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Unit 1 Progress test C

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use to + verb or for + -ing.

back up check copy download stay in contact transfer

1 This app is great _____________ new music.

2 Nowadays it’s easy _____________ with your classmates when you leave school.
3 I want _____________ all my files onto my new laptop.
4 A scanner is a machine _____________ documents electronically.
5 I use an external hard drive _____________ my work.
6 This website is great _____________ if the news story is fake.

Mark: ___ / 6

2 Put the words in order to make present perfect sentences and questions.
1 laptop / hasn’t / new / yet / Ana / a / got ______________________________________________
2 anything / ever / you / invented / have / ? ______________________________________________
3 dad / electric / just / my / car / bought / has / an ______________________________________________
4 seen / we / story / already / have / the ______________________________________________
5 still / essay / Josh / not / printed out / has / his ______________________________________________
6 uncle / Skype / never / my / used / has ______________________________________________

Mark: ___ / 6

3 Complete the dialogue. Use the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Max: I 1________________ (just / watch) a TV programme about a Dutch inventor called Boyan Slat who
________________ (think) of a way to collect plastic rubbish in the oceans when he was still at school.
Lucy: Really? That’s amazing!
Max: I know. He 3________________ (already / win) quite a few prizes for his invention too. He says the device is
simple, clean and safe and could clean up around 20 billion tons of plastic waste.
Lucy: So, what ________________ (he/do) first?
Max: Well, he 5________________ (start) his own company called The Ocean Cleanup and 6________________
(begin) to test his design in the Pacific Ocean.
Lucy: Wow! Is it successful?
7 8
Max: Yes and no. The first clean-up attempt ________________ (not / work) but they ________________
(redesign) the device now and it is working much better.

Mark: ___ / 8

Vision 3 Tests 1 Unit 1 Progress test C

4 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 I need a USB cable / memory stick to connect my laptop to the printer.
2 Most computers have a wireless mouse / music software installed when you buy them.
3 When you use a touchscreen / screen protector you don’t need a keyboard.
4 The video clip interacted / went viral – 6 million people have seen it already.
5 It’s important to understand the current events / context when you read a news story.
6 We need to figure out / notice how this app works.
7 Politicians may influence / mislead voters and not tell them the whole truth.

Mark: ___ / 7

5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra word.

clickbait context fake news manipulate opinions participate responsible reporter

1 There is a great deal of _____________ online, but some people believe it!
2 _____________ can be really annoying. Especially if the story is about something totally different!
3 Our local politician isn’t interested in listening to people’s _____________ .
4 Photographers often _____________ photos to make the models look thinner.
5 A _____________ checks their sources before they write a story.
6 My brother wants to _____________ in an online project.

Mark: ___ / 6

6 Complete the text with the correct option A, B or C.

Alexander Graham Bell is best known for being the inventor of the telephone. On June 2nd 1875, Bell and his colleague,
Watson, were experimenting with the telegraph system when they 1_____________ that sound could be 2_____________
over a wire. While working, Watson pulled one of the wires _____________ and Bell heard a noise in the next room. That
‘twang’ noise was the _____________ Bell needed to work faster on the project.
5 6
This development was a _____________ in communication history and by 1915 the phone was _____________ across
the US. Yet Bell refused to have one 7_____________ in his own study!

1 A installed B discovered C wondered

2 A transmitted B manipulated C co-ordinated
3 A by accident B figured out C widely used
4 A innovation B milestone C inspiration
5 A milestone B version C development
6 A improved B widely used C co-ordinated
7 A included B entered C installed

Mark: ___ / 7

Vision 3 Tests 2 Unit 1 Progress test C

Use of English
7 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct option, A, B or C.
1 Lily: Why are all the young people protesting?
Matt: _______ can’t find any work in town.
Lily: Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.
A Perhaps they B It could be C I wonder if it’s
2 Liz: Do you think this story is a hoax?
Joe: Well, _______, it does sound unlikely.
Liz: Let’s check on another website.
A I’m not sure that’s really true B now that you mention it C suggests to me that
3 Emma: Look at this photo taken in 1940.
Zoe: I think it’s been manipulated though. The man’s got a mobile phone!
Emma: Oh yes. _______ .
A That’s a fair point B I can’t agree with that C That just doesn’t sound very likely
4 Liam: I liked your story on Instagram, but _______
Dan: No, should I have done?
Liam: It’s always a good idea to.
A Do you think there might be another explanation?
B Have you checked the facts on another site?
C This looks like a protest to me.
5 Sam: Have you heard? The banks have no more money!
Ella: Really? _______ to me.
Sam: No, I suppose not.
A That suggests B I’m not sure that’s true C That just doesn’t sound very likely

Mark: ___ / 5

8 Choose the translation of the word or phrase in brackets that completes the sentence correctly.
1 I got a (całkiem nowy) ______________ phone for my birthday.
A brand new B handy C fiddly
2 To be a great inventor you need to be (kreatywny) ______________.
A creativity B creative C creatively
3 He became famous for his (umiejętności) ______________ to fix things.
A generosity B curiosity C ability
4 Do you (potrzebujesz) ______________ a memory stick? I’ve got an extra one.
A need B need to C needed
5 My mouse doesn’t work anymore. I (muszę) ______________ buy a new battery.
A need B needing to C need to

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 3 Tests 3 Unit 1 Progress test C

9 Read the text. Match paragraphs A–E of the text to questions 1–7. There are two extra questions.

A history of electricity
A The discovery of electricity was an important milestone in the history of technology. But
when exactly was it discovered? That’s not an easy question to answer! The English
word ‘electricity’ was first used in the 17th century, but it comes from a much older Greek
word – elektron – for a type of rock called amber.
B Several thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks had noticed that, if they rubbed pieces
of amber together, the amber then had the power to move other objects. Along with the
Egyptians and Romans, they had also figured out that they could get an electric shock
from some kinds of fish. In fact, doctors sometimes suggested that people with
headaches should touch electric fish to make them feel better! And ancient Arabs used
to use the same word for ‘electric fish’ as they now use for ‘lightning’.
th th
C In the 17 and 18 centuries, several scientists became very interested in researching
electricity. In 1752, in the USA, Benjamin Franklin did a famous experiment with a kite
and a metal key in a storm. He showed that lightning was made of electricity. And in
1800, Italian scientist Alessandro Volta created an early kind of battery. It was the first
gadget to transmit electricity and show that electricity could move.
D By the 19 century, scientists understood a lot more about what electricity was. Now
they wanted to find out what they could do with it. When Michael Faraday invented the
first electricity generator in 1831, he made electricity much easier to use in everyday life.
There was enormous progress in electrical engineering in the second half of the 19
century. By 1900, the American scientist Thomas Edison and British scientist Joseph
Swan had invented several ways of using electricity to produce light.
E Since then, there have been countless developments in technology. We have invented
ways of using electricity to get warm, stay cool, cook food, freeze food, make things,
entertain ourselves, communicate with each other, move around the planet and even
travel into space. Can you imagine life without it?

Which paragraph tells us …

1 about first using electricity successfully? ___
2 about using electricity to fish? ___
3 where the word electricity comes from? ___
4 about the different uses of electricity today? ___
5 about scientists who first looked at how electricity works? ___
6 what kind of electricity is in a battery? ___
7 about people’s earliest experiences with electricity? ___

Mark: ___ / 5

Vision 3 Tests 4 Unit 1 Progress test C

10  Listen to five people talking about science and engineering.
Match the speakers (1–5) to the statements (A–F). There is one extra statement.
A Speaker ___ has a very varied job.
B Speaker ___ talks about scientists who learnt from others.
C Speaker ___ talks about a significant invention.
D Speaker ___ explains the importance of engineers.
E Speaker ___ describes a scientist who worked very hard.
F Speaker ___ is giving advice to students.

Mark: ___ / 5

11 Read the task and write a review (80–130 words).

You have just bought a new product and you are writing a post on a UK technology forum.

 Identify yourself and the product you are reviewing.

 Say why you’re posting a review.
 Review the item giving your opinion on its performance.
 Give your reaction to the product and say how you will use it.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Vision 3 Tests 5 Unit 1 Progress test C

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