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As the world compete with the development on their own, human strive for a better

lifestyle, protection and power that governs everyone, greed was introduced to the
world, rich gather resources of the poor and the poor becomes more poorer,this would
lead to higher crime rate, more drug addicts and informal settlers who doesn't strive to
improve their lifestyle, this wasn't the intention of the government and every one of us
because this would make everyone not only have the life they don't want but also
damaging the economy as a whole, by realizing the truth, the specialist devise a plan
to allocate the resources from developed states or city to a remote places, by doing
so, they will bring opportunities to people who were unemployment about tech related
companies, that would benefit both from rich by having cheaper place to invest on their
technology make more money and having more people to be productivity to the
economy from the poor based on the video, but the problem is that we should also
consider wether this is appropriate for the place to build technology related company on
the remote place, we should try and understand what is the suitable theme to invest on
the certain place, like historical tourist spot, megacity or even farming place which could
benefit the economy, its like finding the right medicine to cure the child, as for the
second it is about hunger not everyone has the luxury to have full meal especially
countries that are having issues on wars happening in different places, hoarding of
foods for their own interest increase of prices to all the foods, it is like everything were
being controlled by invisible hands to for their own profit, based on the video,
government will lessen their exportation and encourage farmers to produce their own
foods to have a stable market prices which is a good idea but we also have to
consider the fact that accidents might occur and weather disaster will occur which
makes farming hard, so government can try and learn techniques and bring modern
technology to improve the fertility of the foods and vegetables so more people can enjoy
the foods, in conclusion both are the important factors out of four options that were
being chosen by us.

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