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Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

Essay of economic news that relates to what is seen in class.

Student: Gabriela Félix Rivera
ID: 2002927
“Domestic trade will double GDP growth in 2024, forecast.”

As we have been seeing in class, the government plays an important role when talking about
economics in a country. Government has the power to regulate, facilitate and improve
economic growth and stability by ensuring efficiency, correctly distribution of income and
solving problems that may lead to deficiencies in the economic outcomes. As a student of the
major in Tourism Management, I believe it is of great importance to talk about the influences
that this sector portrays when talking about the economic development in Mexico. Tourism is
a principal source of economic improvement not only for our country but for many other
nations in the world, as it generates jobs and income to their societies and governments as
well as it creates good relationships and it spreads the culture of each country throughout the
world, thus uniting communities.

According to the report written by Lilia González for “El Economista”, 2024 will be a year
that will offer great opportunities for different sectors such as commerce, services and
tourism in Mexico. This results from the , following the statement of Hector Tejada Shaar;
president of Concanaco-Servytur, nearshoring and the period of the presidential elections, in
addition to the benefits that have been obtained during 2023, such as the wage increase and
the arrival of remittances. An explanation of this can be that, because of the political
campaigns that are held throughout all the states of the country and the mobilisation of
people, the tertiary sector takes advantage of this since they require services such as food,
products, etc. that the tourism bidders can offer. Another powerful aspect that is helping the
economy in Mexico nowadays, is the reallocation of Asian companies in our continent
pushed by new investments made by the governments of these countries and some treaties
that are being held.

As a conclusion, the subject of Visible hand of Government that we are studying in class is
strongly related to this new. Many people would think that in electoral times some risks may
arise from this topic, however, rather than presenting a risk, it presents great opportunities
for the tourism sector. This is an example of how the government can help to make progress
and help in some issues or situations regarding economic upswing.
Image of the new

González, L. (2023, December 14). Comercio interior duplicará alza del PIB en el 2024,

prevén. El Economista.


Samuelson, P. A., & Nordhaus, W. D. (2009). Economics (9th ed.). Douglas Reiner.


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