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Heavy Industries Taxila Education City

Department of Mechanical Engineering



ME-320L Analog and Digital System



Submitted by: Registration No:

1. Muhammad Hamza Amjad 21-ME-100


Submitted to: Muhammad Adnan Khan

Credit to: Mr. Moeen Mahboob (Lecturer)


Multi functions Robot (5 in 1 Arduino Robot)

Multi functions Robot
1. Sumo Robot:
Robot sumo is a competitive robotics sport where two
autonomous robots, typically small and built by participants,
engage in a contest to push each other out of a ring (often
referred to as a "dohyo"). The objective is similar to traditional
human sumo wrestling, but instead of human competitors, it's
robots that are designed and programmed to detect and respond
to their opponent's movements and push them out of the ring.
2. Follow Me Robot (Object Following Robot):
A "follow me" robot is a type of robot designed to
autonomously track and follow a specific target, typically a
person or an object. These robots are equipped with sensors,
cameras, and sometimes machine learning algorithms to detect
and identify the target they are supposed to follow.
3. Tracking Robot (Line follower Robot):
A line follower robot is an autonomous robot designed
to follow a path or track, typically marked by a contrasting line
on a surface such as a floor or a track. These robots typically use
sensors to detect the line and adjust their movement accordingly
to stay on course.
4. Avoiding Robot (Obstacle Avoiding Robot):
An obstacle-avoiding robot is an autonomous or semi-
autonomous robot designed to navigate through an environment
while avoiding obstacles in its path. These robots typically use
various sensors, such as ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, or
laser range finders, to detect obstacles around them.
5. Drawing Robot (Making Robot):
A drawing-making robot is a mechanical device or a
programmable machine equipped with drawing implements such
as pens, pencils, or markers, designed to create artistic or
technical drawings autonomously.


SUMO mode:
It is a sport in which two robots attempt to push each other out of a circle (in
a similar fashion to the sport of sumo).
Follow Me Mode:
It can sense the presence of object to be followed using HC-SR04 sensor.
Tracking Mode:
Line follower Robot is a vehicle which follows a line, either a black line
or white line.
Avoiding Mode:
Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an intelligent device which can automatically
sense the obstacle in front of it and avoid them by turning itself in another direction.
Drawing Mode:
It contains servo motor and a pen. It can draw its own movement tracks on the


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