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Question 1

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Stress incontinence is a urinary disorder during pregnancy. It occurs when the pregnant woman
Select one:
a. Walks.
b. Coughs.
c. Jumps.

Question 2

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The following are functions of the cervix EXCEPT:

Select one:
A. Prepares bed for fertilized ovum.
B. Dilates during labour.
C. Prevention of infection.

Question 3

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A 21 year old pregnant lady who was in labour was brought to the delivery room. At the initial
state, the patient was calm but suddenly became agitated pacing up and down, speaking on high
tone and refused to take her medications. Previous history reveals that she has suffered bipolar II
disorder before. The immediate nursing diagnosis for this patient will
Select one:
A. Ineffective coping.
B. Impaired social interaction.
C. Risk for injury.

Question 4

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In caring for an infant with cleft lip and palate before surgery, which of the following would you
consider as most important?
Select one:
A. Ensuring adequate nutrition
B. Reducing family anxiety
C. Promoting family coping

Question 5

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During one of your usual home visits, you met an 80 year old man who was sick at home. Upon
assessment, you realized the man’s condition did not warrant admission to the health care
facility, hence you rendered care to him at home. What education will you give to the family on
the nutritional needs of the old man? Increase intake of ………………….
Select one:
A. Calcium, vitamins and roughage.
B. Carbohydrate, fats and oils.
C. Fat, calcium and protein.

Question 6

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Weak, thready pulse is a sign of:

Select one:
A. Fluid excess
B. Fluid imbalance
C. Fluid deficit

Question 7

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Which of the following medication will be prescribed for a patient with postoperative shock?
Select one:
A. Bronchodilators
B. Analgesics
C. Oral corticosteroids

Question 8

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Kweku Agbevi, the community health officer at Mepeasam is carrying out a special home visit to
a family with a handicapped client. In supervising the family, the Nurse
should……………………………………. I. Educate the family to send child to a rehabilitation
center II. Keep child in the room all day III. Educate family on the care of the disabled child IV.
Refer client to a specialist
Select one:
a. II, III and IV.
b. I, III and IV.
c. I and III.

Question 9

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The yellow, thick milk secretion of the breast in the first three days after delivery is known

Select one:
A. hind milk
B. mature milk
C. colostrum

Question 10

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A client who was diagnosed with appendicitis has been booked for appendicectomy but has
decided not to go through the surgery. He has requested for discharge against medical advice but
the Nurse on duty has locked the client in his room. The nurse’s action can be described as…
Select one:
a. Defamation of character.
b. Ethical egoism.
c. False imprisonment.

Question 11

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It is crucial to prevent children from drinking alcoholic beverages since this may lead to
……………………… disability in later life.

Select one:
A. social
B. physical
C. mental

Question 12

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Oculogyric crisis occasionally occurs during the administration of:

Select one:
A. Diazepam (valium)
B. Chlorpromazine (largactil)
C. Benzhexol hydrochloride (artane)

Question 13

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Which of the following can be a complication in severe mania?

Select one:
A. Exhaustion and malnutrition
B. Increase in appetite and weight gain
C. Malnutrition and poor personal hygiene

Question 14

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Which arteries supply blood to the neck and arms?

Select one:
A. Common carotid
B. Temporal
C. Subclavian

Question 15

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A schizophrenic client who has been diagnosed with Cancer has been admitted to your ward. The
Physician has prescribed chemotherapy and radiation to prevent complications and help prolong
the client’s life. The ethical principle that BEST describes the Physician’s action is
Select one:
A. Justice.
B. Non maleficence.
C. Beneficence.

Question 16

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In educating a couple on preconception care at which point in the menstrual cycle would you say
the woman is fertile?
Select one:
A. 17-21days.
B. 1-5days.
C. 9-16days.

Question 17

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Socio economic data are important to a patient’s history because:

Select one:
A. A patient’s background and values affect his adaptation to care
B. Patient experiencing hardships are more likely to show distress
C. They establish a baseline

Question 18

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Mr Adu is a known diabetic and has developed a psychiatric condition. On admission he refuse
to eat his diabetic diet and was eating normal diet. How would the Nurse manage him?
Select one:
A. The Nurse would have to allow Mr Adu to enjoy the normal dient since he prefers that.
B. The Nurse should encourage him to take his diabetic diet as usual.
C. The Nurse should let him know the challenges with eating normal diet and inform the
dietitian for variety.

Question 19

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Aku, aged 25 is a client who was discharged from the Psychiatric Hospital 3 weeks ago. She
reported for review together with her mother. She revealed that her mother does not allow her to
make decisions about her personal life. The Nurse entreated Aku's mother to allow her make
some decisions. The Nurse’s suggestion is based on the principle of
Select one:
a. Justice.
b. Autonomy.
c. Non maleficence.

Question 20

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The three electrical properties of the heart includes the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Automacity
B. Backflow
C. Conductivity

Question 21

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Drugs used in the management of congestive cardiac failure include the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Iron preparations
B. Digitalis
C. Diuretics

Question 22

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Madam Atumpo, a hypomanic patient on the ward has been observed to be abusing other mates.
The nurse warns her to stop otherwise she will be put in the seclusion room. The nurse can be
charged of………………….
Select one:
a. Assault.
b. Defamation.
c. Battery.

Question 23

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In nursing nutritional imbalance less than body requirement in alcoholics, the immediate nursing
care will be………………………..
Select one:
A. Consulting a dietitian.
B. Weighing the patient daily.
C. Providing small frequent feeding.

Question 24
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Informed consent is based on the principle of:

Select one:
a. Nonmaleficence.
b. Autonomy.
c. Beneficence.

Question 25

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During abdominal palpation, the shape of the uterus indicates the ……………………… of the

I. Lie

II. Attitude

III. Position

Select one:
A. I and III.
B. II and III.
C. I and II.
Question 26

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Adjoa Ataa, 23 years old is in labour with a cervical dilation of 6cm. Which of the following will
be done to give emotional support?

I. Explain every procedure and communicate findings to her II. Allow her husband to sit beside
her bed to encourage her III. Record all findings on the partograph because it is a legal document

Select one:
a. II and III.
b. I and II.
c. I and III.

Question 27

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What type of physical damage would excessive consumption of alcohol lead to?
Select one:
A. Increase susceptibility to infection
B. A direct toxic effect on certain tissues
C. Poor diet which may lead to deficiency of protein

Question 28
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Ms. Tulasi, a 22 year old teacher visited the family planning unit to access care. After the
education on the various methods, she made an informed choice by choosing oral pills. What
explanations will the nurse/midwife give with regards to how the pills work? I. Endometrial
lining thins II. Cervical mucous thickens III. Increase cervical discharges IV. Suppresses
Select one:
a. I, II and IV.
b. I and II.
c. I, II, III and IV.

Question 29

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Ama has been diagnosed with breast cancer on your ward, she complained of the attitude of a
colleague of yours towards her. During the discussion you realized that she was emotionally
disturbed. Which of the following ethical principles has your colleague disobeyed?
Select one:
A. Justice.
B. Beneficence.
C. Non-malfeasance.

Question 30
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A client who has been scheduled to undergo electroconvulsive therapy, has agreed to the
procedure after the Nurse on duty had educated him on the procedure. The client is said to have
Select one:
a. Informed consent.
b. Informed acceptance.
c. Informed permission.

Question 31

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Nurse Shama deduced from his monthly report that most of the cases reported to the facility that
month were diarrhoea cases and this was common among children under 10 years. He informed
the elders of the community and together they organized a durbar to draw the community’s
attention to the problem and if possible, find a solution to it. What health promotion skills is
Nurse Shama using?
Select one:
a. Advocacy.
b. Mediation.
c. Lobbying.

Question 32
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A mother brought her 3 year old son to the Health Center because of cough and cold. Following
the IMCI guideline, which of the following needs an indication for urgent referral to the

I. Chest in drawing

II. Fast breathing

III. Stridor

IV. Fever

Select one:
A. I only.
B. I and III.
C. I, II and III.

Question 33

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Talking to a baby is important because it provides the building blocks for

future ……………………… development.

Select one:
A. language
B. cognitive
C. social

Question 34

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An infant should turn her eyes and head towards a sound coming from behind her at ………

Select one:
A. birth
B. 6 months of age
C. 4 months of age

Question 35

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A bulging anterior fontanelle is an indication of ……………………….

Select one:
A. infection
B. depression
C. rehydration
Question 36

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A female has a higher risk of developing cystitis than a male does because of the:
Select one:
A. Proximity of the urethra and anus
B. Length of the urethra in females
C. Altered urinary ph

Question 37

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A pregnant woman complained of frequency of micturition at 36 weeks. Which of these explains

the physiology? The ……………………………
Select one:
A. Enlarging uterus is rising out of the pelvis.
B. Fetal head lies in the pelvis.
C. Presence of an infection.

Question 38

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At the antenatal clinic, a Nurse is giving health talk to pregnant women on nutrition. What
information will the nurse include in her education?
Select one:
a. Calcium intake is needed during the 3rd trimester.
b. Maternal nutrition influences growth and development of the foetus.
c. Iron intake is not necessary during the 3rd trimester.

Question 39

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The Registered Nurse/Midwife is caring for a 50-year-old woman who is starting menopause.
Which of the following is an expected finding in this female?
Select one:
A. Advanced vaginal atrophic changes.
B. Mania and severe mood swings.
C. Irregular menses.

Question 40

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On a ward a Doctor prescribed a head CT scan for an unconscious client. Relatives think
carrying out of the CT scan will save their brothers life though the Nurse explained to them that
the client have to be conscious before the investigation; they will not accept it. What should the
Nurse do in this situation?

I. The Nurse should let the Doctor explain to them on further the CT scan.

II. The Nurse should let the doctor call in the ambulance and transport the unconscious patient to
the laboratory

III. The Nurse should allow the laboratory technician to explain the procedures involve to the

IV. Reassure the relatives and continue to Nurse the client

Select one:
A. I, II and III.
B. I, III and IV.
C. I, II and IV.

Question 41

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A pregnant woman was diagnosed with tubal pregnancy. The outcome of such a pregnancy are
the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Mole.
b. Rupture.
c. Growth.

Question 42

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The management of diarrhoea diseases includes the following:

I. Chemotherapy
II. Dietary management
III. Rehydration therapy
IV. Symptomatic Management
Select one:
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I, III and IV

Question 43

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A Nurse on her way home met a friend who inquired about the diagnosis of her neighbor Aku
who was on admission with malaria. The Nurse explained “She is on admission because she has
a sexually transmitted infection”. The Nurse s’ statement can BEST be described as
Select one:
a. Libel.
b. Assault.
c. Slander.

Question 44

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The best indication that a diabetic patient is successfully managing the disease for discharge is a

Select one:
A. Compliance with orders for insulin administration
B. Demonstrated knowledge of the disease
C. Stabilization of the serum glucose

Question 45

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A mother has engorged breast since 3 days. Your management include: I. Encouraging her to
wear a well-fitting brassiere II. Breast feeding the baby every 2-3 hours III. Applying shea butter
to relieve pain
Select one:
a. II and III.
b. I and III.
c. I and II.

Question 46

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Which of the following methods of contraception is associated with the highest failure rates
(unintended pregnancy) among the under listed?
Select one:
A. Postpartum partial salpingectomy.
B. Vasectomy.
C. Oral contraceptive pills.

Question 47

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Children are more vulnerable to home accidents because they are …………

Select one:
A. less able to recognize dangerous situations
B. mostly changing their type of play materials
C. fond of running around during play

Question 48

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Madam Fosua, a 99 years old woman who is on admission with dementia for 15 years became
unconscious and has been on life support for 3months. Relative are requesting that, the health
team should discontinue the life support. What should be the Nurse’s position?
Select one:
a. Disconnect the life support since they are also tired of caring for her and inform relatives
that it has been done.
b. Inform other colleagues of the health team about relatives’ decision and ensure that they
do not allow them to visit the client anymore.
c. Reassure relatives and informed them about the consequence of their action and continue
to care for her.

Question 49

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Health promotion forms a major component of health care delivery in the country. All the
following are components of health promotion EXCEPT:
I. Health education

II. Behaviour change communication

III. Health protection

IV. Health prevention

Select one:
A. I, III and IV.
B. I, II, III and IV.
C. I, and IV.

Question 50

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When caring for a child with pertussis who is coughing so much the nurse should observe him
for complications including ……………………………

Select one:
A. permanent sore throat
B. inguinal hernia
C. haemoptysis

Question 51

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A mother reported to the child welfare clinic with the complains of frequent passage of rice
water stools by her 4 year old son. Upon examination, he looked dehydrated and had a weak
pulse. The boy is likely to be diagnosed of………………………….
Select one:
a. Amoebic dysentery.
b. Gastroenteritis.
c. Cholera.

Question 52

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A client has been pacing up and down on the ward since you reported for afternoon duty. A
colleague on the ward tells the client “if you do not sit down calmly, we will put you in the
seclusion room”. This statement is an example of ...............
Select one:
A. Battery.
B. Threat.
C. Assault.

Question 53

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A Nurse accidentally administers an incorrect dosage of pethidine to a patient. Which source of
law BEST addresses this situation?
Select one:
A. Criminal law.
B. Administrative law.
C. Civil law.

Question 54

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Which reflex helps the neonate to turn his head to the side when the cheek is touched along the
side of the mouth?
Select one:
A. Moro reflex
B. Sucking reflex
C. Rooting reflex

Question 55

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Kofi, a 35 year old married man reported to the clinic with the complains of whitish urethral
discharge. After treatment, the nurse asked him to bring his wife for treatment as well. Which
method of infection control is the Nurse using?
Select one:
a. Eliminating of reservoir of infection.
b. Interrupting the pathway of transmission.
c. Protecting the susceptible host.

Question 56

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A 25 year old lady has been on admission for 6months without any remarkable improvement in
her mental state. The Psychiatrist prescribed electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for her but the
relatives do not want to consent for the treatment. The Nurse should be able to….
Select one:
a. Inform relatives about the benefits and the side effect of ECT.
b. Reassure relatives and encourage them to give their inform consent.
c. Show relatives clients who have had ECT and are doing well.

Question 57

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During one of your usual home visits, you met an 80 year old man who was sick at home. Upon
assessment, you realized the man’s condition did not warrant admission to the health care
facility, hence you rendered care to him at home. Which of the following is/are reason(s) for
nursing the sick at home?

I. Use of available resources in the home

II. Gives an opportunity for other family members to be educated on the condition

III. Reduces the burden on the health care

IV. Reduces the risk of cross infection

Select one:
A. II, III and IV.
B. I, II and III.
C. I, II, III and IV.

Question 58

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A newly qualified Nurse is dressing the wound of a client who has undergone Laparotomy. She
employs aseptic technique in dressing the wound. The ethical principle underlying the Nurse’s
action is
Select one:
A. Fidelity.
B. Justice.
C. Beneficence.

Question 59

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The end product of digestion as a result of rhythmical contraction of the stomach and mixing up
of enzymes with the food, is known as:
Select one:
A. Watery secretion
B. Chyme
C. Salivary amylase

Question 60

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Successful fertilization of eggs normally occurs in the .......................

Select one:
A. Isthmus.
B. Ampulla.
C. Infundibulum.

Question 61

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A student Nurse who was asked to go to the hospital pharmacy for a client’s medication
observed that the medication had expired 2weeks ago. She alerted the Pharmacist but he
convinced her to go and administer the medication because it was supplied by a reputable
company who will motivate her with cash. Upon hearing this, the student Nurse agreed. Which
ethical theory is the student’s decision based on?
Select one:
A. Beneficence.
B. Deontology.
C. Utilitarianism.

Question 62

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Which electrolytes and water will a child with severe diarrhoea lose?

I. Bicarbonates
II. Chlorides
III. Potassium
IV. Sodium
Select one:
A. I, II, III and IV
B. I, III and IV
C. II, III and IV

Question 63

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Which of the following is NOT true about emergency contraception?

Select one:
A. It should be available to women up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse.
B. A pregnancy test is required before providing or prescribing emergency contraception.
C. It is okay to use emergency contraception more than once, even within the same
menstrual cycle.

Question 64

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At the adolescent friendly corner, Ama Mansa, a 13 year old junior high school student came to
your unit and asked to be given depo provera. Upon inquiry, it was revealed that she had no
knowledge on any family planning method but it was a method most of her female friends were
using. How will you manage her?
Select one:
A. Tell her to abstain from sex or use a condom.
B. Give her choice of method.
C. Counsel her on all the methods.

Question 65

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When a mother with a 3 month old infant comes to the Child Welfare Clinic, the nurse should
include in the accident prevention teaching the need to:
Select one:
A. Remove poisonous substance from low area
B. Cover electric outlets with safety plug
C. Keep cot rails up to the highest position

Question 66

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Wulah, a 30 year old unmarried woman had emergency contraception. The following indicators
would make her seek medical care EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Fever and headache.
b. Menses over two weeks late.
c. Irregular bleeding.

Question 67

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Nurse Afiyo Mamata, the community health officer, encouraged her community members to
adopt healthy life styles such as exercises, avoidance of smoking and good nutrition. Which
health promotion approach is nurse Mamata using?
Select one:
a. Medical approach.
b. Education.
c. Behaviour change approach.

Question 68

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A Nurse observes a staff member telling a patient that if the patient does not take prescribed oral
medications, his meals will not be served. The Nurse reports the behaviour of the staff member
Select one:
a. Assault.
b. Battery.
c. Malpractice.

Question 69

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After client assessment, the Nurse formulated the following nursing diagnosis. Place them in
order of priority. I. Constipation II. Ineffective airway clearance III. Ineffective tissue perfusion
Select one:
a. III, II and I.
b. I, III and II.
c. II, III and I.

Question 70

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When nursing a tetanus patient the nurse should observe the patient critically for:
Select one:
A. Restlessness and irritability
B. Spastic voluntary muscle contraction
C. Respiratory tract spams

Question 71

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Teaching points to be emphasized to minimize hair loss in breast cancer chemotherapy include:

I. Avoiding electric hair dryers–let hair dry naturally

II. Shampoo hair daily
III. Use eyebrow pencil if hair loss affects eye areas
IV. Use wide-toothed comb instead of a brush
Select one:
A. I, II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. I, II, III and IV
Question 72

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During an immunization session for school children a mother asks the Nurse why the children
need to be immunized for communicable diseases. The Nurse explains that when more children
are immunized, more people are protected from the communicable diseases. This line of thinking
supports which ethical theory?
Select one:
a. Deontological perspective.
b. Utilitarian perspective.
c. Theological perspective.

Question 73

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After the Surgeon explains the surgery to the patient, the Nurse provides the patient with
information about the surgery, answers the patient's questions and allows the patient to agree or
refuse to have the surgery. Which of the following ethical principles is best described by the
Nurse's action?
Select one:
a. Autonomy.
b. Non maleficence.
c. Truth telling.
Question 74

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As health professionals, we need to tell the patient exactly what their condition is. This statement
conveys what ethical principle?
Select one:
a. Beneficence.
b. Non-maleficence.
c. Veracity.

Question 75

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Madam Awo Rafiatu, a 70 year old woman was admitted to the geriatric ward of the Accra
Psychiatric hospital. Patient was brought to the ward looking very dirty, disoriented and cried
whenever a question was asked. In assessing the intellectual changes in this woman, the nurse
would look for………………………… I. Difficulty in remembering things II. Difficulty in
retention III. Difficulty in calculating things IV. Difficulty in paying attention
Select one:
a. I, III and IV.
b. I, II and III.
c. II, III and IV.

Question 76
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Mr Ofori is new on the ward and still disorientated and restless but his relatives are requesting
for his discharge against medical advice. What will be the Nurse’s role?
Select one:
A. The Nurse should assist them with the discharge process since they requested for it.
B. The Nurse should educate the relatives on the client’s condition and reassure them to give
him time to recover.
C. The Nurse should assist them with packing of the client’s belonging even before they
return from accounts department.

Question 77

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The single most important determinant of the chances of survival and health development of
children is ……....

Select one:
A. low-birth weight
B. malnutrition
C. infections

Question 78

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A fundamental principle in the management of inflammation is:

Select one:
A. Raising foot end of bed
B. General rest of the body
C. Provision of clean bed linen

Question 79

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An Nurse/Midwifemay delegate patient care tasks to others. When doing so, which of the
following describes how the NP should go about delegating patient care tasks?
Select one:
a. The Nurse/Midwife must delegate tasks if she does not have time to perform them.
b. The Nurse/Midwife can let the staff determine which tasks can be safely delegated.
c. The Nurse/Midwife must ensure that the individual who will be doing the task has the
knowledge to do the task.

Question 80

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The primary objective in passing nasogastric tube preoperatively in abdominal surgery is:
Select one:
A. Prevent aspiration of the stomach contents
B. Prevent accumulation of gas
C. Provide a means of feeding the patient post-operatively

Question 81

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A mother complains of a slight rise in body temperature after her 6 weeks baby was immunized.
Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the mother?
Select one:
A. Give paracetamol syrup.
B. Report back to the clinic.
C. Tepid sponge baby.

Question 82

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A 25-year-old sexually active female complains of a white vaginal discharge. Under the
microscope, there are squamous epithelial cells with blurred margins. The vaginal pH is alkaline.
Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Select one:
A. Candida infection.
B. Bacterial vaginosis.
C. Trichomonas.

Question 83

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A client admitted to your ward confided in you and told you about her unfaithfulness in
marriage. She asked you to keep it confidential. You called the husband of the client and
informed him because that is what you would prefer if you were the client’s husband. What
ethical theory was your action based on?
Select one:
A. Nursing ethics.
B. Christian ethics.
C. Islamic ethics.

Question 84

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Iron supplementation in iron-deficient pregnant women has been shown to do which of the
Select one:
A. Reduce maternal anemia at delivery.
B. Reduce fetal anemia at 24-28 weeks.
C. Reduce intrauterine growth restriction.

Question 85

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You are seeing a 32-year-old G3P2 in the clinic for her 37-week visit, you discussed postpartum
contraception with her. She asks about the risks and benefits of vasectomy for her husband.
Which of the following is NOT true about vasectomies?
Select one:
a. Vasectomy can take three months to become effective.
b. Compared with abdominal female sterilization, vasectomy is less effective.
c. Compared with abdominal female sterilization, vasectomy is less expensive.

Question 86

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At the children’s ward, a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a nursing
diagnosis of impaired social interaction. An appropriate nursing intervention for this child
Select one:
a. Punish the child for inappropriate behaviours.
b. Assign same staff for the child.
c. Discuss with child behaviours that is acceptable.

Question 87

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Which of the following term best describes the gradual introduction of fully mixed diet in
addition to breast milk after six months of the child’s life?

Select one:
A. Weaning mix feeding
B. Supplementary feeding
C. Complementary feeding

Question 88

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Educating community members on hand washing, proper disposal of refuse and drinking safe
water is a measure of……………………………..
Select one:
a. Eliminating the reservoir of infection.
b. Protecting the susceptible host.
c. Interrupting the pathway of transmission.

Question 89

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Hypocalcaemia results in …………

Select one:
A. Oedema
B. Bone pain
C. Tetany

Question 90

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A Nurse is on admission at the Psychiatric ward for 3 weeks. She refuses to eat food serve on the
ward, she will not even drink the water on the ward and claims she is reacting to everything on
the ward environment. She has also been refusing her medications despite all efforts to convince
her. What should the Nurses do?
Select one:
A. The Nurses should inform the relatives to discharge her or force and give her prn
B. The Nurses should keep talking to her on the need to take her medications as prescribe
until she accepts to do so.
C. The Nurses should alert the doctor to discharge her since she is not cooperating with the

Question 91

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A patient with cancer of cervix will come to the hospital when she starts having:
Select one:
A. Roughness of the cervix when touched
B. Foul smelling discharge
C. Bloody spotting after intercourse

Question 92

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You would educate children to prevent hiding in cupboards and other enclosed areas to prevent

Select one:
A. drowning
B. falls
C. suffocation

Question 93

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A Nurse organizes a child welfare clinic session and the attendance was low. The most likely
cause of the low coverage are due to……………………………..

I. Lack of transportation

II. Poor community participation and involvement

III. Cost of services

IV. Less decision making power by the mothers

Select one:
A. I, II, III and IV.
B. II and IV.
C. I, II and IV.

Question 94

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A chronic loss of a small amount of blood over a long period of time may result in:
Select one:
A. Aplastic anaemia
B. Pernicious anaemia
C. Iron depletion

Question 95

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The parents of Kwami Abdullah, a 15 year old boy were furious when they heard he was part of
a group of students who visited the adolescent friendly corner to receive information on sex
education. The nurse is most likely to explain the importance of sex education to his parents

I. Helps the child to learn about developmental changes

II. Creates awareness on the effects of early sexual activities

III. Makes the adolescent promiscuous

IV. Enables the adolescent to develop a positive attitude towards the opposite sex

Select one:
A. I, II, III and IV.
B. I, II and IV.
C. I and II.

Question 96

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A mentally ill patient with an order for a general diet rather requests for a vegetarian meal.
Which of the following actions by the Nurse best demonstrates the Nurse's understanding of the
principle of autonomy?
Select one:
A. Contact the patient's legal guardian for permission to make a diet change.
B. If necessary, obtain an order from the physician for a vegetarian meal.
C. Tell the patient that a vegetarian meal cannot be substituted for general diet.

Question 97

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Rh incompatibility occurs when the mother is ..

Select one:
A. Rh negative and foetus rhesus negative
B. Rh negative and foetus is rhesus positive
C. Blood group O and foetus is blood group A

Question 98

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A primary goal of mental retardation treatment is …………………

Select one:
A. To fully develop the patient’s strength
B. Promoting continuity to care
C. Assisting parents to cope with concerns

Question 99

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Prolonged bed rest after surgery may cause formation of deep venous thrombosis resulting in

Select one:
A. Pulmonary embolism
B. Coronary occlusion
C. Dry gangrene of a limb

Question 100

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A confused patient who fell out of bed because the Nurse did not pull up side rails is an example
Select one:
A. Battery.
B. Assault.
C. Negligence.

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