English Workbook For Technical Students 2nd Year (Autoguardado)

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Welcome to the fascinating world of Technical English. Our first workbook

focused on basic ingles for first year. Now we are going to focus on 2nd year

Bienvenido al fasinante mundo del Inglés Técnico.Nuestro primer cuadernillo se

enfocó en ingles basico para 1er año. Ahora nos enfocaremos en los contenidos
de 2do año

We will learn the vocabulary and the functions related to tools and machines
that are seen in workshops of our technical schools.

Vocabulary: Materials and tools

Grammar: Short review on topics from 1st year: verb To Be, personal pronouns,
possessive adjectives. Verb can. Simple present: afirmative form, 3rd person
singular. Verbs related to technical english: bend, scratch, burn, etc.

Fill in the gaps. Use the verb to Be: is, am, are.
1) They ……….……. from England
2) …………….she a technician? Yes, she………….
3) His name …………... Thomas
4) The student …………….(not) in the class.
5) …………….John in the laboratory? No, he………………..

Fill in the gaps. Use the verb to Be in the negative form: ´m not, isn´t, aren´t
1) I ……………. Tania
2) My name …..………. Robert
3) They…………….. at school
4) Mike and Luis…………… in the club.
5) You…………….a teacher.

Fill in the gaps. Use is-am-are. Turn into the interrogative

1) …………..Oscar from England? Yes, he……….

2) ……….. Mario and Carlos students? No, they………..

3) ………..Sabrina fifteen? Yes, she ………..

4) Where……….Martha and Tim from? They ……….from Scotland

5) Where ………… you from? I ……. from Argentina.

Complete with the correct pronoun: I, you, he, she, it, we, they

1) ………….´m John. My phone number is 165802991

2) My sister is thirty two. …………..is a doctor.
3) Brian and Mike are in class. ……………. are the new students.
4) Tomas is a police officer. ………….… is from the .U.S.A
5) My new computer is expensive. …………..is very big.

Circle the correct option

Hi!!! I 1) ’m /’re Cristian and 2) I / you am from Barcelona. Barcelona 3 ) isn’t / aren’t
the capital city of Spain but 4) she’s / It’s an important city. In Spain, 5) they / we speak
Spanish. 6) My / Your flag is red and yellow. 7) I ’s /‘m a student. 8) Her / my school
isn’t big but it 9) are / is very nice. My friend Patrick 10) aren’t/ isn’t from Spain, he´s

Write can / can´t in the following sentences

1) You …………. burn ceramic
2) You ………….. bend rubber
3) You …………..melt nylon
4) You …………..cut steel easily
5) You ………....heat metal

What are the main properties of these materials? Circle the correct option

1) Ceramic is a) flexible b) hard

2) Iron is a) water resistant b) tough
3) Rubber is a) rigid b) flexible
4) Concrete is a) flexible b) heavy
5) Aluminium is a) corrosion resistant b) heavy

Complete with the correct Possessive Adjective

1) She is my friend. ………………name is Tamara
2) Brian is from Scotland. …………. Family is from The U.S.A.
3) This is my hamster. …………...name is Thor.
4) They are my friends. …………. names are Kate and Sammy.
5) It´s ………..… birthday today. I’m 16
6) I am Cynthia and this is……….… new computer
7) We are mechanics and this is ………… workshop.
8) What is ………..….name? My name is Jonathan.
9) Paraguay is in South America. …….………. capital city is Asuncion.
10) Mike and I are architects. …………..office is in this building.

Complete with this - that - these – those

Present simple
Hola chicos vamos a comenzar a trabajar con el presenta simple. ¡Abajo se muestra cuando se
utiliza y para que situaciones lo podemos usar…! ¡Trataremos entre todos de realizar los
trabajos…si tienen dudas por favor me preguntan …va ser un placer ayudarlos en este camino,
en que nos toca aprender a todos…!!


 Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o
situaciones, emociones y deseos permanentes:
I play tennis (hábito);

I work in London (permanencia);

London is a large city (hecho general)

Water boils at 100° (hecho general)

 Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones:

You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.

 Hábitos y rutinas

He drinks tea at breakfast.

She only eats fish.
They watch television regularly.

 Hechos generals

Water freezes at zero degrees.

The Earth moves around the Sun.
Her mother is Peruvian.

A continuación, te mostramos un cuadro con las tres formas del presente simple

Afirmative Negative Interrogative and short answers

I play I don´t play Do I play? Yes,I do / No, Idon´t
You play You don´t play Do you play? Yes, you do / No, you don´t
He playS He doesn´t play Does he play? Yes, he does / No, he doesn´t
She playS She doesn´t play Does she play? Yes, she does / No, she doesn´t
It playS It doesn´t play Does it play? Yes, it does / No, it doesn´t
We play We don´t play Do we play? Yes, we do / No, we don´t
They play They don´t play Do they play? Yes, they do / No, they don´t

En la forma afirmativa el verbo cambia en la 3ra persona: HE – SHE – IT

I play HE playS
You play SHE playS
We play IT playS
They play

Si el sujeto es 3ª persona del singular HE – SHE - IT se le añade una "s" al


Ejemplo: He workS in a big company

Si el verbo termina en “ch, sh, o, ss, x” agregamos “es” al verbo

Ejemplo: He watches
She presses
It fixes
He goes
It pushes

Si el verbo termina en consonante + “y” se cambia por “i” y agregamos “es” al

Ejemplo: verbo STUDY She studies

Cuando usamos el verbo Have, este cambia a Has en He, She, It

 A continuación, te muestro un cuadro con palabras interrogativas

Where do you live?
What sport do you like?
What sport does your friend play?

 Now let´s practice some exercises

Fill the gaps with the simple present, use the affirmative form.

1) They ……………………………… (work) in the workshop.

2) On Friday, she ……………………………… (go) to school in the afternoon.
3) These tools…………………………… (have) a hammer and a screwdriver.
4) Sandra and I …………………………… (study) on Sunday nights.
5) The Multitool……………………………………… (have) a hammer and a screwdriver.

Use the negative form of the present simple
1) The machine ………………………… (not / work) very good
2) Sandra …………………………… (not/cook) dinner on Sunday nights.
3) He ………………………………… (not/like) carpentry.
4) Sam and I…………………………… (not/ play) football on Sundays.
5) The boys………………………… (not/ watch) TV in the morning

Now we will write the question and answer them

1) …………………Joe ……………………………(watch) TV in the afternoon? No, he…………………

2) ……………………she ………………………………(go) to the gym? Yes, she ……………………….
3) ………………his friends ………………(go) to the cinema on Saturdays? No, they ……………….
4) What…………………Sandra and Cecilia ………………………(do) on Sunday nights?
They ………………………(play) video games
5) ………………………this tool ……………(have) a spanner and a screwdriver? Yes, it ……………



Adverbs of frequency and time expression

Always 100%

Usually 80%

Sometimes 60%

Never 0%

* Las expresiones de tiempo generalmente se colocan al final de cada


Write the words in the correct order.

1) sometimes / Pamela / travels / by /school / to / bus /
2) eat / they / often /eggs / breakfast / for /
3) late / always / goes / She / bed / to /
4) friend / never / Her /gets up /early / Sundays / on /
5) never / goes out / He / in / evening / the /

Some sentences are question

Vocabulary: Materials and tools

Grammar: Present continuos,affirmative, negative and interrogative form. Short

answers. Spelling rules. Verbs related to technical areas.

El presente continuo (Present continuous)
Usamos el continuo para decir que algo está sucediendo en este momento. Por lo
tanto, difiere del tiempo presente simple en que no describe lo que hacemos a
menudo o en nuestro tiempo libre, pero dice lo que estamos haciendo ahora mismo.
Imagine que un amigo le llama y pregunta qué está haciendo. Gracias al presente
continuo, puede responderlo de la manera siguiente:

 I am working. – Estoy trabajando ahora.

 I am training. – Me estoy entrenando ahora.
 I am cooking. – Estoy cocinando ahora.

Cómo formamos el presente continuo

Si el presente simple no es complicado para usted, el continuo será súper fácil.
¿Qué se necesita para formar el tiempo presente continuo?

sujeto + verbo auxiliar TO BE + verbo semántico con la terminación –ING

Forma afirmativa

 I am cooking. – Estoy cocinando.

 You/We/They are cooking. – Estás / Estamos / Están cocinando.
 He/She/It is cooking. – Él / Ella / (Ello) está cocinando.

El verbo auxiliar TO BE es el segundo en la oración y depende de la persona de la

que estamos hablando. El verbo principal está en tercer lugar, siempre con la
terminación -ING y lleva el significado principal de la oración.

Forma Negativa
Para crear una forma negativa, agregamos la partíucula negativa NOT al verbo
auxiliar TO BE. Este verbo realmente solo sirve como una ayuda para la creación
del presente continuo, no significa SER aquí.

 I am not cooking. – No estoy cocinando.

La forma corta es AREN’T o ISN’T:

 You aren’t cooking. – No estás cocinando.

 She isn’t cooking. – No está cocinando.

Forma Interrogativa
Formamos la pregunta cambiando el sujeto de la oración y el verbo auxiliar TO BE.

 Are you cooking? – Estás cocinando?

 Is she cooking? – Esta ells cocinando?

Si la pregunta empieza con una palabra interrogativa la respuesta será larga

Por ejemplo:
What are you cooking? I am cooking some biscuits.

La respuesta corta
Como ya se mencionó, muy a menudo encontramos las llamadas respuestas cortas.
¿Por ejemplo, si tenemos esta pregunta «Are you cooking?» (¿Estás cocinando?), la
respuesta será «Yes, I am.» (Sí) si la respuesta es negativa será «No, I am
not.» (No)

PRESENT CONTINUOUS: It expresses an action in progress.

Time expressions: AT THE MOMENT – NOW.

¡Ahora vamos a trabajar un poco con este tiempo verbal…!!!!

Complete the sentences using the present continuous

1. I ______________ (write) a report now.

2. She ______________ (clean) the office.

3. We ________________ (build) a house.

4. Paul and Jennifer ________________ (study) French at university.

5. Peter ______________ (work) at the workshop.

6. Tom _______________ (teach) English at school.

7. You______________ (make) a new software!

8. They _______________ (fix) the car at the moment.

9. I _______________ (watch) TV right now.

10. She ______________ (play) volleyball this afternoon.

Spelling Rules

 Cuando el verbo es un monosílabo y termina en consonante, vocal y consonante,

duplicamos la ultima consonante y agregamos ING

Ejemplo: swim swimming

 Cuando el verbo termiana con “e” la sacamos y agregamos ING

Ejemplo: write writing

Complete the description. Use the present continuous.

1 Now I…………………………. (heat) the plastic to 100°

2 It……………………………………. (not/melt).

3 Now I………………………………….. (put) the helmet on the floor.

4 The machine………………………………………. (drop) a 10 kg weight on it.

5 Dr. Stevens …………………………………………..(strike) the metal plate with a hammer.

Write sentences using the present continuous.

Affirmative form

1) He /stike /the bar with a hammer.

2) They / have / lunch in the schoolyard.
3) The students / do / their homework.
4) Mark and I / bend/ a metal bar.
5) The two knives / scratch / the metal.

Negative form.

6) Thomas / not / write / the instructions.

7) The material / not / stretch.
8) I / not / play / chess.
9) The plastic ropes / not / break
10) The jaws of the vice / not /compress.

Interrogative form and answer the questions.

11) …….. Peter and Sam……………. (work ) this week? Yes, they………..

12) ……….Sadie ………………(heat) water? No, she……………

13) What ………… you ……………( do )? I……………( test ) this material

14) ………Dr.Wilson………(strike) the metal plate with a hammer? Yes, he………

15) What………… you………………(look) for? I……….(look) for my book

Vocabulary: Materials and tools

Grammar: Past verb To Be: affirmative, negative and interrogative form. Short
answers. Past simple of regular verbs: affirmative, negative and interrogative
form. Short answers. Spelling rules. Verbs related to technical areas.

Ahora veremos el pasado del verbo TO BE

 Como podes observar en HE, SHE, IT usamos WAS.

En la forma negativa agregamos not o la contracción n’t al verbo to be

En la forma interrogativa el verbo to be se coloca delante del sujeto

Expresiones de tiempo utilizadas en tiempo pasado

Fill in the gaps. Use the verb to Be in the past: was , were.
a. He ……….……. at school yesterday.
b. …………….he a teacher? Yes, he………….
c. Our workshop …………...... very interesting
d. We……………. in the shop last night.
e. …………….Jane and Tom in the cinema? Yes, they………………..

Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Look at the example. Use the simple past of the
verb Be
Ex: Where was you yesterday?
Where were you yesterday?

1] Marie Curie were a Polish scientist. Mar Curie was a Polish scientist.
2] Are you at school yesterday? Were at school yesterday?
3] Was Charles Dickens an American writer? No, he isn’t. Was Charles
4] Who was Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers?
5] Napoleon were born in Corsica.

Look at these pairs of sentences. One sentence has a mistake. Underline the correct

a) Elvis Presley were an American singer.
b) Elvis Presley was an American singer.
a) Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective.
b) Sherlock Holmes were a famous detective.
a) Mozart and Beethoven were composers.
b) Mozart and Beethoven was composers.
a) Mrs Beckham were one of the Spice Girls.
b) Mrs Beckham was one of the Spice Girls.
a) Was John Lennon a scientist? No, he isn’t.
b) Was John Lennon a scientist? No, he wasn’t.

There be: Past form

Look at the picture above. Write T true or F false in the following

statements. Correct the false ones.

1 There was oil on the floor

2 There was a fire extinguisher on the wall
3 There were many tools on the floor
4 There weren’t boxes on the stairs
5 There were food and drinks on the bench

Let´s describe the following picture. This is a carpentry workshop and this is
James the carpenter. He was injured last week. What do you think is wrong
and what is correct in this workshop?
Write 6 true sentences. Use There was / There were


SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Positive, Negative, Question: Observa

cómo se construye oraciones positivas, negativas y preguntas.

Questions: Para hacer una pregunta en tiempo pasado debemos usar el verbo auxiliar
“DID” seguido del sujeto de la pregunta + el infinitivo, es decir, el verbo en forma
simple (NO en tiempo pasado): Did you clean your room? = ¿Limpiaste tu habitación? El verbo
auxiliar did convierte al infinitivo en pasado, por lo tanto no es necesario poner la
forma en pasado: Did you cleaned clean your room?
Short Answers: para dar una respuesta corta afirmativa se debe seguir esta
estructura: Yes, + pronombre + did. Para la forma negativa se hace del modo
siguiente: No, pronombre + didn’t.
Ejemplos: Did you clean your room yesterday? → + Yes, I did. – No, I didn’t. = ¿Limpiaste tu
habitación ayer? → + Sí. – No.

1) Write the correct form of the verb. Simple past

1) Neil Armstrong ....................... on the moon. (walk) Eighth 1969

2) Christopher Columbus ........................ in America. (land) (8ccccmmme1492
3) King Tutankhamen’s tomb ....................... discovered in India. (be-not) S1922
4) The accident.....................last year. (happen) BC
5) The Beatles ....................... in England. (live)inth 1976
2) Turn these sentences into the negative and interrogative.
1) They visited their parents last week
2) Samantha was in Paris last year
3) Mozart died at the age of thirty-two.
4) Marie Curie discovered radio in the 19th century.
5) Thomas Edison and Michael Faraday were famous scientists.


The Petronas Towers, also called the Petronas Twin Towers are twin
skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were the tallest buildings in the
world from 1998 to 2004, and they are the tallest buildings made of concrete
(452 mts). The buildings are a landmark of Kuala Lumpur. The towers were
designed by Argentine architect César Pelli.
The 88-floor towers are constructed of concrete, with a steel and glass facade
designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art.

The towers have a sky bridge connecting the two towers on the 41st and 42nd
floors. The bridge is 170 m above the ground and 58 m long, weighing 750 tons.
The skybridge also acts as a safety device, so that in the event of a fire or other
emergency in one tower, people can evacuate by crossing the skybridge to the
other tower.

The Petronas Towers.

Sky bridge

Petronas Towers

Reading Activities

a) Read the text above and complete the chart


Name of the building


Number of floors

Height of the buildings


Length of the sky bridge

b) Choose the correct option

1) The Petronas Towers are located in……
a) Taiwan b) Malaysia c) Tokyo

2) They were the tallest buildings made of…..

a) concrete b) iron c) glass

3) The Petronas Towers have ……….

a) 482 floors b) 170 floors c) 88 floors

4) Cesar Pelli was ………

a) an engineer b) an architect c) a doctor

5) The sky bridge is………

a) 170 mts long b) 58 mts long c) 750 mts long

César Pelli.

Pelli was born October 12, 1926, in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. His father was a
civil servant, who had been reduced to doing odd jobs due to the Depression, while his
mother worked as a teacher. Pelli studied architecture at the Universidad Nacional de
Tucumán. He graduated in 1949. He designed low-cost housing projects. In 1952, he
attended the University of Illinois School of Architecture in the United States for
advanced study in architecture, and received his Master of Science in Architecture
degree in 1954. He married an architect, Diana Balmori, who worked as a partner at his
company. They had two children: Denis, a neurobiologist and Professor of Psychology and
Neural Science at New York University and Rafael Pelli, like his father also an architect.
The couple resided in an apartment in The San Remo on Manhattan's Upper West Side in
New York.

On July 19, 2019, Cesar Pelli died at the age of 92 at his home in New Haven,

A) Choose the correct option

1) Cesar Pelli was born in……

a) Mendoza b) Buenos Aires c) San Miguel de Tucuman

2) His father was a ……

a) teacher b) civil servant c) architect

3) Cesar Pelli graduated in ……

a) 1926 b) 1949 c) 1952

4) His wife Diana Balmori was …….

a) a teacher b) a doctor c) an architect

5) Cesar Pelli died in…….

a) New York b) New Haven c) Tucuman

B) Answer the following questions

1) When was Cesar Pelli born?

2) Was his mother an architect?

3) Where did Cesar Pelli study?

4) What did he receive in 1954?

5) When did he die?


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