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Actividades de Refuerzo

de Inglés 3º E.S.O.

* Verbs BE/ HAVE GOT.................................................... 1

* Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns.................................... 2
* Translation........................................................................... 2
* The Date.......................................................................... 3
* Vocabulary: Personal Description......................................... 3
* Present Simple.................................................................. 3
* Interrogatives................................................................... 5
* Vocabulary: Hobbies & Free time......................................... 6
* Translation........................................................................... 6
* Cardinal Numbers............................................................. 6
* Present Continuous........................................................... 7
* Present Simple >< Present Continuous............................. 8
* Translation........................................................................... 8
* Vocabulary: School.............................................................. 9
* The Imperative.................................................................. 9
* Translation........................................................................... 9

* Past Simple....................................................................... 10
* Past Simple <>Present Simple >< Present Continuous....... 12
* Translation........................................................................... 12
* Vocabulary: The Weather.................................................... 13
* Prepositions (I)................................................................. 13
* Vocabulary: Countries & Nationalities................................. 13
* Comparatives................................................................... 13
* Prepositions (II)............................................................... 14
* Translation........................................................................... 15
* Countable & Uncountable nouns...................................... 15
* Telling the time................................................................ 16
* Future Simple.................................................................... 16
* Past Simple <> Present Simple <> Present Continuous <> Future Simple 17
* Translation........................................................................... 17
* Vocabulary: Health & food.................................................... 17
* Mixed vocabulary.............................................................. 18

Exercise 1: Change these sentences into the affirmative, negative or interrogative

1.- +) I am hungry

2.- +) My sister has got a lot of cats


3.- +) It´s cold today


4.- +) Your cousins are at the disco


5.- +)
-) My uncle´s name is not Carlos

6.- +)
?) Is your aunt 42 years old?

7.- +)
-) Lisa is not jealous of you

8.- +)
-) My neighbours haven´t got a red car

Exercise 2: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb TO BE (AM, IS, ARE) or TO HAVE GOT (have got,
has got)

I __________ 14 years old. My best friend ____________ Annette. She ____________ in my

class. She _____________ tall and thin. She ____________ 15 years old. She __________
brown hair and brown eyes. Annette ___________ a big family. She ____________ three
brothers and two sisters. Her sisters ____________ very sweet. Annette and her family
__________ a big flat. It __________ a very nice flat. Her address ___________ 48 Winston

Exercise 3 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 1

Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns:
Exercise 4: Cross out the wrong word

1.- I have got a new lamp. It is (ME/MINE/MY).

2.- This key belongs to your friends. It´s (THEIRS/THEIR/THEY) key
3.- These are Laura´s gloves. They are (HER/HIS/HERS) gloves
4.- Those are Martha´s skirts. They are (HER/HIS/HERS).
5.- This school-bag belongs to me. It´s (MY/MINE/I) school-bag
6.- Those socks belong to you. They´re (YOUR/YOURS/YOU).
7.- That is your neighbours´ car. It´s (THEIRS/THEIR/THEY)
8.- Victoria has got some PC games. They are (HER/HIS/HERS)
9.- Nick and I have got the same bedroom. It´s (HER/OUR/OURS) bedroom
10.- This is Larry´s jacket. It is (HIS/HER/HIM) jacket

Exercise 5: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Tu nariz es muy larga

2.- Jane tiene un perro blanco

3.- Hace mucho sol

4.- Alfonso está en la biblioteca en este momento

5.- Hay varios libros sobre la cama

6.- Tengo que hacer mucha tarea hoy

7.- Mi hermana tiene 23 años

8.- Tengo hambre

Exercise 6: Write these dates as in the example:
Example: Sat. 22/7/2001: Saturday 22nd (the twenty-second) of July, two thousand and one
1.- Sun. 10/03/01
2.- Tue. 21/05/02
3.- Thu. 30/07/00
4.- Sat. 18/09/99
5.- Mon. 2/11/01
6.- Wed. 23/02/00
7.- Fri. 9/04/98
8.- Sun. 27/06/01

Exercise 7 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 2

Vocabulary: Personal description
Exercise 8: Put the following words in the correct column: young, thin, short, tall, fat, curly, old, strong,
weak, of average height, green, brown, long, straight, blonde

Present Simple:
Exercise 9: Cross out the wrong word
I (LOVE / LOVES) reading. I (READ / READS) mysteries and stories about teenagers. I
(DON´T LIKE / DOESN´T LIKE) science fiction. My sister (DON´T LIKE / DOESN´T
LIKE) reading. She (PREFER / PREFERS) watching television. She (WATCH /
WATCHES) television for more than five hours a day!

Exercise 10: Cross out the wrong word

1.- The teenagers (ENJOY / ENJOYS) playing basketball
2.- They (DON´T / DOESN´T) go to the community centre
3.- (DO / DOES) the girl go to many rock concerts?
4.- Charles (WANT/WANTS) to take some photographs
5.- He (DON´T / DOESN´T) dance very well
6.- When do you (HAVE/HAS) Physical Education?
7.- How do you usually (COME/COMES) to school?
8.- (DO / DOES) you like school?
9.- We (DON´T / DOESN´T) collect stamps
10.- Stephen (DON´T/DOESN´T) do his homework because he´s very lazy
11.- Lucy doesn´t (LIVE/LIVES) in a small flat
12.- (DO/DOES) your father have breakfast at home every day?
13.- Ronald (MISS/MISSES) you a lot
14.- Do you often (VISIT/VISITS) parents on Thursday
15.- Tom (GO/GOES) to cinema twice a week.

Exercise 11: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- On school days, Andrew usually__________ (get up) at 7.00.
2.- Anna often ______________ (go) out with her parents in the evening
3.- _____________ (you, brush) your teeth every day?
4.- She ________________ (not, like) this magazine
5.- Judith and John __________ (go) to the supermarket on Saturdays
6.- Tamiko _________________(not, wear) shoes at home
7.- His aunt ____________ (not, be) a pilot
8.- Where _______________ (your cousin, usually, have) breakfast?
9.- Cathy´s mum ___________ (sell) eggs and vegetables.
10.- _______________(you, have got) a PC?

Exercise 12 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 3

Exercise 13: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative

1.- +)
-) Tamiko doesn´t live in a flat

2.- +) We enjoy playing computer games


3.- +)
?) Does Alice do her homework in the afternoon?

4.- +) School finishes at 2:30


5.- +)
-) I don´t like cats

6.- +) Your friends repair cars and motorcycles


7.- +)
-) Jessica doesn´t want to buy the tickets

8.- +)
?) Does Tamiko wear shoes at home?

9.- +) I go to bed before 11:30 pm every day


Exercise 14: Look at the sentences in exercises 9-13 and write down Time Expressions
related to the Present Simple

Exercise 15 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 4

Exercise 16: Match the interrogatives to their translations:
Who?............ + +................ ¿Cómo?
How old?....... + +.......... ..¿Cuándo?
Why?........... + + ...........¿Por qué?
How many?.. + + .....¿Qué?(¿Cuál?)
What time?.. + + .....¿De qué color?
How tall?...... + +......¿Cuántos/as?
What?.......... + +.........¿Qué hora?
What colour? + + ¿Con qué frecuencia?
When?......... + +........¿Qué edad?
How?............ + +..¿Qué estatura?
Which?........ + +.. ¿Cuál? (¿Qué?)
How much?.. + +...... ¿Cuánto/a?
Whose?........ + +........¿De quién?
How often ?. + + ............¿Dónde?
Where?........ + +............¿Quién?

Exercise 17.- Guess the questions

1.- ________________________________?
My sister´s favourite film is Harry Potter

2.- ________________________________?
I am very tired today because it´s half past five

The computer club is on Thursday at 9:45 pm (quarter to ten in the evening)

4.- ________________________________?
Mr. Walter is our Maths teacher

My uncle John´s birthday is on 11th (the eleventh) of April

6.- ________________________________?
My new trousers are on my bed.

Exercise 18 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 5

Vocabulary: Hobbies & free time
Exercise 19: Complete the following sentences with new words:

1.- Musical Instruments: I can play the piano, _________________, ________________,

_______________, _______________, _______________.

2.- Activities: I like reading, _______________, ________________, ________________,

_______________, _______________.

3.- Sports: I like jogging , ________________, ________________, _______________,

_______________, _______________.

4.- Collections: I collect stamps, _______________, _______________, ________________.

Exercise 20: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Mi hermano suele ir a muchos conciertos de rock

2.- Tenemos muchos amigos

3.- George no estudia después del almuerzo

4.- A mi padre le gusta el tenis

5.- ¿Cuántas botellas de agua hay en el frigorífico?

6.- ¿Por qué lavas los platos todos los días?

7.- Juan toca la flauta muy bien

Cardinal Numbers:
Exercise 21: Write these numbers

a.- 42
b.- 164
c.- 6,147
d.- 95,706
e.- 872,481
f.- 4,539,018

Exercise 22 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 6

Present Continuous:
Exercise 23: Cross out the wrong word

1.- Kim is ( TALKKING / TALKING ) on the phone at the moment

2.- Look!! John is ( OPENING / OPENNING ) the window!!
3.- What ( AM / IS / ARE ) Ted eating now?
4.- Is Kim ( SITTING / SITING) on a chair?
5.- Laura ( AM / IS / ARE ) working at the computer
6.- Tony and Blackie ( ISN´T / AREN´T ) watching TV at present
7.- Where is Laura ( STANDING / STANDDDING )?
8.- John and Paul are ( WRITEING / WRITING) to their parents right now
9.- Who (AM/IS/ARE) Lisa speaking to?
10.- Charlie is (WAITTING/WAITING) for the train

Exercise 24: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Now Kim _______________ (put) the money in a box
2.- Where _______________ (Eric and Sam, play) at the moment?
3.- I ______________ (learn) how to pilot a new kind of aeroplane
4.- Your video camera_______________ (not, record) now
5.- Look!! The plane _______________ (fly) over a mountain at the moment

Exercise 25: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative
1.- +) They are swimming in the sea at the moment

2.- +)
-) John isn´t working in Dublin this year

3.- +)
?) Are the birds flying in the sky right now?

4.- +)
-) We aren´t reading this book at present

5.- +) Michael is having breakfast at the monent


Exercise 26: Look at the sentences in exercises 23-25 and write down Time Expressions
related to the Present Continuous

Exercise 27 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 7

Exercise 28:
Pay attention to the following verbs: They are not in the Present Continuous tense
1.- Look! She HAS GOT a very expensive watch.
2.- Katty LIKES swimming in the sea.
3.- My brother IS at home at the moment.
4.- David WANTS to see you now.
5.- My brother THINKS that you are a clever girl
6.- I HATE dogs
7.- My partner KNOWS the answer now.
8.- This pen BELONGS to me, it´s mine
9.- What do you MEAN by “it´s not fair!!”?
10.- Listen!! I dom´t MIND if you are tired.

Present Simple <> Present Continuous

Exercise 29: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Alfonso ___________________ (eat) lunch right now
2.- Paloma usually _________________ (go) to theme parks
3.- Jane and Lisa _____________ (wear) jeans today, but they usually ___________(wear)
4.- Listen!! Your sister _________________ (sing)
5.- Angel´s sister _____________________ (write) her parents a letter once a week
6.- People at Disney World usually ____________________ (enjoy) themselves
7.- Your new friends __________________ (not, like) football
8.- I _________ (do) this exercise now.
9.- How _________________________ (you, usually, go) to school?
10.- At weekends I __________ (play) basketball with my friends
11.- Your brother___________ (be) always late for work
12.- This bag _____________ (not, belong) to me
13.- When _________________(you, do) your homework?
14.- My brother _____________ (make) his bed at the moment
15.- I ______________ (not, know) what you _______________ (want)

Exercise 30: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Ahora mismo Alberto está estudiando

2.- Mi hermana no quiere verte ahora

3.- ¿Dónde están jugando los niños?

4.- ¡Escucha! Juan está tocando el violín

5.- ¿Qué opinas de este cuadro?

Exercise 31 Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 8

Vocabulary: SCHOOL
Exercise 32: Put the following words in the correct column:
classroom, Geography, dictionary, pencil, pupil, biro, computing, textbook, pen, student, rule, art, teacher, P.E.
(Phyisical Education), playground, staff room, classmates, sharpener, R.E. (Religious Education), headmaster,
history, eraser, chemistry, chair, language laboratory, science, blackboard, workbook, English, desk, bookcase,
notebook, maths,



The Imperative
Exercise 33: Match each expression in column A to its translation in column B
Open your books, please!...................* *........................ ¡Abrid los libros!
Bring me the newspaper, please!........* *.............¡No tires papeles al
Don´t close the window!....................* suelo!
Forgive me, John!..............................* *...................¡Tráeme el periódico!
Don´t sit down, please!......................* *............................... ¡No escribas!
Don´t throw papers on the ground!....* *......................¡Enciende las luces!
Switch on the lights!..........................* *........................¡Perdóname, Juan!
Don´t write, please!...........................* *..............................¡No te sientes!
Be kind to her, please!.......................* *.................. ¡No cierres la ventana!
Don´t send him this letter!.................* *.....................¡Sé amable con ella!
Feed the birds, please!.......................* *...... ¡Dale de comer a los pájaros!
*...............¡No le envíes esta carta!

Exercise 34: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- ¡Escribe tu nombre!

2.- ¡No enciendas las luces!

3.- ¡Siéntate, por favor!

4.- ¡No me olvides!

5.- ¡Lee esta novela!

Exercise 35: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 9

Past Simple:
Exercise 36: Match the infinitive of the following Irregular Verbs in column A to their Past Simple in column B

DRINK.....* *..................HAD SPEAK....* *.............SPOKE

HAVE.......* *.............BURNT DRAW....* *..................SAT
BEGIN.....* *.............BEGAN SEE.........* *..............SLEPT
BREAK....* *............DRANK HURT.....* *..............DREW
SAY..........* *.............BROKE SIT..........* *.................SAW
BURN.......* *..................MET SLEEP....* *...............HURT
WRITE.....* *.................SAID SWIM.....* *............CHOSE
MEET.......* *................LOST LEARN...* *..................ATE
SING........* *............WROTE EAT........* *.............SWAM
LOSE........* *..................PUT CHOOSE* *..........LEARNT
RUN.........* *...............SANG STEAL....* *.................GOT
LEND.......* *.......BROUGHT LEAVE...* *..............WORE
BRING.....* *..................CUT WEAR.....* *................LEFT
PUT..........* *................LENT GET........* *.............STOLE
READ.......* *..................RAN HEAR.....* *............DROVE
CUT..........* *................SHOT DRIVE....* *............HEARD
SHOOT....* *...............TOOK GIVE.......* *..............KNEW
FIND........* *............THREW KNOW....* *..............GAVE
TAKE.......* *.............FOUND LIE..........* *.................LAY
THROW...* *...............READ MAKE.....* *..............MADE

Exercise 37: Write the Past Simple of the following Regular Verbs

infinitive Past Simple infinitive Past Simple


Exercise 38: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 10

Exercise 39: Cross out the wrong word
1.- They (PLANED/PLANNED) the class party two days ago
2.- My friends didn´t (STOPS/STOP/STOPPED) at the red light yesterday
3.- Your brother (DON´T/DIDN´T /DOESN´T) play with me yesterday
4.- (DO/DID) John play the drums yesterday morning?
5.- We didn´t (WRITE/WROTE) to John last week
6.- (DID/DO/DOES) they watch a lot of TV yesterday?
7.- Mr White didn´t (LIKE/LIKES) your shoes
8.- John and David (DIDN´T/DON´T/DOESN´T) sleep well last night
9.- Did your parents (SEE/SAW) you at the party?
10.- (DO/DID) Ana read your letter?
11.- I (DIDN´T/DOESN´T) eat pizza last Sunday
12.- We (DOES/DID) our homework yesterday evening
13.- They (WALK/WALKED) to school yesterday
14.- In 1999 we (DIDN´T/DOESN´T/DON´T) go to California
15.- Did Mum (CARRY/CARRIED) the baby in her arms?

Exercise 40: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- The boys ____________ (play) basketball in the schoolyard yesterday
2.- Anna ________________ (not, watch) television lat night
3.- Why _________________(you, come) so late last night?
4.- Her classmates _____________ (not, try) to help her.
5.- We ____________ (write) rules for class last Monday
6.- Barbie _________________(not, be) at school yesterday.
7.- She ___________________ (visit) the dentist last week
8.- I _____________________ (start) a new job two months ago
9.- Anna _________________(make) an appointment with the hairdresser
10.- When _________________(the electrician, fix) the light?

Exercise 41: Change these sentences into the negative and translate them
1.- +) The Volleyball team won a lot of competitions

2.- +)
-) She didn´t meet her boyfriend at the cinema last Sunday

3.- +)
?) Did you call the police?

4.- +) I made a lot of mistakes in my English test


5.- +) Tom was at the disco last night


Exercise 42: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 11

Exercise 43: Look at the sentences in exercises 39-42 and write down Time Expressions
related to the Past Simple

Past Simple <> Present Simple <> Present Continuous

Exercise 44: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Charles ___________________ (have) breakfast at home yesterday
2.- John usually _________________ (go) to the cinema on Wednesdays
3.- Alice _____________ (wear) shorts today.
4.- Listen!! My father _________________ (sing)
5.- ________________ (your brother, steal) a diamond two years ago?
6.- Alfonso ___________________ (buy) the tickets yesterday
7.- Paloma often _________________ (watch) television in her bedroom
8.- Jane _____________ (talk) to her teacher last Friday.
9.- Look!! The bus _________________ (come)
10.- My sister ______________ (study) for an English test at the moment
11.- I _______________ (not, break) that window
12.- My son ____________ (visit) my father at weekends

Exercise 45: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- ¿Por qué estás estudiando francés este año?

2.- Yo te envié una carta hace dos semanas

3.- Mi hermano conoce a tu hermana

4.- ¡No vengas a mi casa!

5.- Antonio repara móviles

The weather
Exercise 46: Match the symbols and the weather vocabulary:
cloudy, cold, mild, warm, sunny, hot, windy, misty, foggy, raining, snowing

Exercise 47: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 12

Prepositions (I)
Exercise 48: Fill in AT, IN or ON
1.- Daniel goes to karate lessons _______ Monday afternoons
2.- Marty goes to school ________ 8 o´clock
3.- They gio ti karate ______ the afternoon
4.- I go to the comunity centre _______ Saturdays
5.- Ballet classes start __________ September 17
6.- Tennis lessons start ______ October
7.- We eat lunch _______ noon
8.- She was born _________ 1984
9.- I never go out for a walk _______ night
10.- Spring starts _________ March


Exercise 49: Complete the following chart

country nationality country nationality

Spain Greek
French Portugal
Moroccan Australian
Switzerland Scotland
Italian Dutch
Norway Finland
Egyptian Canada
German Russian
U.S.A. Japan
Ireland English
Welsh Cuban
Turkey India
Chinese Swedish

Exercise 50: Complete the following chart

adjectives COMPARATIVE translation

OLDER than
EASIER than más fácil que
more BORING than
more BEAUTIFUL than
BAD WORSE than peor que

Exercise 51: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 13

Exercise 52: Write the correct form of the adjectives in brackets
1.- These bananas are ____________ (cheap) than those
2.- English is __________ (difficult) than Chemistry
3.- Our house is __________ (tall) than yours
4.- Your brother is ________ (lazy) than you
5.- A horse is ________ (beautiful) than a donkey
6.- This book is ___________(small) than yours
7.- Ana is ____________ (young) than Mary
8.- Your marks are _____________ (good) than mine
9.- My school-bag is ______________(heavy) than my friend´s
10.- A sofa is ___________________ (comfortable) than a chair

Exercise 53: Complete the following chart

adjectives SUPERLATIVE translation

the most DIFFICULT el más difícil
the WORST than
the BEST

Exercise 54: Write the correct form of the adjectives in brackets

1.- It´s the ______________ (deep) river in the continent
2.- You have the ______________ (beautiful) eyes
3.- This is the ______________ (high) building in Spain
4.- Ana´s hair is ____________ (short) than yours
5.- This is the ___________ (fast) motorbike of all
6.- This is the ____________ (wide) street in Cádiz
7.- Today is the _______________(hot) day of the year
8.- John is the ________________ (intelligent) student in the group
9.- It´s the ___________________(bad) car of all
10.- It´s the ________________ (interesting) film I´ve ever seen

Prepositions (II)
Exercise 55: Make up sentences using these prepositions

Exercise 56:
Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 14

Exercise 57: Translate the following sentences into English
1.- Rusia es el país más grande del mundo

2.- Alfonso es mejor en Matemáticas que tu hermano

3.- Mi cumpleaños es el 15 de Octubre

4.- Hoy hace más frío que ayer

5.- Este ejercicio es más difícil que el número 50

Countable & Uncountable nouns

Exercise 58: Classify these words:
apple, bread, classmate, country, fruit, information, juice, meat, milk, mistake, queue, sandwich,
sugar, teenager, time, violence, wine, book, water, oil, coffee, dog, magazine



Exercise 59: Fill in the gaps with A, An or SOME

1.- There is____________ apple in the bowl
2.- There are _________ students in the cafeteria
3.- I need _____________ sugar
4.- This is _________ beautiful garden

Exercise 60: Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY

1.- Are there ___________ bananas in the kitchen?
2.- There are ____________ teachers at the bus-stop
3.- There aren´t ____________ books on that shelf
4.- I haven´t got ______________ coffee

Exercise 61: Fill in the gaps with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY
1.- _______________ coffee do you drink every day
2.- _______________ glasses of water do you drink every day?
3.- _______________ hamburgers do you eat every week?
4.- _______________ time do you spend on homework every day?

Exercise 62: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate noun

1.- There is VERY LITTLE _______________ in the fridge
2.- I have got VERY FEW _______________ in my house
3.- There are A LOT OF ________________ in the street
4.- There is A LOT OF _________________ on the table

Exercise 63: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 15

The Time
Exercise 64: Write these times
9:30 am
10:25 pm
11:05 am
2:45 pm
3:10 pm
8:50 pm
12:15 pm

Future Simple:
Exercise 65: Cross out the wrong word
1.- I (FINISHED/WILL FINISH) my homework tomorrow
2.- My friends (WILL PLAY / PLAYS) tennis next Sunday
3.- John (WENT / WILL GO) to England in a week
4.- My uncle (VISITED/WILL VISIT) us next month
5.- Charles (WILL READ/READ) your letter tomorrow

Exercise 66: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- John ____________ (receive) your letter next Monday
2.- Anna ________________ (visit) us tomorrow morning
3.- My parents _________________(go) to Portugal in a week
4.- My classmates _____________ (not, play) football tomorrow
5.- When ____________ (you, finish) your homework?

Exercise 67: Change these sentences into the negative and translate them
1.- +) My brother will take you to the zoo next Sunday

2.- +)
-) I won´t stay here till six o´clock

3.- +)
?) Will you lend me the money tomorrow?

Exercise 68: Look at the sentences in exercises 65-67 and write down Time Expressions
related to the Future Simple

Exercise 69: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 16

Past Simple <> Present Simple <> Present Continuous <> Future Simple
Exercise 70: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Mr Thomson ___________________ (sell) his house next year
2.- John often _________________ (travel) to London
3.- Alice _____________ (not, wear) shorts on Sundays.
4.- Look!! My sister _________________ (dance) with John
5.- ________________ (you, lose) your wallet two weeks ago?
6.- They ______________ (not, have) breakfast here tomorrow
7.- Paloma often _________________ (watch) television in her bedroom
8.- Jane _____________ (fly) to Dublin last month.
9.- They ______________ (paint) your bedroom in a month
10.- Peter ______________(want) to be a doctor
11.- She _______________(tell) you the story tomorrow morning
12.- I ___________________(always, sit) down when I am tired
13.- We _____________(not, buy) any bread yesterday
14.- I _______________(travel) to London in 2015
15.- When ______________(your sister, do) her homework?

Exercise 71: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- ¿Por qué estás estudiando francés este año?

2.- Yo te envié una carta hace dos semanas

3.- Mi hermano conoce a tu hermana

4.- ¡No vengas a mi casa!

5.- Antonio repara móviles

Vocabulary: HEALTH & FOOD

Exercise 72: Translate these words and look up more new words related to the topic
English Spanish English Spanish

Exercise 73: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 17

Exercise 74: Mixed Vocabulary: Look up these words in your dictionary, put them in the correct category
and write the translation:

paragraph #1
beach - clothes - sad - evening - join - flat - boring - market - obey - feed - break - baker -
work - waiter - bear - postman - brother - meet - safe - kind - dangerous - place - visit -
paragraph #2
advertisement - banana - star - funny - sharks - knee - scientists - let - waterfall - ride - jungle
- blind - sand - Wednesdays - cone - wet - pay - lazy - scenery - black - elbow - study -
paragraph #3
gymnastics - skateboard - explore - warm - different - cupboard - same - brown - fields - cute
- meat - farm - omelette - bench - hairy - let - important - basketball - wear - rink - long - trip
-country - planets - people - now - money - turtule - bird - coach - singer - desk - parents -
paragraph #4
straight - loose - always - beautiful - cold - ask - horrible - bathroom - bedroom - climb -
street - helmet - day - green - notice - adjective - planet - ostrich - rule - open - soft - wheel -
interesting - friendly - help - long - yellow - make - hunt - purple - programmes - tomorrow -
paragraph #5
clothes - colourful - want - delicious - laugh - mask - fat - pain -blue - verb - careful - loose -
holiday - beach - go - neck - cloudy - pick - year - sand - drink - smile - smell - clean - say -
ruler - rubber - sister - subject - nice - computer - clouds - learn - cage - old - boring - cold -
paragraph #6
drink - nature - living-room - kitchen - pick up - big - shout - circle - birthday - smoke -
disturb - shape - test - air - adverb - autograph - brilliant - actor - cat - land - pyramid - true -
object - magazine - traffic - exciting - athelete -shop - experience - pen - battery - wife -
paragraph #7
sunglasses - jacket - poster - crime - dagger - tent - village - interesting - torch - poison -
active - big - different - knee - hospital - healthy - water - town - doctor - vegetable - terrible -
queen - birthday - juice - princess - bicycle - website - king - jungle - boring - important -
paragraph #8
river - watch like - enjoy - city - pet - mouse - jealous - exzciting - horse - ice-cream - fruit
- grey - food - week - new - rock - sign - the top - tail - letter - windy - slowly - come - friend
- black - diary - pencil sharpener - dance - less - often delicious - write - more - quiet - onion
paragraph #9
play - nephew - rabbit - sheep - swimming - close - snake - good - note - litter - young - adult
- buy - autumn - handicrafts - get - watch - lake - spring - look for - tent - hate - season -
never - often - white - daughter - rarely - party - postcard - tight - vegetables - wear -
paragraph #10
sometimes - happy - teenagers - summer - toothpaste - red - cook - thin - skirt - horn -
improve - sleeping bag - swimming pool - winter - sweet - teeth - tail - spider - wings -
ugly- green -wild - reptile - hot - vegetables - tomato - tasty - slice - strange - fur - singer
nouns adjectives verbs others
BEACH: playa

Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés 3º E.S.O, pág. 18

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