Unit 30 April 16

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Unit 30

Work Vocabulary:
chores (corvée, taches)
I'm in charge of
I'm responsible for
have a large staff turnover
to manage a team

Relative Pronouns - who, which, that + clause.

Remember: there are two types of Relative Pronouns.

- TYPE A => Identifying – What man? Which book?

 For example: The man who I met is very friendly.
 But with Identifying - can leave out (= omit, not include) - who, which, that (object
 For example: The man I met is very friendly.

- TYPE B => Non-identifying (extra information)

 For example: The man, who lives in Italy, is very friendly
 The story, which* I read yesterday, is funny
 (*don’t use ‘that’ – no ‘that’ with non-identifying).

‘To have spare time’ (outside work) v's ‘To have free time’ (at work).

The zero conditional sentences are used it describes general truths, for example:
If + present simple + present simple
 If you heat (chauffer) water, it boils.
 If you stand in the rain, you get wet. (wet/dry)
 If I get lost, I look AT a map / I look for help.

Forming questions:
-what/responsible for? => What are you responsible for?
-how often/have meetings? => How often do you have meetings?
-your job/nine-to-five? Is your job 9 -5?
-what happens/late for work? => What happens when you are late for work?
-work hard/get a raise? => Do you have to work hard to get raise?
-Get a job raise (obtenir une augmentation de travail)

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