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Criteria: Mérida
Sample per agent: 3
Highest: 8.9
Lowest: 7.9
ABS: 8.2
Date: 20/07

Agent Pron Speed Attitude Fluency g Total Link RC Notes

He handle the call

in a polite way, the
client was patient
with him, he has a
fair pronunciation
and a good
articulation, using
more energy in his
Alberto delivery will give
Calderon 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 8.5 him better results.
He sounds
doubtful while he
talk with the
customer, and use
long sentences
could use simple
ones and get
better results, if he
stick to the script
will help too, keep
the material at
hand will help a
lot, and avoid
saying okay okay
okay so often, the
complain about
that, should use
another words to
fill those blank
Alejandro Sosa 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.7 8 R spaces.
Andres Ramos 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 8.9 Performance.
He needs to mind
a lot his
pronunciation, has
issues with the
"R" say sir instead
of swor, could
practice more the
script in order to
not stutter and
doubt while
speaking with
customer, besides
that he manage to
close the lead
without any
complain from the
Arturo Briceño 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.7 8.2 client.
Carlos Montilla 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 8.9 Performance.
This agent needs
to refine more his
pronunciation, he
sounds polite and
well mannered but
still need to sound
more like a native
in the calls, he
didn't pay
attention to the
customer really
bad from him
because the client
give him the
address and he
Diego was about to hang
Pachecho 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.7 8.2 R up.
The agent need to
practice more the
addresses and
name of the
streets in order to
sound more like a
native, and also
refine more his
pronunciation to
Fernando reach a great
Peña 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 8.8 performance.
Ingrick Rosales 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 9 Performance.
This agent show
to have a great
performance even
for a new comer,
but still have a
long way ahead,
need to refine
more his
pronunciation and
practice more the
given material to
not waste time
questions, also
have prepare
scenarios and
sentences ready
for any kind of
inquire from the
customers, this
agent reach the
closing without
any complains
from the client but
need to be more
confident of his
skills and develop
a more
mispronounce a
few words but
reading more will
Inti Montoya 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.7 8.4 fix this problem.
This agent need
to mind more his
also stop giving
non compromise
offers, the idea of
this campaing is
reach an
agreement not
assesed their
common words as
rented, and realtor
but besides that
he manage to
Javier Garcia 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.7 8.3 R close in a fair way.
Not any recent
Mariangel material from this
Matos agent
Not any recent
material from this
Marbelys Leon agent
This agent could
perform and
handle better the
reviewed call,
needs to highly
improve her
pronunciation and
handle better the
given material,
keep at hand will
help to not waste
time trying to look
for the questions
of the script, tend
to overextend the
calls, sounds
doubtful and
afraid, we
encourage this
agent to be more
confident and
Norkis Valero 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.5 7.8 R with clients.
TOTAL 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 8.2

Comments: Most of the batch lacks of the proper pronunciation and articulation while
speaking with the customers, we encourage these agents to adopt a neutral accent in order
to be taken more seriously by customers, tends to sound childish and distracted at the
phone, only a small part of the batch reach an expected performance, we encourage the rest
to take action and practice more the script and the correct pronunciation to be fully
understand by customers.

Pronunciation: refers to the overall pronunciation of the agent and the managing of the language, it also refers
to how good the agent is at explaining itself to the customer.

Speed: refers to the overall speed of the speech.

Attitude: refers to how the agent sounds on the phone, if it is sounding doubtful, lacking confidence, sleepy,
uninterested, rude and so on.

Fluency: refers to the overall fluency of the call and not the fluency speaking. It may vary depending on the
amount of silences on a call and how the agent understands the timing.

Listening: refers to how the agent manages to understand and act depending on what the customer says. It also
refers to their listening skill.

Empty space: It’s there to identify if an agent is sounding robotic (R), if it’s trying to do slamming (S), discipline
or lack of usage of rebuttals (D) or if it’s trying to do coaching (C) .

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