Lab 4 Mom

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Experiment No 16

To test the fracture mechanics for fragile materials. Measure the

load of spring under certain deformation, or measure the
deformation of spring with certain load.
Spring Testing Machine, Tension/Compression springs

Spring can be seen as a device that stores potential energy, specifically elastic potential energy, by
straining the bonds between the atoms of an elastic material.
Coil spring: Any spring formed into a helical coils shape. Coil springs are used in compression,
tension, torsion. The term coil spring in generally used to describe a spring commonly used in
automobiles used to absorb load and deflection variations from the vehicle suspension. Coil
springs may be shaped conical, spiral wound and exhibit a constant rate or variable rate spring
The following are three typical types of coil springs and their applications:
 Tension (extension) coil springs are designed to resist stretching or tension loading. Tension coil
springs typically utilize a hook or eye feature to secure the coil spring at each end.
 Compression coil springs are designed to resist compression. Compression coli springs typically
are utilized to resist compression loads. The ends of a compression coil spring are normally ground
 Torsion coil springs are design to absorb tensional loads. The ends of a torsion coli spring
normally have straight or hooked features.
Coil springs are formed by twisting a wire around a shaped form.
Whereas, E - Young's modulus, d - Spring wire diameter, L - Free length of spring, n - Number of active
windings, ν - Poisson ratio=0.28 D - Spring outer diameter "Zero-length spring" is a term for a specially
designed coil spring that would exert zero force if it had zero length. That is, in a line graph of the spring's
force versus its length, the line passes through the origin.


1. Adjust lifting seat based on the free length of spring (the tested spring can be placed between the two
platens or hooks), fasten it to post with the small handgrip.
2. Based on compression (tensile) height of the tested spring, fix stopper of shaft rack to required position,
put the spring on lower platen or upper hook and push key "CLEAR" to balance the Weight of the spring,
then move the handle to lower the upper platen so as to press or pull the spring Corresponding force value
will display on the LED.
3. Set deformation value for the tested spring with stopper of this machine .
4. Preset the up/down limit test force for the spring via function key and digital key, then apply force onto
the spring. In case the test force is between the up limit and down limit, "ELIGIBLE" LED will illuminate;
In case it exceeds the up limit, "STRONG" LED will illuminate; otherwise, "WEAK" LED will illuminate.
This function is usually for fast selection.
5. To test the max limit collapsing force of fragile material, press "PEAK", the LED will illuminate and
force is applied. When the specimen is damaged, the max peak value will display on the LED.
6. Press "PEAK" again at the end, the system comes to normal status.
7. Note down the measured values of Load and displacement of spring in the table and calculate spring
stiffness (K) for each value, Take the average of all values which will be the stiffness constant of your
8. Calculate the displacement of the spring using the Hook’s Law and values of load measured from
apparatus while using the average value of spring’s stiffness constant.
9. Calculate the percentage error of each reading and comment on the reasons for that error.

Tension Force
Initial Length = 105.7 mm ≈105.7× 10 m
S.NO Force Initial Extended Displacement Hook’s (K)
(N) (m) (m) (m) (N/m)
1 5 105.7 × 10 123.15 × 10 0.01745 286.53
2 10 105.7 × 10 146.75 × 10 0.04105 243.60
3 15 105.7 × 10 170 × 10 0.0643 233.28
4 20 105.7 × 10 193.1 × 10 0.0873 229.09
5 25 105.7 × 10 217.1 × 10 0.114 224.41
∑Ave 243.372

Compression Force
Initial Length = 96.8 mm ≈ 96.8× 10 m
S.NO Force Initial Extended Displacement Hook’s (K)
(N) (m) (m) (m) (N/m)
1 5 96.8× 10 89 × 10 0.01745 286.53
2 10 96.8× 10 87.5 × 10 0.04105 243.60
3 15 96.8 × 10 86.2 × 10 0.0643 233.28
4 20 96.8× 10 84.2 × 10 0.0873 229.09
5 25 96.8 × 10 83.15 × 10 0.114 224.41
∑Ave 243.372

Material Behavior:
Fragile materials tend to exhibit brittle behavior under load, meaning they fracture without
significant plastic deformation. When subject to a load, observe whether the material fractures
abruptly or if there's any noticeable deformation before fracture.
Fracture Surface Analysis:
After testing, examine the fracture surface under a microscope or magnifying lens. Note
the features such as crack initiation points, propagation patterns, and any secondary fractures. This
analysis can provide insights into the fracture mechanics of the material.
Load-Deformation Relationship:
If measuring load under certain deformation, observe how the load changes with
increasing deformation. In brittle materials, there might be a sudden drop in load just before
fracture, indicating the initiation of crack propagation.
Deformation Monitoring:
If measuring deformation under certain load, observe how the material deforms under
increasing load. Note any sudden changes in deformation behavior, which might indicate imminent

Tension (k)

25 k5

20 k4

15 k3

10 k2

5 k1

0.017 0.041 0.06 0.08 0.11

Compression (k)

25 k5

20 k4

15 k3

10 k2

5 k1

2777.7 3330.3 3260.8 3333.3 3341.97

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