English Test 27 de Abril

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Teacher Sebastián Núñez MARK

Total Score: 31 points

Points: ___________

English Test: Test 5th Grade

Name: ____________________________________ Grade: _____________ Date: _____________

I. Complete the Chart of VERBS (1 each):

N° Verb Spanish
1 Fly
2 Ir
3 Comer
4 Beber
5 Buy
6 Win
7 Run
8 Ring
9 Cantar
10 Put

II. Create 5 sentences in the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE with the following VERBS (1 each):

Break Drink Draw See Write

1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
III. Translate into Spanish (1 each):

1. I eat candies and chocolates

2. My friend Peter drives a green car
3. You have one red pencilcase
4. She runs in the park
5. We go to the supermarket

IV. Translate into English (1 each):

1. Ellos corren en la sala de clases

2. Él está en el colegio
3. Ella va al cine
4. Tú bebes agua y comes completos
5. Nosotros tenemos 2 libros azules

V. Complete with the correct Verb (1 each):

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