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Introduction: Imagine a couple, they have a beautiful family.

They don’t have children,

everything was beautiful, but one day the husband made a mistake being unfaithful to his
wife with other women. This is a cause that occassion the divorce and for which today we
are gathered, in this opportunity we meet with wife´s lawyer. The divorce trial will take
place here.

Jugde: This court is now in session, good afternoon assistants. I am here to bring about the
divorce trial of this couple, who had been married for 5 years, let’s go start. Tell me your

Lawyer: My customer have proof that show he had a lover, who sometimes he was brought
them as friends to their house.

Lawyer: She taken a screenshots and after she gave it to me. Proof that show us in this
moment. (conversation)

Jugde: Can I ask you a question. ¿Do you believe that this proof are enough for this trial

Lawyer: I believe, because he cheated on her and for my customer the loyalty in a
relationship is very important.

Lawyer: She is not perfect, but try to be the best person for him.

Judge: I honestly don’t have conjecture for you, but it is a good reason for get the divorce.
But I need more reasons.

Lawyer: Yes, because the arguments for infidelity aren´t necessary, however we are

Judge: Well, after have look the proof and being enough, this court approved that your
marriage relationship is dissolved.

Lawyer: I will let you know about this agreement to my defended.

Judge: Good job lawyer. See you the next time, the session is over.
Lawyer: He decided damage this relationship when he goes sleep with other women. For
our good we didn’t have children.

Jugde: You can’t play the victim either. People screw up.

Lawyer: I am not perfect, but try to be the best person for him, besides I am sure that if I
made a mistake he doesn’t forgive anything.

Jugde: It seems to me that you and I are not going to resolve anything in this trial without
your husband and their lawyers.

Jugde: For the next section you must be present with your lawyers.

Lawyer: Ok

Jugde: See you the next time, the session is over.

there is anything salvageable in this


Por su petición ante este juicio, este tribunal concede el divorcio entre ellos.

Lawyer: He is very insecure and he had bad anger issues.

Besides in the article 185 of civil code say what the indefility deteriorates the affective
relationship and is the cause of family instability.

Take a moment, take a moment...

, besides I am sure that if I
made a mistake he doesn’t forgive anything.

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