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Group Project: Lesson Plan

Manuel Martínez, Hannah Santiago, Quamina Ronda, Jing yi Lin

Brooklyn College, CUNY

Lesson Plan: Direct Instruction

Lesson Title

Adding Numbers 1-10 by drawing a picture (1st Grade)



Instructional Materials

● Youtube Video
● Slide Show
● Independent Practice Worksheet
● Homework Worksheet

Learning Objective(s) (What do you want the students to know, or be able to do, at the end
of the lesson?)

1. As a result of this lesson plan students will be able to illustrate adding numbers 1-10
by drawing a picture.
2. Students will be able to understand and explain how to add numbers 1-10 using a

○ These objectives align with Bloom’s Taxonomy levels of Understand and


Methods & Instructional Strategies:

Anticipatory Set (This is “the hook,” how you orient students to the lesson!)

Move and Add, Add and Move | Jack Hartmann Addition Song
Adding numbers 1-10 | Learn Addition to 10 for Kids | Math for 1st Grade | Kids Academy

Concept Prerequisites (Key Concepts & Terminology/Definitions)

1. Knowledge of number sentences

2. Knowledge of math symbols for addition
3. Knowledge of counting numbers 1-10

Review Prerequisites (Remind Students about related previous learned concept(s) and ask
a question!...This Activates Prior Knowledge!)

1. “Last time we learned how to add numbers 1- 10 using counters.” (Concept)

1. “Who will tell us how this is done?” (Question)
2. (Optional) Complete a KWLQ Chart with class.
1. Complete the K (What you Know), W (What you Want to Know) and Q
(Questions you Have) columns only. Complete the L (What you Learned)
column, after the lesson is completed.

Instruction of New Material: (Pick One)

● Explanation (Concept/Definition)
● Worked Example (Skill)
● Demonstration (Experiment)

● I Do
○ Part I:
■ Teacher will state: “Today we are going to learn how to solve addition
number sentences, using pictures! Now I will show you how we do
■ “Let’s take a look at this number sentence on the smartboard. (Teacher
will point to the number sentence projected on the Smartboard, and
read the number sentence out loud.) The number sentence reads: 2 + 3
1= ___. To solve this number sentence, using pictures, we first need to
draw pictures to represent each of the addends.” (Teacher will point to
the two addends, numbers 2 and 3, in the number sentence).
■ “First, I am going to draw two pictures to represent the number 2.”
(Teacher will draw two flowers to represent the number two on the
■ “Next, I am going to draw three pictures to represent the number 3.”
(Teacher will draw three flowers to represent the number three on the
■ “So now I am going to add all my flowers together!” Teacher will count
out each flower until the number 5 (the answer) is reached. The
teacher will then draw out five flowers to represent the answer. The
teacher will also write the answer in the number sentence on the
■ Example 1:
2 + 3 = ___ (5)

🌸🌸 + 🌸🌸🌸 = 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

○ Part II:
■ Teacher will state: “Let’s try this again, using a different number
■ “Let’s take a look at this number sentence on the smartboard. (Teacher
will point to the number sentence projected on the Smartboard, and
read the number sentence out loud.) The number sentence reads: 7 + 3
= ___. To solve this number sentence, using pictures, we first need to
draw pictures to represent each of the addends.” (Teacher will point to
the two addends, numbers 7 and 3, in the number sentence).
■ Learning Probe: How many pictures will I have to draw to represent the
number 7?“ (Teacher will draw seven hearts to represent the number
seven on the smartboard).
■ Learning Probe: How many pictures will I have to draw to represent the
number 3?“ (Teacher will draw three hearts to represent the number
three on the smartboard).
■ “So now I am going to add all my flowers together!” Learning Probe:
“Who can add up all the hearts?” (Teacher will solicit student
response). Teacher will count out each heart until the number 5 (the
answer) is reached. The teacher will then draw out five flowers to
represent the answer. The teacher will also write the answer in the
number sentence on the Smartboard.
■ Learning Probe: What questions do you have?
■ Example 2:
7 + 3 = ___ (10)

💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 + 💜💜💜 = 💜💜💜💜💜

○ Part III:
■ Teacher will state: “Let’s try this one more time, using a different
number sentence.”
■ “Let’s take a look at this number sentence on the smartboard. (Teacher
will point to the number sentence projected on the Smartboard, and
read the number sentence out loud.) The number sentence reads: 4 + 5
= ___. “To solve this number sentence, using pictures, we first need to
draw pictures to represent each of the addends.” (Teacher will point to
the two addends, numbers 4 and 5, in the number sentence).
■ Learning Probe: How many pictures will I have to draw to represent the
number 4?“ (Teacher will draw four squares to represent the number
seven on the smartboard).
■ Learning Probe: How many pictures will I have to draw to represent the
number 5?“ (Teacher will draw five squares to represent the number
three on the smartboard).
■ “So now I am going to add all my squares together!” Learning Probe:

“Who can add up all the squares?” (Teacher will solicit student
response). Teacher will count out each heart until the number 9(the
answer) is reached. The teacher will then draw out 9 squares to
represent the answer. The teacher will also write the answer in the
number sentence on the Smartboard.
■ Learning Probe: What questions do you have?
■ Example 3:
4 + 5 = ___ (9)

🟧🟧🟧🟧 + 🟧🟧 = 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧
🟧🟧🟧 🟧🟧🟧🟧

● We Do (1st part, they tell me how to do it) ( 2nd part i tell them, i help them / praise
○ Part I
■ Teacher will state: “Now my friends, you're going to tell me how I can
solve a number sentence using pictures.”
■ “Let’s take a look at this number sentence on the smartboard. (Teacher
will point to the number sentence projected on the Smartboard, and will
ask for a volunteer to read the number sentence out loud.) Students will
read the number sentence aloud “The number sentence reads: 6 + 3=
■ Teacher will state “What is the first thing that we need to do to solve the
problem?” (Waits for students to raise their hand) (Choses kid raising a
silent hand) “Yes [Insert Kids Name], what do we do first?” Student
states “first we draw pictures for each of the addends!” Teacher states “
Good Job [insert kids name] that's correct!” Teacher asks the students
“What are our addends?” (Waits for students to raise their hand)
(Choses kid raising a silent hand) “Yes [Insert Kids Name], what are our
addends?” Kid states “Our addends are 6 and 3.” Teacher states,
“Perfect!” Teacher underlines the addends.
■ Learning Probe: Teacher then asks, “Who would like to tell me how
many pictures we need to draw for the first addend.” (Choose a student
with a raised hand) They should say, “6!” (Teacher draws six stars
under the number 6.)Teacher then asks, “How many pictures do we
need to draw for the second addend?” (Choose a student who raises
their hand.” They should answer, “3!” “Great Job [Insert Student Name]”
Teacher will draw three stars under the number 3)
■ Learning Probe: Teacher states, “Now who can tell me the final step to
complete this word sentence.” (Choose a student with a raised hand).
They should answer, “We have to add up all the stars.” “Fantastic work
[Insert student name]” Teacher asks, “Who can add up all the stars for
me and tell me the total?” (Pick a student). They should answer “9!”

Teacher says, “Wow, good job!” Teacher aloud draws and counts 9
stars out before writing the answer of the blank total line.
■ Example:
6 + 3 = ___ (9)

+ =
○ Part II
■ Teacher states, “Now as a class you will work on this next problem,
with my help! ” This number sentences write out 8+2 .
■ “First, we pick up our pencils and draw our pictures for the first addend which
is 8.”(The teacher will walk around the class to see who is doing a good job
and give them positive feedback and help any students who are struggling)
“Now that everyone is done we will now draw our picture for the second
addend which is 2. (Again the teacher will review the work of the students
checking to make sure they’re on the right track.) “Who can add up all the
pictures to solve the number sentence?” When a student contributes the correct
answer, the teacher will demonstrate how to solve the number sentence using
pictures, on the Smartboard, to reinforce the steps..
● Example:
8 + 2 = ___ (10)

🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 + 🍎🍎 = 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
● You Do
○ See independent Practice Below!

Independent Practice (Learning Activity) No more than 10 minutes!

1. Students will Complete Math Worksheet (independently). The teacher will walk
around the classroom, monitor, answer questions, and assist students who need help.
2. Allow students to share their work with the class, review answers (whole-group), when
they are finished. Provide positive reinforcers (feedback).

Lesson Wrap-Up

1. Complete the L (What you Learned) column of the KWLQ Chart.

a. Learning Probe(s):
i. What did you learn?
ii. Did we learn the answers to our
questions? (Review Q column).

Formative Assessment

1. Collect independent practice work.

Differentiated Instruction

1. Use mastery learning, by assembling a group of students who need additional

assistance with the taught content, for additional instruction after a lesson

Homework (Distributed Practice)

1. See attached Homework worksheet below.



Adding Numbers 1-10 By Drawing A Picture

Instructions: Solve the following problems using pictures

8+2= _____

1+3 = _____



Adding Numbers 1-10 By Drawing A Picture

Instructions: Solve the following problems using pictures

7+2= _____

3+3 = _____



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