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OSE Encounter Activities - Orc (d100)

1 Abandoning a Lair, overrun with a Rust Monster infestation 51 Nocking quarrels in their Crossbows, almost silently
2 Accumulating a remarkable collection of Daggers and Knives 52 Nursing horrible Hangovers from potent Pixie Wine
3 Appointing a Chieftain, after the other's death from old age 53 Obeying the Sorcerer who has somehow enthralled their Leader
4 Avenging a betrayal by former Bandit allies 54 Offering bowls of Coins to a Manticore, reverently
5 Baking dense, un-spoiling Bread in a large clay Oven 55 Ousting a Carcass Crawler from beneath a sagging Bed
6 Banishing a Traitor out into the Burning Sun 56 Outsmarting a Hill Giant, trading Copper for Silver
7 Beaching a Cave-barnacle covered Coracle 57 Overthrowing the Minotaur that usurped their Chieftain
8 Bickering among themselves over which route to take 58 Pacing nervously before a shuddering Stone Door
9 Butchering a ten-point Buck, arguing over the Antlers 59 Panicking a group of Satyrs with a well-timed Ambush
10 Cauterizing a gnashing Troll's severed Arm with a Torch 60 Patrolling the edge of their territory, ruefully examining tracks
11 Chewing on a oozing Red Root that encourages wakefulness 61 Pelting a Giant Bat with stones to drive it away
12 Confiscating a Treasure Chest from a group of Kobolds 62 Placating a nearby Vampire with regular Prisoners
13 Curdling blood with the mournful keening of their Horns 63 Poisoning a River to make a Fishing Expedition swifter
14 Cursing at a searing bright shaft of Sunlight 64 Quarrelling so intently over a Sausage, a Halfling escapes
15 Dazzled from a Medium's incantation, snarling and enraged 65 Raiding a nearby Farmstead for livestock
16 Defending a Magic Pool that eliminates the need to Eat 66 Ransacking the room of a cowering Goblin King
17 Delivering an ultimatum to the lair of a Rival Orc Clan 67 Rationing what little remains of their Food supply
18 Descending a rickety ladder, into a dark Pit 68 Rebuilding a crude defensive Barricade with battered furniture
19 Eating lightly roasted, plump Stirges on spits 69 Recruiting from the decimated ranks of a Gnoll pack
20 Employing the services of a massive Ogress, they call "Sister" 70 Ridiculing another Orc's extremely ostentatious Helmet
21 Escaping from a collapsing Tunnel, supports eaten by Termites 71 Rustling Cattle from a nearby Werebear's herd
22 Exhorting the combat prowess of their Leader in a Toast 72 Savoring a odoriferous delicacy: Pickled Pegasus Eggs
23 Fattening up a sounder of Boar on unspeakable Slop 73 Scattering a swarm of Rats from a moldering Larder
24 Fermenting a pungent Mash in big copper vats 74 Scouting a well-travelled route for easy pickings
25 Fleeing from a ravenous Ochre Jelly 75 Seeking a Relic, sacred to their Clan, stolen by a Gnome
26 Flushing out Giant Centipedes with addictive venom 76 Serving a surprisingly intelligent Cyclops
27 Frustrating Tomb Robbers with devious Traps and Snares 77 Slamming metal Tankards in unison, part of a drinking game
28 Gambling with a group of drunken Lizard Men 78 Snorting as they drag a dead Troglodyte over to a crackling pyre
29 Gloating incessantly about a recent military victory 79 Stabilizing an injured Comrade, bleeding from a Ghoul Claw
30 Grappling, unsuccessfully with a ravenous Rhagodessa 80 Subduing a Sun-Mad Acolyte with a swift blow the head
31 Grumbling at their meager rations of Rum 81 Swearing numerous Oaths to their Ancestors
32 Guzzling loud sips of brackish water from their Canteens 82 Tackling a Crocodile as part of a coming of age Ceremony
33 Harvesting slabs of Shrieker fungus with wax-stuffed Ears 83 Taming a pack of Hellhounds with tasty Charcoal
34 Hijacking a Hobgoblin Supply Wagon 84 Tattooing their bravest with Mystical Symbols
35 Howling ancient Ballads concerning the Moon's betrayal 85 Taunting an Adventuring Party into a well-concealed Trap
36 Hunkering down after being singed by a rutting Chimera 86 Thronging around a shipment of Arms/Armor to lay claim
37 Ignoring a Clan Wizard's warning, hunting in areas off-limits 87 Toiling to build an unsound Wizard's Tower
38 Inhabiting an old Elf Crypt, using niches as bunks/storage 88 Toppling several large trees for Lumber, angering a Dryad
39 Investigating a distant clattering sound, cautiously 89 Uncorking a Wine Bottle and sniffing the contents warily
40 Jeopardizing a mutual aid agreement with Gnolls by dawdling 90 Undermining the Wall of a nearby Keep with long tunnels
41 Knocking over several life-like Bugbear Statues 91 Unleashing their pet Tuatara Lizard on any interlopers
42 Laughing at a simpering Gargoyle's off-color jokes 92 Unloading their ammunition on a Screeching Owl Bear
43 Launching a sortie against encroaching Skeletons 93 Unsheathing an Iron Blade that dampens Light
44 Limping after a crossing an area drizzled with brutal Caltrops 94 Urging each other across a very treacherous looking Bridge
45 Lugging a huge, expertly carved Wooden Statue of a Lion 95 Venerating the Shadows that sometimes feed on them
46 Marching under the banner of a local Human Noble 96 Volleying Eagle fletched Arrows at a circling Wyvern
47 Masterminding a plot to unseat a nearby Bishop 97 Walling in a disappointing Diplomat with bricks and mortar
48 Menacing a Dwarf Mining Camp by stealing food and Mules 98 Withdrawing into a more heavily defended redoubt
49 Milking large and lumpy Goats, adapted for life underground 99 Xenografting portions of a Giant Crab onto their bodies
50 Negotiating with a Brigand leader for more protection money 100 Yanking a rope to toll a clamorous Alarm Bell

Draft Version 06.29.2020 (RIP G+).

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