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Addis Ababa University

College of Natural and Computational Sciences

School of Information Science

Introduction to Emerging Technologies


Done by:
Abel Sintayhu Goshu
Section 25

To be submitted to:
Tigest Sinshaw
1. Discuss the Hadopp ecosystem, its components and the purpose of each Hadoop Ecosystem

The Hadoop ecosystem is a collection of open-source software tools and frameworks designed to
process and analyze large volumes of data in a distributed computing environment. It is widely used for
big data processing and storage due to its scalability, fault tolerance, and cost-effectiveness. It comprises
several components, each serving a specific purpose. Some of these are the following.

1. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): HDFS is a distributed file system that provides reliable
and scalable storage for big data. It breaks down large files into smaller blocks and distributes
them across a cluster of computers. The purpose of HDFS is to enable high-throughput access to
data and ensure fault tolerance by replicating data across multiple nodes.

2. MapReduce: MapReduce is a programming model and processing framework used for

distributed processing of large datasets. It consists of two main operations: Map and Reduce.
The Map operation breaks down the input data into key-value pairs, and the Reduce operation
performs aggregation and summarization of the intermediate results. MapReduce allows parallel
processing of data across a cluster and is the core processing engine in Hadoop.

3. YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator): YARN is a cluster management and resource allocation
framework in Hadoop. It separates the resource management and job scheduling functionality
from the MapReduce processing engine. The purpose of YARN is to efficiently allocate resources
to various applications running on the cluster, enabling multiple workloads to coexist and share
resources effectively.

4. HBase: HBase is a distributed, column-oriented NoSQL database built on top of Hadoop. It

provides random real-time read/write access to large datasets. HBase is designed for storing and
retrieving structured and semi-structured data, making it suitable for use cases that require low-
latency access to specific data records. It leverages HDFS for storage and integrates with other
components of the Hadoop ecosystem.

5. Solr: Solr is an open-source search platform built on Apache Lucene. It provides full-text search
capabilities and is often used for building search applications and performing indexing and
querying tasks on large datasets. Solr can be integrated with Hadoop to leverage its indexing and
search capabilities on data stored in HDFS or HBase.

6. ZooKeeper: ZooKeeper is a centralized coordination service within the Hadoop ecosystem. It

provides a distributed configuration management, synchronization, and naming registry for
distributed systems. ZooKeeper ensures high availability and consistency by maintaining a highly
reliable and fault-tolerant coordination service. It is widely used for managing and coordinating
various distributed applications in the Hadoop ecosystem.

Other components of the Hadoop ecosystem include Hive (data warehousing and SQL-like querying),
Pig (high-level data flow scripting, Spark (in-memory data processing), Oozie (Job Scheduling) and many
more. Each component serves a specific purpose and extends the capabilities of Hadoop for different
data processing requirements.
II. Programmable device

1. Cypress Semiconductor's Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) family

The Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) family from Cypress Semiconductor is a collection of

integrated circuits that combine the capability of a microcontroller with programmable analog
and digital peripherals. PSoC devices are built with flexibility and configurability in mind,
allowing developers to construct bespoke solutions for a wide range of applications.

The PSoC family consists of various product lines, including PSoC 1, PSoC 3, PSoC 4, PSoC 5, and
PSoC 6. Each product series has varied features and capabilities to meet the needs of different

Features: Cypress Semiconductor's PSoC (Programmable System-on-Chip) family combines a

microcontroller with customizable digital and analog blocks. It includes GPIOs, ADCs, DACs,
clocks, communication interfaces (UART, SPI, I2C), and other integrated features. PSoC devices
are noted for their adaptability, allowing developers to alter and tune the embedded peripherals
to match unique application needs. They support a variety of programming languages, including
C and C++, and may be programmed using Cypress' development tools, such as PSoC Creator.

Advantages: Benefits: The integrated architecture of the PSoC series simplifies system design and
minimizes the need for external components, leading in cost savings and smaller form factors.
The modular analog and digital pieces allow for quick prototyping and modification. In addition,
the platform has outstanding power management capabilities, allowing for low-power designs
appropriate for battery-powered applications. Cypress Semiconductor also provides extensive
documentation, application notes, and support tools to developers.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages: One potential downside of the PSoC family is that its
configurability and integration can lead to a higher learning curve than more traditional
microcontrollers. Configuring analog blocks and interconnectivity may need more work and
knowledge due to their complexity. Furthermore, the PSoC family's ecosystem may not have as
large a community or third-party support as some other platforms.

2. Atmel AT91CAP7L

The Atmel AT91CAP7L is a member of the Atmel AT91CAP series of microcontrollers. It is based
on the ARM Cortex-M7 processor core, which offers high-performance computing capabilities.
The AT91CAP7L is designed to provide a balance between performance, power efficiency, and

Features: It combines a microcontroller core with programmable logic, providing a versatile

platform for embedded system development. The AT91CAP7L includes a variety of integrated
peripherals such as GPIOs, UARTs, SPI, I2C, and more. It supports multiple programming
languages, including C and assembly, and can be programmed using Atmel's development tools
like Atmel Studio.
Advantages: The integration of a microcontroller core and programmable logic offers flexibility
and customization options for specific application requirements. The AT91CAP7L provides a
balance between programmability and integrated functionality, making it suitable for a range of
embedded applications. Atmel, as a reputable semiconductor company, offers comprehensive
technical documentation, application notes, and a supportive developer community.

Disadvantages: One potential disadvantage of the AT91CAP7L is that the programmable logic
section may have capacity and performance restrictions when compared to specialised FPGA
devices. The intricacy of programming and the use of programmable logic may necessitate a
more in-depth understanding of digital design concepts. Furthermore, the availability of
development tools and support resources may be limited in comparison to more frequently used

3. The Xilinx Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 are families of field=programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)
developed by Xilinx Inc., a prominent semiconductor company specializing in programmable
logic devices. Both families were released in 2009 G.C. and have been widely used in various
implementations and applications.

Features: The devices a re known for their high-performance capabilities. They offer a large
number of programmable logic cells, built-in configurable blocks, on-chip memories, and various
communication interfaces. They support high-speed I/Os, advanced clocking resources, and have
extensive routing capabilities. Xilinx provides powerful development tools like Vivado or ISE,
along with hardware description languages like VHDL and Verilog, for FPGA programming.

Advantages: The Virtex 6 and Spartan 6 FPGAs provide unparalleled flexibility and performance
for implementing complex digital systems. They excel in applications that require high-speed
data processing, parallelism, and real-time signal processing. The extensive resources and
mature ecosystem around Xilinx FPGAs offer comprehensive documentation, community
support, and a wide range of third-party IP cores and development boards.

Disadvantages: When compared to microcontrollers or programmable SoCs, FPGAs have a

steeper learning curve. FPGA design involves hardware description languages and necessitates a
greater understanding of digital design ideas. FPGAs' complexity can also lead to lengthier
development cycles and higher power consumption as compared to more tailored solutions for
certain applications. Furthermore, the cost of FPGA development boards and advanced feature
licenses might be rather significant.

III. IoT development tools

1. Raspberry Pi is a series of single-board computers (SBCs) that provide a low-cost, credit card-
sized platform for various computing and DIY projects.
Features: Raspberry Pi boards feature a Broadcom system-on-a-chip (SoC), which includes a CPU,
GPU, RAM, and other components. They offer a range of GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)
pins that allow interfacing with sensors, actuators, and other electronic components. Raspberry
Pi supports various operating systems, including Raspbian (a Debian-based Linux distribution),
and offers connectivity options such as USB, Ethernet, HDMI, and Wi-Fi.

Advantages: Raspberry Pi provides an affordable and versatile platform for IoT development. It
offers a full-fledged Linux environment, allowing developers to leverage existing software tools
and libraries. The GPIO pins enable hardware interfacing, making it suitable for building IoT
prototypes and projects. Raspberry Pi has a large and active community, providing extensive
documentation, tutorials, and support.

Disadvantages: Raspberry Pi's processing power and memory have limitations compared to high-
end computers, which may restrict resource-intensive applications. The SBC form factor may not
be suitable for all IoT deployment scenarios. Although the Raspberry Pi ecosystem is well-
established, certain hardware peripherals and software libraries may have limited compatibility
or support.

2. Arduino

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that includes a range of microcontroller boards

and an integrated development environment (IDE).

Features: Arduino boards include programmable microcontrollers with numerous input and
output pins for connecting to sensors, actuators, and other hardware components. With a
simple and beginner-friendly programming language based on C++, the Arduino IDE simplifies
code development. Arduino serves a large community by providing several libraries and

Advantages: Arduino is well-known for its ease of use, making it suitable for both novice and
professional developers. It has a large selection of compatible sensors, actuators, and expansion
shields, allowing for rapid prototyping. The vast community offers comprehensive support,
tutorials, and a plethora of collaborative projects. Because of its low cost and popularity, Arduino
is widely used for educational and hobbyist reasons.

Disadvantages: Arduino's simplicity and limited resources may not be suitable for complex and
resource-intensive applications. The lack of a full operating system may limit functionality in
certain scenarios. Additionally, Arduino boards may have limited connectivity options compared
to more advanced development platforms.
3. Eclipse IoT

Eclipse IoT is an open-source platform that provides a comprehensive set of frameworks, tools,
and runtime environments for IoT development.
Features: Eclipse IoT offers a wide range of projects and tools for different aspects of IoT
development. This includes frameworks for messaging (Eclipse Paho), edge computing (Eclipse
Kura), home automation (Eclipse SmartHome), and more. It supports various programming
languages and communication protocols, enabling interoperability and flexibility.

Advantages: Eclipse IoT provides a robust and extensible framework for building scalable and
interoperable IoT solutions. Its open-source nature fosters collaboration and community
support. The availability of various projects and tools allows developers to choose components
based on their specific requirements. Eclipse IoT's modular architecture facilitates integration
with other platforms and services.

Disadvantages: The breadth and complexity of the Eclipse IoT ecosystem may require a learning
curve for newcomers. Setting up and configuring the various components may require additional
effort and expertise. Additionally, the availability of specific project documentation and
community support may vary depending on the individual project.

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