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Nowadays, in dome pars of the World suchas Mexco, tradihanl fesvars and celebrations Nave disappeared or are disappeanng win ine pass oF the years. IN {his essay 1AM going +0 4 Maintain my opimien aout Keeping tradiiions afwe. Some clays ago we celebrated the onginal and amazing diadricn wich is “dra de muenos”, but ohd we reany ceiewiared > Manu childyen were inthe streets asKng For sweers, everyone with q halloween comume . We are adapting our curve +o forgein one; in aditiion, m many houses they did por pus “la ofrenda”, ahey ust Went 10 partes ond enjoyed halloween . \n consequence , ihere 15 an Imporiant 105s of cunuve, which have een stabushecl FOY generattans, identity of People Now 1s move simiarasamencan people, they do not idemify Themseives OS mexicans and we ave 105sing our cunural nerioge. Moreover, tradiwiOns are rox the Onty thing nod We ove tossing, also e@romMu, people who'selled “Cempasuchit| ANA pon de mverio’”’ is not opiarmng @ psofit In theie years. yowever, we cin make many solutias 10 avoid these prowrems suchas promoting co ure and Hiadwions from School, we Can s2e dhs praciice In Kinder garden childver Who aye lead trations, win ins alitinahve 4 hos 10 be present parenis Pana pation, showing their children wrod Ow tracdmiens ave, and how 40 cele baile them insi€od of STON foigein Naddions, Governmens musi fare actiOn Gf ins “stivatiy, economy is afhecked beause ce tHNS, They sHOUd impremenr Inieqralve Plogramms in Which People feel comfortable and inteniW ale econamy such as 1OVNSM Decause of 4ne BEcOr In Re ctvane Ae YN Gens iainch \neaate nennie Scanned with CamScanner AN) ina, mM fms modein societu Peapre are leaving their idemwies mM ordey +0 IMpreMenr forgen 1faditions and evenss, we OS Mexicans Muti have A Umgue identity , OUT Ayad moyswil) S4ay In alox Cf Years w the Futwe, tour she change iS inovr hands, we are the future seciery anal we decide what \s going to happen ulin tms and what's not, Gaicra Sermo Manca $-S Scanned with CamScanner 10 reading bendable tecnolany + wrdbuldng able + grammer ave probebly + speaking ft sy, my 4a Shrink it, bend Rarer pequene Reading 1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions, 1 Whatev n shrink, bend or fold? You cam shrink a jumper. 2. What other everyday things could it be useful to ‘make smaller by hrinking, bending oF folding? 2 Read the article, Make two lists of objects (a and b). ‘Were these the same as yout ideas in Exercise 1? objects we are already familiar with that can be shrunk, bent or folded 1b objects we will see more of in the near future that ‘can be shrunk, bent or folded. ca There's chways something rather safisying about things that can be reduced in size and packed away: a flding bike you can foke on the train; @ raincoat you can cll ‘up and pop into a carry bog; folding, unbreckoble sunglasses you can put in your back pocket. Now ‘edvances in electronics and materials scence are pu the boundaries of what is possible, hel s to make increasing! you only have fo compare a 21stcentury ion or mobile phone with a 20thcentry one to see that. What might the nex! len years bring? Energy: The ideo of hamessing solar energy is nothing new, but we may wel be obout fo see @ evolton in the consiuction of solar cells which will alow them to be incorporated into on ultrathin transparent fim. So insleod of expensive solar panels on roofs or in solar tems in fre ey col om part fideo ‘Communications: Using screens as thin as a sheet of poper, bendable technology here, but the chances are that ones that wrap eround your wis ees thot fi into your St see 3s one dy s00n we wi 25 (iacipehletretyanes: harness) harm getting hold of and using limplant ()/umplo:n/ something that is put in your body during an operation stent (o)/stent/ small expanding tube used to replace damaged tubes in your body (¢, in arteries) eryday objects can you think ofthat you Space exploration: ‘Cubesas’~ tiny stelites measuring 10 cm across that can be taken up into space with larger satelites - have become m: chances of moking new discoveries in space. Medicine: Doctors ore ckeady succesfully repoirig damaged eyesight wih fny electronic implans ond removing blockoges in arteries with small foldable stents. Progress in bionis is likely to conte ct abs pace, although it will almost certainly raise difiok ethical questions along the way. The other ara in which materials science is making huge progres it how drugs are delivered into the body, New types coating around pills mean each pill needs to be tke just once and then the drug inside con be rleosed ‘over weeks and months, even years. Is likely that such ‘super- gi sl in ii eSese | Ree ‘as cancer cells, increasing the drug's effectiveness enormously. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 4 Innovation Wordbuilding -able 6 Lookat the expressions of probability again in the grammar box. Discuss which words or phrases mean the following: 1 something is possible (about 50% chance) 2. something is probable (about 70% chance) 3. something is not probable (about 20% chance) 4 something is very sure or almost certain (@bout 30% chance) 4 Lookat the wordbuilding box. Then rewrite the sentences (1-6) using adjectives ending in -able. You will need to change other words inthe sentence. 1. You can’t reuse those cups: you're supposed to dispose of them. Those cups aren't reusable; they're disposable 2. They said this camera couldn't be broken. I hope unbreakKal they refund me the money. Refoundabie 3. Can wash this jacket or does it have to goto the dey cleaners? yatha bee 4 The car can be repaired. I's just a question of epeareab’e whether Ican afford the repair. a{ fouclable 5. Ican't excuse his behaviour. All [asked was that I Unercua could rely on him. Reliable be 6 Youcan‘t imagine how painful it was. Unimaginapie Grammar future probability 8 Complete the conversation using one word in each space. There is sometimes more than ‘one possible answer. Then discuss if you agree with the speakers’ views. ‘A: Do you think that the pfoblem of internet security’ _y)ill___ get worse in the future? B: Well, there? nv ght___bea technological solution, but I doubt. I think what's more > JiKely__ tohappen is that we'll use the internet more and more and internet crime will almost * cer!avily— increase. ‘A: [think you're right. Internet security may 5_will_ improve, but the criminals will ceridiiil —getbetter at what they do too. Speaking Furure sowwTions > FISTSeaUSIEU TG» A SOCIAL BUSINESS > MAKING A SHORT PITCH e APROPOSAL Scanned with CamScanner reading a social entrepreneur + critical thinking finding counter argutvere speaking a social business 4c The shoe giver Reading 4. Workin pairs and di 1. What are the main priorities of a business, in your opinion? 2. Can you think of ways that a business could make money and help society at the same time? the questions. 2 Read the article on page 51. Then summarize how TOMS makes money and does good at the same time. 3 Read the article again. Are the sentences true (1) or false (F)? 71 R2 Blake Mycoskie's early career consisted of starting and then selling companies. Mycoskie immediately saw the Argentinian children’s shoe problem as another business challenge. The main advantage ofthe one-for-one scheme is that Mycoskie doesn’t have to keep asking people to donate money. ‘The author suggests that in business, ‘energy and enthusiasm isa very important factor. “Mycoskie would like iti his customers became social entrepreneurs too. Podoconiosis is a disease that concerns developed countries as much as. developing countries. ‘Mycoskie thinks that any business could profit from making a similar one- for-one offer to its customers. ‘The author thinks that Mycoskie should be proud that he has a successful business, not just one that helps people. TS TA Ts ¥6 ¥7 Ts Critical thinking finding counter arguments 4. The author presents a postive picture of ‘TOMS, but there are suggestions that there are also arguments against the initiative. Find possible criticisms inthe text in these areas. a. the price of the product the business model charitable giving 5 Work in pairs. Compare your answers from Exercise 4. Then write some questions for Blake Mycoskie that would challenge him on these points. Word focus give 6 Workin pairs. Find these expressions with give in the article and discuss what they mean, a giveita break line 1) b_giveit some thought (line 26-27) 7 Complete the expressions with give using these words, Discuss what each expression means. best break go goahead thought time 1 Ws difficult tobe ina new environment, but give it some and you'll eel more at home. 2. Don't worry if you don’t win: just give it your 3 I wasn't actually expecting him to lke our business yroposal, but he gave us the 4 Giehima He's only been doing theja two months. He can’t be expected to know everything 5 There's no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some ‘and then let me know. 6 Theonly way to find out if you can mend it yourself togiveita 8 Match these expressions with similar expressions from Exercise 7. Then make three sentences about your OWN ‘experience using expressions with give. a chance awhile Speaking 9 Work in groups. Imagine these organizations come to you for financial help. Considering them both as businesses and as organizations witha social benefit, decide which you would help. Give reasons. consideration | the green light a try | your all | [A Tis organization collects fod nearitssell-by date | fom supermarkets and uses volunteers to distribute i free to homeles people. The company needs money for transport and administration costs, services to companies. The people it employs are alll long-term unemployed people who get training, work B This organization sells gardening and landscaping ‘experience and alittle pocket money. This organization collects unwanted clothing. Clothes i good condition re washed and given to people in eed lathes n poor concton are reed and made into fashion clothing to be sod 10 Do you know a company with a social purpose? Scanned with CamScanner Unit 4 Innovation Blake Mycoskie isa self-confessed serial entrepreneur. Mycoskie knew nothing about manufacturing, let alone He set up his first business, EZ Laundry, a laundry service shoe manufacturing, but he understood that he had to for students when he was still at college. Having built up lear fast. At fist, by his own admission, he made’a poor the company to serve seven collegesin the south-west _jab of making shoes, so he brought in help from people 5 of the USA, he sold his share tohis business partner and with experience inthe industry and soon his product was moved on fo a media advertising business in Nashville. getting high satisfaction ratings from customers. The vital This again he sold on to Clear Channel, one ofthe clement that Mycoskie added was his own passion lis. industry's leading companies. passion he wants others to share. TOMS encourages ‘Three more businesses later, still only 29 years old, and___customers to become more involved by volunteering to feeling abit ‘bumed ou fom work Mycesie decided to See ean give it a break for a while and headed down to Argentina Tt Eland ‘experience and Mycoskie hopes it might for some rest and relaxation. But rest isn’t really part of inspire volunteers to develop similar projects. an entrepreneur's make-up and it ‘Ten years on and with revenues of peso lang before Mycoste had) $392 milion a year, the business 18 hit on another idea, one that would Minire sitcrsoane = ‘come to define him as perhaps the 1 only to children in Argentina ‘world’s best-known social but also other parts of the world entrepreneur. here foot diseases are a problem. ee r In southern Ethiopia, where a high On ee Rane concentration of silicone inthe 2 Buenos Aires, he was shocked is ‘children | soil causes podoconiosis, a disease FEecary Seeley estos were ing cron mech west fet 000 pope ‘and badly wom. Since shoes — particularly the local Seal ce a Rae ee ee farmers canvas shoe, the alpargataare relatively cheap hs tate \ 3 ‘5 in Argentina, Mycoskie’ first instinct was to set up a A, charity to donate shoes to the children. But afte giving _Butisthe one-for-one model repeatable with other it some thought, he realized that this probably wouldn't _ products? TOMS is for profit business, but fora ‘work: the shoes would quickly wear out and if he asked longtime it didnt show a profit. Mycoskie says it is ‘people to donate repeatedly every time more shoes were _jnotike a sales promotion you can just add to your 9 needed, their sympathy forthe cause might also wear out exiting business model; you have to build it in from the pretty quickly. era ‘So he came up with the idea of TOMS: one-for- eae ae mecions that giving ; i alone isnt the anser and that educating peopl o one shee; He would le thealparpta ‘0 Avrch |p tov este ea Yet esi ves ‘TOMS: one-for-one’ calling ithis‘greatest hit’.And 75 ‘why shouldn't he? It has made a difference to millions of poor children around the world and brought him great entrepreneurial satisfaction '5_at around USS50 a pair/ Quite a lot for a canvas shoe you might say, but for each pairhe sold, another pair ‘would be donated to village children. That way he could guarantee a continuing supply and also run the project as ‘a business rather than as a charity, which was something © he had no experience of recone Scanned with CamScanner reallifle making a short pitch « speaking skill making key points + pronunciation word stress Real life making a short pitch 1 Real the definition ofan elevator pitch. Then work in pairs. What information do you think you should include? What don’t you need to talk about? ‘An elevator pitch is where you imagine you are in {an elevator with someone you want to sell your ‘new (business) idea to. You only have the time until the doors open again to convince ths person, make H ample 22 Wha 19, YoUr SIN ice about better ? t three points does B.Conwnce /expiain —_20ints she makes 1.Did you agree your back grown ae 3 anew phone app anil COMPIETE THE HOES in the table. Name of app |" voller _pionner What does |Links people who vant to volunteer to 2 chant Problem it solves _| People don’t volunteer because they can't commit to a? _sequiar time Competition | Doodle and «Ime pal Why ts different | Rasa databare of volunteer 5 quitstvahans and 5K Developers’ [Teamof? 1T_ox pelli aqualitctions | with experince of * oniemng wath. chan’ Needs + Funding to bring it to market 4 Speaking skill making key points [REE Look atthe expressions for making key points. Listen again and tick the rhetorical questions and sentence adverbs the speaker uses. Can you remember what the speaker said directly after each question? ‘Ad An eleeator pitch ‘Sentence adverbs Basically, ..- Essentially, Clearly... ‘Obviously, Of course, v Honestly, --- Tobe honest, Financially,» Practically, Rhetorical questions What sit? Y How does it work? What does it do exactly? hy is ittat necessary? Sowhat, yousay? Won't that be expensive? "How do we achieve this? 7What are we asking for? Whats our ambition for. 5 Pronunciation word stress a DEE Mark where you think the stress falls in each adverb or adverbial phrase inthe box. Then listen and check b EEE Work in pairs. Practise saying the words with the same stress patterns. Then listen again and check 6 Workin pars or groups of tree. Present your own elevator pitch fora new social enterprise. Follow these steps. Student A: Turn to page 153 and read the notes. ‘Student B: Turn to page 154 and read the notes. ‘Student C: Turn to page 155 and read the notes. ‘Prepare your pitch carefully. Use the expressions for making key points tohelp you (use no more than three thetorical questions). > + Speak for no more than a minute. + Write down the main message of each pitch and atthe end compare your answers + Vote on who you think gave the most persuasit pitch. ‘FUTURE SOLUTIONS > HOW PEOPLE MANAGED INTHE PAST > ASociaL eusiness > (UNANGRETICMIMGnN @ amore Scanned with CamScanner Glommod lie doot = @t0lar Unité innovation Before you watch 1. Look at the photo and caption. How do you think this activity affects: a. the children’s lives? b theenvironment? 2 Key vocabulary a Read the sentences. The words in bold are used in the video. Guess the meaning of the words. 1. Twas on the verge of giving up my university ‘course, but my parents persuaded me to carry on. 2 Idon’t know why I continued to believe him. It was as if was under a spell. 3. Wesell some products direct, but mostly, they are sold through high street retailers. 4 Wesupply over ten million households in the UK with gas and electricity 5 Theisland has experienced terrible deforestation because the construction industry needs wood as a building material. by Match the words in bold in Exercise 2a with these definitions. shops that sell to individual customers large-scale cutting down of trees just about to influenced by a powerful (often magica) force homes While you watch 3 COREE Watch the video and check your ideas from Exercise 1. What benefits did Sanga Moses business bring to the community? 4 Describe the following things you saw in the video. the tool used to cut wood the buildings inthe villages the ‘clean’ cooking fuel he produced the transport farmers were using 5 CARER Watch the first part of the video (0.00 to 150) again, Answer the questions, 1 What part of his sister’ situation particularly inspired Sanga Moses to act? 2. What did his boss think about his d quit his job? 3. How many of the university students wanted tohelp him with his new business venture? 4 How did he raise the funds for his new business? 5. What was his girlfriend's reaction? jon to 6 CREE Watch the second part of the video (1.51 to the end) again. Complete the facts and figures. Eco Fuel Africa turns farm' wos: See «Ar aitatt dane an a eee is! GS % cheaper. » CaTe Miata arate mer and‘ 460 _ women retailers. ‘+ Itsupplies* 16,000 households. ‘+ Its ambition Is to supply 16.6 million households into inthe next* _ +€n. years. + Eco Fuel Africa prevents” defereiiai/Snd *mdoor —airpolltion + ttprovidesa living fr farmers and* women and makes sure children get an'® educalicn After you watch 7 COREA Watch the clips from the video. Choose the correct meaning of the words. 8 Complete the sentences in your own words. Then compare your sentences with a partner 1. The news that ... hit people hard. 2. I’simportant to have a good network of friends because 3. Ihave an idea to... but I don’t know if I should act on it. 9 Work in pairs. First summarize the benefits of Eco Fuel Africa's service and then discuss if you see any potential drawbacks of this system, 10 Sanga Moses described himself as an ‘everyday community guy’, meaning that he had identified 1 problem in his community and tried to solve it ‘What problem have you seen in your community and what could be done about it, do you think? Think about these areas or one of your own. Then prepare a short talk to describe the problem and possible solution. + Crime/safety ‘Transport Pollution Lack of shops Noise Lack of public/recreation space Jobs -nusk(n) ask the outer shell of an edible seed, ein wheat or coffee sugar cane (n) "fogs ket a tall thick grass from which sugar i extracted Scanned with CamScanner The magic of travel FEATURES 41 Workin ois. Lok atthe photo Discuss what you know about this place (its character, its landmarks, its people, etc), 58 How we travel 2 [SEW Look at the questions and discuss them with your Different approaches to partner. Then listen toa travel writer's opinion and compare travelling ‘your answers. 60 Magical mystery tour 1 What different factors (time of year, reason for travel, etc) influence how we experience a place when we travel? Trips to unknown places 2 : 2. What makes a good travel writer? leaisths adventures of 3 [EEE Look at these adjectives. Which ones normally describe Hergé people (), places (PL) or a time (T)? Then listen to the travel Travel through the eyes of ‘writer again and say what the speaker uses each adjective to a comic book hero describe. Did you use any of the same adjectives to describe Paris? 66 On the road: Andrew Ppt PL P PLTeP ple Pe McCarthy romantic cosy officious lazy elegant affable wary grand lively ‘video abouta memorable eer ave oxen 4. Work in groups. Use adjectives to describe a place you have enjoyed visiting. Use words from Exercise 3if helpful. olfiaous = mpresve , bo wary descarn acto HOWYOUTRAVE AMYSTERYTOUR KNOWING PLACES. TELLING AN ANECDOTE a my life review Scanned with CamScanner reading a travel blog * vocabulary reps pronunciation do, doe sd word pales + grammar em d did + speaking how you travel | 5a How we travel 1 Visa they Cami Reading 21-2, Nedoeii betave KE ve travel. Answer the q Diner 1OMENS he OLE ce of jouny, boy 41 Work in pairs. Discuss the as ce of travel asa young, t questions about travel 1 Why ao you think mos people 2.8 Fundan Uxsval exponen M-twant to be more re? In what ways does the vel? worn) choy, (MMM 3 expN Ord KeoweR] Mm travel? 2. Where and when do you travel? What fs your reason for traveling? Conga ura , vaenhons 3 Whatdo yourenjoy / not enjoy | about travelling? Nowe chataler, 4 Doyou think the concept of [anguaye 1 travel ant holidays difters fom culture to culture? It s9, how? Yes, because many prope do hot nave’ whch Wohelays cing on holiday when |was a young boy meant going to spend the summer with my grandparents in my parents DB rsretoaninthe noth find. Fr many Indians who live or workin big city, thats stil what travels. Fr my {other it was the same: escaping the heat of Kolkata to Visit uncles and aunts in the cooler hls of Darjeeling He is well off now and can afford to travel abroad to See the world, but instead he prefers to stay at home. Onthe few occasionshe does travel it to visi my sister in Delhi or mein San Francisco, because held athe see us facet face than ona computer screen, But he doesit ‘behave ike other tourists and visitthe sights: What he enjoys sitting and reading the newspaper with a good cup of coffee and wandering downto the focal market to ‘buy some food. Most people are pretending when they travel, he says doing tings they dont realy want todo because theyare on the tavele’ checklist, 300, 5100 pe races 3 Find words or expressions in the second par withthe without worries omef tee 2 fined list of places vst EA elt inte writer's and his father’s) is Close iphof the blog, 4 verystilland shiny 4.2564 5 bordered flanked 6 asteep valley a gpg butnoflame smoudeung, bitmeraiy In some ways l understand his point of view.The thing we | allvalue as travellrsis that feeling of being carefree and ‘open to experiences as they happen, just taking life day by day. But in other ways | disagree with him. Because it's exciting and unusual experiences that | want. Last month, Thad the trip of alifetime in Chile. t wasa guided trip with a strc itinerary, bu it id fulfil my expectations of What travel should be, and more. We explored a volcanic ‘ave under the smouldering Vilarca Volcano. We hiked through a forest of 1,000-year old monkey-puzzle tees and found ourselves looking down on the glassy Huinfuica Lagoon, flanked by majestic mountains. We stayed at a lodge in the Hullo Hullo Biological Reserve, sustainable-tourism playground complete with walking trails, mountain biking and kayaking, And we zip-wired acrossa 100-metre deep gorge called EI Abismo. know what Ilike about travel my father does too, I’just how we travel tha’ diferent. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 5 The magic of travel Vocabulary repeated word pairs ‘4, Work in pairs. Look at the expressions in bold (a-b) from the blog, Discuss what they mean. Then discuss the meanings of the other expressions in bold (1-6). a Held rather see us face to face, hot vita! bb... just taking life day by day. €vety doy 1 [saw Layla last night. She's just back from holiday. She went on and on about how terrible the hotel was. 2 Acountry’s success in sport goes hand in hand with how much it invests in promoting it. Slep by 3. Icouldn’t predict the winner of the election. ‘They've been neck and neck all the way. 4, We both recognized the problem, but we don’tqo! do really see eye to eye on the solution. 5. They started their travel website in 2015 and agiee it'sjust gone from strength to strength. poweifu 6 Writing is a process that you need to approach step by step. Take 14 easy 5 Think of examples ofthe following things. Then work in small groups and compare your ideas. + an experience that went on and on + a subject you don’t see eye to eye with your parents (or someone you know) about + a person whose career has gone from strength tostrength + something that you (or someone else) are taking step by step (or day by day) to reach a goal Grammar emphatic structures 6 Lookat the grammar box. Notice the word order in the sentences. Rewrite the sentences (1-5) using, anon-emphatic form. : 1 Iwant relaxation. 7 Rewrite this sentence in four di rent ways. Use emphatic forms, starting with the words given. ‘Tlove the unpredictability of travel! 1 Iteen 2 What (ur family holidays were hilarious. Il never forget the seven of us travelling through France in a tiny car. (thing) 8 [didn’t mind the disruption; it was the fact that they didn’t apologize for it. (it) 9 Pronunciation do, does and did @ LXEZ Listen to these sentences and write in the missing emphatic auxiliaries. Note how the auniliary verbs are stressed. 1 T___regret not stopping there. 2 She travelalot. 3 We miss home sometimes. 4 [spend alot of time at the beach. Practise saying the sentences in Exercise 9a with the same stress. Speaking KNOWING PLACES.» TELLING AN ANECDOTE > AREViEW Scanned with CamScanner Wordbuilding synonyms » listening a mystery tour * gramm« pronunciation stress in short responses * speaking a mystery tour 5b Magical mystery tour Wordbuilding synonyms > WORDBUILDING synonyms ‘We often use synonyms in English as a way of avoiding repetition. It is important to remember that few words are exact synonyms. They often. differ slightly in meaning or in the grammar that surrounds them: Listening 3. [AEE Listen to an interview about a ‘mystery tour” thata reporter went on. Complete the information. Company name " Secret Adventures Company based in 2 Iywlaa ee holiday and break, succeed in and manage o, Things to take a vice, popular and welliked ais at supe, a dry bag For further practice, see Workbook page 43 Length of ip a Type of eying + Hat 41 Workin pairs. What synonyms or close Destination ? \stond on the river synonyms can you think of for these words? How similar or different in ‘meaning is each word you thought of? hotel relax travelaround trip 2 Look at these words which are used in the interview you are going to hear. Match the words (1-9) with the correct synonyms (a-i) dl trip a. swimming costume spot b wonderful 93 head for c_expectation hd thrilling journey i 5. spoil € location a6 swimsuit —f setoff £7 start out gmake your way to C8 anticipation h exhilarating 9 magical i ruin Tightaconmodaton [aptint the oper Return journey By? rain Cost of trip| © Jess thay 40 pounas 4 [SEG Listen tothe interview again and answer the questions 1. Who started the fashion for mystery tours? Geese 2. What kind of companies organize mystery tours nowadays? Ceoch4our operalions 3. How did Maggie describe her experience? 4 Why does the interviewer agree that it was better not toask for too much pre-trip information? 5 What did the guide do as they travelled to their destination to add to the excitement? 6 How did Maggie feel about swimming to her ‘accommodation’ for the night? 7 How did she feel when she got back into London? What lesson did the trip teach her? magical Scanned with CamScanner Grammar avoiding repetition 5 Look atthe grammar box. Answer the questions. 1 What do the words in bold refer to in sentences 1-4? 2. Which ofthe words in bold in sentences 1-4 substitutes for: a_athing(ie.anoun)? b_ a phrase, clause or sentence? 3. What verbs have been omitted after the words in bold in sentences 5 and 62 6 Lookat the audioscript on page 183-184 (track 37). Answer the questions, 11" What synonym of ‘dea’ is used (para 1) and of ‘track’? 2. What does ‘that’ refer to in the sentence ‘And that gave us the chance...” ‘What does ‘it refer to in the sentence“... butit was fine’? What verb phrase has been omitted after ‘had’ in ‘actually ithad’? What does ‘one' refer to in the sentence ‘it depends which one? ‘What verb phrase has been omitted after to’ in ‘you really don’t need to”? Ign er experience everyone shou eve one thee es — at least | think " they should have that experience. Unit 5 The magic of travel 8 Putan appropriate word into each sentence to avoid repe 1 He said he wasn’t going to take the car, but Ithinkhe did’, because I can'tseeit outside. 2. She said, ‘Good things come to those ‘who wait’ What do you think she meant by that? 3 We need to set off early. So, shall we leaye at 7.30 a.m? 4 I'mso tired that I might fall asleep during the film, but Ill ry not-ta. 5. Sorry this pen isnt working. Do you have one. that I can borrow? 6 Thad an amazing childhood. I'm going to write a book about it. one day. 9 Pronunciation stress in short responses '@ Work in pairs. We often use substitution in spoken exchanges. Complete the answers to each question using one word ineach case, 1 A: You have to be careful not to get verchara inthe oa markets Yes, : Would you like to drive? No FAH you did : Did he take warm clothes with him? IGop) _so__. : -, ‘mind travelling alone? No, Lactuallyrefe}_—st___. : Are there many Z00d guidebooks about this region? : Yes, there are some excellent ones__. 6 A: Did he enoyvising Rusia? B: Yes, sheJoyed i ‘b [SEB Listen and check your answers. ‘Undeflne the stressed words in each ‘lporse. Then work witha partner and read the exchanges aloud using the same pronunciation patterns. Speaking 10 Work in small groups. Design your ‘own mystery tour. The tour should be a reasonable price, take participants to an unknown destination and involve activities that bring people together. ‘Then present it to the class. When you present the tour, try to use at least three expressions for avoiding repetition. >eEe > eee -AREVIEW vowvournava PEXIERINEBIM rivowneriacs > Tene ai avcoore @ Scanned with CamScanner Reading 1 Work in pairs. Look atthe photo and discuss the questions 1 What comics or cartoon books did you read when. you werea child? 2. Whatedid they contain that appealed to you: adventure, humout, interesting facts life stories? 3. Doyoustill read any comics or graphic novels, now? 2 Read the article. Are the sentences true (1) ot false (F)? 1. Tintin is a writer who travels around the world in search of adventure, 2 The author Hergé loved to travel 3. The artwork in The Adventures of Tintin is remarkable for its precise detail 3 Read the article again. Choose the best option to ‘complete the sentences. 1. The author ead / daydreamed a lot about foreign lands asa child, 2 The author compares ks to readi thrillers ae 3. Hergé made multip ‘models of objects like cars and planes before putting them in his pictures. 4 Herp an inspiration to other illustrators 5. Visitors to Petra see the tall Treasury a te lst | “itoment / from a long way of 6 The author thinks 3 and Explorers ‘on the Moon are Herge ambitious books. 4. Find words in the article with the following meaning. 1 distant (para 1) fano(? 2. looked in amazement (para 1) maiveled 3. extremely careful (para 3) painstahint 4 truly and precisely (para 3) (arth {ull 5 6 very strange (often of a coincidence) (para 4) uncanny talent (para 5)Q)¢# Critical t sources 5 What sources (research, expert, first-hand experience) does the author mention to show thatthe following things were accurately represented by Hergé? NB For ‘one item no real source is mentioned. the scientific expedition tothe Arctic cars, planes, ships and bridges the Treasury at Petra sending a rocket to the Moon ig evaluating 5c The adventures of Hergé 6 Were you persuaded that Hergé represented — thing accurately for his eaders? Do you thin, i’simportant that writers do this? Why? / Why not? Word focus matter | 7 Lookat the expression in bold from the artic, Choose the correct definition (a or b)- j (Tie books} were a kind of National Geographich, children ~and adults, for that matter} of course (but you know that) b_ also (now that think of it) 8 Complete the expressions with matter using these words. Then discuss with your partner what you think about each statement. course laughing mind principle time way 1 With new technology, Ithink it’s only @ ma of 41mg before people are taking ‘virtual holidays from their own living, FOOms (SND. Geting lost ina big city might sem like anadventure, but believe me, it’s no Jaughing_matterwhen it happens to you 3. Ithink you'can put up with a lot of discomé when you're travelling. I’ just a question of paincl__ overmatter. 4 When 'mabroad, Luse public transport asa matterof_ (UNC. Youdiscover much more that way. 5 Nomatterwhich W04 you look ati rot speaking the language of the country ye. are visiting isa disadvantage. 6 don’t ly on planes as a matter of Puncipie—_ ; they ereate too much polhutia Speaking 9 Workin small groups. Make alist of four plac youall know about in one or other of the wayt listed below (eg. New York). Then compare what you know about these places. Do you havea similar view of each place? Would you like to go there? Why? / Why not? + from visting yourself from what friends or family have told you + from what you have seen in the TV news¢ a documentary ‘+ from what you have read in a magazine, book or online + from photos you have seen Scanned with CamScanner Writing a review * vernny _ vesurpuve words ‘Novel 1 2 venga, misery 3. Alesens 5e Book of the month ‘=2"""""" Writing a review 41 Work in pais. Which ofthese ways of choosing a book to read or film to watch is most reliable or ‘useful? Why? Discuss your answers, personal recommendation ‘book /film review in the press the blurb on the back cover ora film trailer ‘choosing a book that has been made into a film f or vice versa ance 2. Read the book review What the reviewer's ‘pinion of the book? Explain why. ee Book of the month — SEs SANILUIS REY © ane ene 3 Read the review ay 1 What type of book sit? 2 What isthe main theme? 3 What tense is used to deseribe the plot? 4 What words deseribe the style of writing in the book? 4 Lookat the different ways (a-e) to begin a book review. Which way does the reviewer use in the review in Exercise 2? give your opinion about the book directly talk about the writer’s background ‘¢_ describe the opening ofthe story dd. givea short summary of the whole story discuss the topic of the book 5 Writing skill using descriptive words {Underline the adjectives and adverbs in paragraphs 2and 3 of the review. What does each describe? Which two are compound adjectives? 1b Complete these compound adjectives. breaking fetched going moving provoking willed written packed thought- grave ng (book) far-_ferched_ (plot) heavy--going (book) well unten (book) action-packed __ (adventure) heart-breaning (ending) fast- movin _ (plot) strong: willed (character) © ‘Match the compound adjectives from Exercise 5b with their opposites below. convincing easy-to-read happy _ indecisive poorly written slow-moving uneventful uninspiring 6 Writea review ofa novel you have read ora film, you have seen (approx 200 words). Follow ths plan ‘+ Describe the seting and give a brief summary ofthe plot ‘+ Say what the theme ofthe book film is. ‘Describe the style of writing filmmaking. + Give your opinion or recommendation. 7 Exchange reviews with your partner. Use these questions to check your reviews. + Isthe review organized into clear paragraphs? + Does it NOT reveal the whole story? * Are you persuaded by the recommendation? ‘WOW YOU TRAVEL [AMYSTERY TOUR. > KNOWING PLACES. > TELUNG AN ANECDOTE 6s Scanned with CamScanner Before you watch 1 Look at the photo and answer the questions. 1 Whereis this place? 2, What kind of trip do you think these travellers 2. Key vocabulary ‘a Read the sentences. The colloquial expressions in bold are used in the video. Guess the meaning of the words. 1. just sort of went ... ‘that’s kind of weird’, 2. Lread your book. It was so cool. 3. And he was like: ‘You read my book?” 4 [called him pretty much every day. 5... truth be told, I was a gold-card traveller. b Match the words in bold in Exercise 2a with these definitions. a thought to myself di said b almost really good rather strange £ tobehonest While you watch 3 COBB You are going to watch an interview with travel writer Andrew McCarthy. Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What was the trip that changed Andrew McCarthy's life? 2 Inwhat way did it change him? 4. CCIE Work in pairs. Watch the first part of the interview (0.00 to 2.09) again, where McCarthy describes how he became interested in this trip. Look at the words (ae) and note why they are significant in the story. Then, with your partner, reconstruct the story. a bookstore aplane the internet Harper’s magazine home phone number canoe El Watch the second part ofthe interview {2:10 to 3.10) again and answer the questions. 1. What adjectives does McCarthy use to describe: this travel experience? his feelings while on the trip? what the experience was not? what he felt for the frst time when travelling? 2. What was the reason for the trip that he didn’t know at the time but now realizes? 1.4) Transtornan ve 1.) tenyling and | was Nonty aaa miberabie — 1:6) Not religions 1.4) Unatraid Unit 5 The magic of travel = 6 CONE Watch the third part ofthe interview (3.11 to the end) again and answer the questions. 1. What makes McCarthy unsure about going again with his children? 2. How long was the trip? 3. Where did he stay? 4 Complete this description of himself: ‘a igrim’. What does he mean? 5 How did he justify not being this kind of traveller on this occasion? 7 Complete the summary of Andrew McCarthy's story using one word in each space. About eighteen years ago, Iwas ina" bookstore and I picked up'a book by a guy who had walked the Camino de Santiago in 3” Spain _ . It sat on my bookshelf for months and one dayI* qiabbed it when I was looking, for something toad on the plane. And having read it, I decided I wanted to do that. There was no 5 \nltinet_ to research places in those days so 1 called the* __gu4__upand said, ‘Hey, I read your book,’ and fasked him questions about how to go about doing this trip. I went to Spain for a month and [had a 7 4sQnsioomaluexperience. I felt * miseravre and frightened but then something happened that? changed _ my life. And for the first time Tfelt ®ynottoid in the world. I stayed in litle pilgrim" posiel_ and tobe truthful it wasn’t very comfortable, so I sometimes stayed in pensiones instead and I justified it by saying that this is the way to meet the ®_(gcals After you watch 8 Vocabulary in context i a COREE Watch the clips from the video. Choose the correct meaning ofthe words and phrases. b Complete these sentences in your own words. ‘Then compare your sentences with a partner. 1 Often for lunch just grab 2 Sometimes I feel lke [can’t take ... anymore 3. Ididn’t mind .... twas ust one of those things. 9 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. 1. What things do you think made Andrew McCarthy uncertain about travelling alone? 2. What do you think the event was that changed this (when he said ‘then something happened and I had, sort of, one of those experiences that youhave'?? 3. Make alist of five things that make people nervous about travelling abroad. Which things ‘make you nervous? What could you do to overcome this feeling? Scanned with CamScanner FEATURES 70 Exercise around the world Different exercise regimes 72 No pain, no gain How to avoid sports injuries 74 The enigma of beauty What is beauty and why is itimportant to us? 18 The art of parkour Avideo about the history of ree running ae a My life ERASE TRENos Desens) C. ! think 1h «sn ‘AFORMAL REPORT ‘Work in pairs. Write a short caption to accompany the photo. 2 [AEA Listen toa woman discussing health and exercise with her friend, Rashmi, who isa doctor. What does Rashmi say about the following? 1 intensive exercise versus gentle exercise 2 the kinds of exercise that she does 3 EXEBI Look at the expressions to do with exercise and health, Four of the expressions need a preposition to complete them. Write in the prepositions. Then listen and check your answers. 1 keep_in_ shape 5 goon adiet 2 take _— exercise 6 stay = fit 3 gofor_awalk/rin/ 7 work oUk at the gym ride 8 stretch = your legs 4 watch _— yourweight 9 keep _— active 4 Work in groups. Ask each other questions about your fitness. Use the expressions in Exercise 3 ‘A: What do you do to stay fit? Bz Iwalk a lot and I go swimming a couple of times a week : Don't you find swimming boring? Bz Just doing lengths isa bit dull, but it keeps me in reasonable shape. , A. €oting healthy, dou exceriige, sleep wel 8. Doing volleypall USING PROPOSALS °° Scanned with CamScanner reading exercise regimes + wordbuilding compound words * grammar phrasal Verws - SPEAKING exercise trends 6a Exercise around the world Read 3 Workin pairs. Write a suitable heading for eay Reading paragraph. Then discuss whether any of thenc* 4. Lookat the quotation by swimmer David Walters, What forms of exercise appeal to you. Give reasons. oint was he making about exercise? Do you have any similar experiences? Wordbuilding compound Anhour of basketball fees like teen minutes An hour on a treadmill feels like a weekend in traffic school, words David Waters professional swimmer | WORDBUILDING compound words ‘We form certain nouns and adjectives using verb nounladjectve + preposition. The combination can bea whole word ora hyphenated word. breakdown, follow-up For further practice, see Workbook page 51. 2 Read the sentences (1-6). Then quickly read the article. Match the sentences with the exercise routine it describes: Radio Taiso (RT), swogging (8) or yoga (Y). 7.1 It’sa fashionable form of exercise. RT, Y2_Itbenetits the mind and the body. “gP3_It doesn’t need alot of effort or practice § 4 Your body feels asifit is under attack. 4 Look at the wordbuilding box. Find one $5. People have been doing this form of exercise for similar compound adjective and compound centuries. noun inthe article. It’s an enjoyable way to exercise. Peeoenco Catia ran AROUND THE WORLD [Zt Crs "Not many peopl outside Japan have come across Radio Taso. un Each day at 630%n the moming you hea this tinkly piano sound ‘coming from te ado and everywhere people start dong calisthenics — gente warm-up exercises - to get ready forthe day ahead. Theyre group exercises tha everyone canjoininth~athome, inthe park. The group principle isa very Japanese ting People say the idea was coped from US factories in the 1920s. It fantastic, because ts good fun and isnot to strenuous: they're simple ‘movements that anyone can do, odor young. Alo, they get the brain working aswellasthe body |do something caledswogging:a miture ofswimming andjogging. If ‘The nspitation came roma book about people inthe Caucasus ‘mountains, who oftenlive to well over ahundred and remain mentally and. Physically it.The bookputs this down o ther practice of walking down steep slopes oswimin cold mountain streams something they've been doing for ‘generations. Then they dry off and climb back up the mountain. The idea of freezing cold water might puta tof people off butt’ scientifically proven to help yourcculation and boast your immune system, because ittriggers Your body’ self-defence mechanisms Ido the ame thing in North Wales where 1 Ihe but jog twomilesto alae. ts ver exhilarating, but vealite way to go befor Igetto 101 | went on a group yog2 retreat last yearin Tamil Nadu. To an outside ‘observer, yoga doesnt lok demanding ~ jus slow stretching and holding certain postions Yoga practioner came up with thelr own version of ‘the saying Don jut sit there do something’ which s Dont just do something. sitthere But actually isa very good workout. Like 2 lat of eastern exercise, it ‘offers more holistic approach to heath by combining bodily fitness with ment wel-being. The idea isto concentrate on your breathing to make movement easier and reduce tension. Although tstated out in india, only a relatively small proportion of the population sil practise yoga seriously. In the West, it's ‘an increasingly trendy form of exercise, but Indian traditionalists say that the versions practised by many Westeme re far removed from the original form. Scanned with CamScanner vocabulary Injurtes * listening sports injuries + idioms health « grammer very ja ons 5 ‘+ speaking describing an Injury pronunciation stress In two-syllable verb 6b No pain, no gain _ Vocabulary injuries 1 Match verbs and nouns from each box to make collocations about typical injuries. There is sometimes more than one possible answer. ‘Then with a partner mime each injury to explain its meaning. ee i 2 Answer the questions. Use the collocations from Exercise 1. 1 What injuries do you think the runner in the photo risks? 2. Which injuries in general are: a the most common? the most painful? Listening 3 ERAT Listen to an interview with ultrarunner Ben Newborn about sports injuries. Answer the questions. 1 How does Ben define ultrarunning? 2. What was his main concern about doing the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc? 3 What mistake do many sports people make? 4 How does Ben avoid getting sports injuries? 4 [mA Complete the descriptions of injuries and problems that Ben tals about, Then listen to the Interview again and check your answers. 1 He had to overcome &xhavshion and the things that make you feel 51¢K 2 Alotof sports people try to ignore a smalll muscle Styeiter pan ina joint. 3 Minor problems can develop into more severe injuries. 4. His exercises have prevented him from getting ankle span$ lower pac pain and runner's Knee Idioms health 5 Work in pairs. The ultrarunner used this idiom in the interview. What do you think it means? ot talking about when they're ina really bad oes etc ternary bas Soy 6 ERLE Complete the idioms using these prepositions. Then listen and check your answers. Discuss the ‘meanings ofthe idioms with your partner. down in off on out under up 1 A:Theard Sarah came off her bicycle. Is she _in abad way? B: Luckily she didn’t break anything; she was pretty shaken up though. 2. A: Isit true that Jack nearly cut his finger off? B: Yes, he practically passed_ou+ when he saw what he'd done ... but he's _o17_ the mend now, I think. 3 A: You look abit _O* _ colour. Are you feeling under the weather? B: No, 'mnotill.'m just run_dowwn from working too much. Scanned with CamScanner Unit 6 Body matters 5 Neck pain is common among these people. Because they inst on. vending (bend) low pver the handlebars, they are 0 FO15@ (raise) their heads to see ahead. Grammar verb patterns 10 Which of these sportspeople are being referred to in each sentence in Exercise 9 Discuss with your partner. ‘gdlists footballers runners swimmers tennis players 11 Often verbs that express a similar idea are followed by the same verb pattern. Look at the sentences (1-8). Replace the verbs in bold with these verbs without changing the verb patter. 1.5108 2. blamed : 3. means 4, decided convince decide stop expect verb patterns these verbs (1-10) take. Then check ‘your answers in the audioscript on page 184 at people from having accidents. '8 Pronunciation stress in two-syllable verbs Look at these verbs. Which syllable is stressed in each of these verbs? ‘afford attempt avoid complain convince insist involve prevent rely succeed b LMG Listen and check your answers. Then practise saying the words again, 9 Complete the sentences about sports injuries using the correct verb patterns. You need to add prepositions in some of the sentences. 1. These people often complain —_suteting__ (suffer) ‘pink eye’ from the chlorine in the water. They also tend fo be___ (be) susceptible to shoulder problems. 2 These people risk _clamagung _ (damage) the joints in their legs. But they can avoid Ge +ting__(get) long-term injuries by ‘wearing the Fight shoes. 3 Since their sport relies so heavily coving (use) the arm, these people __40_hav@___ (have) problems with Gut eBty tnd wie 4 Because these people pull muscles so often, they are encouraged _fo_waim ua (warm up) properly before a match to prevent such injuries __OCCOFINg, (occur). eck dd). eared ‘were criticized for not having Vee pot ‘ention to track safety 1 afford 6 prevent 6. pospone es straining my back in any way, 2 avoid 7 succeed expect triskit 3 anyen Sey 8. commnced ymind to get fit 4 involve 9 urge vulla muscle as she stretched to 5 let 10. warn une swesay going to the doctor. f you do, it’ take longer to recover from the injury. Thope to be playing again in a few weeks. The doctor persuaded him to take it easy fora while 412 Complete this short description. Use the correct verb patter ofthe verbs in brackets. Tremember' _ __ (have) to play rugby at school when I was fourteen or fifteen. At that age, kids seem ?__ (develop) at very different rates and so sometimes they'd ask you ae (play) a match against people twice your size. One time I attempted (tackle) a huge boy running with the ball. His knee struck me in the face, making me (fall) back and T hit my head on the ground and passed out. The sports teacher never apologized ‘ (for / put) me in that situation, so the next time he asked me? (play) for the team, [refused* ___(do) it! Speaking 413 Work in pairs. Choose one ofthe following incidents and describe what happened. Ty to use at least two verb patterns in your answer. 1 atime when you ora frend were injured doing a sport or in Some other situation 2 atime when you ora friend narrowly escaped being injured EXERCISE TRENDS > "> DOES BEAUTY SELL? > DISCUSSING PROPOSALS "> A FORMAL REPORT Scanned with CamScanner speaking does beauty sell? 6c The enigma of beauty Reading 1 Workin groups Lookat the photos. Which faces do you find beautiful or handsome? Can you explain why? How many do you agree on? Discuss your findings 2 Read the sentences. Do you think each ones true? Then read the article and find out the author's views. T1_ There are no universally agreed characteristics of ‘human beauty. Perceptions of a person’s beauty can be connected to their social postion. 3 Your character can have an influence on whether people think you are beautiful or not. “4 The search for beauty is superficial and vain. 3 Read the article again. Find the phrases from the article. ‘Choose the best meaning (a orb, 1_beauty is in the eye of the beholder (para 2) r2 'b related to how someone looks at you 2 aglowing complexion (para2) smiling face 3 asymbol of status (para 4) a a 4 has preoceu} 4) ES tigi: b worried 5a shallow quest (para 5) atrvial search 6 fussed over (para 6) b_madeto fel comfortable Critical thinking author influence 4. Look at these topics from the article. How did you personally eel about each one? Read the article again and discuss with a partner. 1 the experience of the women wanting'to be models 2. the practice of extending your neck using copper cols, 3. the way that our idea ofan ideal body shape has changed 4 the fact that the author's grandmother still cred about her looks at 100 years old '5 What was te author's opinion about the topics (1-5) in Exercise 4? Did this influence your reaction toany of them? How? Word focus face 6 Find two expressions with face in the artic with these meanings: a unhappy expressions (para 1) b tobe honest ‘nara 6) Ltose ana reprctian ‘gr ‘Kat the expressions 2. Not 19 sh0W 4" entences and explain the reat eens hrase. 3 io twit witout imithe was wrong. He avenging lose face in front of the A. To bei MO 9 ted not to be picked fq EUnny flue he puta brave face on it. Face are Cnsequeouir of help at face value. 1 © Supericial good, >had any hidden motive. ANB Gad. "dal trouble keeping a straight face when Jon fell off the stage. 5. You should tell her that you scratched her car, because sooner or later you will have to face the music. 6 On the face of it it seems like a good idea, bt [wouldn't rush into making a decision. 8 Make two sentences of your own using expressions with face from Exercises 6 and 7. Speaking 9 Workin pairs. You are going to design an advertising campaign. Read your role cards| and prepare ideas. Then act out the meeting toagreeon the advertisement you will run. Student A: Tum to page 153. Student B: Tur to page 155. 10 Discuss which view is closest to your own. Give reasons. Scanned with CamScanner real life dscussing proposals + speaking skill proposing and conceding a point + pronunciation toning down negative statements 6d A bold initiative Real life discussing proposals 41 Work in pairs. Read about the different methods ‘governments around the world use to encourage their populations to keep fit and healthy. Answer the questions. 1 What do you think are the pros and cons of each method? 2. Which initiative would work best, do you think? Why? 3 Are there any similar initiatives in your country? ‘JAPAN: Broadcast a dally exercise routine on national radio each day. 2 WASHINGTON STATE, USA: Fast-food chains must publish the number of Calories in each item on the menu. 3 QATAR: Get companies to install ayms at work so workers can exercise before or after work or during breaks. 4 UK: Run public health campaigns promoting exercise activities that are ‘quick and easy to do. 5 SOUTH KOREA: Make good grades in Physical Education a qualification for University entrance, 66 PHILIPPINES: Promote sports lke karate In school that combine exercise with selfedefence skills. 1 thea art going 10 be Wrore procluctwe and no sik “Glows For empryees. 2 Site tke wath ng ond 9979), (eam epever’ Ne Clattes, VENT OY i, une 10 wom, bool idea was, rE Wor accepted promete Sai dio Tanto" 2 [REE Listen toa discussion at large insurance company abou ideas to promote health and fitness among their employees. Answer the questions. 1. Why is promoting health and fitness among, their employees important to the company? 2. What different ideas are proposed? Are any of them similar tothe ideas in Exercise 1? 3. Which idea got approval from another member of the group? Which idea was rejected? 3 Speaking skill proposing and conceding a point TREE Look at the expressions for proposing, and conceding a point. Then listen to the discussion again and say which phrases are used to propose and concede these points. 1 Spending money on a workplace gym ~ may not bea budget for this 2. Dance classes - people do these things in thei, free time 3. Group exercises in the morning — not an original idea 4. Give people incentives to do things on their ‘own don't know the details ee 4 Pronunciation toning down negative statements a [REE] Listen to these statements where an adverb #5 sed to tone down (reduce the impact of) a negative statement. Underline the words most strongly stressed in each sentence. 1. Its nota particularly original idea, 2. Itwouldn't be so easy to monitor 3. Tknow that isn't really the intention bb [RBH Work in pairs. Practise saying these sentences where a negative sentiment has been toned down. Then listen and compare your pronunciation. 1. Lknow it's nota very practical solution. 2. Itwouldn'tbe so simple to convince people. 3 V'mnot entirely confident about the result. 5 Work in groups. Each person should think of another idea to promote the health and well- being of company employees. Then present and discuss your ideas. Concede any points against your proposal. @ > Zrnyllfe) "Dees Prone nme Foor eau se? +B > AFORMAL REPORT Scanned with CamScanner writing a formal report + writing skill avoiding repetition Unit 6 Body matters 6e A controversial plan = c= Writing a formal report [sees ieee 1 Read the report about a public This report examines @ proposal to make smokers pay hi ‘health issue and look at the nealth insurance premiums. Over 100 people of different ‘questions. Underline the parts of the ecial backgrounds were interviewed about the pro ES swer the questions. ¥s based on a straightforward evaluation of isk pee tne eee their chances of becoming ilincrease. 1 Whatisthe aim ofthe repor? 2 Whatis the main finding? 3 What action is proposed? the interviewees objected to the proposal onthe nds that it was discriminatory. One common argument was 2. Read the description of reports t, according to this principle, higher premiums should also be in general. Which of the features iby people who overeat. a in bold appear in the report in 1% of those questioned agreed that the habit of smoking was Exercise 1? beyond an individuals control, However, $5% took the view: that smokers make a personal choice to smoke Formal reports present the ore should pay for the consequences. With regard to findings of an investigation and 4 1, 74% of respondents believed free make recommendations based Con these findings. The reader rei eave to sens ePaty s were in favour of some change to insurance cole foray efermatin practice of treating smokers and non-smokers let points, subheadings, and ordingly, we recommend that a pilot scheme should short paragraphs are all useful. Beer arc aven fee Help bj thee aurora Reports present objective facts, ‘over a six-month period. During this time, they will ‘often using passive verb forms, us solutions to give up. if they succeed, they will but some internal reports can also offer more subjective comments. 3 Find formal phrases in the report that mean the following: ye 2am, 1 because (para 2)4n0\ 1 54 2. ifyou follow (para 2) onthe gram 3. so (para 3).{heretore . 4 concerning (para 3) W 5 6 ? Bb Replace the words in bold in these sentences to avoid repetition. 1. This report examines the results of a survey on heath, esrb th man reat and mang some recommendations. {ndings , ovlcome rh regard ep menbers of all en sed forte views on the proposal and they responded with a range of views. opmntent: 3. 87% agreed that more exercise would be good for their physical health, while 54% said it would be good for their mental health. ™p1O¥» benefcial, 4. We recommend that a fact-finding team should be set up. We also recommend that the leader of this team is someone from, in general (para 4) overa\t in view of this (para 4) gcordingy 4 ‘on the other hand (para 4) ceqy8e5'4 repetition ‘When writing reports, you often outside thecompary. suqgettedls —G grove ‘ave to find ways of repeating the 5 Write a short report on a survey of employees about how a ‘same idea using different words. ‘company can help to improve employees’ health. Use your own Find these words (I) and then find eas or the ideas you discussed in Exercise 5 on page 76, Write the different ways thatthe write naa = used todescrbetese things. Ttwt gues lOned, 1 the Interviewees (owoways) 4. poueved vorts with your partner. Use these questions to check those question 2 tookthe... view (hay 3. hele + presented their aims, findings and 3. assistance 4. slob (Mok, dations? 4 quit smoking (two ways) EYP SMOKY ort use formal language, including passive 5 insurance company 5. ynirance 6 period CBiwpany wnw"E® srt divided into clear sections? © -Time. fall result a clear, concise and easy-to-read report? > EXERCISE TRENDS.» Leatnusiwe am mums « -~Z5 BEAUTY SELL? DISCUSSING PROPOSALS @® BE Scanned with CamScanner wre ee 6,6 6 =F YF VY ~ ~~ 7 Acthuty (47) . —_ A. |am bke1y to meet_the love of my lite at Nomve nsf y—— 2 Petha ps-my mum wont. cok my favorite _ SdisWittod dyes ee 3} 1 Concert in Queretaro A My cish may fall love wrth me SperoreAOn ae 6. \4%6 almost cea that it unl rain 1L}415 most probaple | wil) have 2 Kids. <. & 2 Scanned with CamScanner é Eom bast nace Re Ahad 40 = dbngatian 2. needn's have ~ lack ot necessity 7 You did i+ bv+ i+ was no nececany e~ ak d =) =, 4 i¢teianr expecied. 12s p49 4 Roosiey_must have smg Scanned with CamScanner PW WA Eee weerr re Grammar cast macials: 4. mosi have forgotten my_phoneat home 2.1 must have a9 in orderdo skip tne {nals e full verb ® modal 1. Sandni foams 2-Ipunnon < Pronguneing , changing the meaning . Benim << Jponish:Me wa __ banar 4 Weak Sums <— ample: Shovid have ‘e must (ve) Scanned with CamScanner Li istacos thot | love (2 +ne thing | love 15 +a00s 1.3 Taco» 1S who \ love EnPrasi LA Wha | love is facos ‘Byampgigi toca Sigoks 3 ea 2.1 What makes suson angiy 15 noise 22 WIS NOSE What make) Soi angry 2-3 Norse 3 Wht Makes Susm ang 24 the +hing that makes Svian angry is noise. Scanned with CamScanner 4 Cleave the sentences _, mod me 3 lWiecessas = Laine school 1S empiu,_noi-ine nospiicay__ 2.) core for you_,NOt Anybody ene B.|faied main nor physics A. Clon 15 an engineer, noi _lowyer $.Jenny lem you 4he money, noi ihe Ronn costes G. Pedro bioke ine _unndow , Not Cefar 4, We _juni_need_S_more_munutes Aliemadtives 1 4 < in: hospriat 3. Main 15s what | failed , no} physics __ “An engineer 13 what Clark 16 nol lawyer 5. Who: lent you-the Moneyiway Tenny, hor 4 6 was pedio who broke dhe window, not Cerav 7.5 moe mnvks iS What we need DUUV ECE es EE EE “ &, Ze Scanned with CamScanner Phrasal_werps Separabie (Tuten _ off) Y Turn yeaa /Tuin_ off Gne Gne TV) “tum Ghe + Yur C+) of € w/ X Turn of FE) Q, e* Not Ove PIGNowW OF+he edot a smarable phrasal veo Me ¥ look tor £4 400) “you = loo k ( o8) for nim -her iy Us them SEPAR ABLE INSEPARA GLE Payback look for, iqne of, Furn_ot€ , eur of pri_up_uah, tum +o _, rer WM take arrwer. © Scanned with CamScanner Fd.) Ran aio, eh Se Scanned with CamScanner 4 4 I njuries ne @ : spay head awe cus Breathing problems Insde of the sivb. Gat es brog Ses Ver pattems | want 1G wok | enjou working © SS work Post Lwanted 40 work \enjoyed_wormna Fusure [wil Want +0 work | hove enjoyed workin « want / to do e €nioi / doing e ime / dom e start / doing - to do e let / Bhdo 2 expect J to WKJV— —teaders—Svboidinawos Scanned with CamScanner

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