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Lesson Plan

• Teacher's Name: Staicu Denisa

• School: Scoala Gimnaziala Nicolae Titulescu
• Grade: I A
• Subject: English
• Date: 27.03.2024
• Duration: 50 minutes
• Unit: 6
• Topic: Clothes


• Introduce students to different types of clothing.

• Familiarize students with basic vocabulary related to clothing items.
• Develop speaking and listening skills through discussions about clothing.
• Encourage creativity through a drawing activity related to clothing.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Identify and name common clothing items.

• Describe the characteristics of different types of clothing.
• Engage in discussions about clothing preferences.
• Demonstrate understanding of clothing vocabulary through a drawing activity.

Materials Needed:

• Picture cards or flashcards of various clothing items (e.g., shirt, pants, dress, hat, shoes)
• Whiteboard and markers
• Worksheet for drawing activity
• Storybook or short video about clothing (optional)


• Introduction (5 minutes):
o Begin the lesson by asking students to share what they know about clothing. Prompt
questions such as "What do we wear on our feet?" and "What do we wear when it's
cold outside?" to stimulate discussion.
o Introduce the lesson topic: exploring different types of clothing.
• Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes):
o Show picture cards or flashcards of various clothing items to the students.
o Teach new vocabulary by pronouncing each word clearly and having students
repeat after you. Use the whiteboard to write down the names of the clothing items.
• Discussion and Exploration (15 minutes):
o Engage students in a discussion about different types of clothing. Ask questions
such as "What do you wear when you go to sleep?" and "What do you wear when
you go to a party?"
o Encourage students to describe the characteristics of their favorite clothing items,
such as color, size, and material.
• Drawing Activity (15 minutes):
o Distribute worksheets for a drawing activity related to clothing.
o Ask students to draw themselves wearing their favorite outfit or to design a new
outfit using their imagination.
o Circulate around the room to provide assistance and encouragement as needed.
• Sharing and Discussion (5 minutes):
o Invite students to share their drawings with the class.
o Encourage students to describe the clothing items they drew and explain why they
chose them.
• Conclusion (5 minutes):
o Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the different types of clothing
and the importance of expressing oneself through clothing.
o Thank the students for their participation and creativity.

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