Research Questionnaire

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1. What is the General attitude or behaviour of seminarians towards studies in the seminary?

 Do they actually cultivate the desk culture?

 Is there any sign of improvement in their academic life.
 What shows that the are gradually getting better in academics?
 Can one boost of achieving greater success by studying through the seminary?
 Do seminarians take their studies seriously?

2. Is there enough time provided for study period in the seminary?

 What is the typical duration for studies?

 Is it enough for taking effective study?
 Is there any need to review the study period?
 Do seminarians make good use of this period?
 Are there situations when other seminary activities encroach on the period mapped out
for studies?

3. What period of the day is designated for study in the seminary?

 Do they find the day time or night time better for studying?
 Do they find it very stressful to study during the day after the morning lectures ?
 Is it healthy to study when one feels fatigued during the day?
 Is the night a better period compared to the day?
 Do they have enough lights to carry out study at night?

4. Is the environment conducive for seminarians to carry out their studies?

 Where does the study take place?

 Is the rooms suitable for study?
 Is it possible for them to study in the rooms without getting distracted?
 Do they also study in the library?

5. What is the conduct of seminarians during examination after the long period of study?

 Are there cases of examination malpractices?

 What is the rate at which seminarians engage in exam malpractice?
 Is there any possibility of closing the academic year without any seminarian being
expelled for exam malpractice?
 Are there enough supervisors during examination?

6. Do the seminarians appreciate the time given to them to carry out their studies?

7. What is the overall impact of studies in the life of seminarians?

 Is knowledge truly acquired from the studies they undertake?

 Does the knowledge they acquire through studies manifest in their daily activities?
 Is there any correspondence between their studies and behaviour?
 Are they able to apply such knowledge acquired through study to the society?
 What impact would this knowledge be to the society and church?

8. How do the seminary measure the output of seminarians after studies?

 What is the performance of seminarians after examinations?

 Do they actually observe the grammatical syntax in languages while taking written
 Do they speak with confidence and eloquence during the course of oral exams?

9. What is the rate of availability of resource materials for studies?

 Is there a presence of functional library?

 Are there enough books in the library ?
 Is there a bookshop in the seminary?
 How important do seminarians value the books provided in the bookshop?
 Do seminarians purchase books regularly from the bookshop?

10. What factors could possible be militating against effective studies in the seminary?

 Is the use of technological gadgets such as cell phones?

 Could other seminary activities be responsible?
 Could it be the lack of E-learning facilities?
 Is it the fault of lecturers?
 Is laziness from the part of seminarians responsible?

11. What could be the motivation of seminarians to study?

 Is it to avoid poor grades?

 Is it to receive awards?
 Is it to achieve excellent results?
 Is it to become prudent or crafty?
 Is it to attain greater positions in the church?




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