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Respected Respondent,
Thank you for participation in this study. This study shall evaluate your experiences at work. Your identity and
responses shall be kept confidential and will only be used for academic purposes. You can omit questions that
you don’t want to answer. By filling this questionnaire, you give your consent to participate in this study
voluntarily and may withdraw this consent any time. You are welcome to ask any question (including a brief
explanation) about this study from investigator.
Investigator: Anum Rehman (03300000000)

Part-A: Demographic Info

Please respond to the following items.
1. Respondent Name:_________________________________________
2. Area:_________________________________________
3. What is your age group please indicate?
□18-25 years □26-35 years □ 36-45 years □Above 45 years
4. Gender: Male Female
5. Marital Status: Single Married
6. Degree: Matric Intermediate Bachelor Master Above Master

Part–B: Indicators of Variables

The scale is SA=Strongly Agree, A=Agree, N=Neutral, D=Disagree, SD=Strongly Disagree
1. Job Stress (Crank, Regoli, Hewitt, & Culbertson, 1995)
Item # Statement SD D N A SA
JS1 A lot of time, my job makes me very frustrated or angry.
JS2 I am usually under a lot of pressure when I am at work.
JS3 When I am at work, I often feel tense or uptight.
JS4 I am never calm and at ease when I am working.

2. Perceived Supervisor Support (Hammer, Kossek, Bodner, & Crain, 2013)

Item # Statement SD D N A SA
PSS1 Supervisor shows active concern for my feelings.
Supervisor provides intensive support in order to help me accomplish
important priorities.
PSS3 Supervisor assures us that help is available if it needed.
PSS4 I can fully rely on Supervisor.
My supervisor makes me feel comfortable talking to him/her about
my conflicts between work and non-work.
My supervisor works effectively with employees to solve creatively
conflicts between work and non-work.

My supervisor demonstrates effective behaviors in how to juggle

work and non-work issues.
PSS8 My supervisor organizes the work in my department or unit to get
benefit jointly both employees and the company.

3. Job Satisfaction (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992)

Item # Statement D N A SA
JSAT1 I definitely dislike my job.
JSAT2 I like my job better than the average worker does.
JSAT3 Most days I am enthusiastic about my job.
JSAT4 I find real enjoyment in my job.
JSAT5 I feel fairly well satisfied with my job.

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