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Siempre Usar Cisco

show service id (VPRN) interface (WAN) (busca la interfaz aprovisionada dentro del
show service id (VPRN) interface (WAN) detail (busca la interfaz aprovisionada
dentro del PE ver puerto compelto Ejem)

ping (WAN CLIENTE) router (VPRN) (se realiza un ping a la wan del cliente, prueba

ping (WAN CLIENTE) router (VPRN) count 1000 rapid

show router (VPRN) bgp summary neighbor (WAN CLIENTE)

show router (VPRN) bgparp interface (WAN CLIENTE)

show port (PUERTO) ( muestra el puerto y su estado)

show port description (PUERTO)

show service id (VPRN) sap -(mirar puertos completos)

show service id (VPRN) sap (PUERTO)

show service id VPRN sdp Identificador-sdp

show router (VPRN) route-table (WAN)( Busca en que PE esta aprovisionado la


show service id (VPRN) interface ( ver servicios que se encuentran en ese PE

show service id 500104460 interface detail

show lag 108 detail

show lag 108 description

show service id 500152530 sap 1/2/51:415 qos

show router 500152530 arp

monitor service id 500178220 sap esat-3/1/2:336 rate interval

11 ..........verificar consumo.......... x8


ssh -l facano router 500101820



display interface(OPCIONAL)

display arp interface GigabitEthernet0/5/3.11

dis int description INTERFAZ

dis ip routing-table vpn-instance (VPRN) (WAN)

dis int INTERFAZ

display interface (Eth-Trunk132.24001636)

ping -vpn-instance (VPRN) (WAN CLIENTE)

ping -vpn-instance (VPRN) -brief -c 1000 -m 1 (WAN CLIENTE)

display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance (VPRN) peer (WAN CLIENTE) ver

display bgp vpnv4 vpn-in 500100620 peer | include

ping -vpn-instance 500152530 -brief -c 1000 -m

ping -vpn-instance 500102920 -brief -c 1000 -m 1

ping -vpn-instance 500168080 -brief -c 5000 -s 5000 -m 1

display traffic policy interface br Eth-Trunk134.21001493

display traffic policy user-defined GAS_NATURAL_ESSO_COM_256_IN


stelnet -vpn-instance 500101820



/usr/sbin/ping -s IP


show lag PUERTO (Mirar puerto si es un lag

show service-id VPRN sdp ID-SPOOK PUERTO(Mirar puerto si es un Spook)


show router VPRN arp WAN(Mirar protocolo ARP

Entrar a DSLAN
telnet y la ip del DSLAN
display port desc PUERTO
display traffic PUERTO COMPLETO
display port description PUERTO
display alarm history all

B:SAN_BUC_CENT_N301# show service id 500100090 interface

Interface Table
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Type Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
BANCO_BOGOTA_CANTAGALLO Up Up/Down VPRN lag-137:2100.* n/a
Interfaces : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
B:SAN_BUC_CENT_N301# show service id 500100090 interface "BANCO_BOGOTA_CANTAGALLO"

Interface Table

Admin State : Up Oper (v4/v6) : Up/Down
Down Reason V6 : ifProtoOperDown
Protocols : None
IP Addr/mask : Address Type : Primary
IGP Inhibit : Disabled Broadcast Address : Host-ones
HoldUp-Time : 0 Track Srrp Inst : 0
Ignore Port State: None
Ping Template : N/A
If Index : 578 Virt. If Index : 578
Last Oper Chg : 12/15/2022 03:10:39 Global If Index : 500
Mon Oper Grp : None
Srrp En Rtng : Disabled Hold time : N/A
MACSec : N/A
SAP Id : lag-137:2100.1553
TOS Marking : Trusted If Type : VPRN
SNTP B.Cast : False
MAC Address : 20:e0:9c:6a:55:ca Mac Accounting : Disabled
Ingress stats : Disabled IPv6 DAD : Enabled
ARP Timeout : 14400s IPv6 Nbr ReachTime: 30s
ARP Retry Timer : 5000ms IPv6 stale time : 14400s
ARP Limit : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Limit : Disabled
ARP Threshold : Disabled IPv6 Nbr Threshold: Disabled
ARP Limit Log On*: Disabled IPv6 Nbr Log Only : Disabled
ARP Learn Unsoli*: Disabled ND Learn Unsolici*: None
ARP Proactive Re*: Disabled ND Proactive Refr*: None
TCP MSS V4 : 0 TCP MSS V6 : 0
IP MTU : (default)
IP Oper MTU : 1500
ARP Populate : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
SHCV pol IPv4 : None
Cflowd (unicast) : None Cflowd (multicast): None
LdpSyncTimer : None
LSR Load Balance : system
EGR Load Balance : both
Vas If Type : none
TEID Load Balance: Disabled
SPI Load Balance : Disabled
uRPF Chk : disabled
uRPF Ipv6 Chk : disabled
PTP HW Assist : Disabled
Rx Pkts : 107241043 Rx Bytes : 52174944669
Rx V4 Pkts : N/A Rx V4 Bytes : N/A
Rx V4 Help. Pkts : 0 Rx V4 Help. Bytes : 0
Rx V6 Pkts : N/A Rx V6 Bytes : N/A
Tx Pkts : 99429121 Tx Bytes : 26654639022
Tx V4 Pkts : 99429121 Tx V4 Bytes : 26654639022
Tx V4 Discard Pk*: 0 Tx V4 Discard Byt*: 0
Tx V6 Pkts : 0 Tx V6 Bytes : 0
Tx V6 Discard Pk*: 0 Tx V6 Discard Byt*: 0
Tx DBcast Dis. P*: 0 Tx DBcast Dis. By*: 0
Mpls Rx Pkts : 0 Mpls Rx Bytes : 0
Mpls Tx Pkts : 0 Mpls Tx Bytes : 0
GRE Termination : Disabled
Inter-AS selective ILM untrusted : Disabled
Untrusted default forwarding : forward
OperDCpuProtPlcy : N/A
IP-Helper Address: Disabled
Ingress destination class lookup : Disabled

Proxy ARP Details

Rem Proxy ARP : Disabled Local Proxy ARP : Disabled
Policies : none

Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details

Local Pxy ND : Disabled
Policies : none

DHCP no local server

DHCP Details
Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Gi-Addr :* Gi-Addr as Src Ip : Disabled
* = inferred gi-address from interface IP address

Gi-Addr in rls : No
Action : Keep Trusted : Disabled

DHCP Proxy Details

Admin State : Down
Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server : Not configured

DHCP Relay Proxy Details

Relay ucast : none
Siaddr ovr : N/A

Subscriber Authentication Details

Auth Policy : None

DHCP6 Relay Details

Description : (Not Specified)
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Oper State : Down Nbr Resolution : Disabled
If-Id Option : None Remote Id : Disabled
Src Addr : Not configured
Python plcy : (Not Specified)

DHCP6 Server Details

Admin State : Down Max. Lease States : 8000

ISA Tunnel redundant next-hop information

Static Next-Hop :
Dynamic Next-Hop :

ICMP Details
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
TTL Expired : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
ICMP Mask Reply : True

ICMPv6 Details
Packet Too Big : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Parameter Problem: Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Time Exceeded : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10

IPCP Address Extension Details

Peer IP Addr : Not configured
Peer Pri DNS Addr: Not configured
Peer Sec DNS Addr: Not configured

Admin Groups
No Matching Entries
Srlg Groups
No Matching Entries
QoS Queue-Group Redirection Details
Ingress FP QGrp : (none) Egress Port QGrp : (none)
Ing FP QGrp Inst : (none) Egr Port QGrp Inst: (none)
Interfaces : 1
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
B:SAN_BUC_CENT_N301# This terminal has been idle for 0.5 minutes
It will be logged out if it remains idle for another 0.5 minutes
B:SAN_BUC_CENT_N301# show lag 137

Lag Data
Lag-id Adm Opr Weighted Threshold Up-Count MC Act/Stdby
137 up up No 0 1 active
B:SAN_BUC_CENT_N301# show lag 137 description

Lag Port States
LACP Status: e - Enabled, d - Disabled
Id Port-id Adm Act/ Opr Description
137(d) up up DSLAM_Bucaramanga_Centro_2_10.34.9.
esat-3/1/2 up active up DSLAM_Bucaramanga_Centro_2_10.34.9.
B:SAN_BUC_CENT_N301# show lag 137 detail

LAG Details
Description : DSLAM_Bucaramanga_Centro_2_10.34.9.166_PTO_0/7/
Lag-id : 137 Mode : access
Lag-name : lag-137
Adm : up Opr : up
Thres. Last Cleared : 07/14/2022 00:57:43 Thres. Exceeded Cnt : 0
Dynamic Cost : false Encap Type : qinq
Configured Address : 20:e0:9c:6a:55:ca Lag-IfIndex : 1342177417
Hardware Address : 20:e0:9c:6a:55:ca Adapt Qos (access) : link
Hold-time Down : 0.0 sec Port Type : standard
Per-Link-Hash : disabled
Include-Egr-Hash-Cfg: disabled
Per FP Ing Queuing : disabled Per FP Egr Queuing : disabled
Per FP SAP Instance : disabled
Access Bandwidth : N/A Access Booking Factor: 100
Access Available BW : 0
Access Booked BW : 0
LACP : disabled
Standby Signaling : power-off
Selection Criteria : best-port
Number of sub-groups: 1
Port hashing : port-speed Port weight speed : 0 gbps
Ports Up : 1
Weights Up : 1 Hash-Weights Up : 1
Monitor oper group : N/A
Adaptive loadbal. : disabled Tolerance : N/A

MC Peer Address : MC Peer Lag-id : 137

MC System Id : N/A MC System Priority : N/A
MC Admin Key : N/A MC Active/Standby : active
MC Lacp ID in use : N/A MC extended timeout : false
MC Selection Logic : local master decided
MC Config Mismatch : no mismatch

Port-id Adm Act/Stdby Opr Primary Sub-group Forced Prio
esat-3/1/2 up active up yes 1 - 4096

ver consumo en router ---------------


<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>dis int des

PHY: Physical
*down: administratively down
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(b): BFD down
^down: standby
(e): ETHOAM down
(v): VirtualPort
Interface PHY Protocol Description
Cell0/0/0 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, Cellular0/0/0
GE0/0/0 up up CONEXION_LAN
GE0/0/1 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/1 Interface
GE0/0/2 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/2 Interface
GE0/0/3 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/3 Interface
GE0/0/4 up up CONEXION_WAN
GE0/0/5(v) up down VirtualPort
NULL0 up up(s) HUAWEI, AR Series, NULL0 Interfac
Vlanif1 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, Vlanif1 Interf
<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>dis int gi
<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>dis int GigabitEthernet 0/0/4
GigabitEthernet0/0/4 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2020-11-10 00:02:16
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is f479-60c5-c122
Last physical up time : 2020-11-10 00:02:16
Last physical down time : 2020-11-10 00:02:13
Current system time: 2020-11-15 16:39:07
Speed : 1000, Loopback: NONE
Duplex: FULL, Negotiation: ENABLE
Mdi : AUTO, Clock : -
Last 300 seconds input rate 4191056 bits/sec, 939 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 2805704 bits/sec, 642 packets/sec
Input peak rate 10235472 bits/sec,Record time: 2020-09-27 16:38:53
Output peak rate 11457144 bits/sec,Record time: 2020-10-26 16:37:33

Input: 604126689 packets, 431252412144 bytes

Unicast: 601353550, Multicast: 2689027
Broadcast: 84112, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 0, Total Error: 0

CRC: 0, Giants: 0
Jabbers: 0, Throttles: 0
Runts: 0, Symbols: 0
Ignoreds: 0, Frames: 0

Output: 470302351 packets, 216300465931 bytes

Unicast: 469946334, Multicast: 0
Broadcast: 356017, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 0, Total Error: 0

Collisions: 0, ExcessiveCollisions: 0
Late Collisions: 0, Deferreds: 0

Input bandwidth utilization threshold : 100.00%

Output bandwidth utilization threshold: 100.00%
Input bandwidth utilization : 0.51%
Output bandwidth utilization : 0.42%

<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>dis int des

PHY: Physical
*down: administratively down
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(b): BFD down
^down: standby
(e): ETHOAM down
(v): VirtualPort
Interface PHY Protocol Description
Cell0/0/0 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, Cellular0/0/0
GE0/0/0 up up CONEXION_LAN
GE0/0/1 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/1 Interface
GE0/0/2 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/2 Interface
GE0/0/3 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/3 Interface
GE0/0/4 up up CONEXION_WAN
GE0/0/5(v) up down VirtualPort
NULL0 up up(s) HUAWEI, AR Series, NULL0 Interfac
Vlanif1 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, Vlanif1 Interf
<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>ping -c 10
PING 56 data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=6 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=7 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=8 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=9 ttl=64 time=1 ms
Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=10 ttl=64 time=27 ms

--- ping statistics ---

10 packet(s) transmitted
10 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/27 ms


Warning:Please check whether system data has been changed, and save data in time

Info:Configuration console time out, please retry to log on

Connection to closed.
$ ssh -l oeleyvade
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Cedgpt8Q18OQQXO5mpe39FhQtPXVQxLPtsyp/okmD58.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Could not create directory '/home/ccst/.ssh' (No such file or directory).
Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/ccst/.ssh/known_hosts).
oeleyvade@'s password:

User last login information:
Access Type: SSH
IP-Address :
Time : 2020-11-15 16:38:37+00:00
<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>dis int des
PHY: Physical
*down: administratively down
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
(b): BFD down
^down: standby
(e): ETHOAM down
(v): VirtualPort
Interface PHY Protocol Description
Cell0/0/0 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, Cellular0/0/0
GE0/0/0 up up CONEXION_LAN
GE0/0/1 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/1 Interface
GE0/0/2 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/2 Interface
GE0/0/3 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEtherne
t0/0/3 Interface
GE0/0/4 up up CONEXION_WAN
GE0/0/5(v) up down VirtualPort
NULL0 up up(s) HUAWEI, AR Series, NULL0 Interfac
Vlanif1 down down HUAWEI, AR Series, Vlanif1 Interf
<DS-01548031-VEOLIA-BQ-PQ-AMBIEN-INT>dis int GigabitEthernet 0/0/4
GigabitEthernet0/0/4 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Last line protocol up time : 2020-11-10 00:02:16
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet Address is
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is f479-60c5-c122
Last physical up time : 2020-11-10 00:02:16
Last physical down time : 2020-11-10 00:02:13
Current system time: 2020-11-15 16:57:37
Speed : 1000, Loopback: NONE
Duplex: FULL, Negotiation: ENABLE
Mdi : AUTO, Clock : -
Last 300 seconds input rate 3426072 bits/sec, 657 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 2155688 bits/sec, 473 packets/sec
Input peak rate 10235472 bits/sec,Record time: 2020-09-27 16:38:53
Output peak rate 11457144 bits/sec,Record time: 2020-10-26 16:37:33

Input: 604992837 packets, 431782327852 bytes

Unicast: 602219087, Multicast: 2689619
Broadcast: 84131, Jumbo: 0
Discard: 0, Total Error: 0

Warning:Please check whether system data has been changed, and save data in t

Ping de PE a DSLAM --------------------------------

A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# show router 500010030 interface

Interface Table (Service: 500010030)
Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId
IP-Address PfxState
CE_Pasto_Acacias Up Up/Down VPRN esat-1/1/16:1200 n/a
REDCORPORATIVA_LA_UNION Up Up/Down VPRN lag-114:2100.14* n/a
REDCORP_PASTO Up Up/Down VPRN esat-1/1/16:1123 n/a
Interfaces : 4
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# show lag 114 description

Lag Port States
LACP Status: e - Enabled, d - Disabled
Id Port-id Adm Act/ Opr Description
114(d) up up DSLAM_LaUnionN_Centro_1_10.36.9.
esat-1/1/5 up active up DSLAM_LaUnionN_Centro_1_10.36.9.
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# show port esat-1/1/5 associations
** Port esat-1/1/5 is a member of lag 114, presenting show lag 114 associations **

Interface Table
Router/ServiceId Name Encap Val
Service: 500010030 REDCORPORATIVA_LA_UNION 2100.1493
Service: 500006000 Gestion_LaUnionN_Centro_1 2.0
Service: 500101322 BANAGRARIO_UNION_NARINO 2100.1481
Service: 500153050 COACREMAT_LAUNION 2100.1484
No. of Interfaces: 4

Sap Table
Service Id Service Type Encap Val
110611810 Epipe 268371101
No. of Saps: 1
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# ping 10.36.9.
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# ping router 500006000 rapid count 1500
PING 56 data bytes
---- PING Statistics ----
1500 packets transmitted, 1442 packets received, 3.87% packet loss
round-trip min = 3.66ms, avg = 3.77ms, max = 9.49ms, stddev = 0.367ms
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# This terminal has been idle for 5 minutes
It will be logged out if it remains idle for another 5 minutes
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# show port <--------------------------- verificar todos los
puertos en el PE

Ports on Slot 1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
1/1/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/3 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 54 hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/4 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 51 hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/5 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 55 hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/7 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/8 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/9 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/1/10 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
1/2/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 31 hybr dotq cgige 100GBASE-LR4*

Ports on Slot 2
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
2/1/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/2 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 56 hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/3 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 53 hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/4 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 52 hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/5 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/6 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/7 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/8 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/9 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/1/10 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
2/2/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 44 hybr dotq cgige 100GBASE-LR4*

Ports on Slot 3
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
3/1/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/1/2 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/1/3 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/1/4 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/1/5 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/1/6 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/2/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - hybr dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/2/2 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/2/3 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/2/4 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/2/5 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *
3/2/6 Up No Down 9212 9212 - netw null xgige 10GBASE-LR *

Ports on Slot A
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
A/1 Up No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
A/3 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
A/4 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste

Ports on Slot B
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
B/1 Up No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
B/3 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste
B/4 Down No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste

Ports on Satellite esat-1
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
esat-1/1/1 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 131 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/2 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 132 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/3 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 107 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/4 Down No Down 1572 1572 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-1/1/5 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 114 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/6 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/7 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/8 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/9 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/10 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/11 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/12 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/13 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 108 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/14 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 101 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/15 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/16 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/17 Down No Down 1522 1522 - accs qinq xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/18 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/19 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/20 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/21 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/22 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/23 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/24 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/25 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 109 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/26 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 133 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/27 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 102 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/28 Up Yes Up 9100 9100 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/29 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/30 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/31 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/32 Up Yes Up 2200 2200 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/33 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/34 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/35 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/36 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/37 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 110 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/38 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 111 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/39 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 112 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/40 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-1/1/41 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/42 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/43 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-1/1/44 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/45 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/46 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/47 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-1/1/48 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-1/1/u1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-1/1/u2 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-1/1/u3 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-1/1/u4 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *

Ports on Satellite esat-2
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
esat-2/1/1 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 131 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/2 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 132 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/3 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 136 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/4 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-2/1/5 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/6 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/7 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-2/1/8 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/9 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/10 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/11 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/12 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/13 Up No Down 1522 1522 113 accs qinq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-2/1/14 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 115 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/15 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-2/1/16 Up Yes Up 9192 9192 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/17 Up No Down 1522 1522 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/18 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-2/1/19 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-2/1/20 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/21 Up No Down 1522 1522 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/22 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/23 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/24 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/25 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 134 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/26 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 135 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/27 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 103 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/28 Up Yes Up 1628 1628 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/29 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/30 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/31 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 - accs dotq xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-2/1/32 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/33 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/34 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/35 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 - accs null xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/36 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-2/1/37 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 116 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/38 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 117 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/39 Up Yes Up 1522 1522 118 accs qinq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/40 Up Yes Up 9208 9208 100 hybr dotq xcme MDI GIGE-LX *
esat-2/1/41 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-2/1/42 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/43 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/44 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/45 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq xcme MDX GIGE-T
esat-2/1/46 Up No Down 1522 1522 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/47 Up Yes Up 1514 1514 - accs null xcme MDI GIGE-T
esat-2/1/48 Up No Down 1514 1514 - accs null xcme GIGE-T
esat-2/1/u1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-2/1/u2 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-2/1/u3 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-2/1/u4 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *

Ports on Satellite esat-3
Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port C/QS/S/XFP/
Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX
esat-3/1/1 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/2 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/3 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/4 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/5 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/6 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/7 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/8 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/9 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/10 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/11 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/12 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/13 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/14 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/15 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/16 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/17 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/18 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/19 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/20 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/21 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/22 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/23 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/24 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/25 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/26 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/27 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/28 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/29 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/30 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/31 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/32 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/33 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/34 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/35 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/36 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/37 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/38 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/39 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/40 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/41 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/42 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/43 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/44 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/45 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/46 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/47 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/48 Down No Down 9208 9208 - netw null xcme GIGE-LX 10KM
esat-3/1/u1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-3/1/u2 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-3/1/u3 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
esat-3/1/u4 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - accs dotq xgige 10GBASE-LR *
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
A:NAR_PAS_FATI_N401# show port esat-1/1/5 optical <----------------------------
verificar puerto optico o electrico

Optical Interface

Transceiver Data

Transceiver Status : operational

Transceiver Type : SFP
Model Number : 3HE11904AARB01 NOK IPUIBZ6DAA
TX Laser Wavelength: 0 nm Diag Capable : no
Connector Code : RJ45 Vendor OUI : 8c:90:d3
Manufacture date : 2019/04/27 Media : Ethernet
Serial Number : NS1916C6760
Part Number : 3HE11904AARB01
Optical Compliance : GIGE-T
Link Length support: 100m for copper


interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1518
dis int bri --
display this -- configuracion
bandwidth 122880 --

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