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2 October 2023

Seindel Benaim
Madrid, Spain

Honorable Members of the United Nations Security Council, Ladies and gentlemen,
esteemed delegates, and distinguished guests, I stand before you today to represent
the thousands of children enslaved. My name is Seindel, I am 14 years old and I'm
from Madrid, Spain.

We come before this esteemed council to implore you to address a grave violation of
human rights: the recruitment and inscription of minors in armed forces across the
The recruitment of children into armed forces is a widespread issue, affecting
countless young lives globally.

As per data from (., 2019) (Ibn gabirol, n.d.), in 2020 more than 8,500 children
were recruited and used as fighters or in other roles by mostly non-state armed
groups. This includes not only boys but also girls, who are often subjected to
sexual violence and exploitation, exacerbating the horrors they endure.

The inscriptions of minors in armed forces are a grave violation of their rights,
as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. These young souls are
coerced, abducted, or manipulated into a life of violence, and their recruitment
sustains a cycle of conflict and instability.

Children forced into armed service suffer devastating consequences, including

physical injuries, psychological trauma, and loss of educational opportunities.
This not only harms the individual but also perpetuates a cycle of violence,
hindering the prospects for lasting peace in affected regions.

'I was made to draw a picture when I went for counseling,' Josef Opio, 15, says
finally. In his testimony he tells us that he was kidnapped by the guerrilla
Lord's Resistance Army at the age of nine, and returned to Gulu this year.
Trained as a frontline soldier, Josef escaped when Ugandan forces ambushed his
team. As part of his rehabilitation, he was asked to confront and forgive his
kidnappers - themselves boys once kidnapped by the LRA.
'The doctors asked me to draw my most horrific experience,' Josef continues. 'And I
could remember one incident that really scared me. A boy had tried to escape but
had been recaptured. As I watched, five other boys returned [with] bayonets and
rifles. He later died. I just stood there, watching it all happen.' (Maverick,

Besides, it is our collective duty, as a united global community, to protect these

vulnerable children. We call upon the United Nations Security Council to:

1. Strengthen existing international laws and conventions to explicitly prohibit

the recruitment of minors in armed forces.

2. Establish a dedicated task force to investigate and prosecute individuals and

entities involved in the recruitment of child soldiers.

3. Allocate resources for the rehabilitation and reintegration of former child

soldiers into society, ensuring access to education, psychological support, and
vocational training.
In closing, we implore each member of this esteemed council to remember the words
of Nelson Mandela: "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the
way it treats its children." Let us reveal our collective soul as compassionate,
just, and determined to protect the world's most vulnerable. Together, we can put
an end to the inscriptions of minors in armed forces and build a brighter future
for our children.

Thank you.

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