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Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

Essay of economic news that relates to what is seen in class.

Student: Gabriela Félix Rivera

ID: 2002927

March 14th 2024

“Touristic currencies break record for January”

As we know tourism is a sector which can have many and long ups and downs in its heyday,
economy and trends. This is why, in the history of tourism, we have always seen curves and
cycles that at one time are very well positioned but at another time may be below their
normal popularity. This is due to business cycles that will be explained a little later. For now,
let’s talk about the tourism industry throughout the first month of this year, the tourism
industry began with the right foot in this 2024 because during the month of January, our
country received around 3,200 million dollars of touristic currencies, which represents a great
record for this month since, the same one, portrayed an annual increase of 4.7%.

In addition to this, visits to national attractions were made by about four million international
tourists and incredibly that amount represents 3.6% more than in 2023. However, if we
compare the results of 2024 with those of January but of the year 2020, in which there were
still no consequences or quarantine due to the pandemic, the results present a great variety.
Speaking of the economic sphere, there was an increase of 38.3%, nevertheless, there was a
decrease of 3.8% in the arrival of international tourists.

Now, what are Business Cycles? As the teacher explained, business cycles show the
fluctuations in a nation’s aggregate output and employment over time and the four phases an
economy experiences over the long-run which are expansion, peak, recession, and trough.

The relation of this term with the weekly news, is as the economic affluence goes changing in
a sector that is at its peak today. Tourism is one of the most important influences for Mexican
economic growth and we can analyse its long-term business cycles just by making the
comparisons that were explained above.We can notice how it expands and reaches its peak
and then presents a recession, this may not always happen, however we must remember that
these cycles may be affected by other circumstances outside the companies, as the example
we lived in 2020 thanks to the pandemic.
Image of the new

El Economista, & De La Rosa, A. (2024, March 11). Divisas turísticas rompen récord para

un enero. El Economista.


Samuelson, P. A., & Nordhaus, W. D. (2009). Economics (9th ed.). Douglas Reiner.


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