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Mathematics 53 2 December 2014 Fifth Long Exam AY 2014-2015 General Directions: The exam is to be taken within 80 minutes. Show complete solutions and box your final answers. Use black or blue ink only. NO PENCILS. Any form of cheating will not be tolerated. I Find # No need to simplify. (5 points each) nh?(2¥7) | 1. Using logarithmic differentiation, find 2 ofy= ame 2. Find 2 of y = (coth pte” (W9) + a¢. IL, Bvaluate the following integrals: eh osch pm (4 points 1 mae (4 points) 102 2 f (tanh? 2+ tanh — 1) de (5 points) lo 3. J i ( points) TIL Find the equation of the curve passing through (0,1), if the slope of the tangent line at any point is given by (4 points) rr IV. Evaluate the following limits (4 points each) ine —ine sehenienenieseretenrerereneretetsmnerenennentiey _Total: 40 points cosh? x ~ sinh? x Dz|cosh™! 1 tanh? = sech 2x © coth 2x ~1 = esch 2x © sink"! a = Inf + Ve? FI) 1 | | # cosh"! x = Ine + Vz2=1) | tanh i | oth

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