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Are the primary host response in bacterial

B. Compose the majority of lymphocytes in plasma
C. Are infected by Epstein-Barr virus in infectious
D. produce IgG
E. T cell lymphoma has a better prognosis

3. Concerning the polymerase chain reaction:

A.It can be used to replicate RNA but not DNA.
B. It relies on the thermal stability of DNA.

C.It cannot be used for prenatal diagnosis because of the large amount of
DNA required.
D.It involves the use of 2 synthetic small strands of DNA on either side of
sequence for amplification.
the target
E. It cannot be used to identify viral infection in
host cells.
4. There is an outbreak of varicella in a local childcare center. Here are a total
of 40 children in the center. There were 10 cases amongst the 30 vaccinated
children and 9 cases among the 10 unvaccinated children. You want to
calculate the effectiveness of vaccination in these children. You calculate the
effectiveness of the varicella vaccine to be:
A. 63
B. 75
C. 80
D. 91
E. 98

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5. You are asked to investigate the development of abdominal pain in

participants after attending a family wedding. Both fish and chicken were
served at the party which was attended by 50 people. 30 of the 36 people
ate the fish and 14 of the 24 people who ate the chicken developed
pain. 6 people who did not eat the fish and 10 people who did not eat the
chicken also developed abdominal pain.

The attack rate for the people who ate the fish is closest
to:A. 50
B. 60
C. 70
D. 80
E. 90

6. The following antimicrobial agents work in the way described EXCEPT:

A. Penicillin by binding to specific receptors to increase bacterial cell wall

B. Acyclovir by specific inhibition of viral thymidine

C. Erythromycin by inhibiting bacterial ribosomes.
D. Vancomycin by inhibiting peptidoglycan synthesis.

E. Ciprofloxacin by inhibition of bacterial DNA

7. The nurse taking care of a 5-day-old baby you hospitalized calls you to report
that the infant’s blood culture is gram-positive rods. You admitted the infants
to the hospital because of a rectal temperature of 38.9°C measured by the
mother at home.
Of the following, the most likely pathogen is:
A.Enterococcus spp.
B. Escherichia coli
C. Listeria monocytogenes
D. Proteus mirabilis
E. Staphylococcus epidermidis

8. All of the following are true regarding haemolytic uraemic syndrome

A. The commonest cause of acquired acute renal failure in
B. Shigella and Campylobacter can cause haemolytic
C. E. colisyndrome
uraemic 0157:H7 trigger the triad of
microangiopathic anemia, thrombocytosis and acute renal
D. Most cases are preceded by an episode of diarrhea
E. Antibiotic treatment of E. coli O157:H7 colitis may stimulate further
production and thereby increase the risk of HUS.

9. Concerning iron, all of the following are true

except: 2

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