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The group of this work expresses their thanks and love to those people who help,

provided their kind to it’s work, acknowledge to those people.

For being a part of student at Saint Paul College of Technology, we enjoyed the

beauty of being a good student and the good manners of being an educated researcher and

the commitment that someday we will make our life meaningful and worth living.

It seems almost impossible to acknowledge adequately the very sincere concern to

all those who in one way or another assisted the researcher in the completion of the study.

To all of them, we are deeply grateful.

To the Almighty God for being their guiding light in spirit and in truth and for

giving them the strength to complete this study.

To the Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling which nurtured our in the

pursuit of knowledge;

To Ma’am Marielle De Jesus Quiray adviser of senior high school grade twelve

AST to the subject of III. Thank you for understanding, patience, help, encouragement,

and for being a inspiration to the researcher during the study;

To Ma’am Phauline Lagrimas adviser of senior high school grade twelve H.E

for being the panelist. Thank you for being kind and for all her support to the researcher;

To Ma’am Nissi Rose Domingo adviser of senior high school grade twelve ICT

for being the panelist .Thank you for being kind and for all her support to the researcher;

To those who were not mentioned, but have contributed to the study;

To all of them, this piece of work is wholeheartedly dedicated. Salamat po.




In an increasingly competitive educational landscape, standardized testing has

become a ubiquitous part of the academic journey, particularly for senior high school

students. This research aims to delve into the effects of standardized testing on these

students, exploring its implications on their academic performance, mental health, and

future prospects. Standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT in the United States or the

A-levels in the United Kingdom, are often seen as critical gateways to higher education.

They are designed to provide a uniform measure of comparison among students from

diverse educational backgrounds. However, the impact of these tests extends far beyond

their scores, influencing students' learning habits, school curriculum, and even their self-

esteem. This study will critically examine the

various dimensions of standardized testing, from its perceived benefits to its potential

drawbacks. We will explore whether these tests truly serve as an effective barometer of a

student's aptitude and potential or if they inadvertently contribute to educational

inequality by favoring certain groups over others. Moreover, we will also investigate the

psychological impact of these tests, considering the immense pressure students face to

perform well. The study will explore how this pressure might affect their mental health

and overall well-being. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature and

primary research, including surveys and interviews with students, educators, and

psychologists, this study seeks to provide a holistic understanding of the effects of

standardized testing on senior high school students. The findings of this research could

have significant implications for educational policy, potentially influencing how

standardized testing is conducted and utilized in the future. Ultimately, the goal is to

ensure that these tests serve as effective tools for assessing student potential and

readiness for higher education, without unduly impacting their mental health or

contributing to educational disparities.

Purpose of the Study

This study aims to explore and understand the standard of senior high school

students during the pandemic at Saint Paul College of Technology - Rizal St. Pob G,

Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines.

At this stage of the research, the standard of senior high school students were

identified as situations, experiences, and obstacles their learning. It is important that this

research serve as background information to strengthen schools' weaknesses and help

improve their grades will be result to our school a standard.

Statement of the Problem

Statement of the Problem The main aim and objective of the study is to examine the effect of standardized

testing on the academics of students in Saint Paul College of Technology. Moreover this sought to answer the

following questions:
1. How are the respondents described in terms of?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Year level

2.Does standardized testing affect your academic performance?

3.Does standardized testing influence your self-esteem and confidence?

4.Does the pressure and anxiety of standardized testing affect your learning experience?

5.Do you believe standardized tests accurately measure your understanding of the subject matter?

6.Do standardized tests help in identifying areas where students need improvement?

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of this study is the standard of senior high school students that will help

to maintain their grades. It will be conducted during the school year 2023-2024 with

senior high school students in Grade 11 and 12 as participants in the study at Saint Paul

College of Technology, Camiling. The confidentiality of the participants and students

must be considered.

Definition of Terms

The following words are the terms used in the study and defined in their

operational meaning to better understand the study:

Standardized test- is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard", manner.

Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions and interpretations are consistent and are administered

and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.

Learning-the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and understanding through intentional and

conscious activities Effect-a change that results when something is done or happens : an event, condition, or state of

affairs that is produced by a cause.

Test Anxiety-a psychological condition in which people experience extreme distress and anxiety in testing


Equity-in the context of standardized testing refers to the fairness and impartiality in the administration and

interpretation of test results for all students, regardless of their background, socio-economic status, or other personal




Related Literature

The surge in COVID-19 cases in the Philippines from March to August 2020

overwhelmed the country's entire healthcare system. It was first reported in Wuhan,

Hubei Province, China in December 2019 (Xiao et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2020). Shortly

thereafter, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the

outbreak of the novel coronavirus a global pandemic (Buheji et al., 2020; Cucinotta and

Vanelli , 2020; Mishra et al., 2020). Including the Philippines. The COVID-19 pandemic

has strained health systems worldwide and exacerbated pre-existing gaps in health

service delivery. Increased community engagement, aimed at expanding health services

to local communities, has been called for as a way to strengthen health systems,

especially in under-resourced settings (Gilmore et al., 2020; Haldane et al., 2021a;

World). Health Organization [WHO], 2021).

(CNN Philippine Staff, 2020) and (Smalley, 2020) both agree that the main

question regarding choosing the most suitable course mode for students is how
accessible that mode is to the learner. They infer that Internet connectivity is a major

barrier to accessing online learning, redirecting them to the second option of modular

learning, which also has flaws due to its delivery. These materials are for late learners

because of their quantity.

Related Studies

In the study of Taunan, M., Barcelona, S. R. D., Sandoval, R.-N. P., & Flaviano,

R. L. (2021) describe the experiences of senior high school students amid the Covid-19

pandemic. According to the study, it explores the lived experiences of senior high

school students to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their personal,

social, mental and academic performance and to identify the supports senior high

school students need to cope with the challenges they face as they continue their

educational journey during the pandemic.

According to Alfredo D. and M.a Syril P. (2022) said the education sector

worldwide is on the road to recovery. Now, students and youth around the world can

finally participate in in-person learning as most of the world's schools have reopened to

provide quality education after the disruption History of the COVID-19 pandemic. The

current trend of progress made by the Philippine government in the fight against

COVID-19 is an encouraging sign that things are slowly returning to normal after two

continuing terrible years of the pandemic. Although its threats still exist in our society,

the fact that its dangers are increasingly controllable remains indisputable. The study

used a descriptive phenomenological design in qualitative research. Participants'

responses were extracted in an in-depth interview to explore the lived experiences and

challenges they faced as the school implemented limited in-person classes.

According to PL Jayben (2022) is the world evolves, new problems arise and

this leads to a bigger barrier for students especially with education.


As presented there are three blocks that represent the flow of the study which are

the input, process and output. The input consist of the variables such as the students and

different feeling of students to their academics and school in Saint Paul College of

Technology, Camiling. The researchers interviewed and use group discussion to gather

their data. The output presents the research outcome after the study is finished. From the

output, the researchers expected to identify the lived experiences of Students in Saint

Paul College of Technology, Camiling.

This concept is being illustrated from the paradigm below.

Senior High School Students

• How may the senior high school students describe in terms of:



c.Work of parents

• What are the assistance they receive?

a.) Parents

b.) Teachers

• What are the lived experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of senior high
school students?

•How do senior high school students cope with the challenges during the


• Interview through answering checklists and questionnaires survey

• Focus group discussion Data analyzer


• Lived experiences of Senior High School Students during the Covid- 19

pandemic in Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling


Research Design

The researchers used the Qualitative and Quantitative research to broad

methodological approach that encompasses the lived experiences of senior high school

students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling

that will use in this study. The aim of qualitative research may vary with the disciplinary

background, such as phenomenology to gather an in depth understanding of lived

experiences during the pandemic in regard to some phenomenon on how they interpret

that experiences and to attempts to understand students perception, perspective and

understanding of a particular situation.

Interview refers to the collecting of data by asking questions provide evidence and

support the study. This method can be collected by listening to individuals, recording, or

filming their responses to support and give further explanation on the research problem of

the study.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will gather the data from the lived experiences of 20 senior high

school students respondents during the COVID-19 pandemic of senior high school

students in Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling. The senior high school students

will be the major source of the data that will be use in the study. There are two grades of
total. 10 respondents from Grade 11 and also 10 respondents to Grade 12 from Saint Paul

College of Technology, Camiling.

Sampling Technique

In the study the researchers will use purposive sampling. Purposive sampling also

known as subjective sampling is a limited grade level or limited student that have

expertise or knowledge in the school of researched that there will be only 20 respondents

or participants of the study. It is a type of non-probability technique that involves the

conscious selection by the researcher of certain student’s to include in the study. This

subjective technique will be used since the study will focus on the lived experiences

during the COVID-19 pandemic of senior high school students in Saint Paul College of

Technology, Camiling, the main source of data. There are two grades of total. The Grade

11 with 10 respondents or participants and Grade 12 with 10 respondents or participants

also from Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling.

Research Instrument

The respondents or participants of the study were conducted to gather the

necessary data needed in the study to collect complete information with greater


By doing questionnaires and checklist with the senior high school students in

Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling to scope more and to ask open questions and

the interviewer can pick up on non-verbal clues that indicate what is relevant to the

interviewees and how they are responding to different questions.

Observation to information from primary source and can also involve the

recording of data via the use of instruments that were used to answer the problem of the

study. The term may also refer to any data collected. This instrument was used to validate

responses from the participants.

Data Gathering Procedure

First, permission to conduct the study was secured from the school head of Saint

Paul College of Technology, Camiling.

Second, the researchers seek permission and ask teachers consents to the class of

senior high school students to be part of the participants of the study. This means they

will be the source of the relevant data needed in this study.

Third, the researcher make a reliable question to the respondent and ensure that

question must suitable and will provide proper information to the research problem. The

questionnaire was distributed to the students. This is gather the data easily and save time

and effort due to insufficient time. The researchers made sure that the data gather from

the interview contains its most reliable and accurate answer of the students.

Lastly, mutual respect means that students also treat each other properly and

know how to respect the researchers and the teachers. The students should know how to

cooperate respectfully to the study successfully.

Data Analysis

All the gathered data were subjected to Statement Of Problem by answeing the

survey we gave in order to make accurate data and interpretation. Data analysis is a very
important segment in the research such as open-ended responses, interviews, participant

observation, field notes and reflections identify patterns, features and themes that will use

in this study. It helps to determine the lived experience during the pandemic and the new

normal, so we can make the changes needed to achieve the goals of the students. This

could be attributed to the fact that in qualitative studies, data are usually recorded in the

form of words; descriptions, survery, checklit opinions, and feelings rather than numbers.

Furthermore, data analysis is a process where by researchers make search and arrange it

in order to enhance their knowledge of the data and to present what they learned to others

and experience during the pandemic. It provide impact image from work of what students

know, what they should know, and what can be done to meet their academic needs and to

identify areas where students need support and personalize their learning experiences of

what happened during the pandemic.



This chapter present, analyze and interpret the data gathered from the participants.

It incorporates the results and discussion of participants responds to certain inquires that

will be able to answer the study’s problem.

1. How may the senior high school students describe in terms of

There are many challenges to students because of what happened during the

pandemic. One of these is the lack of financial needs and education assistance from their

family member because of unemployment. Sometimes they are experiencing discrimination

about their grades capacity and age; some are too old in Grade 12 where they stop during the

pandemic or having a problem with their situation, and some are young. Senior high school is

challenging because it's the time when you start preparing for college and must balance your

social life, academic obligations, and college applications to determine which courses are

best for you.

Base on the data gathered by the researchers, the oldest among the 20 participants in

both grade is 21 years old in Grade 12, while the youngest is 16 years old in Grade 11. 9

female from Grade 11 and 7 female from Grade 12 respondents. The male respondents is 1 in

Grade 11 and 3 in Grade 12. And majority of their parents have job. The 8 participants said

that they parents or guardian were stay-at-home spouses or were unemployed, while the 12

participants parents or guardian has a job.

Table. Description of Senior High School Students in terms of Gender

Grade Level Grade 11 Grade 12

Number of Students 9 Students in Female 7 Students in Female

Repondents or Participants
1 Student in Male 3 Students in Male

1. What are the assistance they receive?

a. The assistance they receive from their parents

Many students need help especially to senior high school graduating. The help

they needed must start from their loved ones, the one who give them support, needs and

accompany them to the teachers to succeed their education in this new normal education.

The one who gives sustainable needs for financial, love and support them for whatever

they do.

Base on the data gathered, most of the participants answered that the financial

support they are getting is mostly from their family parents or guardian and it is enough

to sustain their needs in this new normal education according to them.

b. The assistance they receive from their teacher?

With increasing numbers of senior school students nowadays the teachers must

provide learning modules for the guideline of the students in their lesson and give them

health development programs for their health and give support for the senior high school

students who lived with their own with no parents or guardian that can’t afford with

simple needs that make their lives more comfortable and easier.
Senior high school is highly needed in students. Out of 20 participants, only one

got rated to occasionally or sometimes rate to the teachers who are teach or teaching good


2. What are the lived experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of senior high

school students?

The most common challenges that students face during the pandemic of senior

high school include career indecision, negative thoughts, lack of assistance, learning

facilities, and adjustment difficulties. Where they can also feel about feeling anxious,

depressed or stressed in their academic school.

A survey of 20 students revealed that 13 respondents or participants experienced

occasional or good health during the pandemic, while four were in good health and the

other two were in bad health, according to the survey of the students. The remaining one

student experience bad health. On the second question, 11 experienced stress, worry, or

depression, while six were afraid and anxious. Three participants did not experience

anxiety or depression. The last question of respondents or participants much preferred the

new normal of face-to-face classes, while four preferred online classes, despite the

challenges with time management and family responsibilities.

Table. Description of Senior High School Students Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic

The health of students Good Occasionally or Feel Bad Bad or

during the pandemic Sometimes Good Sometimes Rarely

Number of students in 4 or 20% 13 or 65% P(A) 2 or 10% P(A) 1 or 5%

their health P(A) P(A)

In the measurement of the tables used by the researcher, known as sampling

technique, a limited grade level or limited student that has expertise or knowledge in the

school of research means that there will be only 20 respondents or participants in the

study. Where the study also uses qualitative and quantitative data, the measurement of the

health of senior high school students was based on their answer in the survey through

quantitative data, and by observing the respondents or participants feelings about their

health we based it on qualitative data.

3. How do senior high school students cope with the challenges during the


The survey shows that students are researching online and conducting

independent studies to cope with the pandemic's challenges. Some succeed due to life

goals, following government guidelines, and utilizing technology like Google and

YouTube. Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling students faced extreme hardships,

but persevered through hard work, hobbies, and prayer. They believe that even if others

don't face problems, they will rise together from the pandemic.


This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations made for this


Summary of Findings

Based on the data presented in chapter four, the following findings were hereby

summarized and presented.

1. How may the senior high school students describe in terms of

The survey had 10 participants in 11th grade and 10 participants also in 12th

grade. The majority of them were 17 years old. All three were 16 years old, 18 years old

were 2 participants and 21 years old were 2 participants also from the survey we gave to

students. The majority of participating students are 16 females and 4 males. Also, the

jobs of their parents or guardians at both levels. There were 12 respondents or partcipants

students whose parents or guardians were working; however, all eight were stay-at-home

spouses or were unemployed.

2. What are the assistance they receive?

a. The assistance they receive from their parents

The parents or guardians of each of the 20 participants provided support

and met their needs. Every day, every week, and for some of the two receive an
allowance every month. Their needs are met by the money they make and the

support of their families in this new normal education.

b. The assistance they receive from their teacher?

One student survey participant, out of twenty, indicated that the teachers at our

school occasionally or sometimes rated it. This indicates that teachers only occasionally

or sometimes teach. They mostly complete the tasks assigned by their teachers, but

occasionally or sometimes they struggle with time management, according to a survey.

3. What are the lived experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of senior high

school students?

Out of 20 participants, there are 13 students experience with occasionally or good

sometimes health during the pandemic. The other four are in good health and the other

two are in awful occasionally health or bad sometimes. The remaining one is in bad

situation, where the students experience with a bad health during the pandemic.

In response to the second question, a survey of 11 students during the pandemic

revealed that some participants reported feeling stressed, worried, or depressed. There are

six individuals who had a terrible experience and are still afraid and anxious because of

the crisis. The three participants are not experiencing any anxiety, depression, or stress.

Regarding the third question, the majority of the 16 participants preferred this

new normal of education, which allows them to gain access to more knowledge and a

deeper understanding of other students' voices and body language in addition to the

teacher in face-to-face classes. The remaining four still like the online class with
modules, even though some of them struggle with time management and are too busy

with their families.

4. How do senior high school students cope with the challenges during the


According to the respondents or participants, students are researching online for

advice and conducting independent study to help them deal with the difficulties posed by

the pandemic. A few of them are able to accomplish it because they have a life goal.

Although it was challenging, our students succeeded. They followed the government's

guidelines and became well and healthy with their parents' guidance and support. In other

cases, they were able to help students better understand their lessons during the pandemic

with the aid of contemporary technology like Google and YouTube. Although it was

challenging, the Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling students succeeded. In

extreme hardship because others have nothing to eat, they choose to understand, learn

even if it's difficult, work hard to learn the discussions and cope with these tests. Also by

having hobbies that can help strengthen our bodies and with all this our students were

able to strengthen and understand the modules even though they didn't have a teacher and

they couldn't go out before during the pandemic. Finally, above all praying to the God is

important. Even if others don't have problems, we will rise together from the pandemic.


Based on the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Most senior high school students need vouchers for free tuition for upcoming Grade 11

students and Grade 12 to those parents or guardian without jobs or can’t provide financial


2. Family members assist senior high school students in adjusting to new education, but

some struggle with assignments, requiring guidance or books for better learning.

3. Senior high school students require guidance counsellors for educational, career, and

social support, collaborating with parents, guardians, teachers, and administrators to

ensure academic success and mental health.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are hereby presented:

1. Senior high school students require clean facilities for access to healthcare, clean

air, water, and healthy choices, fostering motivation and success in their studies in

a new normal education.

2. The new normal education requires the implementation of new rules to ensure the

safety, security, and health of all students in our school.

3. Teachers, principals, and school presidents must support senior high school

students and all Saint Paul students in promoting success and moving towards

excellence of all students.

4. Students are encouraged to contribute to the Supreme Secondary Learner

Government (SSLG) by recycling and reducing waste, preventing landfill usage

and maintaining a clean and organized school environment.


Following the APA format:

The Lived Experience of Students During the COVID Pandemic. (2022). Retrieved 2022,




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The Researcher And The Panelist

To the group of Justin Garbin De Luna, Group 5, in

practical research known as Hindi Sumuko, thanks for

the unforgettable memories, support, friendship, and

unity at Saint Paul College of Technology, Camiling.

Even other respondents or participants made their survey

a joke. Thank you for cooperating. For the happy and

sad moments and for making senior high school life meaningful. Thank you. This
research group will serve as memories someday, and the memories we make are the key

not to the past but to future researchers with similar topics concerning the lived

experiences during the pandemic and this new normal education of neglected students

who have problems. The study will serve as a guide and assist in understanding what

happened during the pandemic. That the experience they share can inspire other students

and schools.

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