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,:>za a-, I ::,'::l rl -rc tstr=\' aa]lYA [9= \ctltr la+e: > )Dq,q=-q , :i* '.lul ',J:.

r r 1fn )I ' -"TO ': -ro '--'L ISIC 'wt$Y t'!ruos "Z96I 'II 'snw 'irotd adoC'uuY 8II ',{11ern1eu rncco qcrq^d sl"ruru qll^\ eleduroc ol peroplsuoc 1ou lueserd 1! :t ly: elllceles 'fte' a' 1ou sl l ulru s1q,L 'eAIAJns lou ppo^a reql ire'ralieq 'qt"*-J tn^. il eid51--sfurounoJrns lr\ su eseql ul -"h"^y f?:i;rg 'e1edru1 pu" npn) o^rrrrl or .ooes pu? secueg ,fiellpro dq peuguo" "{"n" sr 1r s?er ple^"dol se'qins eurea lernleu ieinaod'tle9l-liry t"tu^ l"to"J l?913--"1,:^lfuedxe cir tt:t*11y uer"E sdq uoll1_qlll-s1p l Icuru" slqilslclrlslp pu ple^qsnq,r1 '4uq'"ig ''leeisuera eur 'to sued lle uI punoJ uJols"e-qtnos eql ul ur urer"qrllqs soplsuop--iseq8Fi 1nq ,rou er" {oqselfl l q] os pepuolxe u""q ,nq^.rllitiqi4ifn'",11s:eJ't.u6tlse1eqt Su unp 'snq1 'pecnporlur,{11ercgr1re ,redq'e,neq eu11leull9 qljoti'"qi'or let:j."^Yroeur eqr uo eu11 e '(q

pel clpul sI uoltnqlrlslp I rnl u slql 'slclJtrslp"':"1'"^-q1ry^t-l^ :F'uol qsuiur-rp'{11enpe6 sreqrunN 'ertruec eqf de oleullq-qlll ul uor'elndod lsetn'uaq "-' -" ---L 'su .auilseiblur sr serieds slql Jo uollnqlrlslp eg'L eql qll.^e l llq g l rnt u sil'e.req e,n "r"t!rt1p-ol"T1t^-I*:6":ql xoasalg suo{1qo sn?sllDwo7 'sJeqr[nu I"ntrcB Jo sotr?Iullse u q] uopnqlJl -slp Jo eepl JeJ"elc z se,tr8 eErel ro 11eru-s,-Jer{}e{'4"' 'sqJeJl:-e-cu JJncco 1 in1ce eql ':e-q}e8 -o1uo{?l stolrtslp oq} Il uI os op-911]11ytp';l ir se"sdifi--?:tt:" loqur'{s qcee ol srequnu udeq seq fdulelfe riu irene,t^o11 'u'ubqs-sr 'qloq ro 'selcads eq] Jo ur Ue3 sl co,, o1 +l;dny Eur''{uudurocc eql uo flrsuep egl 'ses?c "pnil o1-p""^-tt3q.J:."ot1ttg1t1t1p ",y1, ('?96121II110)')'1Y\/'i"nrii'''iio'n6]d:-:SSuireeqlcorlps g1r'reded sql ur pouorlue.', 'r ;;;i ur'ieu,riuerj eql F "* Tlf;;ff3r{ ffi'#ilfr""11,il""f fi*"' e gcrq^\ ul '(096L'uouy) gode11 s.1sr8ololfl eI{} :t l?-"i3li:qs juepnls eql 'peurecuoc st {J"d l"uortr"N rednrx e.11 ur spuruluur -1-o ti1eli lueserd pu uol}nqlrlslp egl s " J J sV 'sree^ .^aeJ trxeu eql ulq{^e P"iiidb "q ilr^-"11t-t^"}-aIu"D Il"^IqIulJ' eq1 pu uFrprrlv\ pues Iq"s poY$o .(1e1e,rrrd,11l-{3 dip"+ 1'ri;i9.*:j}t Jt pu" slqr Jo lcese IlnJ oq,L .{r"d l uor}"51're3nr1 eqr jo,{repunoq ureise,{A "]{1lo_3:l"ue.} lB}o} aq} reuE eq III'!\ ,"'6"0,',,dri"c;i, rlisuep pfre drequrnu "" "".{i"&rjJ;ff HHt$f iriSrt]f,JifJoff irry rurxel ,epdurl qll.r eer8ep rossel ? o1 qu iJ:furrdg-puri f6ft:tgJAr '(nercedsa'ect1d ,rou sr Funlcolser go ssacord ,uo1l e pue pereeddisrp seq-erueS lirnlriu 'eql 'seceld eIIIos uI .peddols oABq oru d jr-r.l"p"rSr--q!9;1i"i"3! 'firye9rd 'pecueJ-Eurr ere qc'n {'^& Jo ,{}lrofeur oq}.surJ J eiereded'orut p"'plqp f"n p6f*J"s ue-eq-seq I Asu"rI sqlJo lsoh l (rltnd Isuorl N re8nr) 'VI}IOIAXdeql Eulpnlrxo) .NOIIVAUSSNOC AXNJ-VN I e^su rl er{} ul gO INAI^IIUVdACI'IVVASNIVUI slelulu lll etu E

reEr l orlf Jo oruos Jo ZLTTIIE) .) ',/Y\ uorlngrrlslp eql

DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL some conservationists do not agree with the-introduction of wild animals into ha bitatswhere thev do not or did not occufnai .uiiy, wher;;-is;J"ooo-i" to re-esta blish and keep natwal species. their preserv"tl"" oip"tiat ,oGrv o" iiJt u""rtn"tic value and the aimsof conservation mav be los^t. Th;-Bl;;t;t-is not an exotic species a nd its habits are moreor less known. Thirs..where gamel;-G;;;rg; il.t";;;;fiil;I y because Blesbok can virtuallyS" farming practice, and iil."-oirt"t i"i-rt.iJiiline species is verv seldom o"o'{?'^:'^,Ft11p_ur,oses gi'ry,_ql4 iti ""o""'"i";;i.";ilil;#* ru;;;;*jro'rtiji il*. "o"irori"o _", i:"J,.".::;"lp,l,:flT3l"ll^rj*lo^?I":,bjlll,1!." rransvaai uno"tr,"-oirt i6, i,til", iluiL" mav be expected'tb cnung" rio-ii;;;;;# u, ro,r!;;1il;;;;;t'#irr-r,r:?Fff flff:Ti N: l. 6LEsback DlotPlE4troH oF {EeD5 rx tcrtrrXoVAr. L L5'trMA-tED tot[ a6i,ooo NoctH orLtNE AptlFl tAL Dt6frtaottot 1l]' -t :u, 4"'\, . il. /[ -",'4 _1\\ ' jr ) '.\ \\ r 2 \q'q-d,ror-t \ (Era '\ / la (-a^ \(,f '!c erens.eunc t,{y{W :e.s !c

\/L'\'\l_.,."?,;."". . (E; ]]t .\^'.""1o 4. )*. l;. .,*"\ .:r a ' 1'' ' ,1 ":-\:t-,^-' ; .i\,r. 1' L ,_-a_ ' vrnrco /t_ I f\ clettd^,o /lRoNxHoRsrT ' )Y-.: o I .a \ 7 t; *S' ', seew2t! :-i a r.1 a .swAzrLAND rt9

0zl !tar ooo'91 .1Ytol ortYnt]-g?-r-ca ozlvhl:92 "wAeN4 3ht Ni goa:ln J9 Nortrrqlalgro --Hr No\.LDtrta:t a Y.1YgA: ,r>r7c.9Hldd9 E in. ?tN ;"ere p31el ?IIIos ":rngns u33q '(Z 'oN '3rg) 'leelsu { oq} uI {oq8ulrds----=-. --.ui 000'9l ,(leleru rxordde ore eJeql 'lsea-qtrnos ogl spJ"l(o1 Eurqsrurturp's1cu1srp uJelse,ll-qlno s ..!H!lid t?lE ruol;3i oql ul IIIIs sr uorlelndod trser^eoq eqJ, 'serrspunoq isllq"q lernl u slr pedecse lou s q 1l c-!<!, c tg! '1oqse1g eq1 s lJodsu?Jl pue eJnldm Suunp elrl doe{ 01 .{see se 1ou s I pu s eJ JetrE,lt :CKT uI Serr -1J3eq ur eArAJns ,(gsee 1ou seop I Iuru" slql sv 's1e1g >loqEulJds e gl s u1Ylou>l Ber IBJlusc -: '11 eql ul ldecxe urelled IeJnleu sll ol surJoJuoc ItrIls >loqSulrdg aqtr Jo uollnqlJlslp oql \ lvd;iI sy oldns nw s11 oldns.toru p! I uy xosSNruds -,1-l -rEi f-ISIC zrrlllall. ') "^d

.LITZ DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL :ttia/is Iupera Aepy c e r os me lampus me lampus:r the The distribution of Impa la in the Transvaal has more or less remained the same as it --kt t-was in,I953, although. densities in some areas have diminished. Places wh ere the populations;: UUK, have decreased considerably during. t]ie pa;t len yea rs are the north-westerir Limpopo ln the IeClgl, areas of the Komatipoort and Pongola (south of Swaziland) and the Klaserie vliliy l i.000 in Pilgrim's Rest district. A11 these have become highly cultivaied regi ons, farms have been subdivided and the game consequently reduced. Some artificial dissemination has taken place. Introduction into previouslv unpo nuIated areas has been achieved with some suciess. For instance, in the *"rtet""ri aiwlur NrB IMPAL, \ DI3tEIB4TIoN INTHE tPAN6VAAL BsttMAtED totAL loo.oa t, .ai t{ a .'.r: a aa aa I ? .i #;:if*' 'oo o I.-r-.. aa t ? a a ji-ttaa .it l/. aa a i:* \ra tt' n) R U S T E N AURC ooa

oo -t a a a ( 11e -{-p-or. r..r r"oo^i'" RE M'*G e?eenc ztt, (LTFKSOORP 'a -\ ) 1, 121

'Tvrol. o3+YrAr+r! LI. nr No tlDqta.Lgrcl .Yerg= z 'e'"N Iq14SICI YUSIIZ uEgl ssel sr noAq ur eJe p puE elllBc taqsu dlnoS pu lcrJlsrp ncE SUTIIJ J ioIInsnIJsIo ,.t.oit\ rr'-:..r-) \t /-/ \ (2 LL7-l/! a !3 Ji-Y " E / 3--ii -^\7r{;tsYJl! i tln rloo I t'..Y"\. i\,'-l tN ) ;r/ s'ft o.\-{-f rvass t.,ttn rfo^f/ 9an !3tsnl r. a, 't \... \,4.wa( r la ta "r, a -a Oa -a 9lqr!! r va

o <r _sdi]]. "l,"Jr",,r,)., Y"l\, \{ -"'2"-V,i 'oo ;'7""*'o . r a le v1q1r) (-r or.prl ^ o t a/ l'/ I o a I o .)c '..'. ? os ?l .lYl'ol ollY^t.Lrt3 f,l* . .rYY SN\r'd+ :rnl Nr XorlrrstalS(t c1 IeErqao.ll/r\ 3tr-1ll tr;N pegnuolul Jo lunocce uo Surseercep f1mo1s oJ? sJoqrunu lnq_ .uorl lndod lsesuep oql ssqlcFlslp lsel{ s.rurrElld .Eg6l ur s3 oruss eql gcnur sur rueJ sorce ds snll Jo uo4nqr4srp erlJ stlu!.mw snuunry ao8rcg Isaasa(.u \ snTg sreqrunu rroslro "1n*l:1_y3_,,o, y :s:,":s, ,1r*, "$go;3%fl"ffiyi:?,fifftr ffii;::i.r,;gbff plo eql Jo esn e>1eur eledrul se_fleeq 10u sr serceds 1ei<i1 oql puB qeoiril uee ,rlaq ie"l uorlrleduroc \errr c,era repc4red slqr ul punoJ^oslu s9m { leueurorieqo ;;q ;;,{ 'ir",i 'o3 Jo uroolq eql pu" ge,r ,(1euer1xe plp deql 'oEu sree.,( uef lnoqu eledrul pe4iol s'e,n eieq",{l zJITITA) ') '.&\

:. KETTLITZ the bloom of tl competition lse of the old Iteir numbers -ints taurinus 'r Rest district of intensified DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL farming activities during the past ten years. The species has almost_vanished in the Barberton districiand numbers aie becoming very low in the Rustenburg, Waterberg, Potgiete rsrrrst, Soutoansbers and Letaba districti. The "snotsiekte" disease, formerly unknown wh ere cattl6 and th-e eastern Wildebeest mixed, has now become a real danger and some ranchers are in favour of exterminating Wildebeest on account of it. A rough estimate of Wildebeest is less than 10,000. (Fig. No. a). Trnru{ Equus burchellii transvaalensis Distribution remains much as in 1953, with the highest densities in the Pilgrim' s Rest, N? 5. ZEBPA btStErB4ltl ON 1\r tHEt!?A{6VAAL Ei'trMA'tED totAL N (r,e,eeraunc i IpusL\ 1 -I r.\ ,['.".-." '/ ;*'".. -.jto.\ "r, -i9{. .)\ tr"\^,^ V\ }fl' l: FUsTENEUFG ) l,tao""'o tJ igto'"o"$"ro^t rtf'"" "*o1J-+ , \o.,*,i. /'1:Ma) N:-^./^\ ; *. 4-t (. iru.. il;t ',^^,," {, 'k,:': \"1.--"^-2.,^J..-rV 5-{ I l\'^ ; "., oi" j . _-. I l';,ff;:t'", "._,ir .Y,1 " ;. :TlX

." -,t\Hf..,*;*i )wrr6ah(,., \-L-,__--'\., '--' r-.\ \\ -t-r^.--n-_-_ ri'..-_J_r^^ *,L i a( ;"-/^".''^'-+. (,,,;il"" i....^.".^"tr1,"*s..1"]-l-,'-L",,V"'1.,-^ --'^) -i ,rt a,' + / '1 -.-,^_" '. -\ BE'HAL ,) \ / SWAZILAND -V4' ,^u( \ . ' { \ \ //. \r{-v :(_ flERsFooBJrJ ) " ,J '* ^ r{^**en- p'et,_ .:,_^. r{^**En_ I ",e *".f" . lK \;.,".",.'.1"1;i3!l;" 123

,zl \ lnusrro^L^ \-iri,rrd---TYjrcours r'1-\-.3', 1'-"11,t"-cs -rrLd "--/I -u3\w1)--if*.,,,',r'-, )^ a^t,q -.."!) \',, ,,i * -,. '-r. \ L _,_,,-{-9ft1R,-* ^-N4 t "--.-^"--)-z--"o'",o""'', =Y\^lry \, oo30,,o,.",\-' j G,. _ i^" i" . ^. -! ,unrs,rH.r,rirrror^jooo,r,rl,ol" .-, ,l' l2^,*" _ _ oNv -t tzvA\s .t*" r,;' .,,,-r;i'r..'--''^*,,,..1^*ra,-.-t' -.; )"',,_-( ) o -"<-\4-:--l'"ll'ir; t 't/[ i"" .')r?: N ooo'ol lYtol o3tYh l 19? :Yrot qtlYl,all.g:t ]Y?Agf,Yal rHI ti t HO l.tDg ldtg10 ' jo Hot.LDgralglCl nor2z ,^>DtaHa 73N^34:9 I tti op npn) sluerrrollles ,4dau uI 'sJeu,{\o fq uorlcelord snoro8t,r pepJoJE erB .{a qtr eJeII.{d' Jo SIqJ ri,roi poo8 se^r? uorl leEol Jo ed,(1 eql eJeq,ll sec ld uI snoJerlrnu lsoru sJ -B_ ,,{eqJ, 'leel Hrru AauD -su"JJ eql Jo ple^.^Aol pue ple^qsnq eloq'^d, el{l Je^o ,(lue^e pe}nql Jlslp sI el InEun sql soncrcdaQs sorarlsdaqs sora)tsda4s n(Io) 000'0I aql )m8g qEIH .(s .oN '8ta) .slrrrlsrp urelse.,!\ eql ul 000'I ueql ssol qll^A 000'9 peesxe lou seop l ^su rl

r reql eql ur JeqrunLr peleurrlse eql 'ece1d ue{ l e^eq I ASUBJI I"Jluec erll uI suol lcnpoJ}ul oruos iqs Jleql ot .,tr.o1 ,{.re,r-Eurur6ceq eie slclJlslp uralse,{\ eql uI sJequnu or {I 'pel u5ullo Sureq ,{1mo1s eJ ,(eq1 'ruees i(eql seeJe Surqcu"J ur eillec r{ti,r,r eieduroc sleruru" eseql oJotllyys lclJlslp Sreqsuedlnos puu qele'I )itrep qcnl[ zLr'llrllx 'x -'i-t:lgruISIO ",\l.

:, KETTLITZ DISTRIBUTION OF' LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL ::nching areas much damage to cultivated crops and many of them are destroyed wh ile causing damage. :rire very low. They seem, however, to hold their own against healy hunting pres swe, which may be attributed :umber in the to their shyness, speed and wonderful camouflage. They move about so much from farm to farm that it is difficult to estimate numbe rs.Fig. No. 5). High figures are recorded in game surveys and censuses, but I do ubt whether the total reaches ' s strepsiceros the 10,000 mark. (Fig. No. O. .., the Trans-Gnnv RrunucK (YAAIRTBBoK) Pelea capreolus ,s good cover ::-:s Kudu do This animal is distributed over the central and south-eastern districts of the T ransvaal ---------------l } rz 6r?tly rrE r34 r -iiOlStptB4ttloN oF uEcas lN tflE f? tGvatL:\ll li3'fr MATED totAL 2ooo i li lr I \ . N -. t.\ N : li: \ -(ao,ate"a""^"\1.=:--'-" 1 _. ; .,1 \\ .? t oa ,{?L^-r a

-ola .: a .). 1 )o. i .-:i*'E .-_.t I II aalI io r g I r -:-,1 I --..1_ aa J'7' . >. -za=J MAttCO Ji' rlroNrHoPs.rrr'i:J\ ' a , ) \/ {. \t.'"n =' : . --+{' /o l ,-\ :,,1.) lr / I JOH^rilES llRq f a -:ll \ ,, "i, ,: _ --(4-itc*.r.r"oo,iv a::wtrc't/-i -r *'oe'"E^c 'r -_,-.r .JJ^_ MI aaSWAZILAND .:""6y--; : '-. a.\ \ N !u8G J-

^'f'f'F*-i"-M\.! J ".) i (..r"".0o^" i ) :12'"''^-(^\. v1 r i--/'"l;-'''', oG / 3TANO RTOX ,fi'""oo:;l )pr r-" scrwrrrtn) /J -1 ffrd(ER--l 1 . 12 srao{ F rr F -__.-l') r E }ro t venex srro voL<saus \ _taj^ ;:J+%Lr l6ro v t25

z lv],ot clltlHltg: !t rFl Nl N9llDglalt9lQ ,1foq altYiA ('ix ) sJuenguoc 3:nquelsnA >ds sqtr[ rql 'l3IJlsIp 00't uee^qocl e Smquep.('I lupeESnJ pue soLmalx,Islq 9Zl \ sntsrroa jlrrfd ircoo., .tr' -' -, -rrra j -urxw6r 't-.' * (( .'<' r(' " tr-froo,r", oNv'ilzYrils /_ ( aa a ,ln N!tsnl \ G&rr ( a'a a *"*_a--l. -ol _r) !-) i T'"'"et ^,".._,..l;vl T:T",:,:., (* ",

i a t rzt . ) I ( '-J.u a ooq,t .ll.Lot (r!tYwu-ci3 'tr.yn gilral ant bil soaal1 ro HorlnllrAt9l(l )!rre o:ra Nlvl'Nnon IrN epnl4l .f,ressecau oql aleg,r Isu^su Jtr er{l uI suolSer II3 uI peJelunocue sI IEIu Ius sIqI oplnrod.lnt Drunpay (>Ioaatuloog) xcnacarg NIvrNnoI I '(t 'oN '3rg) 'leea,suerl eqtr ul 000'Z u?q} eJoru lou eJ oJoql 1Br{1 pol Iu4se sl 1l }nq sJeqrunu Jleql qsqq lse 01 pJ r{ sI 1 I '{cnqpeeu ur lunoJ^tr egtr Jo lBtrrq q eq} e^oqB lsni lloq lsnu oql Suure;erd ''u 00 0:t e^oq

sepnlrtrls 1 Jncco pu epnl4 l wtz eql Jo qlnos-s oJ o1 pelclJlseJ eJs ,(eqJ 'o8u J Sreqs ed -lnos eql uI Jncco 01 ruees lou op feqJ 'ulof slclJlslp Emquelsng pue_sq1"quJ d[ ' EJeq -Je} i{\ egl oJeq./d eJe I Jluec eql pu lcrJlsrp Srnquep,{1 eql uI uoll lndod lsevreeq o ql qlp\ z Lr-tlrg.) ') ' ,,K

. KETTLITZ re in in lt the Water' the Sout. r at altitudes Reedbuck. more than

w fulvorufula sary altitude DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL and ruggedness prevail. The thickest population occurs in the north:easteln high veld with Lydenburg and Middelburg districts as the centre. _ Their preferred habitat seem s to be b6tween 4,000 and 4,500 ft. altitude and some are also found at 3,000 ft. in the Barberton district. The areas just below the mist belt seem to be their favourite haunts. (Fig. No. 8). W.treRlucr Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus This species occurs in small numbers in the northern part of Marico district. In the Rustenburg district they are found in fair numbers along the rivers, especially so at the confluence-of the Marico-Crocodile and at the Matlabas-Crocodile junction. In th e lFo t/ltEE B0cg DrgtEtt3(ttrox t}l ic! trax3%L eiilMAtED 'lotAL a'ooo .\gn/ YI i. \ &. \ aa aa a IOU _a_._ atO ., Zf-*'*'t""'.. i rV o , c/Ar-rn s-\ (!ot t^ EA_a n ) t' I (.,r,rre ns,auno lZtfa'"-'a^ "" r ,F..",*.. 1 ;'*"""" \ "ro Fq

'f, \\r"'rr .,r^=.i 7 r, f-r T' 'YL ^' r t-\ ,{'t)i '\z:4. J' \ '.,^'.1\ ',, /-,," ')/ ;,1;"';: \'r','^-r-\.;* '^"";t'-..--"' ,'/{ '. ,,/ :'*":"V / \,t^FMB^o 'j 11"^.ro, ,r/ro, NBurc)i _-# \ij -,r--r 'i { ,4 -t ...,,*"1 z zf ",, :' i( 1lHt -l_ .--, i ) i\ ;l r '-J,.... 'k,.. {' ) i."^." ,--?:24---" V ,;r*ii-s*' I i\' "., 1^ " i "* "' -"..]''1ffi "Jl'i,, ^ " i", .Y,;. ; ^.1 i.-/,,,-_\ . .., .\ 1 t) / e\* "urr.uuu^" ,o",.o /',' -.'tt-. _il f ) r n ) ,'-^-, \f"-^ --.----r N_-9'{ FC Jox^iNESBURG -I \ /ttcq\ . "t )vExrEAsDoFp , r -o .r,' "r..,r--f^ri',"_.,_iTl'*^ . }W, :',,,"{ .i' jl'--<i,",...,"o.$S-"'5,"..**o rl' ^-..1: o l. ,*/ ^H\. __...1(

,:"l.,i -,, -'{ :**5){^.,k*) -x ";*{*;r -i .,1.+.' "t, \a .,r*i'^r'r',i;;) "r.; ; erg )wouvrnrNsreo voLKgRuS \ ,^j^ lstotrl sot2 t27

'w d')'v-6 8Zl ;lJrjlsrp lsnJ . rsaq8rq eq] :-aulsrp lse'l{ :d Ieuoltr N ioll] suleureJ 'aJoru uo^e qassesJ ETIgSS!ISJ f IBEASU JI : Jno^?epue aql uo preq sprerl II us:: .(1.uo1s st aH 0rll ,H oQ{ aHJ .re .i11en1l.t : r.ii esorll Jo lr,i lclJlslp us siql YTYAN ur {oqsuec _\ pJequroT :':d 1ou ererrr :r?-I oql uo ::D erltr iossl IaD ig) 'sleurrue u aq1 uI seuo patcedxe eq -''\ .cI JoqIUnu --peqsllqElse Try^eHyd! :il!xl gqa3t-r ,10 No)+Dqldl.glc :JOC UJ9lS e o9t rqrao:,r tredy -'lY!o! cr!Ivwl!g= ol '"N aNV'rg . eq1 uI IqIJO .(o .oN .3rg) '1ee,rsu Jl eqtr ur p"oq 00062 u q1 -ss3l lou 3r eJotll lBI{1 pel"trs eq _u c u ;: ut lueserd 'pecnpoJlul e.rez*r ,{eql oJeq/( e^rosex eJnlBN uepdo>1so1-eql.rno co ,(eq1 uo ldecxe ,1ee,rsuer1 IsJluOc pu" uJeqlnos eql ul >lJnqJetr lN ou eJ eJeqJ, 'o3J?CS eJ Aeql,ge eJ eJoql eJoql( uopeqreg er{1 uI sI }1urll uJeq}nos JIeqI 'sruJ J Jo Jequnu e etrrnb yo-InJ pueldIsrsroq>1uorg ere >lcnq eqt ereq/( rlcirlsip ileg's.qtF_Etld pu" IqBleT-erll uj rncso suoll pdod _ 1se4c1ql

rr\Brl lcrJlslp 'crJlsrp Suop .(lptcedse '1ctr1srp Sreqsuedlno5 eq1 eql' 'pgpu'e1d orbur eruocJq feqi '<iO<idriin "qi rsrp eql .rj*.u6ti5"roid lctrls Jepun pue snoJerunu elrnb-ere ,{eq1 e.lrese.11 e Jnl N ale,rrrd^8reqno1g IsIuo uo'icp1r1p Brnqsrel-e14 iqr ut 'ecreos ere ,{eqt slclrlslp lsnrsretetSlod pue Ereqrelel6 "ir \OIINtrIUJSI( ZII'IIIA){ '){ '/\\

\, KETTLITZ ilstrict on the::otection. In:lentiful. The :: the buck are : Cistrict where '.:al, except on Frg. No. 9). R\ ,rf DISTRIBUTION OF I-ARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAT Onrnr Ourebia ourebi ourebiThe distribution of this animal is more or less in th e eastern highveld, the Ermelo district having the highest population. Thgv ar.e also found io-trr" MiAa"ib;g;^ rdluot, Bronkhorst-spruit. and Pretoria districts. On the farm Uitkomst, close to flugei s[orp,there are about 40 which are a properly fenced reserve una rfu"ipt 'ot"Jion. "njoy They occur. on the grassveld in the franwaai although it is known t6at iney'useO io bepresent in the southern lowveld where they have since-disappeared. There ar 6 uUiri zSO Oribi in the province. (Fig. No. l0). Er.tNo Taurotrsgus oryx oryxApart from small herds on the Molongo Flats and in the Shin gwedzi area in the northeastern corner of the Transvaal, there arJquite a number-of f-rn"r, who have small butes tablished herds. In 1953 the estimated number was not -ot" fhun ZS iieaJ.' i" iq ?i trr" number is well over 100. These herds were all introduced and are rittr"o ro-irru Jin.y -uvbe expected to increase at a faster rate than before. fne noittr-easter n herds are th6 onlyones in the natural state. Most of the others are on fenced farms and ut" triuiJ rit" d"t"rti" animals. (Fig. No. 1l). GrMseor Oryx gazella The Gemsbok position is very grave and. their total disappearance can hardly be stlpped.on the Langjan Nature Reserve-they have been steadill'^d""..asr.rg marnl y because they were-not.p_roperly fenced. Several attempts have been made to establish u h.iO o n-tfr" S. e.Lombard Nature Reserve without success. Apart from those in rnor, tn .i" rr""""fy lS Gemsbok in the Transvaal. (Fig. No. 1l). Nv,qr,t

.. This species is now found in the north-eastern corner of the Trans "^:i,':{t: : .y;;:#::;district and on the Loskopdam Nature Reserve. The lattei were introdu ced. The future of those in the wild state is_very uncertain. They still ao the 100 mark and are "ot "*"""a virtually extinct outside the Kruger National Park and a;rk;pJ;* Reserve. iFig.N"]rrl" THs Rrn HaRrnnrrsr Alcelaphus caamq caqma The Red Hartebeest is also on the downgrad.e" A natural herd in the Marico distr ictis slowly declining on accoullt of consecutive droughts over the last few y.u .r.-1.n"i"'upsmall herds scattered through _the Rustenburg, Waterberg and Potgie tersrust districts. -T.ire herd on the S. A. Lombard Nature Reserve does not seem to do -well. W" *iji,-t-, oweu"r, endeavour to establish a,h3^r{ olJhe_ Nature Reserve. The total nr-t"i in tn"Transvaal does not exceed 200. (Fig. No. il). Tsnssrsr Damqliscus lunqtis lunatis Tsessebe are still scarce in the Transvaal, and new disease factor has made thei r future even more doubtful. Since 1953 their numbers have decreased although irr. airfio "ii", remains more or less the same. They. are sparsely distributed along the uouiOa.y tr tfr" ri"g",National Park from the Shingwedzi arei southwards to the fJt"A" R iver. Iir;ir;Fil;i"r',Rest district they are scattered on the farms, Fleur d^e L ys, Moriah ;;d B;ff.;jr#i.;";;ng the highest pop-ulations. Smaller scattered herds are found'in ttre wateruerg po ieiJt"rr -.'* -v!6rv!\ rust districts. There are not more than 500 in the Transvaal. (Fig. N;. ili.o "" ? 129 9-A.C.P.M.

---4-* . .; /;'<vr --5--/1r-^fr', 0 No tlrrql l6"L9lc Gl:(1lr/\ 2t)Y'1E! !do-lrlNv 31srY9 3do"\l!F{Y NVOa ?! ail qrno /.!I xcvlg ) lou SeOp EA\ aql ul trocoq IIr^A ool) preq Preq qtrr^\ '$rnsJnd IL'ITtrUISIC \ snusrror r rr 3! ircours I __t. t -rrrd -dilFlJ / ) o 4 ',. .,,i,.*--., \ tiuoorst:nvl , ,otorror.t ,\-a f'"ts rursr:xrrolv-! /-@) t--'.-,' v"'"'"':* oNY.lldllrg -/ (. /",,, ,, ' '1t "oo."rRrn), "o ,7(i, ":' t{ TfvAgtiY{{F rn+ xr eoart' lo l{ollr2ellalglcl 9t..Or)rrrrgl^r3t ool @ Y.IYAN (,, _{Trr/-^fEvl

ool o Ot{Y.l? oo9 t a ,(r1?5l339I oo? @ tsr:i1r.l'art/Hola-rrtol o3.!Ynttg: ll aN I JnllnclJS ql 01 .,( ld. 8ur'rrE ,(1mols ole punoJ SI Selceds slql 3Jeq.,t\ s eJ IsJnlBu e

irutoclpuot slutozlpuDt7 DuuDzO ado'It[NV arsvs .(Zt .ol.L .slS) 'OOt poocxe tou ssop le?asusrtr aql ul requnu pelerullse eq; 'p erueddsll-p-s?q lcrrtsrp uoiloqref, aql ul proq llerirs eql 'lc-Flslp lse11 s,urtrElJil ?ql uI s tursJ oul9s uo que pulsrp Breqr.1n6 .ii"ta1"g fi"X dqi iir uo ieErill ipiifi lerus ieqlo e11q'n 'pe rzedde e soi rir umoul ere^e qcrqx\ 6priq eqi go 6urog 'ar'reser pecrsJ ,(1qe1ms e ur :i;n i1i""p"ra eiiq"q1rri!5o1g piicaibrd,{'edorci 6{"rier ureql 3b auros sselutr rcurlx6 pereprsuoc oq ,{eur ad olelue sr-q; punba omnba ouuDzo ildolilrNv NYol{ ZJITIIA)I 't '/Y\

KETTLITZ DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL quina equina pursuits. Consequently numbers are dwindling. The distribution remains much as i n 1953, with herds in the Pietersburg, Soutpansberg, Letaba and Pilgrim's Rest districts . A smallly protected herd (too young to breed) has been taken to Loskopdam but it is not known whethe r they zdually dis-will become established. It is said that there are still some Sable in the New Belgium Block 'berg district rton district in the Waterberg district, but I have not seen them yet. The total number in the Transvaal :ig. No. 12). does not exceed 800. (Fig. No. 12). grandicornis Br-ecr Wfi,orsrnsr oR WHITE TeIr,ro GNu Connochaetes gnou agricultural During 1945 there was only one herd of 46 on the farm Heuningkrans in the WolN: 12 E-strFIAI:D nol L POAN ANTTLOF'E @) ,, loo 6ABLEANT1LopE . , ," EoO 6LActa\^/rLoEbEE5T O , r ,, l5o Dr5Tr:rb4troN of trEFOs rHtHE 1RANSV^A.L. ^.9.t' ao_ -''aI' -qa\ f'a\ r s-l / te 1^ 6^ a '. a"\ I ,as""drt^'j'" t.". '''^]i'.1.'""." 1../ v"*5"#: o vri fG FUS'EX'UI6 , ,iFor" "u^nti !i )"1.-.,*,-J ( z. .,, \ ,, ii )N L

I OEL u,o" iJ.,Yl'I i 'tt { ',-1 I \.^\/..'\. r' LICHT EN -) r'. SW^zILAND ' 131

-:o! (rstY}l{ltgl i--sr iiol liTq,la!91 cl eJJYal9 Fl3N r:'.{1 lJutrslp r araql i\IOdOiIiIIH 'snorreceld I ui Os esrp 1?UOrSeCSO ilPurs olY{Jng o[:]sIuJsIo zEr zloH nSolql ovrs N!av{r o*\ !, 3 \ snusrro^l!^ \ s,r'rr" f*oor. i.-!4 -. \--oy''tu*t' -alrd --!!)'vaJ --).-,*-.n.8, *-"--. ^ -r'J-'\ " -t?)\vlr !-r.rj .r j,"'."',i]*,*,"\---r'hanR,:-N"........,.,'.1-i. ' ": .< -, ddoos)br-r I ;f#{:';i-=='nd"'ri;'J?\\ " >'7"j:: -rf oNv-lrzvi\ s /r\\.1./-.\.-, w.\ \ \-*^* // i tl .; -("' i" 4-ri ! yh'."i-!U ,rr,o".,*t--"_-f -^,. i '---"--'"'--'---i ,^_ '. \--'-Y -j\ J..-.*.,*lrq.--\r L tl

;* ;*^4 i ,:-tr ,=i""'--,1_t d^"f, /""':i' :"*..,' \-<' ! i .'^,1"l]:{i \" g{yt r"-n" nrou,/r/ t'os'So*"\-t:, i. o'"".o*1 ( euneHlrs nu (! s N ss,!eu j \4'L /a :( + ''i \r.'t i \1 "tr:"":r,* **'t -*',,?"\ '** "r, _"'""""":"? -,1,-: :) t,=<.-).' / \._ )., )-\/ /--r /l--li\r /-*-rf( tt{ .o.",dsTo 1 * ,; / ?),/ I--e! l7s Nwrno2 1\.\//\gNval' aHl Nl NOllrr9lalglcl Ool . olYtlt?q4 oo? x svl^rvlvdoddr6 '1Yto]F Cl3tYl,{ltg?, 9l aN .(Zt .ott .3lg) ',grcedec Eurpserq eql os"oJcul o1 srea.( I lsBI egl Suunp p3^.o lueJ ueeq e^"q sllnq ssecxe gf 1sea1 lV 'poqsl1q 1se [e.u 3rB pu? 'spraq 1 olgl pephlp ere ,teq; 'gE1 ,(leleurrxordde Joqlunu.4A'ou I ASu { oq} uI lsoaqepl/( >lc"lq Jo Jeqrunu eql e}?trS e3J{ eql ruo4 eru c euos q8noqllu 'pJeq srqtr ruo4 paleuGuo l ^su"Jl eql uI spreq luesard eql Jo lsohtr Joqruoolg J ou e^Jeseu oJnl"N pJ"qruo'I 'v's eql o1 ue{ } eJe,4A eseqJ 'uoll Jlslullupv lelcunoJd I B^su?JJ oq} 01 slsluluB eJ J eseq } Jo o.aleal peleuop .{lsnorcerS u uIJoH 't141 oJeu,tlo el l eql 6t6I uI '}cl4slp p?}s sueJ Iu

zJI'IJrA) 'x 'A\

.. KETTLITZ fied twelve of raken to the Itlough some ximately 150. ulls have been D. DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMAIJ IN TRANSVAAL Bunper,o Syncerus caffer caffer Small herds occur in the eastern Soutpansberg,Letaba and Pilgrim's Rest district s. Occasional infiltrations occuralong the boundary of the Kruger National Park. Bu ffalo disease in cattle, in the areas where Buffalo occut, makes their existence in th e Transvaal precarious. The total number does not exceed 100. (Fig. No. 13). Hrppoporeuus H ipp op o t amus amp hib ius c ap ensis There are only a few Hippopotami in the western Limpopo. In the eastern Soutpans berg district they occur in the Limpopo, Mutali and Levubu Rivers. In the Letaba dist rict they Nc 14 GIPATTB D t STtpr B4l-f toN tN t$E'tEAr6vAAL E5Tl .lAlED to.l\L {oo1 (-r,erenrrurc rusrExlurc ) lt^"t"^o YtZc\ "o^, ,;{o'^ "u^oti I -a-\'-..'--ir.-.-'it aii), { 4r,,.*,.t (tAJ,,. ,^",.o f? '<rJ^\ ) {l i I r,*e. i\".*:)^^,Y.""..".i;r#..!-;'! ,}3}* ".t-/ ! l b'rro 'l\,"j":_:] j .--._ ,,' ,{uLdoiie'ec t'_"'^;J^r,.-, :." \l '"-o' -,ihj'.":sr"i-,i.R.":.*i'*:l',j""i' ,f :Y*',.5 i-'t)r-':,-',lt. 't. ' ''1. \ -ra.--4^-,--n---. jir'/ '---r.r.^^lw1'6ai( i \-.. -i-ra. ---1,^ ^ 1;'"^;; /\ ir4;''"^' ) i t] i ,,'^-- \t',,^ ----.-.

LICHlENURC *n-(r) -\ -r{ \^ .' *r r'w{x r-j prEt .e )woru^i^nsr^o ) *eorxsnus -1 r-"*-t at_ 133

vtl 'sJeqrunu Jellel.rls ur lnq 'plo^ss J8 .rnos pu? pexru orll uo Jncco osl ,{eqt qEnoqtle 'teSerd feql qctqlr plelsserS lee,^as eql uo sJn3co >loq8urrdg 3o uorlelndod lsesuep aq; 'e^Ilceles lsoru eql 4oq8uudg eql Joprsuoc 1 sercads eorr{l or{l JO 'ple.tsserE rnos pu pextur '1ee,us er{l uo poJolunocua eJe,,Yr }seeqepll,t {relg pu {oqsolg 'loq8urrdg setceds ple,lq8q lu ultuop aoJl{l a ql 'l B^su"JJ er{l ur seleln8un Jo uorlnqlrlsrp eqt o1 eprnS elqunl ^ e (0S61) detu uot1e1e8e,r s,lcocy pug 1 'peleurlso oq louuuc sJoqtunu JleqI 'ernsserd Surlunq .,(,leeq lsuru8e uao rraql ploq uec ,{eq tr 'e8eruep ou op feql sroll/$ seere uI 'slrqBLI Surpru-r I urnlcou Jreql Jo lunocc uo po] urrure lxe Sureq f1.rlo1s orr .{aql 'uorieSurr J?pun po} ^rllnc aJs sdorc ereq,u seere roq}o pup ll q yecrdorlqns 3q] ul 'repjoq IelsN oql puE pu lrze,&\s uoe,^A.]eq eere e1o3uo4 eqt ur pue 'slsrx e lellq q our.relrr esriep .{ressecou or{} eroq,^d epnilleILItgZ oql Jo rluou petnqrr}srp ore )icnq esoql snldltcs snqdolaEotl xJnsHsng 'elqrssod sr srequnu lor{l Jo al tur1se oN npn) ellI u,^^o rreqi Sutploq oru puE Jeurn]Jou ?uloooq olst l slEIuIUe aseql seriuec petelndod reoN 'plol,rol pue plezrq8rq oql qloq uo oruoq le sr pue slsrxe roloc qsnq ,(ressecou eql erer.l,r Iu ASu JJ orlt ur e;eq,Ll.{re,re dllectlcerd punoJ sr s erceds srql o ttuut t t 3 r.t t uttut t 3 o t tlo c t,t 1,tg xa)nc ^auc 'ssen8eelelol lus,^duo^.alouop1iecur,,r,o.rdeqlurar ereq1 fuerui\\oq,{\ou1louopl's oJlua} poilqellul 01 osolr pue se8uer urelunour req8rq aq] uo ldacxe 'p1e.trrro1 rur .^\ oql o1 ple,tq8rq ploJ eql tuoJJ lue^supJl arll ur e.raq,a,r,{ue senrJqt pue elqetdupu lsou sr set ceds srql stt1sadwot sutsadwot stuatt7doy )osNiIiIJ.S '(l t 'oX '3rg) 'eele teql olur pocnporlur s /Yr Bq la'I oI{1 Jo {usq qln os erl} uo

prer{ V ' leelsuerl or{1 ul 00t ueq} erour eta aroqt terll ,{es plno.Aa I lnq '1ol e eltnb lnoq eloru ,{eq1 se sroqunu Ieq] 31 tut1s3 01 1ln3s1p sl u '[96I eculs sraquJnu Jlel]l uI es eJcep uooq seq eJeq l 'sl wru eseql surlcelorq eJ seqsu J ell1 c 1se33rq eq] Jo eiuos leql alou ol Eur8ernocue 'Jele,laoq 'sI JI 'sJoulrto oruos qlliA relndod ssel Sunuoceq er? "{eql 'seere elll c uI secueJ { eJq sorulloruos og JIC esn ceg ! -59ta> !3345 'ro^rd rqBS eq1 s JeJ s po^oru uo^a e^ q puB sJe^ru rq s oql puu pues oq1 ues,^A1oq snorournu elrnb eruoceq o^ Ii ,{eq1 ,{1e1e1 'ro^rd pu S eq1 p ossoro -1\ 99Ya5 03r\y.l re^e ,(1preq pue sired uror{lnos eql ur ecJ?cs .{re.t ere,n fe ql o8e sr of Jo roqrunu V 'spJ 1( : -= \ qswab lDog -r{tnos elour ot sJ rig .ro3 ,(1c1u1 ,(cuepuel e eq ol ruaos eJe qJ 'rellel aql ur .(lrsuep lseq8rqaql qtr.&\ slcrJlsrp 1seu s,uu81ld pu" ?q lo'I a ql ut .{po punoJ sr I?luru srql iueserd 1y OEA r1g?ql st ytp to do 1 aw m srlop n do1 atuo c aSo "t1 g lrcdYt{rc :iaq.!\ oJ? '(St 'oX .3rg) '1ee,r,su rl orll ur 002 tnoqe oJB aJerll 1 q] prss eq';aae,troq'u c 1r lsreqrunu Jrer{l al wrlsa ol }lnogrp lsotu sr lI . j \oqsel{ 'lcrJlsrp EJnqrrepA'I:: -l u,rou{ 'Jo^rU slup.JIIO oql ul punoJ :: rla,rsserS eql ui "re,,lrg troodlools eql dn seo8 oddrg isuors rJo uv : ., Ioqs?ig e"ie feqt siJrrlsrp Srnquep,(1 puu l psrelqorg oqt uI '{red eq} ur f11en1c sr >lJed l uorleN : ..r1op s AA re8n;11 olll Jo .,{rupunoq eqi suJoJ r{cnJ,{\ Je^rJ srrli inq 'punog osle oJe fe ql ereq,tr 're.tra '_:;'_it ldepe elrpocoJJ eql sr lcrrlsrp erJl 3o .(repunoq uroquou er.{I 'ronrl{ rl ruo) oql ur e r ,{eq1 lcrrislpuopeqJug eql uI 'srelrg pu S Jol\ol eq1 pu ergeg 'ep,,{19 'erresel;4 eq} ur 'lcrr}slp tse; ::r? eJoqd[ s.uru8p; ei{t uJ 'sJo^rU stueJilg pue rl les 'eqe1e1 1ua:g 'eqeyeT ule l) eql ur punoJ eJeg sIII _'Lrrsru$cl ZII'IJI:IX ') "1A

1:, KETTLITZ : ihe Pilgrim's :;re Barberton . :le Crocodile ---ihe Kruger .,:,cts they are': River in the ,:::ri there are --;,trelopardalis .::icts with the -:nove southI hqrilrr prre" ::.e Sand and :::..ming less,' ihe biggest 3:.imate their ::.:r J00 in the Fig.No. 14). ::-:: campestris ::..m the cold r: :.r inhabited .: :;ke a guess. .-"',1!rLt grimmi1 :;:ssary bush : :eittres these ,.rate of their ,:: iius .scriptus :erse riverine ::Jer. In the --:'. are slowly:r: lhey do no -:1l3rs cannot .. of ungulates :-iebeest wereI curnsider the ..r the sweet grassveld, but DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL The Blesbok seems to thrive anyvhere and has the densest population on sour gras sveld. Where artificially introduced into the bushveld and even lowveld areas Blesbok s eem to adapt themselves without any difficulty. Tire early introduction (1933) in the n orthern area wat done by Mr. Percy Fyfe on the farm Lunsklip (Percy Fyfe Nature Reserve). The se Blesbok were brought from the Free State and were introduced to the only little spot of sour

grassveld in the surrounding bushveld (exactly the type of country they prefer). This is a known heartwater area, but the Blesbok survived and are still doing well. More t han 1,000 Blesbok have been distributed from this Reserve into the northern bushveld and l owveld area where thev are asain doins well. B45U V4D sr64Q <PA55vELO M\T D <PA55 GLD SwgET <R\ 9VEID roeort / 3."qs o,'o Acock5 VtrGETatrou Mse ls:o 135

9gI 'serlJodoJd Jreq] ruou {cols cllsolrop Jeelc ol sJouldopuel el AIJd ep nsJed o} elq eq IIII( et }s eq1 ro ecur^.oJd eql raqlle } ql {ulql lou op I pu (se^resau n}uEg eq} ruo4 lJ d 'spu"l olBls lu?c?A ou eJ? eJoI{} 'eJuE}suI JoJ ISEASu?JJ Oql uI 'seIlFCS Ip I"cqc Jd ur Uec eJ eJeqtr 1nq uollseSSns slql iloddns ol o{ll qcruu {re^ pFo.t\ :zt !ilP\'tW sl turu e go lcedser ur ,(llercedse eroru 'ereq ,(c11od reprurs e e8ernocue lq8rur BoI{V q lnos uI suorl Jlsrurupv lercurloJd eql leql elqrssod U sI 's eJe eseql Eutfdncco ,{peerlu se lepEun snoue8rpur eqi Jo Surddo.rc luollrruJelul pue ..8unuteg,, aql p otrsul sJnoAeJ 1nq 'spue1 leurSreur olur sleruru" cllseruop Jo uorlcnpoJlul eql sesoddo qolqa uoluldo go ( poq olcl"Jeprsuoc sr eJerJl 'ododrurl oql Jo qlJoN 'slerurue crlseruop pu BUnBJ snoue Erpur eql uee.4aleq uorlrledruoc ecnpoJlur osle Surcueg pue Sunureg 'JerlJ o pouortrue{u ueeq seq uorlrledruoc cgrcedsJelur Jo sereqds rteu Sutleerc ro 3ut.(;rsuolul snql pu" sel l -nEun 3o slueureloru I?JnlBu eq1 Sutqrnlslp uI secueJ Jo ecuengul elqmsod eq1. : ila$yy 'lW NOISSnSSIC '0gI-gZI t9'(Ioo^suo,U) o,tol{ puo ouDnl '1961 I eAsu"rJ eqt uI eru?g 3o salcadg ur?ueC Jo uorlnqrrlsr(I eq1 uo lrode11 . J?ururleJd y 'n g6l zJI'IJra) ') 'd\ (z) 'SOZ-I :E'aopaox '6;lgg6l tsl8olorg aq] Jo trode)I l?nuuv :{r?d I?uol}eN re8nr) 096I 'uouv (r) sasNauadf,u ',i(rlunoc oq1 go lueurdolelep eql ur e8uuqc snonurtruoc e o8repun oJoJoJeql lyan seleln8un ..eureE,, lsoru Jo urollud uorlnq rJlsrp oqJ'lB ,\su"JJ eql Jo eloq,r eql Je^oc 11y.r urelled uorlnqrJlsrp .^r\ou Jr eql 'pelrodsuerl pue lqEnec ,(psee ere pu anl ^ crurouoce Jo eJ ,{eq1 esneceg 'elqeldepe ere ,(eql leql pa,rord reg os s^ q pu"lg pue {oqselg 'l rurue eql Jo ?nl A crruouoce pue ,{11yqe1depe ',{1pqeye,\e u odn puedep llpA qcrq.r Jo lualxe eq1 'EuulcolseJ IBIoUTUB qlyn dole,lep 111.t urelle d ,reu B uoql pue lurod urulJec 01 dn {urJqs IIrl( uorlnqlJlslp I?uIiIJo erll _'ureu o elruuep B .^r\olloJ IIr.^d slerurueru eleln8un Jo uollnqlrlslp eq1 ernllnclrEe ro3 peuedo eJ s oJ aeu orell!! cllseruop qllnd pe{co}sJelo pu l Sururreg rood

naahl 'selrlJns lllls trl'teeur eyqeleled s q pue lEreulunq 01 fsee sr 1l r{Enoq11y 'euo,(re,re ,(-q pepelord ssel Jo eJoru sI pu? anl A cl}eqlsee JorF ol Ieurrue u eruocoq s q rqrJo egJ 'eJnsserd d.teeq Jepun eAIAJ ns uec 'rerynq luolxo ul lJec B .$ Ino o1 pue )oqueels '4cnqqsng e4t1 'sleurruu l uJnlcoN 'onlel clruouoce qEq e,L eq osle .{eq1 rs uo 'uortcelord .(ofue eroge;eql pu secue; ,(reutpJo ulqll \ 1de1 eq ,(yrsee ue c 4oq8uudg pue 1tro319 '.tg {oqselg eql 'ernsserd Sutlunq .{,reeq 1su1e33 u,{c.o sll ploq uec ' eEegnou?c pu i(lqtqowE 3r{1 slr Jo lunocce uo 'npn; eq1 'pelcelord ,(lredord eq l ou 'eJoJeJeI{l 'uec ,(eql pu secueJ .rauo 'rQ ,(reurpro urqlr.^& rueqtr deel o1 .(ste 1ou sI 1l lnq onl A clruouoce le erE seq zledull eq1 I a,\eq 'lueserd lB enlul cnuouooe e1pr1 ,(ren s?r{ pJqez eqJ'3t.t1/14'.t([ 'ses a srp e1]trec snorEeluoc ur lJec Jo sJerJJ c osl oJ ,{eq1 pue peuJoJuoc eJs slrq q Eurpeeg nIUrOC Jrer{l s JBJ s elllec qlr.r otrectluos AerIJ 'lseeqeplr1![ pu? erqez sql eq ilP\ 1sII oqtr uo lxeNl sJ arB 'sJotunq ,{q >1cnq prdnls peJeprsuoc ere .(eq; 'elqe]r-1pd sr l otu eq} pue lunq o} ,(see ere .n :ed ,{eql esneceq Suueeddesrp ,{1mo1s er lseeqe}JeH pue uuo11 'pue1g eql l ql J el c sl 1Iwrrt'rw 'senl?A orlerJlse pue crruouoce slr pu 'eArAJns o1 ,(11yqe s.l ruru? eql uo spuedep uorlnqrJlsrp .our sI lueserd 1nq 'slueruermber lelrqeq 01 pol leJ oJo^d. suJolled uorlnqplsrp l eut3rro eq; ,oqselg 'ple^.rol uJeqlnos eq1 ul Jncco pJp ,ioql l ql u/l\ou>l E pu sr 1r q8noqlle 'ple,rsser8 s.>lcocy qlr^\ seprcuroc rqrJo eql Jo uo4nqrJlsrp lueserd eqaiE IIe 'soop npn) eql se dpeelc se lc JI lou slql el Jlsuoluep lou op uo llnqrJlsrp lueserd Jroql ur pue spunorS Surdurels I Jn}?u Jrer{l )1 10U ruo4 pereolc uoaq.(peerle e,teq serceds o/(l lsBI oql Jo lsotu Trq'Erqaz pus lsooqeplll6 enlguatod 'eyedrul o1 serldde osle srqtr 'truelsrxe-uou eJB npn) 'Jncco ple.tsser8 tnos go seqcled e.req,rrr. lrssod slred ureqgou oql ur uele iplenqsng s.Icocv qll,t\ seplculoc npn) Jo uorl nqlJlslp eqJ LJ..-)gnltSIC ZJI'IIJ!I)')I'A\

{. KETTLITZ : :orthern parts :-ies to Impala, li cleared from e:ronstrate this . .:lthough it is ,:. but present ::s:hetic values. g because they --'r b,v hunters. : 's far as their --..ir1e diseases. ,i r:nin ordinary :.-r-ount of its The Blesbok --. protection. ee:bok and to ,-:re an animal s easv to hunt -1.:e mammals :i':lt point and :"-rrill depend:r Eland have ':d are easily ::.: Transvaal. --r COnttnUOUS :. -1 : 1-205. --: Game in the ::artS of UngUrrfelition has -. betu,een the . .'onsiderable :::Lr marginal .-: indigenous :::rinistrations :: respect of .:;in practical :s. apart from Srate will be:ri properties" DISTRIBUTION OF LARGER GAME MAMMALS IN TRANSVAAL Possibly the best method of achieving the desired result is to educate farmers t o the potential,ecogomic value of game. In this connection, I wish to suggest that we should not too hastily condemn the introduction of game animals into aieas where they a re not known to have existed before. With theexception of the Oribi, I know of no g

ameanimal whioh is protected by farmers purely for its aesthetic value. But the more pl-astic lld_ad_apta_b-1e animals-.can be p_rofitably farmed in many areas, an example be ihg the Blesbok. With forms like the Kudu, however, which no fence will hold, -the situition is more difficuit. Mr. Grindley.' It has been shown in Tanganyika and elsewhere that a greater weig ht of meat per unit area can be produced when indigenous ungulates, rathei than doriestic s tock are farmed. Could this not be used as an argument in the education of the farmin g community? Dr' Winterbottom: Many farmers say that their endeavours to protect or farm game animals have involved them in losses because ofwidespread poaching. Dr. Omer-Cooper.:, Others complain that the lawis suih that ihey are not allowed to sellthe meat whioh thev Droduce. Dr' Bigalke:-Tttiq is piobably the first time that such a comprehensive set of i nformation on South African ungulates has ever been brought together, and it has shown wher e our weak spots are. I suggest that this Society should ask the Provincial Admini strations to giv_e further attention to both the farming and conservation of the se animals, especially rare forms. (A resolution to this effect was later adopted at the Annual General Meeting of the Society-Eds.). l1 LJ I

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