Aoki 2004

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Number 421, pp. 260–267

© 2004 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stress Fractures and

Shin Splints
Yoshimitsu Aoki, MD, PhD*; Kazunori Yasuda, MD, PhD†; Harukazu Tohyama, MD, PhD†;
Hirokazu Ito, MD*; and Akio Minami, MD, PhD*

The purpose of the current study was to determine whether they are different diseases.14,15,19 According to the stan-
stress fractures and shin splints could be discriminated with dard nomenclature of the American Medical Association
MRI in the early phase. Twenty-two athletes, who had pain as reported by Slocum, 19 shin splints are defined as pain
in the middle or distal part of their leg during or after sports and discomfort in the leg from repetitive running on hard
activity, were evaluated with radiographs and MRI scans.
surfaces or excessive use of foot flexors. The diagnosis
Stress fractures were diagnosed when consecutive radio-
graphs showed local periosteal reaction or a fracture line,
should be limited to musculotendinous inflammation ex-
and shin splints were diagnosed in all the other cases. In all cluding fractures and ischemic disorders. However, stress
eight patients with stress fractures, an abnormally wide high fractures are recognized as the continuum of changes from
signal in the localized bone marrow was the most detectable microfracture to frank fracture under excess stress. However,
in the coronal fat-suppressed MRI scan. In 11 patients with patients with stress fractures or shin splints have similar
shin splints, the coronal fat-suppressed MRI scans showed a symptoms and they have similar clinical signs, at least
linear abnormally high signal along the medial posterior sur- during the early phase of each disease. Because treatment
face of the tibia, and in seven patients with shin splints, the of these diseases is different, early discrimination between
MRI scans showed a linear abnormally high signal along the shin splints and stress fractures is important for athletes.
medial bone marrow. No MRI scans of shin splints showed Athletes with shin splints do not need a long rest time, but
an abnormally wide high signal in the bone marrow as ob-
all athletes with stress fractures of the tibia should cease
served on MRI scans of stress fractures. This study showed
that fat-suppressed MRI is useful for discrimination between
sports activity for at least 4 or 6 weeks. Early discrimina-
stress fracture and shin splints before radiographs show a tion between shin splints and stress fractures can allow
detectable periosteal reaction in the tibia. athletes a return to sports activity as early as possible.
The differential diagnosis between these two diseases is
difficult in the early phase as determined from the physical
Athletes frequently experience chronic pain induced by examination and the radiographs. Radiographs are not use-
exercise in the medial aspect of the lower leg. Because the ful in the early phase of stress fractures, although they are
pain disturbs their sports activities, it is necessary for a useful in the late phase because they show periosteal re-
patient with chronic leg pain to be diagnosed correctly as action, callus formation, or sclerotic fracture line.2 The
early as possible. Stress fractures and shin splints are well- time from onset of pain to positive radiographic evidence
known as causes of chronic leg pain. Although shin splints of a stress fracture can vary from 2 weeks to 3 months.7,23
and tibial stress fracture are involved in overuse injuries, Although bone scintigraphy for a tibial stress fracture
commonly shows abnormal uptake at the site of the stress
fracture, shin splints also sometimes have an abnormal
Received: June 28, 2002 uptake. Therefore, differentiation between shin splints and
Revised: March 27, 2003, June 12, 2003
Accepted: June 24, 2003 stress fractures is not easy. Magnetic resonance imaging
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hokkaido University Gradu- has been used to diagnose many bone diseases. No studies,
ate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan; and the †Department of Medical however, have been done to discriminate between shin
Bioengineering and Sports Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School
of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan splints and stress fracture in the early phase with MRI. The
Correspondence to: Yoshimitsu Aoki, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopaedic purpose of the current study was to determine whether
Surgery, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Kita-15 Nishi- MRI can discriminate between shin splints and stress frac-
7, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-8638, Japan. Phone: 81-11-706-5935; Fax: 81-11-
706-6054; tures in the early phase before radiographs show periosteal
DOI: 10.1097/01.blo.0000126333.13806.87 reaction or callus formation.

Number 421
April 2004 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stress Fractures and Shin Splints 261

MATERIALS AND METHODS tion throughout the 12 weeks. Based on the diagnosis, the 22
patients were divided into two groups, patients with stress frac-
tures and patients with shin splints. Eight patients had stress
Patients fractures and 14 patients had shin splints. Magnetic resonance
Between April 1994 and June 1999, 22 athletes who had chronic imaging findings and duration of clinical symptoms were com-
pain in the middle or distal portion of the medial aspect of the leg pared between the groups. Statistical analysis was done with the
during or after sports activities were enrolled in this study. Pa- Student’s t test, Mann-Whitney’s U test, and the chi square test.
tients who had histories of acute trauma such as a direct blow to
the tibia and who had a disease predisposing them to a stress
fracture were excluded. They were screened for disease by ex- RESULTS
amination of the blood. The inclusion criteria involved moderate
or severe tenderness along the medial posterior border of the In the eight patients with stress fractures, plain radiographs
tibia and no abnormal findings seen on radiographs taken at the showed periosteal reaction, callus formation, or a fracture
initial examination. There were 13 males and nine females, rang- line at 4, 8, or 12 weeks after the initial examination (Fig
ing in age from 13–33 years (average age, 16.3 years). The patients 1D). In the 14 patients with shin splints, no abnormal
included eight runners, seven basketball players, three soccer radiographic findings were observed at 2, 4, 8, or 12 weeks
players, two volleyball players, and two kendo players. Twenty
after the initial examination. The mean duration of symp-
patients were involved in competition at the college, high school,
or junior high school level, and two patients were involved in toms until MRI was done in all patients ranged from 7
recreational activities. In the current study, our protocol for hu- days to 6 weeks (average, 19 days). The mean duration of
man subjects was approved according to the relevant laws and symptoms until MRI was done was 17.2 days for patients
regulations of our country. with stress fractures and 20.7 days for patients with shin
splints. There were no statistically significant differences
in duration of symptoms and activity level between pa-
Study Design
tients with stress fractures and patients with shin splints.
Each patient was followed up at the outpatient clinic at our In all eight patients with stress fractures, coronal T2-
institution every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. For each patient, antero-
weighted and fat-suppressed MRI scans showed an abnor-
posterior (AP) and lateral radiographs were taken at the initial
examination, and at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks after the
mally wide high signal in the localized bone marrow (Fig
initial examination. Magnetic resonance imaging also was done 1C). In the fat-suppressed MRI scans in particular, abnor-
with 0.5-T systems (Yokogawa Medical Co, Tokyo, Japan) for mal findings were more detectable than those in the T1-
each patient at the initial examination. Magnetic resonance im- and T2-weighted MRI scans (Fig 2A-C). The abnormally
aging was done once for 17 patients at the initial examination, high signal area in the STIR fat-suppressed MRI scans was
and twice for five patients at the initial examination, and at 6–8 continuous with the cortex. The plain radiographs also
weeks after the initial examination. Fast spin-echo short inver- showed callus formation 8 weeks after the initial exami-
sion-recovery (STIR) (TR, 2500–3700; TE, 20–40; inversion nation (Fig 2D,E). Also, in axial MRI scans, the abnor-
time, 90–100 ms) was obtained in the coronal plane and axial mally high signal extending throughout the entire bone
plane in all patients. Spectral fat saturation was used with fast marrow was detectable in all patients with stress fractures
spin-echo sequences. T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) imaging (rep-
(Fig 3).
etition time [TR], 400 ms; echo time [TE], 25 ms) and T2-
weighted SE imaging (TR, 3000; TE, 110) were obtained in the
In the 12 patients with shin splints, the coronal fat-
coronal plane and sagittal plane in 12 of the 22 patients. Fourteen suppressed MRI scan showed a linear abnormally high
of 22 athletes had a technetium-99m bone scan. signal along the medial posterior surface of the tibia (Fig
Radiographs and MRI scans were examined carefully by two 1A). In seven patients with shin splints, the coronal fat-
of us (YA, KY). On MRI scans, high signal intensity lesions suppressed MRI scan showed a linear abnormally high
were specifically looked for in the tibia. The coronal MRI find- signal along the medial aspect of the bone marrow (Fig
ings were classified into three images, subperiosteal high signal 1B). Those longitudinal linear high signals were located
(Fig 1A), subperiosteal high signal and linear high signal in just along the medial aspect of the tibial bone marrow and
medial bone marrow (Fig 1B), and wide high signal extending never extended throughout the entire tibial bone marrow.
throughout the whole bone marrow (Fig 1C). Axial MRI scans Abnormally high signals along the medial posterior sur-
also showed a subperiosteal high signal, partially high signal, or
face of the tibia and the medial aspect of the bone marrow
wide high signal in the bone marrow.
Using the radiographs taken at 12 weeks, a definite diagnosis
on coronal MRI also were detectable on axial MRI scans
was made for each patient. Tibial stress fractures were diagnosed (Fig 4A,B), but a radiograph did not show the periosteal
when consecutive radiographs showed local periosteal reaction, reaction (Fig 4C). The periosteal high signal and the linear
callus formation, or a fracture line 4–12 weeks after onset of high signal along the medial bone marrow on the fat-
symptoms. However, shin splints were diagnosed when consecu- suppressed MRI scan were seen in five patients with shin
tive radiographs showed no periosteal reaction or callus forma- splints. No MRI scans of patients with shin splints showed
Clinical Orthopaedics
262 Aoki et al and Related Research

Fig 1. (A) A coronal MRI scan of a 14-year-old tennis player, diagnosed with shin splints, shows an abnormally high signal along
the medial border of the tibia. (B) A coronal MRI scan of a 17-year-old female kendo player, diagnosed with shin splints, shows
a linear abnormally high signal intensity along the medial periosteal region and the medial aspect of the bone marrow. Radio-
graphs obtained 4 and 8 weeks later revealed no periosteal reaction. (C) A coronal MRI scan of a 14-year-old male soccer player,
diagnosed with a stress fracture, shows an abnormally wide high signal in the localized bone marrow. The abnormally high signal
area was continuous with the cortex. (D) A radiograph of a 14-year-old male soccer player with a stress fracture, obtained 4 weeks
after the first examination, revealed a periosteal reaction at the medial side of the tibia.
Number 421
April 2004 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stress Fractures and Shin Splints 263

Fig 2. Coronal MRI scans of a 17- year–old male runner, diagnosed with a stress fracture, show a strikingly wide low signal
intensity on the (A) T1-weighted scan, and a high signal intensity on the (B) T2-weighted scan, and (C) STIR fat-suppressed scan
in the localized bone marrow. Particularly in the STIR fat-suppressed MRI scan, the abnormal finding was more detectable.
Radiographs obtained 8 weeks after the first examination revealed callus formation at the lateral and posterior side of the tibia in
the (D) AP and (E) lateral views.

an abnormally wide high signal in the bone marrow (Fig

1C) (Table 1).
In the second MRI scans, taken 4 weeks after the first
examination in five patients with shin splints, the abnor-
mally high signal area was reduced in all sequences, com-
pared with that observed on the initial MRI scans. Al-
though those five patients continued sports activity, no
second MRI scans showed the development of abnormal-
ity or extension of the abnormally high signal in the bone
marrow such as observed in earlier MRI scans (Fig 1C). In
all patients with shin splints, T1-weighted and T2-
weighted MRI scans did not show any detectable abnormal
Bone scintigraphs revealed abnormal local uptake in all
five patients with stress fractures who had a bone scan (Fig
5A). Nine patients with shin splints had a bone scan. Bone
scintigraphs revealed longitudinal linear uptake in four
patients and longitudinally spindle-shaped uptake in one
patient with shin splints (Fig 5B). In the other four patients
with shin splints, no bone scintigraphs showed abnormal
uptake. Magnetic resonance imaging scans of all five pa-
tients with shin splints, which revealed abnormal longitu-
dinal uptake in the bone scan, showed a linear abnormally
high signal along the medial aspect of the bone marrow
(Fig 1B). Three cases of normal bone scintigraphs showed Fig 3. An axial MRI scan of a patient with a stress fracture
a linear abnormally high signal along the medial posterior shows an abnormal high signal extending through the bone
surface of the tibia (Fig 1A). marrow.
Clinical Orthopaedics
264 Aoki et al and Related Research

Fig 4. (A) An axial MRI scan of a patient with shin splints shows an abnormally high signal along the medial posterior surface of
the tibia and the medial aspect of the bone marrow. (B) A coronal MRI scan also shows a linear abnormally high signal intensity
along the medial periosteal region and the medial aspect of the bone marrow. A radiograph obtained 4 weeks after the first
examination did not show the periosteal reaction in the (C) AP and (D) lateral views.

DISCUSSION Complete rest from the activity may not be necessary in

most patients with shin splints. A gradual increase of ac-
Chronic leg pain frequently disrupts the athlete’s ability to tivity should be emphasized to prevent recurrence. How-
participate in sports activities. Accurate diagnosis is es- ever, relative rest is an important treatment to prevent
sential in the early phase after the onset of pain to apply progression of the fracture in athletes with tibial stress
specific treatment and to ensure an early return to sports fractures. Occasionally, patients require immobilization or
activity. Commonly, chronic leg pain in athletes is caused must be nonweightbearing until acute symptoms are re-
by stress fractures, shin splints (medial tibial stress syn- lieved. Therefore, patients with shin splints or tibial stress
drome), compartment syndrome, tendinitis, venous dis- fractures require different treatment methods and periods.
ease, and arterial occlusion.4 According to Styf, 21 shin Nielsen et al16 think the term stress fracture should be
splints are the most common cause of posterior medial leg used only for patients who have an intensive abnormal
pain. Shin splints generally are considered to be an over- finding on bone scintigraphs and callus formation as seen
use syndrome involving the fascia of the soleus muscle on radiographs taken at followup. Plain radiographs in
and the tibialis posterior muscle. Almost all athletes with patients with stress fractures show periosteal new bone
shin splints can be treated conservatively with success. formation in the late phase. However, almost all initial

TABLE 1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans and Patients With Stress Fractures or Shin Splints
Diagnosis MRI Scans
A linear abnormally high signal along the medial posterior An abnormally wide high signal in the localized bone
surface of the tibia (Fig 1A) marrow (Fig 1C)
A linear abnormally high signal along the medial aspect of the
bone marrow (Fig 1B)

Stress fracture 0 patients 8 patients

Shin splints 14 patients 0 patients
Number 421
April 2004 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stress Fractures and Shin Splints 265

Fig 5. Bone scintigraphs revealed abnormal local uptake in the (A) AP and (B) lateral views of the patient with stress fracture, and
longitudinal linear uptake in the (C) AP and (D) lateral views of the patient with shin splints.

radiographs are negative.20 In the current study, therefore, fat-suppressed MRI scans of stress fractures consistently
the diagnosis of stress fracture was defined by positive showed an intramedullary wide high signal, which was
findings in consecutive radiographs. continuous with the cortex. However, no MRI scans of
Bone scintigraphy is recommended for the diagnosis of shin splints showed an abnormally wide high signal at the
stress fractures in the early stage.14 The degree of abnor- bone marrow as in stress fractures. Therefore, the current
mal uptake depends on the rate of bone turnover and local study showed that STIR fat-suppressed MRI scans are
blood flow. The sensitivity of bone scans is high for stress useful in early discrimination between stress fractures and
fractures, and bone scans of shin splint lesions occasion- shin splints, because these MRI scans can distinguish the
ally show linear longitudinal uptake.17 However, bone two diseases before radiographs show a detectable perios-
scintigraphic findings of stress reaction are nonspecific.12 teal reaction of the tibia.
Some authors reported that 20–40% of the lesions seen on Stress fractures exist when microfractures or overt frac-
scintigraphs were asymptomatic.16,25 It is difficult to dif- tures appear in the bone marrow and the cortex because of
ferentiate shin splints from stress fractures in the early the inability to adapt to slow rhythmic stress applied in a
phase with a bone scan.14 Examination with a bone scan is subnormal manner.3,20 In the current study, the MRI fea-
more invasive than MRI. tures of stress fractures included an intramedullary area of
In the current study, STIR or fat-suppressed MRI scans high signal intensity that is continuous with the cortex on
showed an abnormally wide high signal at a localized area the STIR fat-suppressed image. This corresponds to areas
of bone marrow in all patients with stress fractures. The of fracture, hemorrhage, and edema.24 Characteristic find-
Clinical Orthopaedics
266 Aoki et al and Related Research

ings on fat-suppressed MRI scans of stress fractures such vigorous sports activity. Even patients with a linear
as an abnormally wide high signal in the localized bone high signal in the medial bone marrow in MRI scans
marrow could be seen in the early phase before radio- did not have findings of stress fractures on the sec-
graphs showed a detectable periosteal reaction in the tibia. ond MRI scans or callus formation on the consecutive
Lee and Yao10 reported that high signal intensity within plain radiographs. Therefore, we think that although shin
the marrow on T2-weighted images was most prominent splints may have some relation to a stress reaction of bone,
when MRI was done within 3 weeks from the onset of they are likely different clinical entities from stress frac-
symptoms. Although T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI tures.
scans could show an abnormally wide signal in the bone There are some limitations in this study. The first limi-
marrow in stress fractures, the abnormal finding was more tation is the small number of patients and few patients
detectable in STIR fat-suppressed MRI. Tyrrell and Dav- followed up with MRI. However, all patients in the current
ies24 also reported that marrow edema was best shown on study had abnormal signs on MRI scans. Furthermore, use
the STIR sequence. and results of second MRI scans and consecutive radio-
The MRI scans in patients with shin splints were clas- graphs, such as in the current study, have not been re-
sified into three groups. No relationship was found be- ported. Although all patients should be followed up with
tween the MRI scans and the duration of symptoms. A MRI, costs of the second MRI examination for the same
subperiosteal high signal (Fig 1A) representing subperios- disease were expensive. The second limitation is that this
teal edema implies that one cause of shin splints may be study involved patients participating in various levels of
traction periostitis along the insertion of the soleus fascia sports. However, all patients in this study had a history of
and tibialis posterior.5,13,15 Abnormal signal intensity in vigorous exercise, including running and jumping, before
the bone marrow (Fig 1B) is considered to be secondary to their symptoms occurred and there was no difference in
edema or hemorrhage related to microdamage and the as- activity level between patients with stress fractures and
sociated reparative response. Schweitzer and White18 re- patients with shin splints. The third limitation is that the
ported that altered weightbearing could be a cause of in- interval between the onset of symptoms and MRI varied.
creased medullary signal intensity on MRI scans. Johnell However, the mean duration of symptoms before MRI was
et al9 reported the increased metabolic bone activity at the short in both groups and there was no significant differ-
medial edge of the tibia in patients with shin splints ence between the patients with stress fractures and patients
through the biopsy specimens. The linear bone marrow with shin splints. This study showed that fat-suppressed
signal change (Fig 1B) may relate to changes in the in- MRI is useful in early discrimination between stress frac-
creased bone metabolism of bone marrow. The patho- tures and shin splints before radiographs show a detectable
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