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The methodology of utility planning for wastewater involved the formulation of strategies and

guidelines to effectively manage and operate wastewater systems. This meticulous planning was
essential to ensure the efficient and sustainable treatment and disposal of wastewater, thereby
protecting public health and the environment.
Data Collection
Data was gathered from various sources to understand the wastewater generation, population, and
other relevant factors in the Gajwel-Pragnapur Municipality. The sources for this data included:
• Census 2011: Demographic data such as population size, growth rate, and distribution within the
municipality were extracted.
• Gajwel Municipality Official Website (
Information on existing infrastructure, water supply systems, and wastewater management practices
was obtained.
Wastewater Generation Analysis
The wastewater generation in the Gajwel-Pragnapur Municipality was analyzed. The data from
Census 2011 and the source mentioned (Patil et al., 2021) were used to determine the volume of
wastewater generated from different sources in million liters per day (mld).
Infrastructure Assessment
The existing wastewater infrastructure and treatment facilities in the municipality were evaluated.
This assessment considered the capacity, efficiency, and condition of the infrastructure. The CPHEEO
(Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization) guidelines for wastewater
management, updated in 2021, provided valuable insights for this assessment.
Spatial Analysis Methods:
GIS Mapping:
QGIS mapping was utilized to visually represent the current wastewater infrastructure, including
treatment plants, collection systems, and disposal sites. Demographic data from the Census 2011 was
overlaid to identify areas with high wastewater generation.
The spatial distribution of industries, households, and others within Gajwel was mapped using the
LULC method.
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and Slope to Gajwel location of
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