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Solar generation is a clean non-conventional energy resource that has emerged as a propitious

solution for reducing fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. According to reports , solar energy
continued globally to lead renewable capacity expansion with an increment of 133 GW (+19%) in
2021, achieving a total of 849 GW capacity and accounting for 28% of the renewable generation

The primary objective of utilizing renewable energy systems is to diminish global climate change,
provide more access to energy and upgrade energy security. By using sustainable energy and
guaranteeing that all residents have access to inexpensive, dependable, sustainable, and
contemporary energy, sustainable development can be made possible.

The challenges and limitations of solar power are reduced remarkably due to developments in
photovoltaic technologies which in turn enhances the efficiency of energy conversion and reduces
panel installation and electricity cost significantly. Solar energy is the future, considering the very fact
that it is an inexhaustible energy source and requires very low installation costs. As a stable power
system is a essential requirement, a particular forecasting technique is required for the stable and
safe integration of the photovoltaic power into the power grid . In addition to helping to stabilize the
grid, an accurate forecasting model technique is essential for managing storage, developing an
energy road map for congestion management, and estimating reserves. The availability of data has
made it possible to use machine learning techniques .

The main aim of the vision is to introduce and use the most advanced technology to create electrical
networks that are more safe and secure, effective, eco-friendly, and reliable . With the advancement
in precise forecasting of meteorological and hydrological variables like precipitation, evaporation,
and temperature humidity has made it possible for predicting solar energy generation in a more
efficient and effective manner.

More recently, researchers have used machine learning (ML) algorithms to forecast solar radiation,
which is a promising subfield of AI capable of dealing with a large amount of data . The ML
algorithms most commonly found in the literature are: support vector regression (SVR), regression
tree and gradient boosting

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