she threatening them?
She is threatening them of death because she doesn't want them to tell she drank blood

6. What is Abigail telling John? What is John telling Abigail?

She is telling john that she definitely know he loves her and John tells her that he doesn't love her, and she
should stop waiting for him
7. - What is Mr. Putnam “ Putnam” angry about?

She's says that it's not because of god that she looses all of her children
- Who does Rebecca think is responsible for the “witching” of Betty and Ruth? tituba
- What does Proctor mean by, “ we vote by name….. not acreage “? They vote by name and not by the
size of their land
8. What is Abigail attempting to do here?

Abigail attempts to put the blame on tituba

9. What “proof” has Abigail used to accuse the slave Tituba of witchery?
- How does Mrs. Putnam try to make things worse?

Because she says that she made her laugh at a prayer and begging her to drink blood. mrs putnam
says that she should be hanged.
10. Why does Abigail confess?
- Why do the girls start to accuse so many others?

Because she realizes that it can come back on her really fast, and she starts naming her enemies to gt rid
of them

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